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Macro Control: Macrotastics
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Topic: Macro Control: Macrotastics (Read 522127 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Macro Control: Macrotastics
2005 July 30, 11:17:57 »
Newer, shinier, more updated. Now with OFB inventory-pillaging action!
Macrotastics (v0.90) for TS2U p0 - TS2OFB p0
Made by: Flying Fish System (J. M. Pescado & Doctor Boris)
Congratulations to: Draklixa!
In Memoriam: Dizzy
Place in your MYDOCU~1\EAGAME~1\THESIM~1\DOWNLO~1 directory.
Most features accessed by clicking on your sim and choosing Macro.../Option.
Harvests money trees on lot. Option appears if your sim is in gold+
aspiration and you have money trees on your lot. Your sim automatically
travels from tree to tree harvesting the shinies until he either runs out
of trees, his mood becomes very critical, or he loses gold aspiration.
Your sim will stand there and idle until you or something else tells him
to do something more intelligent, or motives become really low. Option
is only available in "Free Will", since the purpose of choosing this is
mostly to block your sim from choosing other actions if you want him to
simply wait for something.
Your sim will seek out the nearest designated and appropriate bathroom
and perform bathroomly tasks. Requires properly installed and configured
FFS "Bathroom Uses You" controllers (>= v1.68). Option will not appear if
none are installed or appropriate.
Your sim will go to sleep in his designated bedroom. Requires properly
installed and configured FFS Sleep Clock. Option will not appear if none
are installed, or your sim is not assigned to any of them.
Your sim will concentrate on his present task, boosting it in priority
so that it will not immediately drop if you queue another order after it.
Examples of when to use this include an autonomously chosen task you want
your sim to complete, not abort, when you queue things after it, and tasks
like "teach" or "help with homework", which have the annoying habit of
cancelling themselves if you tell your sim to do anything after it.
Your sim will seek out things to clean, repair, and garden, using better
search algorithm than "apparently at random" that the maid uses.
Your sim will empty the trash. Including the trash compactors.
This will be automatically called after "CLEAN" is invoked, or it can
be called manually.
Your sim will seek out and kick the nearest flamingo or gnome, re-standing
them up if they fall automatically so that they can be kicked again.
Requires properly installed and accessible Lawn Flamingos and Gnomes.
Fastest source of fun in the entire game!
Your sim will chug-a-lug the coffee to restore his energy. Bathroom breaks
will automatically be taken as appropriate if "USE BATHROOM" option is
available. Chugging will continue until energy is filled or a critical
motive becomes too low and cannot be resolved.
Your sim will seek out homeworks belonging to him on the lot(where-ever)
they may be hidden, and do them. If Fun or Bladder is too low, the sim will
attempt to resolve the problem by kicking stuff or using the bathroom
before continuing.
Seeks out the mailbox, fetches mail, and pays affordable bills.
Accessible from the "College" menu, begins a rampage where your sim studies
for college using all of the college tools until he maxes his current
grade-o-meter! All needs except hunger automatically are taken care of
during the rampage.
Sim will scavenge for available edible foods and eat foods that can restore
his hunger without being overfilling. If no foods are available, sims with
adequate cooking skills will cook one. If OFB is installed, the inventories
of resident sims will be pillaged for foods if none is found present, as if
you dragged it out of the inventory and dropped it on the floor.
Sim will autonomously handle all basic needs. Will autonomously call friends
if AutoYak is available, using cellphone if available. Sim will respond to
any orders you give it while performing this function. If not given any
orders, and all needs are satisfied, sim will do something quiet and
not disturbing, like cleaning the room or sitting quietly in a couch. Will
not bogart the desk chairs and render it impossible to use the computer.
This hack is fully compatible with all FFS hacks. Tested for TS2NL v1.0p1.
May cause computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma,
death, and/or halitosis.
Last Edit: 2008 March 13, 03:25:22 by J. M. Pescado
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 66
Not a Real Person
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #1 on:
2008 January 10, 00:05:01 »
I just got BV and re-installed all my old hacks. For some reason, whenever I use any Macro, the Sim goes to eat some food. If I cancel the order, the Macro reinstates it. It doesn't matter whether the Sim needs to eat or not. After the Sim eats, (s)he gets something else to eat. If his/her Hunger is too high, the order fails out, and so does the Macro order.
