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Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
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Topic: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12 (Read 412614 times)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 59
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, translations requested
Reply #100 on:
2011 November 12, 08:36:50 »
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, translations requested
Reply #101 on:
2011 November 24, 17:25:22 »
First of all I would like to say thank you for this mod. I've been searching for it and now here it is! Thanks again!
But, firstly sorry if I am caught a bit dumb, but I don't understand how to make it work. I mean I don't even understand the use of the skin, and the default and the non-default mode. I tried to search it, read it, but it just seemed difficult to be understood. So, could anyone tell me how to make this work? Not about the technical stuff, but rather what should I have to make this mod work, the skin stuff, and do I have to have the de-sensor mod? Or should I have the nude outfit if I want to have it as an everyday wear?
Thanks a lot.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 59
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, translations requested
Reply #102 on:
2011 November 24, 21:06:01 »
To make it work, you choose one of the mesh packages (map1 or map2, just to get it working it doesn't matter) and one of the Sliders/Script packages (Pets if your game is patched up to date, Pre-Pets if it isn't or you don't know) and install them in your mods/packages folder.
An adult skin is useful only for cosmetics - if you use the default skin or any skin without a penis texture, the penis will be a flat color and not look very realistic. You can look on
for skins - all the ones for DBCAB's penis are compatible with my map1 mesh package. Default skins replace the skin texture that came with the game and show up on all sims that haven't been created or set to use a non-default skin. Non-default skins are assigned to sims on an individual basis.
You only need the de-censor mod if you want to actually see your sims nude!
Every sim has a nude outfit that's used when they bathe. In the sims world it's just another set of clothing, but one that consists of the naked body. If you want the nude outfit used as Everyday, you need a nudist mod like Snaitf's True Nudists. Other nudist mods seem to interfere with penis mods so I recommend trying that one if you want. I've also done a Get Naked script if all you want is for your sims to walk around nude sometimes. Both are available on SexySims2.
I hope that answers your questions!
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, translations requested
Reply #103 on:
2011 November 25, 09:30:14 »
Quote from: Cmar on 2011 November 24, 21:06:01
To make it work, you choose one of the mesh packages (map1 or map2, just to get it working it doesn't matter) and one of the Sliders/Script packages (Pets if your game is patched up to date, Pre-Pets if it isn't or you don't know) and install them in your mods/packages folder.
An adult skin is useful only for cosmetics - if you use the default skin or any skin without a penis texture, the penis will be a flat color and not look very realistic. You can look on
for skins - all the ones for DBCAB's penis are compatible with my map1 mesh package. Default skins replace the skin texture that came with the game and show up on all sims that haven't been created or set to use a non-default skin. Non-default skins are assigned to sims on an individual basis.
You only need the de-censor mod if you want to actually see your sims nude!
Every sim has a nude outfit that's used when they bathe. In the sims world it's just another set of clothing, but one that consists of the naked body. If you want the nude outfit used as Everyday, you need a nudist mod like Snaitf's True Nudists. Other nudist mods seem to interfere with penis mods so I recommend trying that one if you want. I've also done a Get Naked script if all you want is for your sims to walk around nude sometimes. Both are available on SexySims2.
I hope that answers your questions!
Wow that's a very thorough explanation and yes that's answer my questions. Thanks a lot Cmar! Oh btw, can I see the adjustment of the penis and stuff in CAS? Because I've tried it but it's nowhere....
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 59
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, translations requested
Reply #104 on:
2011 November 25, 13:01:35 »
Quote from: leado on 2011 November 25, 09:30:14
Wow that's a very thorough explanation and yes that's answer my questions. Thanks a lot Cmar! Oh btw, can I see the adjustment of the penis and stuff in CAS? Because I've tried it but it's nowhere....
The penis sliders should be in the Looks tab, Head/Ears section, in the Advanced view, General area. You may have to scroll down the list a little. Make sure to delete your cache files when you install the sliders.
Edit: Also you need a mod to see your sim naked in CAS while you make those adjustments - NRaas MasterController is probably the easiest if you don't use AwesomeMod. Change your sim to naked with my script or MasterController Basic/Outfit, then use MasterController Advanced/Edit in CAS.
Last Edit: 2011 November 25, 21:11:38 by Cmar
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 59
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, update 11/28/11
Reply #105 on:
2011 November 28, 15:36:48 »
Sorry to double-post - new version of the meshes uploaded to fix a couple of problems. See the OP for details.
As a side note for meshers - the muscle definition seam was caused by the mesh tangents being changed by import/export to Milkshape. I copied the original values back. The teen waist gap was caused by the bone assignments being slightly changed - don't know how that happened.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, update 11/28/11
Reply #106 on:
2011 November 29, 15:31:19 »
Thanks for the update Cmar, I appreciate all you do for us simmers.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, update 11/28/11
Reply #107 on:
2011 November 29, 19:04:57 »
Now lookie here, I try and stay out of the threads of the various mod makers, I figure they'll say if they get pissed off with too many thanks, but I have noticed a rising level of expressed appreciation here and in Anach's thread. So all you speshul snoeflakes who think that several hundred (or thousand) people should load a thread just to read your speshul thanks, please think a little harder before you post.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Grammar Police
Posts: 4931
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Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, update 11/28/11
Reply #108 on:
2011 November 29, 19:19:43 »
Also, don't sign your posts. And wipe that stupid look off your face.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, update 11/28/11
Reply #109 on:
2012 January 31, 04:18:13 »
Here's the russian strings
Состояние члена
Настройки члена
Эрективное состояние, Расслабленное состояние, Обрезанный, Необрезанный
Сделать член толще / тоньше / длиннее / короче
Сделать мошонку больше / меньше
Длина члена
Толщина члена
Размер мошонки
Крайняя плоть члена
Эрекция члена / Эрекция необрезанного члена
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, update 11/28/11
Reply #110 on:
2012 February 03, 15:02:58 »
Uhh, that was a lot of work to get registered here. But I wanted to say thank you!!!
