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Author Topic: clothes buy crashes the game - SOLVED  (Read 13579 times)
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 162


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clothes buy crashes the game - SOLVED
« on: 2011 April 24, 14:08:49 »

For some time now I've experienced random crashing when using the clothingtool - same crashes have happened when I load body shop outside of the game.
The weird thing is it is never at the same spot, but very much random. Sometimes nothing happens (if I'm lucky), but eventually it will happen.
I've removed chache files, tried running with cheatsenabled to get it to generate an error - I've also tried to remove custom clothing to see if anything changed, and it seemed at first.
But adding files again, I can't seem to narrow down to the culprit, because it doesn't matter what part of the massive amount of custom clothing I add, the game crashes. (an estimate of the total amount of custom clothes is about 1 gb)
It seems my game can't take that amount, which is weird, since it's a completely new build with a great gcard and 12 gb of RAM.

I only got the game to generate an exception log, which doesn't tell me much.
Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be? How do I find the offending cc when binary search doesn't seem to work?

« Last Edit: 2011 August 06, 15:46:41 by Crash » Logged

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: clothes buy crashes the game
« Reply #1 on: 2011 April 25, 05:38:31 »

Exception logs are useless. The problem is clearly bad CC, or perhaps too much of it. Remember that having 12 GBs of RAM is useless here: Sims 2 is a 32bit program that will only comprehend 2. With 1 GB of crap and godknowshowmuchelse, you're probably blowing out some RAM.

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toad in the hole
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Re: clothes buy crashes the game
« Reply #2 on: 2011 April 25, 09:28:29 »

Have a closer look at your Saved Sims folder, sometimes the culprit's in there.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 162


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Re: clothes buy crashes the game
« Reply #3 on: 2011 April 29, 10:09:46 »

Exception logs are useless. The problem is clearly bad CC, or perhaps too much of it. Remember that having 12 GBs of RAM is useless here: Sims 2 is a 32bit program that will only comprehend 2. With 1 GB of crap and godknowshowmuchelse, you're probably blowing out some RAM.
I didn't know that. I figured it was partly the amount of cc that was the problem, but I didn't know Sims 2 itself could be the culprit. I do have alot of crap in my downloads folder. This game is starting to piss me off.

@toad, looking in saved sims is a good advice, so I'll do that.

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Corpulent Cretin
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Re: clothes buy crashes the game
« Reply #4 on: 2011 April 29, 16:01:47 »

I'm not sure if this will help, and I'm not sure if there's some game/processing/arbitrary reason that it shouldn't be done, but this thread over at GoS gives instructions for forcing the game to recognize RAM over 2GB. Actually, it's just the instructions for TS3, used on TS2. I tried it on my game and nothing terrible has happened. I haven't noticed any huge difference, but I don't have that much cc compared to others.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 162


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Re: clothes buy crashes the game
« Reply #5 on: 2011 May 12, 00:44:54 »

I'm not sure if this will help, and I'm not sure if there's some game/processing/arbitrary reason that it shouldn't be done, but this thread over at GoS gives instructions for forcing the game to recognize RAM over 2GB. Actually, it's just the instructions for TS3, used on TS2. I tried it on my game and nothing terrible has happened. I haven't noticed any huge difference, but I don't have that much cc compared to others.
Thanks for the info, I still need to do some more testing, but it actually seems to be working. I used both methods - forcing the game to actually use more RAM, and also to set the DEP, and the game definitely runs more smooth. Theoretically the game must have tried to access something outside of the data memory range and crashed. Maybe.

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