This has happened with Skillinator and with the new "dig for treasure" Macro. (I haven't tried any other Macros.)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #2 on:
2008 January 10, 00:44:40 »
I haven't observed the particular behavior you describe, but will keep an eye out for it. What do you mean by "goes to eat some food"? Are there stray foods lying around which would be enough to top off the sim's fuel tank without overloading? Also make sure you are using the most recent version as available on the site.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
The Biter
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1017
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Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #3 on:
2008 January 10, 01:37:32 »
I can confirm that this is happening with the macrotastics updated at 18 dec 07, and bry updated 16 dec 07.
I've had to drag the hunger up to full to stop a sim with even 98% full hunger traipsing off to a plate of food when beginning skillinate/businessate. This also includes when in the presence of no less than three snapdragons.
I had testing cheats enabled at the time & no errors were reported.
*Edit - they only appear to do this when there is food available. If they would be required to get their own food, they don't go in search of it.
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Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #4 on:
2008 January 10, 07:22:13 »
I often get that when I change an employees job from say, cashier to salesperson. I always have a buffet available on business lots so the food doesn't need to be prepared. The sim will have an almost full hunger bar and be low on something else like bladder, but the BUY will send them to eat first.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #5 on:
2008 January 10, 07:35:57 »
Quote from: floopyboo on 2008 January 10, 01:37:32
I've had to drag the hunger up to full to stop a sim with even 98% full hunger traipsing off to a plate of food when beginning skillinate/businessate. This also includes when in the presence of no less than three snapdragons.
Hmm. What are the personality stats on the sim? What kind of food is provided?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
The Biter
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1017
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Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #6 on:
2008 January 10, 08:17:51 »
Middle of the road for the most part, one was high active (child) the other that I noticed it with was an elder female romance sim, all stats within two points of median, Romance sim. By noticed, I mean almost tore my hair out in frustration with.
The food was anything from pancakes to turkey to toaster pastries. If there was food on the bench, it was preferable to anything else. The worst times for it were midday & about 9am.
I haven't seen it anywhere else since most of my lot-testing hasn't involved macro anything.
The awesomest thing on the internet.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #7 on:
2008 January 10, 08:29:16 »
Need exact numbers, particularly on Active.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
The Biter
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1017
Back by popular demand!
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #8 on:
2008 January 10, 09:29:28 »
Well I found some time to fire it up so I figured I'd check for you. And the stats for the two I observed:
kid: 1 neat, 10 outgoing, 5 active, 7 playful, 4 nice. (was skillinating creativity on standard easel.)
elder: 8 neat, 3 outgoing, 5 active, 3 playful, 7 nice. (was brying a florist business on a home lot.)
Last Edit: 2008 January 10, 14:30:24 by floopyboo
The awesomest thing on the internet.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #9 on:
2008 January 11, 00:57:33 »
So, all lazy sims. I can't see where in the code this is happening, though. In fact, there's a specific trap for this. Can you get a screenshot of this behavior, including the motive panel and target food?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 66
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Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #10 on:
2008 January 11, 02:16:32 »
Patrick, the Sim I sent to Skillinate, has
1 Neat
10 Outgoing
7 Active
10 Playful
0 Nice
He is a Werewolf, but was not transformed at the time. (In case that's relevant.)
Xavier, the Sim I sent to Dig, has
0 Neat
4 Outgoing
2 Active
1 Playful
0 Nice
He is a Zombie (if that's relevant).
Both were in the same household. The food available was Gelatin.
ETA: Flora is a normal Teen. The same thing happened when I told her to Macro : Do Homework, when her Hunger was above 50%. (Again, Gelatin.) Her personality is:
6 Neat
5 Outgoing
9 Active
9 Playful
1 Nice
Last Edit: 2008 January 11, 02:23:00 by Berney
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #11 on:
2008 January 13, 09:39:05 »
Was the gelatin able to exactly fill your sim's fuel tank? Gelatin is not a very filling item, so may be able to top off the tank and thus be chosen anyway.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 66
Not a Real Person
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #12 on:
2008 January 13, 15:15:36 »
I wasn't watching very closely, but one of the Sims was continuing to eat once the Hunger bar was completely full.
I've seen this with other foods, too, but no specific anecdotes are coming to mind right now. I think one of them was Baked Alaska, but the Hunger bar may have been low enough to warrant that anyway.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 421
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #13 on:
2008 January 31, 02:13:52 »
Babies aren't pets!!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #14 on:
2008 January 31, 02:16:12 »
Quote from: fiberglassdolphin on 2008 January 31, 00:02:58
Will there be a "feed pets" option? I'm tired of cleaning up my dead fish, womrats, birds, and babies.
