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Topic: Eco friendly family house (Read 43386 times)
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #25 on:
2011 July 08, 17:29:58 »
Quote from: Anach on 2011 July 08, 17:18:51
"Insulated glazing (IG) also known as double glazing are double or triple glass window panes separated by an air or other gas filled space to reduce heat transfer across a part of the building envelope"
While she was definitely wrong to claim that "double-glazed" was in error, she's not wrong when she calls it "double-paned". Perhaps it's a regional thing, but I see that far more often, and google certainly believes it's a real thing.
Not that I mean to imply that google is a scholarly source, of course.
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
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Grammar Police
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #26 on:
2011 July 08, 17:35:54 »
Can I point out that people are arguing the environmental impact of an IMAGINARY HOUSE? Because I don't think it can be said enough.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #27 on:
2011 July 08, 18:07:06 »
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2011 July 08, 17:29:58
Quote from: Anach on 2011 July 08, 17:18:51
"Insulated glazing (IG) also known as double glazing are double or triple glass window panes separated by an air or other gas filled space to reduce heat transfer across a part of the building envelope"
While she was definitely wrong to claim that "double-glazed" was in error, she's not wrong when she calls it "double-paned". Perhaps it's a regional thing, but I see that far more often, and google certainly believes it's a real thing.
Not that I mean to imply that google is a scholarly source, of course.
I'm sure a lot of it is regional. Such as wood heating here is considered harmful, and leaving the tap running is considered a waste. Which is the basis of my original opinion. It appears every other post was attempt to correct my opinion with facts, but failing to allow for regional differences in environment, power generation, and the likes, which I tried to point out in my second and sixth post. Also pointed out by witch. At no point have I suggested that anyone's facts are wrong, and it's obvious I don't need to.
Quote from: jeromycraig on 2011 July 08, 17:35:54
Can I point out that people are arguing the environmental impact of an IMAGINARY HOUSE? Because I don't think it can be said enough.
I tried pointing that out in my 3rd and 4th post. Maybe I should have been more clear. I had never intended my opinion to start a Google fact finding mission to educate me in the environmental impact and power generation of wood. At least this gives me an excuse to up my post count
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #28 on:
2011 July 08, 18:44:14 »
Quote from: jeromycraig on 2011 July 08, 17:35:54
Can I point out that people are arguing the environmental impact of an IMAGINARY HOUSE? Because I don't think it can be said enough.
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #29 on:
2011 July 08, 18:49:26 »
Ah, yes, here they are referred to double paned or double hung windows, some even offer TRIPLE paned blah blah blah. My mistake, wasn't aware they were called a different thing elsewhere. Still doesn't explain your water slide fail. But the back peddling is funny.
"Hurrrrr Nice house, but snarky comment hurrrrr"
"Hurrrrr Not all the time, because of local topgraphy and climate and other real world things huuuuuuurrrrr"
"Here are some real world facts"
"Huuuuurrrrrrrr it's an imaginary house, why are you bringing up real world stuff? hurrrrrr"
Quote from: reggikko
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #30 on:
2011 July 08, 18:55:35 »
Quote from: Jelenedra on 2011 July 08, 18:49:26
Ah, yes, here they are referred to double paned or double hung windows, some even offer TRIPLE paned blah blah blah. My mistake, wasn't aware they were called a different thing elsewhere. Still doesn't explain your water slide fail. But the back peddling is funny.
"Hurrrrr Nice house, but snarky comment hurrrrr"
"Hurrrrr Not all the time, because of local topgraphy and climate and other real world things huuuuuuurrrrr"
"Here are some real world facts"
"Huuuuurrrrrrrr it's an imaginary house, why are you bringing up real world stuff? hurrrrrr"
My personal favorite was "I said
, so because it was an opinion facts don't apply".
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #31 on:
2011 July 08, 21:54:52 »
Sims don't need insulation, anyway: Simlandia is isothermal because temperature hasn't been invented yet. It is not hotter inside or outside, everything is the same. No one needs heating or cooling.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 52
Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #32 on:
2011 July 08, 22:18:07 »
Quote from: Jelenedra on 2011 July 08, 18:49:26
Still doesn't explain your water slide fail.
Correct me if I'm wrong but is that loud orange thing in the front yard not a water slide? I don't have Generations so I can't say for certain and I admit, until you mentioned it I didn't realize there was a water slide.
Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #33 on:
2011 July 08, 22:25:54 »
Quote from: Seacret on 2011 July 08, 22:18:07
Quote from: Jelenedra on 2011 July 08, 18:49:26
Still doesn't explain your water slide fail.
Correct me if I'm wrong but is that loud orange thing in the front yard not a water slide? I don't have Generations so I can't say for certain and I admit, until you mentioned it I didn't realize there was a water slide.
No, but there's a waterslide connected to the treehouse.
