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Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
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Topic: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12 (Read 412611 times)
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #125 on:
2012 September 13, 21:30:20 »
Here's the penis tekst translated to Norwegian lol
Bli hard, Bli myk,Bli omskåret, Bli uomskåret
Gjør Penis tykkere/ tynnere/ lenger/ kortere
Gjør Testikler større/ mindre
Penis Lengde
Penis Tykkhet
Penis Helling/ Penis hell til høyre / Penis hell til venstre
Penis Vinkel/ Penis vinkel høyere/ Penis vinkel lavere
Testikkel Størrelse
Penis Forhud
Penis Ereksjon / Uomskåret Ereksjon
Madame Mim
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Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #126 on:
2012 November 27, 21:25:49 »
It's a little wierd anyway. Even if CMAR gets the urge to make the format you like - what makes you think somebody's going to package it up and mail it to you?
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Grammar Police
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Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #127 on:
2012 November 28, 20:28:39 »
No. Fuck you. Go away.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #128 on:
2012 November 28, 23:12:40 »
Quote from: jezzer on 2012 November 28, 20:28:39
No. Fuck you. Go away.
I was raised by my fine Southern-genteel-lady of a momma and so could never allow myself to behave like that ^ in public [my impatient sailor-potty-mouth usually only comes out with those nearest and dearest and never in front of elders
However, there's a little repressed devilish brat deep inside me that does a little dance of glee when I see you guys talk like that... So,
Happy Fucking Holidays!
~slowly & guiltily backing out of the penis thread~
Even a broken clock gets to be right twice a day.
Grammar Police
Posts: 4931
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Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #129 on:
2012 November 29, 00:09:49 »
It's what it gets for not LURKING MOAR. And for suggesting that "the pleasure of helping" is reason enough to do something. We don't do twee.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 173
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #130 on:
2012 November 29, 00:35:30 »
Quote from: Tyvamin on 2012 November 27, 19:07:34
Up !
Hello, I would like a little penis, with the top still on, a "upperbody" format, not as a accessory. I got already one, but it bugs, can I send you the file by mail please ? Thanks ^^
Of course if we don't know the context of my message it's a little weird :p
Quote from: Tyvamin on 2012 November 28, 16:52:21
For the pleasure of helping someone. ^^
PS : I don't need the "package", I take care of it my-self, but just somebody to look where are bugs..
It's generally not a good idea to accept files from strangers just because they ask you to accept them; it's a little different than offering something that people want or need and then obliging, and in this case the item in question is obscure enough that I rather doubt you'd get many takers anyway. Perhaps if you describe a set of circumstances where something like that would be needed, and someone thinks it sounds like a good idea, they'll tackle it for themselves and share their version of a...dick shirt, or whatever it is you're asking for. Or maybe they will just mock you. Who knows?
Either way, people here don't really do the whole "helping just for the sake of helping" thing all that often, and even less frequently if you're just some random person who obviously hasn't lurked for more than eight seconds. Just go to MTS and ask for help in the creator forum. Describe the bugs and more than likely someone there can tell you what the issue is without ever downloading the file itself.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #131 on:
2012 December 01, 14:33:21 »
I'm no expert, but it looks to me like you need to work on the joint assignments. And if you're trying to make something for the bottom half (pants for example) cloned from something for the top half (a shirt), you may never get the correct joint assignments. It really would be better to bring this up for discussion at Mod The Sims
(or is discussing genitalia-type stuff deemed unsuitable over there? If so, try Sexy Sims forum?
), but here's some info on assigning joints in TSRW:
Even a broken clock gets to be right twice a day.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #132 on:
2012 December 13, 15:08:47 »
i downloaded and applied this mod but my sims' penis just wont show up
I use the cmar_PenisMesh_Map2 and I have already downloaded and applied TummyZa's skins (it works perfectly)
how can I fix this?
is there any other files that I have to download?
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #133 on:
2012 December 16, 19:58:32 »
Awesome!! Congratulations man!
I do have suggestions to improve though.
you could add some new sliders:
- glans size (for "mushrooms")
- veins (set the start of the slider as no veins and the end to very veiny)
- penis color (most penises are not really the same color as the rest of the body, you could add a slider to darken it compared to the body)
- glans color (the glans is always more pink/purple than the penis skin, you could set the start of the slider to "exatly the same color" and gradually change the color over the slider)
also it is a little weird that the "default" state is hard and not soft, it would be good to change that (or at least create a "set default state" command).
and I dont know if it's possible, but it would be nice a command to stay nude in the game (not "nude clothes", like we find in most mods). it's almost pointless to have such awesome tools to customize the penis and it's only noticeable while showering.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 173
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #134 on:
2012 December 17, 00:12:03 »
Quote from: DanielVieira on 2012 December 16, 19:58:32
also it is a little weird that the "default" state is hard and not soft, it would be good to change that (or at least create a "set default state" command).
