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Author Topic: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!  (Read 27294 times)
Asinine Airhead

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What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« on: 2005 December 02, 02:04:27 »

Okay.  The nanny has gone psycho.  I mean, other people have probably been having the issue with the nannies where they'll stay past the times they're supposed to, or even appear at 3am when both parents are home.  I know *I've* been having those issues.  I can't wait for a fix for them (or maybe there is one and I don't know about it?) but I could kinda deal with it, even though she was becoming a little stalkery with her random arrivals.

But NOW I gotta wonder WTF is her problem?!  My sim with the tracked schedule came home from work, and the nanny didn't leave, so he dismissed her.  She waved goodbye, PICKED UP HIS KID, and WALKED OFF WITH HIM.  I mean straight off abducted.  Got in the car and drove away with twin #2 in her arms.  The kid's portrait then disappeared from the family pictures on the left of the screen.


That's really not supposed to happen, right?!  I have NEVER had a nanny walk off with a kid in her arms.  I can't wait to get some sort of patch or hack to make them do what they're supposed to.  Ugh.
Smells Like Pee
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #1 on: 2005 December 02, 02:09:57 »

Wow, you're in quite a nanny-pickle there, aren't you? That's the final nail in the nanny's coffin for me, then. I am never hiring another nanny. Never.
Were you able to get the kid back?
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #2 on: 2005 December 02, 02:14:58 »

The kid should be there next time you load the lot, actually.. Look near the mailbox. If not, download the teleporter shrub from, install it, go into your neighborhood and enter boolprop testingcheatsenabled true , enter the house, use the teleporter to bring him back, then Shift+Click on him and choose make selectable.

Terrible Twerp
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #3 on: 2005 December 02, 02:16:41 »

Okay.  The nanny has gone psycho.  I mean, other people have probably been having the issue with the nannies where they'll stay past the times they're supposed to, or even appear at 3am when both parents are home.  I know *I've* been having those issues.  I can't wait for a fix for them (or maybe there is one and I don't know about it?) but I could kinda deal with it, even though she was becoming a little stalkery with her random arrivals.

But NOW I gotta wonder WTF is her problem?!  My sim with the tracked schedule came home from work, and the nanny didn't leave, so he dismissed her.  She waved goodbye, PICKED UP HIS KID, and WALKED OFF WITH HIM.  I mean straight off abducted.  Got in the car and drove away with twin #2 in her arms.  The kid's portrait then disappeared from the family pictures on the left of the screen.


That's really not supposed to happen, right?!  I have NEVER had a nanny walk off with a kid in her arms.  I can't wait to get some sort of patch or hack to make them do what they're supposed to.  Ugh.
No its not. best thing  I can tell you is to use Inge's teleporter shrub to retrieve the twin and move him back in with his family. to find out which household the twin is in use simPE sim browser locate the child's photo and next to it will be the household the twin is in. you will need the house hold name in order to retrieve the twin. then go back into the game to your sims house click the shrub and options will appear click the corect household then click through the names until you find your sims twin and click the twin  he will appear next to  the shrub . vital to get the twin  in the first place you have to click summon at the very beginning before choosing a household or sim. when the summoned sim is next to the shrub click Move in and a  name or two will appear click the summoned twins name and the  picture of the twin will reappear in the family panel. thus having been moved back in with his family

I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring  after awhile.
Smells Like Pee
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #4 on: 2005 December 02, 02:23:46 »

If he wasn't actually moved out, though, the shift click will automatically set him back into household status. He won't need to be moved back in. If he has been "moved out", he's probably stuck in default-land somewhere in Simpe and you'll have to do a bit more work there with the family numbers.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #5 on: 2005 December 02, 02:28:03 »

This was a problem in the unpatched Sims 2 base game. Visitors would just walk off with a kid. Do you have at least University installed? If not, is your game patched with the second patch for the base game?

Ancient Sim
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #6 on: 2005 December 02, 02:39:53 »

Doesn't sound as if you have Nightlife, or if you do you probably don't have the patch, because the nannies were fixed in that - well, they're behaving impeccably in my game (so far, touch wood), but I know some people are still having problems.  Must admit I've never heard of nannies running off with kids, but like someone else said there was a problem with kids being abducted in the original pre-patched game. 


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Asinine Airhead

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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #7 on: 2005 December 02, 02:40:55 »

Well, thankfully I'd saved not long before, so I exited without saving and came back to two twins yet again needing to pee.  Pleasant, but at least I had them both!