Quote from: rohina on 2011 December 19, 14:32:50
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #34 on:
2011 July 08, 22:56:26 »
The loud orange thing is in fact a waterslide AFAIK. I haven't tried the slide yet and if the treehouse has one too, I will remove the loud orange thing.
I was in the subset of 'kidspace' when I was doing the garden and not the subset of 'eco-friendly', yet, when I saw the water spray on the loud orange thing I did have an eco-twinge. We have metered water here and I have been conditioned to be careful with its use.
ETA: Thanks for the info on the wood fires Sooze, most interesting.
Personally I have given up on some eco-friendly practices in real life. I recently got rid of my $160 per year recycling bin, for instance. I discovered that our town doesn't recycle all classifications of recycling (the number on the bottom of the item is its class), therefore a lot of what I pay to recycle is just chucked in the main rubbish dump anyway. By the time we count in whole boatloads of crap being dumped in the communal oceans, any sacrifice I may make counts for nothing.
I've stopped feeling guilty about driving 20 km a day to work and back when I look at the global number of vehicles clogging the arteries of the world. Hell, I could put myself to a great deal of extra time and inconvenience and catch a diesel spewing bus to work, but what's the point?
I save power only to keep my bills down because when I drive around cities at night I see enough power wastage in lighting and whatnot to cancel out any savings I might make in my lifetime.
And basically, I think it's too late anyway, I think we're fucked, the human race is on the way out. Global warming, the rising oceans and the lack of oil is going to be what does us in. I don't understand why everyone isn't in a panic about this.
Last Edit: 2011 July 08, 23:14:51 by witch
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 190
Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #35 on:
2011 July 08, 23:14:37 »
It doesn't look to me as if the tree house slide has water attached.
Where I'm from, a lawn that lush would not be considered 'eco-friendly', but I know that's not true of everywhere or most Sim worlds. If someone has a dryer Sim world, xeriscaping that lot wouldn't be hard.
Last Edit: 2011 July 10, 16:50:24 by PA
Mushroom Girl
Posts: 1506
Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #36 on:
2011 July 08, 23:41:18 »
You can have lush lawns with a grey water / rainwater tank.
I like the house Witch, I will snag it for when I get Generations installed.
Madame Mim
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #37 on:
2011 July 09, 00:15:45 »
Quote from: soozelwoozel on 2011 July 08, 10:09:07
Quote from: Anach on 2011 July 08, 09:29:20
Nice house, but wood fire polluting the atmosphere and wasting water on a water slide doesn't seem very eco-friendly to me
Nice smart-arse reply, but wood burning stoves are generally considered a much more eco-friendly way of heating your house than using radiators etc.
Eco-friendly Sims get a negative moodlet if they use a water slide.
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 52
Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #38 on:
2011 July 09, 00:17:55 »
Quote from: witch on 2011 July 08, 22:56:26
The loud orange thing is in fact a waterslide AFAIK. I haven't tried the slide yet and if the treehouse has one too, I will remove the loud orange thing.
From what I can see the treehouse slide is just a normal one but you'll have to confirm. Just FYI I do think the house is lovely and will download it once I have GEN, the "loud orange thing" comment wasn't a reflection on the house.
Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #39 on:
2011 July 09, 00:27:48 »
Cheers for the heads-up Madame Mim.
I'm not minding the comments or the debate, I did ask for it, after all.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #40 on:
2011 July 09, 04:10:09 »
I maintain that the most ecologically friendly method of heating your house is with computers. Since you needed a computer anyway, the heat is free and costs nothing. It is certainly better than any form of electrical heater, which just wastes electricity and produces heat without producing any computing. In fact, just about ANY electrical appliance is better at producing heating than a heater. At least some actual WORK is being done before the endproduct emerges as heat.
And I suppose if you wanted to power a waterslide in an ecologically friendly manner, you'd use used showerwater. That way it already has the required soap that you apparently need.
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Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #41 on:
2011 July 09, 04:35:58 »
In fact you could have a showerslide from the top to the bottom of the house. Hop out of bed and showerslide down to the wardrobe.
The most energy efficient house would of course be built underground, but then some of us who own bunkers have already thought of that.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 505
Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #42 on:
2011 July 09, 08:47:21 »
Quote from: Jelenedra on 2011 July 08, 18:49:26
Ah, yes, here they are referred to double paned or double hung windows, some even offer TRIPLE paned blah blah blah. My mistake, wasn't aware they were called a different thing elsewhere. Still doesn't explain your water slide fail. But the back peddling is funny.
"Hurrrrr Nice house, but snarky comment hurrrrr"
"Hurrrrr Not all the time, because of local topgraphy and climate and other real world things huuuuuuurrrrr"
"Here are some real world facts"
"Huuuuurrrrrrrr it's an imaginary house, why are you bringing up real world stuff? hurrrrrr"
It appears you aren't aware of many things. The water slide is the thing on the lawn, with water, that Sims slide on. Though I'm sure enough people have informed you already.
