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Topic: MATY Neighbourhood update? (Read 56207 times)
Crazy Lollipop
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2691
Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #75 on:
2005 December 13, 06:07:45 »
I used your picture for my MATY Ville hood...
[attachment deleted by admin]
Axe Murderer
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Re: Group Portrait with Pescado
Reply #76 on:
2005 December 13, 06:14:01 »
Quote from: Hegelian on 2005 December 12, 23:46:26
Okay, I've made proper .bmp wallpapers of the pic, without the size reduction and compression of the jpeg above. There are two sizes, 1024x768 and 1280x1024. Unfortunately, even zipped both files exceed the 640kb limit of MATY, but I would be happy to email them to anyone who asks, or make them available to be hosted on someone's Web site. I've just activated the personal Web space for my DSL account, but it looks like it will take some time before it's available.
Hegelian, you can upload it on laverwinkle if you want. I have a section there for Member Uploads:
I'll use it!
Undead Member
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Re: Group Portrait with Pescado
Reply #77 on:
2005 December 13, 14:15:23 »
Quote from: Sleepycat on 2005 December 13, 04:21:25
Quote from: Hegelian on 2005 December 12, 21:13:22
even with the LotFullofSims hack from MTS2 I couldn't get more than eight on a lot
Were you trying in CAS to make them a family of more then 8? In CAS you can't have more then 8 in a family even with the hack but you should be able to move the rest in afterwards... (I have the same hack but haven't yet tried it out)
Except for Ancient Sim's family, they are all singles, which I added to the lots one at a time. The game wouldn't let me add more than eight even with the hack. Is this the only "no family limit" hack out there?
It doesn't really matter now since I've managed to make a portrait anyway, and I have no interest in mega-families like those of Brynne and Bangelnuts—that doesn't look like fun to me.
Last Edit: 2005 December 13, 14:39:01 by Hegelian
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." — Hermann Göring
Undead Member
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Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #78 on:
2005 December 13, 14:16:12 »
Quote from: gali on 2005 December 13, 06:07:45
I used your picture for my MATY Ville hood...
So how come you aren't in it??
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." — Hermann Göring
Smells Like Pee
Posts: 7367
Re: Group Portrait with Pescado
Reply #79 on:
2005 December 13, 14:31:30 »
Quote from: Hegelian on 2005 December 13, 14:15:23
It doesn't really matter now since I've managed to make a portrait anyway, and I have no interest in mega-families like those of Brynne and Bangelnuts—that doesn't look like fun to me.
Are ya kiddin' me? It's tons o' fun! I wouldn't play any other way, but small families bore me. I'm not out to convert anyone, anyway.
I showed off your portrait to my hubby last night. I must say, my desktop has never looked so smashing!
Undead Member
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Re: Group Portrait with Pescado Wallpaper!
Reply #80 on:
2005 December 13, 14:34:39 »
Quote from: reggikko on 2005 December 13, 06:14:01
Quote from: Hegelian on 2005 December 12, 23:46:26
Okay, I've made proper .bmp wallpapers of the pic, without the size reduction and compression of the jpeg above. There are two sizes, 1024x768 and 1280x1024.
Hegelian, you can upload it on laverwinkle if you want. I have a section there for Member Uploads:
Hey, thanks Reggikko! The Group Portrait with Pescado wallpaper is now available for download at this link:
UPDATE: This now includes both the the 1024x748 version and the 1280x1024 version. Both are proper BMPs without file compression, although the 1024x768 version has been reduced in size from the 1024x1024 original. FWIW, the 1280x1024 version is still available from Megaupload as well:
Last Edit: 2005 December 13, 19:57:50 by Hegelian
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." — Hermann Göring
Undead Member
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Re: Group Portrait with Pescado
Reply #81 on:
2005 December 13, 14:48:58 »
Quote from: Brynne on 2005 December 13, 14:31:30
Quote from: Hegelian on 2005 December 13, 14:15:23
It doesn't really matter now since I've managed to make a portrait anyway, and I have no interest in mega-families like those of Brynne and Bangelnuts—that doesn't look like fun to me.
Are ya kiddin' me? It's tons o' fun! I wouldn't play any other way
Lol—I figured you found it fun, otherwise you wouldn't be doing it . . . um, unless you're into the masochism thing, or . . . well never mind.
