Deformed Freak
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 840
Now with new and improved avatar!
I have 6 neighbourhoods.
I also have 6 neighborhoods.
Undead Member

Posts: 800
Viva o Acre Livre! Viva a Revolução!
I have gotten 21 sims selves here and only 4 are men (Pescado and Boris being 2 of them). Come on guys! We already know women run the world but is that really the way you want this to go? Although it means the 4 I have will get very lucky. Look at all the beautiful women, dont you at least want you sim to get a little of that? Okay, I've just whipped up a sim-self and posted in Peasantry>Made-Up Animals. Do with him what you will . . . or nothing at all. I know there have been some complaints about boring self-sims, and this one won't change matters any. As for getting a little of that: well, sure—but it doesn't do me much good if it's my self-sim that's getting it. 
« Last Edit: 2005 December 07, 03:41:03 by Hegelian »
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." — Hermann Göring
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 519
SL Diva or TS2 Drama Queen? Uh...both!
I have 4 neighborhoods 3 maxis and 1 custom
happy now :-)
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
I deleted the Maxis ones-I love to start fresh 
I think #9 would be fine for most people, currently I have only 3 and actually only use 1 but then I did just back after a long break (which explains my low post count/date of joining lol) I don't think I've ever downloaded a neighborhood before(my dial-up connection really sucks) but I am really interested in this one so I plan to download it even if it takes hours! I don't know if I'll have time to make anything new to contribute but I have some "affordable" (under $20,000) Lots up for downloading over at (in the Community Downloads section) that can be used if any appeal to you guys (done before I got NL)
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 565
BOOT to the HEAD!
I have more than 9 neighborhoods but I have a renaming program too so changing it won't be a problem for me. My sim is also in peasantry, Humy made her for me 
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 362
It would be okay to use me if you want, my sim is in peasantry. I would like to share a house but everytime I try to package any of my houses they crash. I think I need to take out the mods first. Is there anything else I need to take out? I have the delivery paper not coming, but I am not using a mod for that. I just build a fenced in place and put my newspaper in there and they stop coming after three of them are in it. Should I start the paper girl back before trying to package a house? Can I keep the custom skins and objects in it? Also do I need to uninstall the sim clean pack installer before trying to package a lot? Sorry for so many questions but I never had trouble packaging a lot before I got the new ep's and all the custom content and the sims clean pack installer. thanks 
It would be okay to use me if you want, my sim is in peasantry. I would like to share a house but everytime I try to package any of my houses they crash. I think I need to take out the mods first. Is there anything else I need to take out? I have the delivery paper not coming, but I am not using a mod for that. I just build a fenced in place and put my newspaper in there and they stop coming after three of them are in it. Should I start the paper girl back before trying to package a house? Can I keep the custom skins and objects in it? Also do I need to uninstall the sim clean pack installer before trying to package a lot? Sorry for so many questions but I never had trouble packaging a lot before I got the new ep's and all the custom content and the sims clean pack installer. thanks  Have you added/deleted/disabled any custom terrain lately? That will immediately crash the lot when trying to package it. Terrain paints = bad news. You shouldn't need to uninstall the Clean Installer, there should be no conflict at all with that. If you want a clean package, you can remove all the stuff that you aren't using in the lot (although do not remove terrain paints if you haven't done so already), and that will make it a smaller package, and less work for the people who download it. But I'll download any house if I like it, and just use the Clean Installer to remove anything I don't want.
Dead Member

Posts: 1026
No kittens within five miles of my house! :)
It would be okay to use me if you want, my sim is in peasantry. I would like to share a house but everytime I try to package any of my houses they crash. I think I need to take out the mods first. Is there anything else I need to take out? I have the delivery paper not coming, but I am not using a mod for that. I just build a fenced in place and put my newspaper in there and they stop coming after three of them are in it. Should I start the paper girl back before trying to package a house? Can I keep the custom skins and objects in it? Also do I need to uninstall the sim clean pack installer before trying to package a lot? Sorry for so many questions but I never had trouble packaging a lot before I got the new ep's and all the custom content and the sims clean pack installer. thanks  No problem with all the questions. Hey, I need answers to those questions as well! I plan on having custom content in the neighborhood and the only hacks I was going to include were gunmods hacks for the camera (so you can see the whole neighborhood and not just the middle). I figure after people install the neighborhood, if they put it in the same directory as their other hoods, whatever mods they currently have will be available for use in the shared hood. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this assumption. Custom content (skins, clothes, hair, furniture) are ok. Several people have said that terrain paints are bad and I really don't know much about it, but if JM says it will blow up the game, I'm thinking maybe we shouldn't include terrain paints. What does everyone else say? Also, this weekend when I go through and start organizing what I have received so far, I was going to put together a list of what I have received from everyone. Some people have sent emails from their personal accounts and I'm not sure what their screen names are. If you have sent me an email with your submission and don't want me to list your submission with your real name, please send me an email and let me know your screen name. The neighborhood terrain and lot sizes. Are there any preferences for lot sizes? I personally prefer smaller lots but was planning on having a mix of lots but with more towards the smaller size. I still need community lots. Well, after this weekend, you'll get a better idea of what I've received and what is still needed. Thanks to everyone for their contributions so far.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 72
No, really, fuck this shit!
I sent you Lulu the crazy pirate elf.
My screen name here is tsrynolds and at the official bbs it is tsynolds.
I'm fine with custom content as long as it doesn't include terrain paints I've had way too many problems with those.
Undead Member

