Apparently I have no control whatsoever. Oh well, no surprise there....

You're using Origin, which voids your warranty. No one is going to feel sorry for you.
Since when does Origin void the warranty? Warranty on WHAT exactly? Starler talking rubbidge as usual. Sounds like that virus that was going to - lessee - sour your milk, make your BF go off with the milkman, and cause an avalanche in Hawaii?
Columbia, I think you'll find the EA Sims 3 forums are closed for posting. They're only interested in Sims 4 now. Never found much help there, apart from Writin' Reg, who was a hero.
Oh and this
I know...sometimes it cracks me up that more time is spent with snide remarks, including Starler apparently, than it would take to merely answer a legitimate question!
D'oh. This IS MATY! That's why we come here. Most of the time it's very amusing. But Starler's not very good at it.
Actually you can post on Sims, they just moved the forum. that amusing and I come here for the awesome mod. I'm a grownup - that means I don't see the point in wasting anyone's time, including my own, with childish name-calling, who readily admits to not being a computer programmer and believes that a legitimate question deserves a legitimate answer.
Starler, to clarify, I am looking for an answer on AwesomeMod and if it will be viable without further modifications, in spite of the warning message. Your remarks about Origin are irrelevant to my question and, as I explained before, since I purchased some of my packs from Origin, pointless. I'm educated and capable of logical thought so would likely be able to comprehend a REAL answer to my AM question. Perhaps you cover your own insecurity of NOT knowing the answer with bravado but it isn't helpful nor informative.