Damn nanny.

And yeah, I have Uni, NL, AND the patches.  I had another bug that was supposed to be solved with a patch a while back, too, where my Uni sim was told "It's time for you to get back to the real world!" during her first semester freshman final.   Lips sealed  Being as I have the patch installed I'm not sure why it did that to me-- maybe I should try reinstalling.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #8 on: 2005 December 02, 02:41:47 »

Doesn't sound as if you have Nightlife, or if you do you probably don't have the patch, because the nannies were fixed in that - well, they're behaving impeccably in my game (so far, touch wood), but I know some people are still having problems.  Must admit I've never heard of nannies running off with kids, but like someone else said there was a problem with kids being abducted in the original pre-patched game. 

your'e lucky with your Nannies Ancient mine have been horrid

I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring  after awhile.
Lord of the Nannies
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #9 on: 2005 December 02, 04:27:02 »

Doesn't sound as if you have Nightlife, or if you do you probably don't have the patch, because the nannies were fixed in that - well, they're behaving impeccably in my game (so far, touch wood), but I know some people are still having problems. 

Mine are still crazy as hell. I'd bet your well behaved nannies are more do to luck than any fixes because if there were any, I sure haven't seen it. On the other hand, I rather like the nannies crazy. Makes things interesting.  Grin

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Whiny Wussy
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #10 on: 2005 December 02, 20:46:28 »

Until they arrive by the hundred!!!!!

I NEVER use them now, I just make sure an adult or a teen is always in.  (And stick a Gnohmon's flamingo on your lot, and babies never ever need changing!  But, if you only use the flamingo of contentment, toddlers still learn potty training with no trouble (esp. with smart milk!)

Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #11 on: 2005 December 02, 21:36:18 »

I had another bug that was supposed to be solved with a patch a while back, too, where my Uni sim was told "It's time for you to get back to the real world!" during her first semester freshman final. 

I just had this happen the other night myself.  Have NL and patch.  I had just dl'ed a couple of mods from here a day or two before, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not (may not have been the most recent hack/fix, I found a couple were updated the next day.)

BUT - I exited without saving, went back in and did something a little different.  I usually send each new freshman to the store to buy clothes, but the one this happened to hadn't gone.  Had enough clothes in the dorm and just didn't feel like sending her.  Second time in, I sent her to a community lot, then right back to the dorm and she got through the freshman year just fine.

Now I just make sure I save at least once during the first freshman semester, and haven't had it happen again.  Though I don't know if the one time I got the "Go home" message was a fluke and I'm not really doing anything that helps by saving or not.  (But it can't hurt!)

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Feckless Fool
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #12 on: 2005 December 02, 23:25:55 »

I never use the nannies now except to have then eaten by the cow plant. I use the nanny + firefighting nanny painting by christianluv from MTS2. I dont have any trouble with them. I suppose now I could remove Toddlers sleep nights and the no social worker patch from my game.
Whiny Wussy
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #13 on: 2005 December 03, 01:35:37 »

Well, I've never used either, and I've never had a baby taken by the Social Worker since my first week playing Sims1!

Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #14 on: 2005 December 03, 01:48:16 »

Well, I've never used either, and I've never had a baby taken by the Social Worker since my first week playing Sims1!
I had a dumb Nanny leave one of my toddlers alone and of course the social worker took my toddler. which I retreived with Inge's shrub.

I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring  after awhile.
Whiny Wussy
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #15 on: 2005 December 03, 01:56:12 »

Well, the only time I've nearly lost a kid except when John went to work and left Lucy alone (and I didn't save and had Jennifer move her in with her) was when a nanny didn't turn up at 3.00pm!  that was Brandi and Don's kid, and they were both in the catering profession on a late shift - again I had to exit without saving and then not let Brandi go to work!

Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #16 on: 2005 December 03, 01:59:39 »

you really need to ask???  

They are all screwed up.    I hate them,  I use to do all kinds of things to mine.   I was so glad the first time I got a hack that let me select her.  I made her put the noodle thingy on and she stood their yelling and then she passed out in the bathroom.   Oh, Lord is was soooo funny,  then she got up and she peeded all over herself.   I finally took the noodle soother off of her and she couldn't wait to get out the door when the parents came home.

   I also use to make my sims chase her around with the vacuum sucking thing too.   Grin  Grin
Terrible Twerp
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #17 on: 2005 December 03, 02:15:29 »

you really need to ask???  