As for me, I grew up in a small family and currently live alone; and I'm not much into chaos (I left that to my cousins—in one family that was eight, with nine years between oldest and youngest).
I showed off your portrait to my hubby last night. I must say, my desktop has never looked so smashing!
Well, thanks. I honestly didn't think anyone would pay much notice. BTW, although it's none of my business, it would look better if your monitor was set to its native resolution (in the screen shot you posted it looks like it's set to a lower resolution than it is designed for).
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." — Hermann Göring
Crazy Lollipop
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2691
Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #82 on:
2005 December 13, 15:33:33 »
Quote from: Hegelian on 2005 December 13, 14:16:12
Quote from: gali on 2005 December 13, 06:07:45
I used your picture for my MATY Ville hood...
So how come you aren't in it??
Chicken, chicken...
. But I am very happy to have all the others...
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1386
Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #83 on:
2005 December 13, 15:43:15 »
Ah, so your title really should be Gali The Yellow Bellied Mutilator
Crazy Lollipop
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2691
Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #84 on:
2005 December 13, 15:46:45 »
Quote from: nectere on 2005 December 13, 15:43:15
Ah, so your title really should be Gali The Yellow Bellied Mutilator
That's very good!!! But "Gali Cold Feet Mutilator" is good either...
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Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #85 on:
2005 December 13, 16:11:43 »
OK -
Here's an update of the hood. It's still very much a work in progress.
Here is the general layout of Matyville.
Matyville was first settled centries ago on the island in the middle of the river because of its location and ability to be well defended. It is here that the ancients of Matyville built their first stronghold castle. Today, the island is mainly a tourist attraction for locals and visitors. It has a medieval fair ground, a tavern and some shops. You can dine in the open air restaurant with a view of the castle. (This was inspired was Paris's Ile de la Citie.)
This is the area of the "new" downtown. It will have the modern office buildings and "nightlife".
Here is the "marshy" neighborhood by the river. It was one of the earlier settled areas and has some of the older homes.
This is an average neighborhood, often the area where families buy their first starter homes.
The local swim club:
The city's prison. And if you lived next door to a prison, you'd live in a bunker too.
And here is part of the more "run down" area of town. This area is next to the slums but at least these trailers are a little nicer than the big tenement buildings.
About an hour's drive into the mountains is Shadow Valley University.
No one is sure when the area was actually settled, but it has the same kind of ruins that are found down in the city. Archaeologists from all over Sim Nation come to Shadow Valley University to study these ancient ruins.
So far, the only buildings that exist at the University are the hippie communes. How can you have a university town and not have hippies?
There isn't much neighborhood decoration yet. I'm still working on that.
Comments or suggestions greatly appreciated.
Smells Like Pee
Posts: 7367
Re: Group Portrait with Pescado
Reply #86 on:
2005 December 13, 16:15:23 »
Quote from: Hegelian on 2005 December 13, 14:48:58
BTW, although it's none of my business, it would look better if your monitor was set to its native resolution (in the screen shot you posted it looks like it's set to a lower resolution than it is designed for).
Nah, I tried it that way, but I like it this way better. My desktop icons all show up nice and clear on the side, and the picture is undistorted. This actually was the look I was going for.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 352
mean sims and empty lots don't mix...
Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #87 on:
2005 December 13, 16:32:14 »
I'd be quite happy no matter where you put me, but I quite like Witch's Lucy un the Sky with Diamonds commune, or Castle, Or Emma's starter Log Cabin. Being in the getto area would be um, interesting too...
And you know, I love that preview. I can't wait to play MATYville....
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Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #88 on:
2005 December 13, 18:25:19 »
Simmiecal, I would definetely see myself Sim live in Emma "trailer" house. Not too fancy, very practical, so it is perfect for Sim MissDoh!
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2079
Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #89 on:
2005 December 13, 18:30:22 »
you can use my self sim just dont marry me off Banelnuts wants the single life for a for where sim me live any where exceprt JM's Bunker is fine
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 352
mean sims and empty lots don't mix...
Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #90 on:
2005 December 13, 19:10:16 »
If you are looking for cuties to use for NPC's I've uploaded my Brad Pitt and Jonny Depp sims to
They are in the sims folder under files.
Brad comes in Brown hair and Blond hair. Jonny has black hair.
