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Author Topic: Awesomemod Request Thread  (Read 438902 times)
Posts: 613

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Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
« Reply #600 on: 2016 January 13, 16:08:08 »

And, with you being so smart, what is the answer to the actualy question?

The fact that you don't know why using Origin is bad explains why no one is going to answer your question; you don't know enough to understand the answer.

Keeping this here for when Titlights forgets that it doesn't have anything better to do than hang out at MATY.
Grammar Police
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Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
« Reply #601 on: 2016 January 13, 17:49:41 »

D'oh. This IS MATY! That's why we come here. Most of the time it's very amusing. But Starler's not very good at it.

"We"? There is no "we." You're not part of the group, Titlights. You're just an annoying barnacle we've picked up that we can't scrape off. And you're the absolute last person who needs to put in two cents about what is or isn't amusing. Even the Alphatard was more self-aware.

<soozelwoozel>  Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
« Reply #602 on: 2016 January 13, 18:34:01 »

Apparently I have no control whatsoever. Oh well, no surprise there....  Smiley

You're using Origin, which voids your warranty. No one is going to feel sorry for you.

Since when does Origin void the warranty? Warranty on WHAT exactly? Starler talking rubbidge as usual. Sounds like that virus that was going to - lessee - sour your milk, make your BF go off with the milkman, and cause an avalanche in Hawaii?

Columbia, I think you'll find the EA Sims 3 forums are closed for posting. They're only interested in Sims 4 now. Never found much help there, apart from Writin' Reg, who was a hero.

Oh and this

I know...sometimes it cracks me up that more time is spent with snide remarks, including Starler apparently, than it would take to merely answer a legitimate question!

D'oh. This IS MATY! That's why we come here. Most of the time it's very amusing. But Starler's not very good at it.

Actually you can post on Sims, they just moved the forum.

Not that amusing and I come here for the awesome mod. I'm a grownup - that means I don't see the point in wasting anyone's time, including my own, with childish name-calling, who readily admits to not being a computer programmer and believes that a legitimate question deserves a legitimate answer.

Starler, to clarify, I am looking for an answer on AwesomeMod and if it will be viable without further modifications, in spite of the warning message. Your remarks about Origin are irrelevant to my question and, as I explained before, since I purchased some of my packs from Origin, pointless. I'm educated and capable of logical thought so would likely be able to comprehend a REAL answer to my AM question. Perhaps you cover your own insecurity of NOT knowing the answer with bravado but it isn't helpful nor informative.
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
« Reply #603 on: 2016 January 13, 18:37:00 »

Self-aware? MOI?

I am not and never will be part of any group with you Jezzer Bitchbot. Never met the Alphatard, to my knowledge. Sounds like an interesting person from her posts.

I find this place amusing. Do you really think I would come here otherwise? Other than to yank your chain?

If I slipped and used the royal "we", well - spank me! On second thoughts, stay a LONG way away.

Columbia, we posted at the same time - thanks for the link to the EA forum.

Posts: 613

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Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
« Reply #604 on: 2016 January 13, 21:37:49 »

I'm educated and capable of logical thought so would likely be able to comprehend a REAL answer to my AM question.

You continue to provide evidence that this is not true. The REAL answer has already been provided, which is something you would know if your assertion had any merit.

Keeping this here for when Titlights forgets that it doesn't have anything better to do than hang out at MATY.
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
« Reply #605 on: 2016 January 14, 17:15:29 »

Sorry, Merlin, but no. The AM mod I downloaded from here yesterday before finding out it doesn't work is actually dated 10/2/2015. (Guessing AM WAS updated for 1.69!) I checked the date before installing - not so stupid, you know.  I know this crowd must be sad not to have shown me up...Smiley Also, as I mentioned in my post, I have an old game save with a 2014 AM that is likely the 1.67.
That version of AM works perfectly fine in my game, and many others with no errors or messages.  Just because AM was updated on 10/2/2015 doesn't mean it is automatically updated for 1.69.  As has been said before, game version 1.69 is NOT supported here, therefore why would AM be at 1.69.  The fact that you are getting a message when you load should be enough to tell someone who is "not so stupid" that AM is not at the same level as the game.

Again, my question was whether this was like before when there was a grace period after a patch before AM would no longer run. The answer to that would be a more appropriate use of a reply.
What is this "grace" period you speak of?  Are you referring to the expiry date that forced people to keep updating to ensure they were using the latest version?  There hasn't been an expiry date on AM for fuck knows how long now, just updates to AM when the FOJ finds something new to fix or add to it.


I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
« Reply #606 on: 2016 January 14, 18:41:24 »

Starler, to clarify, I am looking for an answer on AwesomeMod and if it will be viable without further modifications, in spite of the warning message. Your remarks about Origin are irrelevant to my question and, as I explained before, since I purchased some of my packs from Origin, pointless. I'm educated and capable of logical thought so would likely be able to comprehend a REAL answer to my AM question. Perhaps you cover your own insecurity of NOT knowing the answer with bravado but it isn't helpful nor informative.
Obviously, I have no idea if it will work or not, but seeing as they don't appear to wish to actually release a patch or any information of what the patch contains, it's probably not important. Just ignore the message. RAMMING SPEED! If anything explodes, we'll know otherwise.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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