They are all screwed up.    I hate them,  I use to do all kinds of things to mine.   I was so glad the first time I got a hack that let me select her.  I made her put the noodle thingy on and she stood their yelling and then she passed out in the bathroom.   Oh, Lord is was soooo funny,  then she got up and she peeded all over herself.   I finally took the noodle soother off of her and she couldn't wait to get out the door when the parents came home.

   I also use to make my sims chase her around with the vacuum sucking thing too.   Grin  Grin
I used to do that too

I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring  after awhile.
Whiny Wussy
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #18 on: 2005 December 03, 04:57:05 »

It's funny, but the first install I had, without the patch or anything, the nanny was fine, just a nuisance the way she'd put boy twin in girl twin's crib and vice versa.  In the same install, Brandi had walked out on Dustin and Beau (I meant her to take Beau but I did it wrong) and Dustin had to hire the nanny (Kendall) and Beau became really good friends with her - I think it helped that after two days he grew into a child and was able to ask for stuff and get her to play SSSX3 with him etc.  I actually think the patch, although it put a lot of other things like the jump bug right, screwed the nanny up a lot more than she originally was.  Pity really they couldn't get it right, but now in my game at least the maid is getting screwed too!  If you get your sim to click on the serving dish and call guests to the meal, she's first there when she should be cleaning!  And one of them walked past Don's house at midnight and kicked over his trashcan!   And this wasn't Kaylynn or Lucy and she wasn't mad with him at all!

Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #19 on: 2005 December 03, 08:01:30 »

Since Uni, and being able to "combine households," I've found the best substitute for a Nanny is a CAS Elder with maxed Personality points (with Merola's Multi-painting). She lives in the bin until she's needed, then moved in. I give her a bed in the kid's room, and she's happy ~ and controllable. As soon as the kid morphs to Teen, she's outta there.

She could be an Adult instead of an Elder, but having an Elder au pair just feels more natural to me.
Malodorous Moron
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #20 on: 2005 December 03, 08:14:21 »

Since Uni, and being able to "combine households," I've found the best substitute for a Nanny is a CAS Elder with maxed Personality points (with Merola's Multi-painting). She lives in the bin until she's needed, then moved in. I give her a bed in the kid's room, and she's happy ~ and controllable. As soon as the kid morphs to Teen, she's outta there.

She could be an Adult instead of an Elder, but having an Elder au pair just feels more natural to me.

This is a very good idea Hairfish and it would work quite well with most of my stories. tsk, tsk, Nannies are abducting kids now! Shocked Just when I thought I've heard it all! Roll Eyes I too try to avoid using those stupid nannies but I dohave to agree with motoki that with them being crazy makes a more interesting game... Grin

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Lord of the Nannies
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #21 on: 2005 December 03, 13:43:03 »

you really need to ask???  

I know! It's like 'OMG, the nannies are acting crazy, wow what a surprise!'  Roll Eyes  Roll Eyes  Roll Eyes

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Whiny Wussy
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #22 on: 2005 December 03, 15:58:04 »

I do a similar thing with YAs when they graduate.  I move them into a house with babies, they look after the babies, make some new friends (so it's great for popularity sims) then when the kids start school, as long as between them and the parents there's always one adult at home before and after school, they can start on their career and then move out when it's convenient (or when their fiance/partner etc. has also graduated) and start out for themselves.  I give them a shot of elixir to bring their age back down to 29 days to go, and then they're off to start their new life - and I know whether they will be good parents too!  And the family can send them some extra cash if they're doing well themselves.

Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #23 on: 2005 December 03, 19:17:59 »

I tried a controllable neighbourhood nanny, but it was just like a real-life au pair: she was young and attractive, and the fathers in the families kept getting crushes on her and all sorts of romantic hijinks ensued, and she never did a very good job with the kids anyway. Eventually she moved into her own place and became a single mother.  Smiley

Whiny Wussy
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Re: What the hell is wrong with the nanny?!
« Reply #24 on: 2005 December 03, 20:27:48 »

Well, I did it with Lilith when she graduated, she went to live with Castor and Allegra (Castor was already a friend, but never anything more) and she was a great help with the twins, didn't cause any problems and I didn't have to change anything about her in SimPE to do it - which meant I didn't have to close my game - and all I did was to get her mood into gold/platinum and then get her to drink loads of elixir.  By the time I moved her out, she'd already met one of my CAS sims and fallen in love, so I actually just had him ask her to move in, and they got married soon after.

Zephyr Zodiac
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