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Topic: The Amazing Race for Sims 3 (Read 7735 times)
The Biter
Pinheaded Pissant
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The Amazing Race for Sims 3
2011 October 13, 09:04:57 »
Let me state from the outset that this is a 'for fun' play with using some of the lesser played aspects (for me anyway) of the vacation hoods. There are no points alloted - because there is no point. After all, as in the real amazing race, there can be only one (winner).
The challenge starts with 8 sims. The home lot can be as awesome or as crappy as you like - only the losers will spend much time there. The majority of these challenges can be performed by sims autonomously. Those that can be performed autonomously should be performed autonomously. Some of the home hood challenges can be completed with the use of awesomemod's macros. These are noted in the instructions. The final challenge - in France - requires some clicking on the part of the player but all actions can be queued. If a sim stomps his or her queue, negating the commanded actions, they are considered to have dropped out of the challenge.
Home hood - each sim must macro/find gems & metals. The last sim to find gold* is out of the race.
China - each sim must head to the academy where they must learn the martial art of sim fu. The last sim to complete the task is out of the race.
Home hood - each sim must head to the park. In their inventory is a guitar. The last sim to gain a point in guitar skill is out of the race.
Egypt - each sim must head to the marketplace where they must learn how to charm a snake. The last sim to complete the task is out of the race.
Home hood - each sim must macro/find gems & metals. The last sim to find diamond* is out of the race.
Home hood - each sim must head to the park. The last sim to complete a game of chess is out of the race.
France - each sim must head to the nectary where they must harvest fruit then make their own wine using their hand-picked produce. The last sim to complete the task is out of the race.
*exchange for metal/gem of choice depending on difficulty in your game of finding it. For me, gold comes up after about 3-4 searches with the macro, so it shouldn't be an all-night task to get 7 sims to find some. Same deal for diamond, usually about 8-9 searches before finding any, but still enough out there for 4 sims to squabble over.
The awesomest thing on the internet.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 44
Re: The Amazing Race for Sims 3
Reply #1 on:
2011 October 18, 23:04:55 »
This is actually a pretty cool idea. Once all the CC and mods and crap for the Pets expansion are fixed I might go for it. Though for me things like collecting are what I do the most on my characters because I'm sick of rabbit-hole jobs.
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