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Author Topic: More Bodyshop Borkage- Package Installer Weirdness  (Read 10164 times)
Tasty Tourist

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More Bodyshop Borkage- Package Installer Weirdness
« on: 2012 July 17, 06:55:58 »

My Google-Fu. It is not strong enough.

TL;DR: Arred All-In-One version about 7 months ago. Bodyshop worked for a while, but has recently quit- I've tried all recommended steps, and it still doesn't open. Deleted unnecessary files, removed folders, waited overnight, nothing. I know there aren't any hacks or CC messing with it because I don't have any except what I've made, and I tried removing that already. It still doesn't open, no matter what I do. Task Manager says it's open and responding, but I'm not getting a screen.

However, I've always had a problem with the package installer. I've seen this problem only one other time- in Russia. Luckily, I speak a fair amount of Russian, so I was able to read most of it and translate what I didn't, but they never fixed his problem. Evidently, we're the only two people in the entire world with this problem, because that's the only other recorded instance of it. When I try to open it, I get hexadecimal garbage instead of words. The title is "0x00090001", the content of the paragraph "0x00090003", and the "okay" button says "0x00080014".

I have all EPs and SPs, and no other content except for self made content: 4 skins, 1 eye color, 1 shirt, and 1 suit. I have SimPE, but I haven't used it yet because it freezes on my computer (I once let it load for 48 hours. I didn't touch it for exactly 2 days. Nothing ever happened).

Comp specs in case:
Dell Dimension 8250
Win XP SP3
Pentium 4 2.40GHz
512 MB RAM
NVidia GeForce MX 420
Total space: 149GB
Free space: 44GB

According to the Myers-Brigg, I have Disassociative Personality Disorder. INTJ, ENTP, and ISFJ FTW!
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2382

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Re: More Bodyshop Borkage- Package Installer Weirdness
« Reply #1 on: 2012 July 17, 13:58:57 »

I have an all in one Sims 2 that installed. I'll attempt to open body shop and see if I can. Honestly I've never tried, it was never a concern. Have you gone back to where you've gotten it to see if anyone was complaining in the comments?

Have you tried starting from a different Bodyshop.exe?
Have you tried removing\renaming, your entire Sims 2 user folder and starting it?
Have you tried patching them? It was made with only the patches included that were on the discs, sometimes they released patches later.

As for the package installer, it's crap anyway, use Clean installer instead.

The game wasn't made to install like that and it's a third party collection, it's entirely possible that something was mucked up and you will just have to live without it.

Edit: My Bodyshop opened, whatever that may mean. In all likelihood something has gone wrong with your install, or there is some CC that you have that is the issue.
« Last Edit: 2012 July 17, 16:23:55 by morriganrant » Logged

One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone.  -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Tasty Tourist

Posts: 3

I didn't do it, my other personality did!

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Re: More Bodyshop Borkage- Package Installer Weirdness
« Reply #2 on: 2012 July 17, 22:29:22 »

<snip> Have you gone back to where you've gotten it to see if anyone was complaining in the comments? </snip?>
<snip>Evidently, we're the only two people in the entire world with this problem, because that's the only other recorded instance of it. </snip>

Have you tried starting from a different Bodyshop.exe?
Yes, and I get that "Microsoft is sorry your program exploded" thing. I also tried rerouting the target to the icon with what should have been the right location and that didn't work, either.

Have you tried removing\renaming, your entire Sims 2 user folder and starting it?
I've tried all recommended steps, and it still doesn't open. Deleted unnecessary files, removed folders, waited overnight, nothing.

Have you tried patching them? It was made with only the patches included that were on the discs, sometimes they released patches later.
I was going to install the patches before this happened, but didn't because there were some in game behaviours I wanted to keep that the patches got rid of. Eh, I'll give it a shot and report back when I have results.

<snip>it's entirely possible that something was mucked up and you will just have to live without it. </snip>
That's more than likely on this computer, and URGH!  Cry

In all likelihood something has gone wrong with your install...
But... but it worked earlier! </whining>

... or there is some CC that you have that is the issue.
I know there aren't any hacks or CC messing with it because I don't have any except what I've made, and I tried removing that already.

PS: Please pardon if I double post about the "patches" thing; I tried to edit my post yesterday, but it wouldn't post the edit for some reason.

Edit: I couldn't update NL or Uni (needed disc, and I don't even have the ISOs for any of them, urgh!), nor OFB (said I might have to reinstall it, which means the whole damned thing. FUCK ME). And it still didn't work, and there wasn't a patch for M&G, so it's still unknown whether patching would have worked or not. Any other ideas besides reinstalling? I will if I must, but I'd rather exhaust all other options first.
« Last Edit: 2012 July 18, 00:53:09 by Chaz » Logged

According to the Myers-Brigg, I have Disassociative Personality Disorder. INTJ, ENTP, and ISFJ FTW!
Terrible Twerp
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Re: More Bodyshop Borkage- Package Installer Weirdness
« Reply #3 on: 2012 July 18, 04:46:51 »

I have no ideas other then the usual attempts to try, remove all CC, remove all User files, try again. If that doesn't work it's possible that it's the install. You tried the first part, so you said. So you've tried to open it and just walked away for a while? Tried to set priority higher in task manager? Turn off all unnecessary programs, ect?

One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone.  -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Tasty Tourist

Posts: 3

I didn't do it, my other personality did!

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Re: More Bodyshop Borkage- Package Installer Weirdness
« Reply #4 on: 2012 July 18, 05:16:42 »

All of that. If it's tier 1, I've tried it. It just won't open. Although, while I was playing TS2, it crashed just now after lagging like hell, so off to reinstall, I am. UGH. Freaking OFB patch... I'll see if it works after reinstalling it (though it should, I don't see why it wouldn't).

According to the Myers-Brigg, I have Disassociative Personality Disorder. INTJ, ENTP, and ISFJ FTW!
Tasty Tourist

Posts: 1

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Re: More Bodyshop Borkage- Package Installer Weirdness
« Reply #5 on: 2012 July 27, 07:17:16 »

All of that. If it's tier 1, I've tried it. It just won't open. Although, while I was playing TS2, it crashed just now after lagging like hell, so off to reinstall, I am. UGH. Freaking OFB patch... I'll see if it works after reinstalling it (though it should, I don't see why it wouldn't).

Chaz here, forgot my cunting password. After all this time trying to get it to work, nothing. And I just now found out SimPE won't come up either, even though it loads. It's just this computer, and that's all it is, and nothing I can do about that right now. URGH!  Angry
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2382

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Re: More Bodyshop Borkage- Package Installer Weirdness
« Reply #6 on: 2012 July 27, 17:04:27 »

Socks are a no-no, you didn't have anyway to retrieve your password?

I think the only thing Simpe needs is the .net framework, depending on your OS it may be a different one. If you have that, then I'm going to suggest that you may have a virus and all your exes are infected, which may sound like a big jump but is completely possible, I removed something like that from two peoples computers last year. It infected every .exe that was opened and infected anything transferred over a usb or network, the virus scanners were taken over and couldn't remove it or report it.

One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone.  -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
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