Virgali reminded me that I had been intending to share my main sims 3 house. It's seen three generations through it already and works just fine for me. I do play with a decrapified save, so you takes your chances. It's a 40x40 lot with 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. The routing seems to work well because there's a large central path right through the house. There is room on the beach side of the house for a nice verandah with barbecue, and possibly room for a pool. I believe the only extra content is from the store.
The original sims were great travellers in their younger days, and although they're limited to group bus tours in their dotage, their furnishings reflect a more adventurous past. The lot holds a mature garden and most fish species - except for the harder ones which I have not finished collecting yet. In fact, now I think about it, the chests in the cellar/basement contain most of the seeds in perfect form. (Except for omni-plants and possibly money plants). There may also be rocks and gems stored there, it's been some months since I played this family.
If you want lot edges to work properly, the house fits on this section in the original neighbourhood.

Front view

Side view

Beachside view



Cellar / Basement
(The sarcophagi are the other side of a diving pool because it stops my sims from trying to sleep in them).

Dining room

Living area from another angle



Main entrance

Lounge area

Closeup of ground floor bedrooms

Master bedroom

Closer look at upstairs