I'll try to get some pictures.
I think I've made an orlando bloom too, but I can't find him....
Okay here are the pics:
Jonny Depp
Brad Pitt (Blond version) He's wearing a default skin replacement so he uses the standard Maxis light tone
Brad Pitt (Brown hair) Actually he's a light skined sim but I altered him to the next tone up to show sorta how he looks with standard skin
Last Edit: 2005 December 13, 20:44:39 by dewshine
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Feckless Fool
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Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #91 on:
2005 December 13, 19:22:14 »
Very cool, Simmiiecal.
That neighborhood is beautiful! I can't wait to play it. If you want more old houses, take them off my sim page. I'll give you the link when I get home. I'm on my work machine right now, and the official site is blocked.
Goopy Lover
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Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #92 on:
2005 December 13, 19:27:33 »
I want to live in my
Trendy Townhouse
please! And if I get married and have kids, I want to live in
My House
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
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Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #93 on:
2005 December 13, 19:29:46 »
Quote from: Kristalrose on 2005 December 13, 19:22:14
Very cool, Simmiiecal.
That neighborhood is beautiful! I can't wait to play it. If you want more old houses, take them off my sim page. I'll give you the link when I get home. I'm on my work machine right now, and the official site is blocked.
Don't you just hate it when work actually expects you to work!
Your lots are getting loading up tonight.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 383
Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #94 on:
2005 December 13, 19:52:32 »
Any of Witches Crystal Homes would be good, at least until my sim husband and I start having children.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 293
Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #95 on:
2005 December 13, 20:05:15 »
Simmiecal, the neighborhood looks terrific. I was planning to make a sim-me (uh, and boyfriend, since there's a distinct lack of males) and house, but I won't be able to make a house until this weekend when I get NL. That won't be too late, will it?
"If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it."
- WC Fields
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #96 on:
2005 December 13, 20:14:17 »
Wow. The neighborhood is beautiful!
Someone sucks more than I do.
Dead Member
Posts: 1026
No kittens within five miles of my house! :)
Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #97 on:
2005 December 13, 20:27:32 »
Quote from: eaglezero on 2005 December 13, 20:05:15
Simmiecal, the neighborhood looks terrific. I was planning to make a sim-me (uh, and boyfriend, since there's a distinct lack of males) and house, but I won't be able to make a house until this weekend when I get NL. That won't be too late, will it?
Not at all. Several people have indicated that they needed more time to work on stuff. My goal is to have the neighborhood (with story lines and relationships established) ready by the end of the month. In addition to working on the hood, I have to figure out how to set-up the web pages to host the hood.
There was a time that I almost knew what I was doing on a computer. I'm really feeling my age re-learning a bunch of stuff.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 293
Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #98 on:
2005 December 13, 20:44:27 »
Quote from: simmiecal on 2005 December 13, 20:27:32
Quote from: eaglezero on 2005 December 13, 20:05:15
Simmiecal, the neighborhood looks terrific. I was planning to make a sim-me (uh, and boyfriend, since there's a distinct lack of males) and house, but I won't be able to make a house until this weekend when I get NL. That won't be too late, will it?
Not at all. Several people have indicated that they needed more time to work on stuff. My goal is to have the neighborhood (with story lines and relationships established) ready by the end of the month. In addition to working on the hood, I have to figure out how to set-up the web pages to host the hood.
There was a time that I almost knew what I was doing on a computer. I'm really feeling my age re-learning a bunch of stuff.
Alright, awesome. If you need help with the webpages, I know some stuff (that actually sounds kind of sinister, on rereading, for some reason). I don't know if you need webspace or anything, but I have a website that is currently doing nothing but sitting and looking vaguely pretty (translation: there's a nice graphic, a link to my livejournal, and a page of wallpapers I made) while I try to figure out what I can use it for, and I'd be willing to host or mirror it there. If you have webspace and need help setting up or something, I'm not exactly a whiz, but I can try to help, although I bet there are tons of people on this board who DO know what they're doing far more than I do. It's not actually all that hard though, there are some pretty good tutorials if you google for them. That's how I figured out what to do.
"If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it."
- WC Fields
Axe Murderer
Terrible Twerp
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Re: MATY Neighbourhood update?
Reply #99 on:
2005 December 13, 21:02:42 »
Hmmm, where to live.
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