Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 519
SL Diva or TS2 Drama Queen? Uh...both!
Since Motoki's Simpotence thread's mention of a MATY Neighbourhood I've been wondering were there any final decisions made? The threads have become impossibly long and muddled, so I'm just seeking a little clarification.
Is it still happening? Is a custom neighbourhood still being made for download or do we use any neighbourhood? I've downloaded the available MATY sims into a folder in anticipation.
Are there any rules that I should be aware of?
Thanks for any helpful answers in advance!
happy now :-)
Dead Member

Posts: 1026
No kittens within five miles of my house! :)
Well, so far to the best of my knowledge this is what is going on: I am taking contributions from people to include in the joint neighborhood. A sim, lot, story, anything can be submitted. Custom content can be used. I will take all submissions and make a shared hood with background stories included for the submitted characters. If there is interest in a non-custom content hood, I will strip out all custom content and make the same neighborhood also available for download. Some people have talked about having "challenge" rules like no20khandouts. Some ideas were thrown around, but it seemed like more people were not interested in this. Although, there's no reason why some people can't do it if they want. I have received some contributions, but not many. Several people have indicated that they are interested but haven't had time to contribute. I figure we could wait until the end of the month to see if there are any more contributions. I expect to have the hoods ready for download around the first of the year. You can send the contributions to or let me know where you've uploaded the sim you want included.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 519
SL Diva or TS2 Drama Queen? Uh...both!
Thanks  Do you have many MATY sims? I have Ancient Sim,Blue,Boris, Emma, Hook, Kewian, Pescado, Reggiko, Trepie, Veilchen and Witch. Have I missed anyone, or will they be included in the neighbourhood anyway?
happy now :-)
Dead Member

