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Need help with Custom Object + Animation
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Topic: Need help with Custom Object + Animation (Read 15720 times)
Undead Member
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Need help with Custom Object + Animation
2011 June 27, 17:19:40 »
Hello all
i'm working on a brand new object but I'm seriously stuck(ed ?)
so i'm asking for help everywhere
The plan is to make a pretty cool coffe machine (a
Moka pot
i've cloend the basic "Extra Pep Coffeemaker", which have basically 3 blocks:
the base, the drawer and the carafe.
now when I export the mesh, i can't see any bones/joints so i've some damned problem in placing my mesh correctly but what is worst is the fact that
i can't reanimate my object correctly
indeed i need to animate the cover, which in origin was the drawer, which should be opened by rotating on Y-Axis (i think but maybe its X) instad to slide if anyone have some suggestion, help, tutorial, docs is very very welcome !
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Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #1 on:
2011 June 27, 18:31:06 »
Import the coffee pot into milkshape first to load the bones. Then your moka pot, and assign the bones as fits. I would suggest lining up the animation points as closely as you can. If you need to change, for instance, where they grab the handle you can do this by using S3rig maker, I believe. I had to do this recently to adjust the height of the animation for sitting on a chair recently. You're going to have to wait till MTS is up.
Sorry, I thought you were from 2011, this advice is for the sims 3.
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Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #2 on:
2011 June 27, 18:38:52 »
it was too shiny to be real
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #3 on:
2011 June 28, 02:22:17 »
It never ceases to amaze me when somebody reads a post in a Sims 2 forum and then castigates the poster for not playing Sims 3. If it offends you so much that people are making things for Sims 2, why are you reading posts in the Sims 2 area? Unless. . . you're looking for a reason to act superior. Oh, never.
To the OP: in a day or two or three, when MTS is back up, go to the "Create" forums and first browse all the threads having to do with animation and so on, to see if someone else's issue addresses yours, and then, if you still have questions, post there. Another place where people actually talk about the nuts and bolts of making Sims 2 objects is Sims2artists. Also Black Pearl. There are other places but I'm not thinking of them at the moment.
I would save the "Oops!" forum for gameplay issues, rather than creation issues.
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Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #4 on:
2011 June 28, 02:41:53 »
Actually, I was trying to help. I didn't notice what category this thread was in until I already posted.
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Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #5 on:
2011 June 28, 04:14:34 »
Quote from: kissing_toast on 2011 June 28, 02:41:53
Actually, I was trying to help. I didn't notice what category this thread was in until I already posted.
Eh, not your fault. TS2 players are notoriously touchy.
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Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #6 on:
2011 June 28, 04:17:39 »
Quote from: jeromycraig on 2011 June 28, 04:14:34
Quote from: kissing_toast on 2011 June 28, 02:41:53
Actually, I was trying to help. I didn't notice what category this thread was in until I already posted.
Eh, not your fault. TS2 players are notoriously touchy.
Witness Rufio and Paden.
Quote from: rohina on 2011 December 19, 14:32:50
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Undead Member
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Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #7 on:
2011 June 28, 07:51:51 »
Fisrt of all.. thank you alot Ritaxis
Quote from: jeromycraig on 2011 June 28, 04:14:34
Quote from: kissing_toast on 2011 June 28, 02:41:53
Actually, I was trying to help. I didn't notice what category this thread was in until I already posted.
Eh, not your fault. TS2 players are notoriously touchy.
What does it mean "TS2 players are notoriously touchy." ?
i'm Italian and trying to learn the slang/
way to say things
ad I can't get it
Last Edit: 2011 June 28, 08:03:21 by MaximilianPS
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Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #8 on:
2011 June 28, 09:36:51 »
Quote from: MaximilianPS on 2011 June 28, 07:51:51
What does it mean "TS2 players are notoriously touchy." ?
i'm Italian and trying to learn the slang/
way to say things
ad I can't get it
Quick to anger or known to be easily irritated = notoriously touchy.
(Not necessarily true).
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Undead Member
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Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #9 on:
2011 June 28, 15:32:01 »
well i'm pretty touchy to be honest 'cause I'm very very disappointed, I feel betrayed by
for what they done to The Sims
anyway thank you for the lesson
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Posts: 1272
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Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #10 on:
2011 June 28, 17:45:34 »
Quote from: MaximilianPS on 2011 June 28, 15:32:01
well i'm pretty touchy to be honest 'cause I'm very very disappointed, I feel betrayed by
for what they done to The Sims
anyway thank you for the lesson
At first I felt the same way. I did not like the Sims 3 at all. But you know what, I sucked it up and made the switch. The more I played the more I liked it, now looking at Sims 2 I would never go back, and I've tried.
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Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #11 on:
2011 June 28, 17:49:25 »
Playing the Sims seems like too much work nowadays. Either 2 or 3. There is so much you have to do to make sure either CC or EA doesn't ruin your game
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Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #12 on:
2011 June 28, 18:40:46 »
Also just playing is hard work. Unless you're prepared to just sit and watch as your sims play themselves, you have to open the game with a plan of campaign ready, and mug up on where all your sims are in their lives' progress and where they're meant to be aiming for etc. Plan what you are hoping to do during the play session... then when you're actually in it, you have to set up the opportunities, make sure they don't interfere with and distract each other. It's just bloody hard work and stress. I liked the game best when they just had their 8 motives, 6 sliding personality traits, and bills to meet. All they needed to do to keep me happy was to gradually update the graphics of the sims1 game, until we got an open world like we have now. I didn't need the actual gameplay changing.
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Asinine Airhead
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Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #13 on:
2011 June 29, 13:51:37 »
To retain your joints right click on the GMDC in SimPE and choose Export. In Milkshape choose Import/Sims 2 UniMesh Import V4.09A. Make your mesh changes (assign joints as needed) then export the same way. In SimPE right click the GMDC again and choose Import. To change the rotation of a joint you will need to alter the values in the CRES.
Undead Member
Posts: 441
da grammar killer
Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #14 on:
2011 June 29, 20:20:39 »
yes, the main problem is that... there aren't bones
btw, I've fixed about all.. but i can't open the top.
while the rest looks fine to me.
**news:1, i've been able to replace the mug with the coffee cup, i'm pretty happy 'n proud about that lol
**news:2 i've followed Echo's tutorial about adding bones to a mesh, and it's working fine, but i've no idea on how to play the animation during the game now O_o'
Last Edit: 2011 June 30, 10:47:47 by MaximilianPS
Undead Member
Posts: 441
da grammar killer
Re: Need help with Custom Object + Animation
Reply #15 on:
2011 June 30, 21:01:49 »
could you keep this post clean and go to OffToping somewhere else ?
by the way, it's pretty done... I just wondering how to modify the needs during the coffee drinking without compromising the other objects
[edit after a massive post removal]
cool.. now I look like a freak which talk himself >.<
Last Edit: 2011 July 01, 13:48:01 by MaximilianPS
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