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Author Topic: Peapod - a starter house with 3 bedrooms <§20K  (Read 5518 times)
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638

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Peapod - a starter house with 3 bedrooms <§20K
« on: 2012 June 16, 02:27:44 »

I got sick of trying to find a suitable fambly starter house from EAxis' offerings. I was also sick of my own starters that I always play, so I knocked up a new starter house. Thanks to 'wandhere' I was able to build an actual fambly home, which also conforms to Awesomemod's requirements for breeding. It turned out quite a bit more green than I was expecting, but hey, your sims probably aren't going to be there very long. I left enough room for two cars at the front and there is a reasonable amount of space left at the back of the 20x30 lot. There is plenty of room to expand the house if you wish.

There are three bedrooms; one double, one with two singles and one with two cribs. Two full bathrooms, both have showers not baths. The showers are the only Kewian based items, the stove and beds etc are not. There is a washing machine and space for a dryer, but in the meantime there is a clothesline outside. There is everything you need for one cat or dog.

Last time I looked at the price it was around §19,906. You won't be hiring a maid in a hurry.


Oh and do be careful - there's no smoke alarm.   Grin

My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
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