Feed pets is included as a sequence of Power Idle. It presently feeds womrats and birds for sure. Not sure if I ever covered fish. Babies is the Baby Controller. And they aren't technically pets.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 421
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #15 on:
2008 January 31, 02:21:54 »
While we're on the subject, what about regular pets? Does it cover those?
I had a cat once. I got rid of it after the fourth time I forgot to feed it and it almost died of hunger.
Posts: 1151
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #16 on:
2008 January 31, 04:15:29 »
You should buy the bigger food dish. That way you will have a few more minutes in between required feedings.
I want people to stop saying, "Son of a bitch". Instead we should say "Son of an ASS" because that is more accurate. Spread the word!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #17 on:
2008 January 31, 08:02:56 »
Quote from: EsotericPolarBear on 2008 January 31, 02:21:54
I had a cat once. I got rid of it after the fourth time I forgot to feed it and it almost died of hunger.
Macro-Power-Idle automatically feeds Pets. The Awesome Pet Stories Food Dish holds MOAR FUDZ.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 421
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #18 on:
2008 January 31, 08:19:03 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2008 January 31, 08:02:56
Quote from: EsotericPolarBear on 2008 January 31, 02:21:54
I had a cat once. I got rid of it after the fourth time I forgot to feed it and it almost died of hunger.
Macro-Power-Idle automatically feeds Pets.
ok cool. I haven't had a pet since I found MATY, so I haven't tested it yet.
The Awesome Pet Stories Food Dish holds MOAR FUDZ.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 421
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #19 on:
2008 January 31, 09:00:49 »
Ok, something keeps smashing my queue, including disabling power idle.
Is this normal or do I get to play troubleshooter with all my hacks?
Posts: 1151
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #20 on:
2008 January 31, 15:19:16 »
Quote from: EsotericPolarBear on 2008 January 31, 08:19:03
The Awesome Pet Stories Food Dish holds MOAR FUDZ.
Look around the dowload directories. Start
Explore. Learn. Also read the RTFMs. They are really very helpful. Sometimes it is also a good idea to go look through the threads with the same name as the hacks you are looking at.
I want people to stop saying, "Son of a bitch". Instead we should say "Son of an ASS" because that is more accurate. Spread the word!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #21 on:
2008 January 31, 15:33:42 »
Quote from: EsotericPolarBear on 2008 January 31, 09:00:49
Ok, something keeps smashing my queue, including disabling power idle.
You'll have to be more specific. Is it smashing the queue as in, very abruptly, with a possible error, or something else?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 421
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #22 on:
2008 January 31, 16:41:17 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2008 January 31, 15:33:42
Quote from: EsotericPolarBear on 2008 January 31, 09:00:49
Ok, something keeps smashing my queue, including disabling power idle.
You'll have to be more specific. Is it smashing the queue as in, very abruptly, with a possible error, or something else?
Not really sure because I have yet to see it when it happens. I just leave a sim on power idle with it running at 3x while I'm waiting for my bandatron businesses to get stars and then suddenly notice that my sim is running around doing stupid things without power idle...or I'll be on another sim and realize the other is off power idle again. I'll try to keep an eye out and see if I can find the cause.
Look around the dowload directories. Start here Explore. Learn. Also read the RTFMs. They are really very helpful. Sometimes it is also a good idea to go look through the threads with the same name as the hacks you are looking at.
Yeah, I've been doing that. Although sometimes the RTFMs only tell you the bare minimum of things I want to know.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 58
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #23 on:
2008 January 31, 17:17:00 »
Quote from: EsotericPolarBear on 2008 January 31, 16:41:17
I just leave a sim on power idle with it running at 3x while I'm waiting for my bandatron businesses to get stars and then suddenly notice that my sim is running around doing stupid things without power idle
Power Idle works best with free will turned off. I like my sims completely lobotomized.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 421
Re: Macro Control: Macrotastics
Reply #24 on:
2008 February 01, 08:18:04 »
Oh, wow! My servo, who went on a Far East vacation and learned to teleport, just teleported during a gardening macro!
Is that your doing? (I can't see EAxis being that smart) And if so, does that work for all special movements? (like vamp fly if the vamp can't run)
Also, update on queue smashing: So far the only thing I've seen do it is an employee quitting and that didn't happen the other night. Can cranky customers crush queues? Or maybe it was just a bizarre, one night only series of queue dropping...
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