The default state is soft in my game, or at least it was the last time I noticed a naked Sim.
Quote from: DanielVieira on 2012 December 16, 19:58:32
and I dont know if it's possible, but it would be nice a command to stay nude in the game (not "nude clothes", like we find in most mods). it's almost pointless to have such awesome tools to customize the penis and it's only noticeable while showering.
Technically, even the nude pieces that ship with the game could be called "clothes," depending on the way you define the word in the context of the game, since Sims "wear" nude meshes just as they wear clothed meshes. In some cases there are actually multiples within the game itself, which is exactly what you get with custom "nude clothing": clones with unique internal numbering and different category flags. Take the base game male nude athletic top for instance. It's actually not the same as the nude top they wear in the shower, but the only differences are the numbering and category flags. Visibly, they are the same mesh, textures etc, and the game uses them in the same way, just for different categories.
Anyway, you could try
. It allows you to change the Sims into their nude clothing (the way the description is worded indicates that they are the pieces they actually use in the shower, not clones) on command.
Last Edit: 2012 December 17, 03:27:53 by bitterquill
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 59
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #135 on:
2013 February 08, 14:53:15 »
Late to the party, but whatever.
Quote from: Tyvamin on 2012 November 27, 19:07:34
Up !
Hello, I would like a little penis, with the top still on, a "upperbody" format, not as a accessory. I got already one, but it bugs, can I send you the file by mail please ? Thanks ^^
Of course if we don't know the context of my message it's a little weird :p
Yes, that's weird. I don't see the point of an "upperbody" format, and really don't understand what you mean. If you just want a smaller penis, use the sliders.
Quote from: DanielVieira on 2012 December 16, 19:58:32
you could add some new sliders:
- glans size (for "mushrooms")
- veins (set the start of the slider as no veins and the end to very veiny)
- penis color (most penises are not really the same color as the rest of the body, you could add a slider to darken it compared to the body)
- glans color (the glans is always more pink/purple than the penis skin, you could set the start of the slider to "exatly the same color" and gradually change the color over the slider)
There's already a confusing number of sliders, IMO. The only one above that's even doable is the glans size. Texture details like color can't be controlled by a slider.
Quote from: DanielVieira on 2012 December 16, 19:58:32
also it is a little weird that the "default" state is hard and not soft, it would be good to change that (or at least create a "set default state" command).
Very weird, since the default state IS soft. Maybe you're looking at someone else's penis, lol.
Quote from: DanielVieira on 2012 December 16, 19:58:32
and I dont know if it's possible, but it would be nice a command to stay nude in the game (not "nude clothes", like we find in most mods). it's almost pointless to have such awesome tools to customize the penis and it's only noticeable while showering.
What bitterquill said. I don't think it's possible to make a sim stay in the nude outfit without a core mod. What's wrong with nude clothing? The nude state is just clothing like any other, and properly made nude clothing links to the same meshes.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 101
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #136 on:
2013 February 11, 07:48:20 »
Question is this compatible with University Life? It was working prior to University life, but now when nude it goes back to the Barbie Doll look....or Ken Look, lol, I have taken out mods, have created new game, I thought maybe it was maybe something with the update from Nrass, when changing clothes the males have all the details, but when nude they go back to default version of Barbie/Ken look. Question is this compatible with University Life and patched version of 1.50 the latest version?
Well this a bit strange, I re-downloaded all the files, re inserted them, now it is finally showing up in the game.
Last Edit: 2013 April 25, 19:10:19 by kece
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #137 on:
2013 June 07, 23:13:24 »
Quote from: kece on 2013 February 11, 07:48:20
Question is this compatible with University Life? It was working prior to University life, but now when nude it goes back to the Barbie Doll look....or Ken Look, lol, I have taken out mods, have created new game, I thought maybe it was maybe something with the update from Nrass, when changing clothes the males have all the details, but when nude they go back to default version of Barbie/Ken look. Question is this compatible with University Life and patched version of 1.50 the latest version?
Well this a bit strange, I re-downloaded all the files, re inserted them, now it is finally showing up in the game.
This version here is out of date the one over at sexysims 2 was updated this year and works well in university.
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