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Author Topic: Custom TV Channels (Don't overwrite, own video/audio)  (Read 6934 times)
Asinine Airhead

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Custom TV Channels (Don't overwrite, own video/audio)
« on: 2011 January 23, 17:45:40 »

This has been up on MTS for a while and I just finally updated it so that audio is in-sync with your video files.

This is a PDF with about 3,000+ words and 15+ shiny pictures to help you make a TV Channel. The programs that you cant really find that you need I included in the zip file.

MATY won't let me upload because it's too large, so you need to download from MTS:


This guide will go through the steps on creating a channel that's viewable to your Sims WITHOUT overwriting any files! You will also be able to use your own video clip(s)!

The tutorial contains pictures for almost every single step for the visuals, as well as gives detailed pointers to make sure that nothing goes wrong when your creating your channel.

I spent almost a month creating this tutorial, and very proud to release it. However, I could not of created this tutorial without the many people who helped come up with theories in the discussion thread for custom channels as well as the creators of the many programs out their making modding easier every day.

Anyways, here's a list of features of the tutorial:
Lots of pictures!
Contains the converting programs, so no need to download much!
List of all the programs being used
Offline and Online Version (Online being worked on)

The tutorial is contained as a .pdf for easy viewing. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 9 to view the tutorial.


I found it best to install a fully codec pack and then re-boot the computer. The one I used is: Cole2k Media Codec Pack Advanced
You can get it for free from their site, or if you google it.

The EA Converter contained will allow you to convert .video files into .avi so you can view them. I included the program in case you wish to extract a original video file. They can be found in Fullbuild1 as "Sims3TV_". Just drag and drop the file onto eaconv.exe.
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