And I can translate the word to german if you still need or want them.
Penis State= Penis Zustand
Penis Settings= Penis Einstellungen
Advanced= Erweitert
Get Hard, Get Soft, Get Circumcised, Get Uncircumcised= Werde Hart, Werde Weich, Werde Beschnitten, Werde Unbeschnitten
Set Penis thicker / thinner / longer / shorter= Mach Penis dicker/ dünner/ länger/ kürzer
Set Testicles bigger / smaller= Mach Testikel größer/ kleiner
Penis Length= Penis Länge
Penis Thickness= Penis Umfang
Testicle Size= Testikel Größe
Penis Foreskin= Penis Vorhaut
Penis Erection / Uncut Erection= Penis Erektion/ Unbeschnittene Erektion
Thats it. Thank you again for your fantastic work.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, update 11/28/11
Reply #111 on:
2012 February 04, 01:07:29 »
BTW, does anyone else get a 'penis state' option on their pets' menu? If so, is there a way to stop that appearing? And no, I haven't read through the thread, this is a totally idle and spur of the moment query.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 190
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, update 11/28/11
Reply #112 on:
2012 February 04, 06:30:14 »
There are two versions. If you have the version for Pets, the latest patch might have done something weird. It used to do that with mine before the Pets version was made.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, update 11/28/11
Reply #113 on:
2012 February 04, 07:02:38 »
I thought I had the latest but I have re-downloaded and will check. Cheers.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, update 11/28/11
Reply #114 on:
2012 March 02, 09:55:21 »
Here are the Finnish strings:
Peniksen tila
Peniksen asetukset
Tarkat säädöt
Kova, Lepotila, Ympärileikattu, Ympärileikkaamaton
Säädä penistä paksummaksi / ohuemmaksi / pidemmäksi / lyhyemmäksi
Säädä kiveksiä suuremmiksi / pienemmiksi
Peniksen pituus
Peniksen paksuus
Kivesten koko
Peniksen erektoituneisuus / Ympärileikkaamattoman erektoituneisuus
Some of the strings are very long due to our stupid grammar, but I hope you can use them.
Last Edit: 2012 March 02, 10:28:40 by Janna
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, update 11/28/11
Reply #115 on:
2012 March 04, 15:35:31 »
Hi Cmar,
Does all your all of your penis mods need updating?
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, update 11/28/11
Reply #116 on:
2012 March 20, 07:27:14 »
Nice work dude, all works fine for me.
Now what I miss is a Vulva Mesh like in Sims 2.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 157
Criminal Mastermind
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, update 11/28/11
Reply #117 on:
2012 March 20, 15:59:05 »
Why do you NEED a Vulva mesh?
There are plenty of skintones out there with hand-drawn vulvas you can search for.
"Humor.. It is a difficult concept.. It is not logical.." - Lt. Saavik, Star Trek: Wrath of Khan
Grammar Police
Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) - final(ish) version, update 11/28/11
Reply #118 on:
2012 March 20, 16:11:20 »
If it's spending its entire game zoomed in on crotch level, logic isn't at play here.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #119 on:
2012 May 10, 03:35:08 »
Updated Russian strings (link)
as .stbl for:
- MorphingPenisScript
- penis_tilt_slider
- penis_angle_slider
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 87
Domestic Goddess
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #120 on:
2012 June 06, 17:19:15 »
Is the script part of this compatible with Patch 1.34?
If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left handed people are in their right mind.
TFM'S Naughty Sims Asylum
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #121 on:
2012 June 07, 12:23:58 »
Yes, I would also like to know if it's going to need an update for the newest patch, as I usually wait to patch my game until all my in-game mods have been updated... Thank you Cmar for all your contributions! I appreciate you!
Even a broken clock gets to be right twice a day.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #122 on:
2012 June 20, 10:49:36 »
Unfortunately, I can't seem to get this to work no matter what I try. The sliders show up exactly where they should, but no penis. There's just nothing there but Ken dollness. :/ I don't know what I'm doing wrong or if it's a patch thing. It looks amazing!
Madame Mim
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1436
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Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #123 on:
2012 June 21, 09:50:26 »
Did you install a map to go with your sliders?
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 60
Re: Morphing penis (NWS) -new version, update 04/29/12
Reply #124 on:
2012 June 26, 05:09:52 »
Quote from: JoJoMcGillicutti on 2012 June 20, 10:49:36
Unfortunately, I can't seem to get this to work no matter what I try. The sliders show up exactly where they should, but no penis. There's just nothing there but Ken dollness. :/ I don't know what I'm doing wrong or if it's a patch thing. It looks amazing!
You probably have two default male-bottom nude meshes in the mods/download folder. The game read the other no-penis mesh one. You must find and delete this mesh.
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