Posts: 800
Viva o Acre Livre! Viva a Revolução!
Also, this weekend when I go through and start organizing what I have received so far, I was going to put together a list of what I have received from everyone. Some people have sent emails from their personal accounts and I'm not sure what their screen names are. If you have sent me an email with your submission and don't want me to list your submission with your real name, please send me an email and let me know your screen name.
What size file can you accept by email? I have a couple community lots I can send.
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." — Hermann Göring
Dead Member

Posts: 1026
No kittens within five miles of my house! :)
What size file can you accept by email? I have a couple community lots I can send.
I have a 2 gig allotment and haven't even used 1% of that. Someone was having difficulty sending a file to me but I'm not sure if it was a size problem or not. I'd say give it a shot but let me know if you have any problems. If there is a size restriction, there is always megaupload. Updated to add: I plan to add a family with a home business and asked Inge for her permission to use her objects in the neighborhood. She has said she is ok with her objects being used, her only request is that people be made aware of which objects are being used and that they are given her site address so they can check for updates and other info on the object. So, feel free to incorporate Inge's stuff, just please include in your email to me a list of any of her items that you might use and I'll add them to the master list for the neighborhood. THANKS INGE !!!
« Last Edit: 2005 December 07, 23:43:30 by simmiecal »
LaverwinkleSimsI have several starter houses there, as does witch. I also uploaded a couple of small Community lots. I have some custom-made townies that I can also contribute, all checked to make sure that their features do not look hideous as toddlers, children and teens or on the opposite sex.
LaverwinkleSimsI have several starter houses there, as does witch. I also uploaded a couple of small Community lots. I have some custom-made townies that I can also contribute, all checked to make sure that their features do not look hideous as toddlers, children and teens or on the opposite sex. Reggikko I cant get in to Laverwinkle
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 362
yes, I did delete some terrain paint and then put in a different one. I have tried to package two different lots and they crash in a few seconds after they start saving. If I ever get ready to start from scratch again I am removing all custon terrain paint. I did not know that it caused problems. You are talking about custom terrain causing problems or all terrains in general?  thanks. 
Custom terrains are bad. Maxis terrains that are pre-built into the game are fine. If you decide to start from scratch, never put in terrain paints, and then you won't have that problem. Until then, your lots are now ruined for packaging. 
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 352
mean sims and empty lots don't mix...
well... that explains that. I suppose then that the only lots I can pack up are the ones from my custom free game. Heck.
I guess I'm wiping the other side (hacked to the max fun game) clean and starting over.
Dead Member

Posts: 1026
No kittens within five miles of my house! :)
Can someone clarify for me -
Are custom terrain paints bad in ALL cases or just if you package them in a lot or install a lot that has them?
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 50
This is where I got the information on Terrain Paints: the type of thing you're doing here, if you include them with lots they'll work on those lots and should be OK and not crash because they *have been* included, but as with any custom content, it will fill up people's download folders. People here don't seem to be minding this, so if the general opinion is keep them then it's up to you all. Sometimes it's not just the one paint that travels with the house either. They're bad because of the Maxis way of letting them be packaged, otherwise they do make a difference to a lot if they're good and well placed... There are also the odd ones that do mess things up, so again it's up to you and the people here really. We decided against it with our own Downloadable Neighborhood because people add their own things to their own games and boring as Maxis things are we all wanted it clean. We were also keeping the file size down as we weren't sure how easy hosting would be if it was larger.
« Last Edit: 2005 December 08, 20:08:31 by lechapeau »
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 66
I have a great working prison with Inge's system if your interested in it. It is LARGE though with loads of custom content even have a folder full of real prisoners-females that i have created using real women like eileen woronos and other female serial killers.
I reject your reality and substitute it with one of my own.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 66
I had problems converting the old prison so here it is a shiney new one built in a new hood without most of my custom content in the dl folder (mainly inges stuff) so should be pretty free of hacks and content. like I said its large so before thinking about playing with it in the maty hood understand its a 5x5 lot with the prison system only but i furnished it and story lined it for your viewing pleasure I also have a folder with 7 female prisoners and a warden if you like all created from real people. Had to modify a prison uniform to go on elders since the ones linked from inges site are only for adults. well all that said let me know what you think.
I reject your reality and substitute it with one of my own.
Are custom terrain paints bad in ALL cases or just if you package them in a lot or install a lot that has them?
There is a thread here somewhere with more about terrain paints - I understood that they just never get deleted properly. MaxoidTom didn't know custom terrain paints were a problem until he came visiting before the last patch. I think we all have our fingers crossed he does something about it. I know that several of us have custom nieghborhoods in addition to the Maxis hoods. If I made the shared neighborhood something like hood #9 N009 - would that be a problem for anyone's game is they didn't have hoods #4-8? I'm thinking that it shouldn't be a problem but does anyone know for sure?
When I move folders around and mess up the name Noo3 for example, the game finds N004 and N005 with no problem, so I think you're OK there. I'm sending a Sim Foster home. the teen sims in it are as weird as my limited imagination and maxis default clothing can make them. You can grow them up or have them run away and put your own in instead! I've given up trying to put them in nice clothes - lot packager isn't including all the relevant files and I have too many to go on a hunt the file marathon... Lotpackager needs fixing too
« Last Edit: 2005 December 11, 23:18:21 by cwykes »
Sick of Bluewater? Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead. Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB. Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience!