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Author Topic: Asylum Challenge with Floopy tweaks  (Read 7439 times)
The Biter
Pinheaded Pissant
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Asylum Challenge with Floopy tweaks
« on: 2011 December 10, 14:30:23 »

I've been playing the asylum challenge for sims 3 and found it a bit broken. So I played with the rules a bit & made them both a bit simpler and more challenging.

Asylum Challenge


Your sim has been committed to a rundown asylum. Unlike the other inmates, your sim is given certain privileges in exchange for certain responsibilities. Privileges include holding down a job and leaving the lot for errands. Responsibilities include guarding the welfare of the other residents.


No item may cost more than $500.

1 toilet, 1 sink, 1 bath/shower.
Any number of skill-building objects, but limited to one of each type.
One electronic entertainment item.
No emergency appliances
One of each kitchen appliance
5 pieces of sleeping furniture
6 pieces of sitting furniture (including 1 piece of napping furniture)


Sims must be young adults. Sims should be unrelated.

Each sim must randomly select one of the following "madness" traits:
*never nude

The following traits are prohibited:
*natural cook


Once you have moved your household into a suitable set-up lot, reduce the family funds to $100. You can do this by releasing fish into a pond or by buying sculptures, exiting buy mode, re-entering buy mode & deleting them until you reach the desired household funds.

Choose one sim. This sim is the only one you will control. This sim bears the responsibility of being the breadwinner for this household.

Sims may not leave the lot, with the following exceptions. The controlled sim may only leave the lot to work or to purchase groceries or books.

Items may be replaced if they are burned or stolen. Otherwise all new items must come from the sims themselves (paintings, klepto items, celebrity gifts, etc) and may cost no more than $500. Items may not be moved once a sim has successfully used the item. (moving to fix routing fail is encouraged)

Bogarting by inventory is not allowed. Bogarting by habitual use is encouraged.

If a sim dies, remove one piece of furniture. Also, you may move the grave to a more suitable location anywhere on the lot.


+1 per skill point for any non-controlled sim.
+1 per friend any non-controlled sim has.
+1 per 1000 Lifetime Points any non-controlled sim has.
-1 per day in the Asylum.
-20 per sim death (excluding old age)
-30 per visitor death (excluding old age)
-5000 if the controlled sim dies before attaining LTW.


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