Interesting that even with all these real world facts, there is still no one here that has proven my comment wrong. In fact, even witch has agreed (below) with my points of regional differences and types of power generations, as well as that water slide you failed to see.
Keep trying.
Quote from: witch on 2011 July 08, 11:35:58
Wood is a renewable resource, coal and oil are not. I agree it depends somewhat on the power generating alternatives as to whether the pollution from wood burning fires is acceptable. Some of our cities in NZ, Christchurch in particular, have had to change building codes for chimneys and fireplaces in order to cut down the pollution. The city is built on a very flat plain with little wind.
Just to reiterate and clarify. It is a nice Generations equipped house. It simply didn't jump out and say eco-friendly to me. While this maybe down to regional based opinion, and lifestyle, it's still an opinion. No amount of trivial debate can change that.
Last Edit: 2011 July 09, 09:15:35 by Anach
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J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #43 on:
2011 July 09, 13:09:34 »
Actually, it's a terrible Generations-equipped house. ACCEPT NO KEWIAN-BASED SUBSTITUTES!
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #44 on:
2011 July 09, 16:30:32 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2011 July 09, 13:09:34
Actually, it's a terrible Generations-equipped house. ACCEPT NO KEWIAN-BASED SUBSTITUTES!
I agree that Generations has landed us with a heap of nice-looking Kewian-based rubbish.
Tribulatio proxima est
Tasty Tourist
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #45 on:
2011 July 10, 08:16:37 »
Quote from: witch on 2011 July 08, 22:56:26
And basically, I think it's too late anyway, I think we're fucked, the human race is on the way out. Global warming, the rising oceans and the lack of oil is going to be what does us in. I don't understand why everyone isn't in a panic about this.
I'm curious as to why no one brought this up, I think about this from time to time. Do you ever wonder what on earth humans can do to dig themselves out of this huge hole?
Anyways, nice house
Last Edit: 2011 July 11, 03:26:28 by missingsock
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 190
Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #46 on:
2011 July 10, 17:08:03 »
Quote from: missingsock on 2011 July 10, 08:16:37
Quote from: witch on 2011 July 08, 22:56:26
And basically, I think it's too late anyway, I think we're fucked, the human race is on the way out. Global warming, the rising oceans and the lack of oil is going to be what does us in. I don't understand why everyone isn't in a panic about this.
I'm curious as to why no one brought this up, I think about this from time to time. Do you ever wonder what on earth humans can do to dig themselves out of this huge hole?
The people that could, don't want to; the people who want to, can't.
I certainly don't blame China and India for not wanting to stop developing, and anything the US, UK, and Australia do is pointless in the face of that, unless the things done is stop acting like they can control the weather and start acting like they are intelligent and innovative and start innovating already. The US sits on obscene amounts of natural gas, and if we had the cojones to get to it and use it, it wouldn't be nearly as expensive to switch to it as it would to switch to developing and therefore expensive technologies.
We'll see what happens if the sun enters another Grand Minimum as some suspect.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 493
Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #47 on:
2011 July 10, 21:49:46 »
Put up a few windmills godammit. It'll help the cute solar panels.
Besides, for a house this size, you need panels on every square inch of roof surface to do anything at all, and the enormous cost of those panels will never be actualized in saving the current generation any money. Here in Florida it costs somewhere in the neighborhood of $35,000.00 to fit solar panels on a modest sized home. The roof will be covered with them. They will power everything EXCEPT air conditioning, which is needed at least 6 months a year. During the winter, the home will be completely off the grid and the power company is required to pay back the energy that they then use for others. Grid based power consumption is reduced, not eliminated.
Keep the wood burning stove. There are dark days during and after hurricanes when no sun is to be seen and no power to be had. Strictly biased by location, of course. Or you could just use an outdoor grill like I do.
Speaking of which (!) Is there any way to make grills more versatile with recipes? I learned to cook just about anything over an open fire during several hurricanes, from breakfast to soups and full dinners.
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Malodorous Moron
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #48 on:
2011 July 26, 16:21:09 »
I absolutely love your lots Witch, I hope you're willing to share more of them in the future.
ETA: I'm not at all concerned about the human race. In fact I embrace the day we'll get wiped out. The only reason I would panic is that I probably won't live long enough to see it happen. I mean come on, we had our chance and we crewed up big time. The world is much better off without us.
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
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Re: Eco friendly family house
Reply #49 on:
2011 July 26, 21:06:06 »
Quote from: virgali on 2011 July 26, 16:21:09
I'm not at all concerned about the human race. In fact I embrace the day we'll get wiped out. The only reason I would panic is that I probably won't live long enough to see it happen. I mean come on, we had our chance and we crewed up big time. The world is much better off without us.
Wow, what a whiny fucking loser attitude. Sack up.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
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