Posts: 1026
No kittens within five miles of my house! :)
Thanks  Do you have many MATY sims? I have Ancient Sim,Blue,Boris, Emma, Hook, Kewian, Pescado, Reggiko, Trepie, Veilchen and Witch. Have I missed anyone, or will they be included in the neighbourhood anyway? Well, when the time got closer, I was going to PM them and ask if they would mind if I put their sims into the hood.  Haven't got around to that just yet. If any of them read this thread, maybe they could post or PM me with their yea or nay. I hope to have the basics of the site up in a week or two and will keep people updated as the month goes on.
Well, as far as that goes, you can use my sim anyway you want to :D
Hi Sandilou, long time no see. I hope everything's alright. Oh, and by the way, I don't see Brynne in your list, can't forget Val, she's a very funny sim. I put her in my neighborhood, and she went right up to sim-me, started talking, doing the school cheer, and wanted to play 'red hands'. That's the first time that ever happend in my game that a sim came to my playable one and acted as if they were the best of friends right of the bat. Needless to say, sim-me and Brynne (Val) went to friendship status in record time.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Yep, you can use my sim-me too  I might upload a couple of lots that can be used too if they are wanted  I have downloaded everyone, but they are sitting in my sim-bin until I make my new MATY hood. I had to download Pescado again because my 14 year old daughter wanted to play with him.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 519
SL Diva or TS2 Drama Queen? Uh...both!
Hi Veilchen  I've been around but sometimes I'm just too lazy to log in. I'm really looking forward to playing this neighbourhood. I will do a Sandi-sim - but I have to work out who I want to be; I quite like the idea of being a romance, trailer trash sim. Its my favourite type of sim to play - although I'm nothing like that in real life (ahem).
happy now :-)
Sims BlueSoup, Pescado and Boris are OK for the neighbourhood. I made Pescado and Boris for everyone. 
I sent you a couple of Sims who are in my custom neighborhood but as yet havent been played .........they are still standing outside their house waiting to be moved in. the male I sent you is aquaintances with Sim Trepie ,Ancient,and Emma and he is married to the female Isent you they are sim versions of my oldest daughter and her husband. the male is a popularity sim and the female is a family sim. hope this helps
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 519
SL Diva or TS2 Drama Queen? Uh...both!
Veilchen, Sim Brynne wasn't downloading when I tried it the other day. But it works fine now so I've added her to my MATY folder.
Simmiecal, I've uploaded Sim Sandilou onto TS2's Exchange. You're more than welcome to use her in the MATY neighbourhood.
happy now :-)
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 66
Sandilou-where are you? I have been checking the exchange but cant locate your simmie.
I reject your reality and substitute it with one of my own.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 519
SL Diva or TS2 Drama Queen? Uh...both!
Humybyrd, I've got numbers over there - I'm Sandilou442. I've made two versions of myself, one custom content free and one riddled with custom content (none of it made by me). The latter is not for the prudish! I'm just waiting for the BBS to load so that I can check it's all there, then I'll add a link and post the details in The Peasantry.
happy now :-)
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 66
OK I think I found your page and one house with your selfsim in it-the surprise family. Did not see anyother ones though. Will download and extract you for the MATY game. Any links you put up are welcome since this is all I can find. Also what personality and such should I give you once you go through CAS whatever you have in game will be gone.
I reject your reality and substitute it with one of my own.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 519
SL Diva or TS2 Drama Queen? Uh...both!
The site was taking forever to load on my pc, so I shut everything down and restarted my computer. When I finally got MySimPage up, I realised that the custom content sim wasn't there. Maybe there's too much custom content for it to load! It's running too slow for now, so I'll try again when TS2 is less busy. My sim personality is Sagittarius: standard's fine, as this particular sim is my alter ego. I'm very sedate and responsible in real life. 
happy now :-)
Sim Reggikko definitely wants to live in the MATY neighborhood!
Simmiecal you're also free to use any of my lots there.
Simmiecal, I created myself and would love it that you make it part of that neighborhood. You can find Sim Missdoh in the peasentry section of this site. I did add a little guideline about her in the sim description.
Anyone can download that Sim if they wish. I did not use any custom content to make that Sim and have both Univeristy and Nightlife.
« Last Edit: 2005 December 04, 04:23:12 by MissDoh »
Anyone can download my Sim-mes and use as they wish. It'd be fun to see if one or both of them can get along with others, or if they end up causing havoc, like the female sim-me did in Uni. It was both funny and a little disturbing to see her get into knock-down, drag out fights with anyone she had chemistry with!
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 66
I have gotten 21 sims selves here and only 4 are men (Pescado and Boris being 2 of them). Come on guys! We already know women run the world but is that really the way you want this to go? Although it means the 4 I have will get very lucky. Look at all the beautiful women, dont you at least want you sim to get a little of that?
I reject your reality and substitute it with one of my own.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 431
'cause I don't have anything else...
I could make a guy Sim, though I'm a girl.
Poster Formerly Known as Chee-Z
I've got a male version sim, and I'm just as happy to have him played as the other. Only thing he hasn't got that the female version has is my proper haircolour and style, but I could fix that fast enough if anyone cared that much.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 352
mean sims and empty lots don't mix...
I put my brother up... you can use my Vin sim too, (link in siggy). I've got a Brad Pitt and a Jonny Depp also. I'm willing to contribute them for use as, say... NPC's or townies. Just let me know and I'll upload them. I'm working on a house/dorm setup with a garage. I can do some base game houses too as my hubby only plays the patched no ep version of the game... again let me know, okay?
Dead Member

Posts: 1026
No kittens within five miles of my house! :)
Just a little update....
I've now received several posts from people. This weekend I will update the website and post more information about what has been received and what is still needed. Unfortunately RL is getting in the way during the week so I can't respond individually right now.
Feel free to submit all the sims you want as I intend to wipe out the fugly townies. Basically, feel free to submit anything you want to and I'll work to incorporate it into the neighborhood.
Does anybody know:
I know that several of us have custom nieghborhoods in addition to the Maxis hoods. If I made the shared neighborhood something like hood #9 N009 - would that be a problem for anyone's game is they didn't have hoods #4-8? I'm thinking that it shouldn't be a problem but does anyone know for sure?
Does anyone have more than 8 neighborhoods?
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 352
mean sims and empty lots don't mix...
not me...
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Me neither-I only have 3  I meant to say, you can use any of my lots which are on the exchange. I have quite a lot of starter houses in there 
I have 4 neighborhoods 3 maxis and 1 custom
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.