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Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
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Topic: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty (Read 51013 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
2010 September 25, 13:47:52 »
I cannot post this is the proper thread, so someone more awesome than myself will need to handle that, but here are Barnacle Bay and Buccaneers Bounty in one neat, unmodified .rar file.
I am Bipolar, have PMS and a gun... any fucking questions???
Mr Crinkles
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 15
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #1 on:
2010 September 25, 16:16:19 »
It said the installation failed becos I need to get the latest game updates. Thing is, I have the latest game updates, so what do I need to do?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 37
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #2 on:
2010 September 25, 16:17:10 »
Did you decrapify them before you tried to install?
"Tact? What good is tact? I've tried that on people and they still don't do what I want!"
Originally joined 9/3/2008, then got lost in the purge.
Mr Crinkles
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 15
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #3 on:
2010 September 25, 16:23:26 »
Ah, no. I didn't realise I needed to do that. Thank you.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 163
I had a psychic once. It was incredible
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #4 on:
2010 September 25, 16:52:29 »
Quote from: Mr Crinkles on 2010 September 25, 16:23:26
Ah, no. I didn't realise I needed to do that. Thank you.
and this is why we don't start unnecessary threads of items already posted in places where they belong.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #5 on:
2010 September 25, 21:34:26 »
Nah, we leave the n00bs to stagger round blindly in this thread, ineptly trying to 'help' each other, whilst we sit back and kill ourselves laughing. Get with the programme.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #6 on:
2010 September 26, 03:11:52 »
Quote from: OmegaStarr on 2010 September 25, 16:52:29
Quote from: Mr Crinkles on 2010 September 25, 16:23:26
Ah, no. I didn't realise I needed to do that. Thank you.
and this is why we don't start unnecessary threads of items already posted in places where they belong.
Really? Would you tell me where it's posted... cuz I checked the store items thread for the past day looking to see if someone else had it available before I spent my hard earned free sim points on it. There was no option and still isn't, for me to post in that thread. And for the record... I have been a member of this site for 4 years, and started as many thread... so if your epeen gets big by stroking it with my perceived n00bness, have it... otherwise fuck you and ... yeah, thats it.
I am Bipolar, have PMS and a gun... any fucking questions???
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 163
I had a psychic once. It was incredible
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #7 on:
2010 September 26, 03:51:13 »
Well first off the <TS3 Store, DOWNLOADS ONLY. New stuff will be moved here from the other thread> is a locked thread hence the title. So that's why you haven't been able to reply. Not to mention it hasn't been updated in about 3 months. Next,
Quote from: captaincaliena on 2010 September 23, 03:51:05
Quote from: rum nate on 2010 September 23, 00:54:34
Barnacle Bay is now in the store
, and it does cost 1650 points.
Just bought it. Should have the link to share with you guys as soon as my slow ass internet finishes uploading it to my mediafire account.
Edit: Here ya go kids
Unmodified Barnacle Bay (Decrapify before use)
Quote from: markjs on 2010 September 23, 04:38:55
for the link.
Uploading MF mirror.
Edit in a sec.
Here you go:
not to mention
Quote from: rednotdead on 2010 September 02, 17:31:12
Quote from: rum nate on 2010 September 02, 17:20:42
There is also the
Buccaneer's Bounty
on sale for 500 simpoints until the 10th.
Have it and just posting the media fire link, also included is the classical clock file for purchasing 1,000 simpoints
and just to further prove my point
Quote from: markjs on 2010 September 03, 00:34:36
Claeric, then run the decrapify command line in the prompt instead of dragging.
That way you will see whatever information it replies;
Here's an alternative link to september sets:
and this ones just to be an ass
Quote from: Sparks on 2010 September 03, 06:10:25
New store stuff 9/2/10. UNMODIFIED Sims3Packs, as per usual.
Loud, Fast, Clash!
Oktoberfest Celebration
Speedy Styles [FREE]
More Halloween Treats [FREE]
Buccaneer's Bounty [via IN-GAME STORE]
New Sim Point Bundles
Note: if anyone is planning on buying Sim Points, there's a 15% off code for the month of September: SEPT15OFF
So next time before you go off on a bitch fest make sure you know what you're talking about. Maybe you should have spent an extra day looking just to be sure. And honey I wasn't preaching your n00bness, I was pointing out your stupidity. Now STFU and go away.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #8 on:
2010 September 26, 12:30:41 »
OH! You mean the thread that I presumed was for... um... questions and tech help regarding store items... gotcha.
Tell me... do you feel like a big boy now that you can act just wike the bullies that pick on you in da pwayground? You want to point out my stupidity... go for it. Never claimed to be a know it all. Never said the thread didnt exist, only wanted to know where. I was checking the thread THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE THE ITEMS! I thought someone would move the link from this thread to that one.. ya know, cuz of that ... 'new items will be moved from the other thread here" thing. Yeah...
And I am oh so pleased that I could inspire you to sit in your dark room showered in computer light, searching for posts to link for me, and waste oh so many minutes of your life feeling vindicated... fucktard. I have a thick skin and quite a few years under my belt. Your "OMG I get to be mean and nasty to people JUST because its the internet" attitude doesnt phase me... please, continue. Lets see how much more of your life can be sucked up proving my stupidity. Carry on.
I am Bipolar, have PMS and a gun... any fucking questions???
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 163
I had a psychic once. It was incredible
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #9 on:
2010 September 26, 16:17:12 »
Would you like some cheese to go with that whine? Really?!? Why for would you check a thread that hasn't been updated since July for an item that came out this month, why? Also it clearly states in the title that "NEW ITEMS WILL BE MOVED HERE FROM THE OTHER THREAD." Other thread, not threads. Did it ever occur to look at the other thread that sits right above this one? Eh? And you left out a key word from the title of this other thread, UPDATES. Besides how lazy can you be that you couldn't even bother to look at it.
Another thing that gets brought up here at MATY quit often, MRS. I've been a member for four years. Is use the search box. Lets see what happens when we search Barnacle Bay. Now lets search for Buccaneers Bounty. See was that hard?
Quote from: MrsSoares on 2010 September 26, 12:30:41
And I am oh so pleased that I could inspire you to sit in your dark room showered in computer light, searching for posts to link for me, and waste oh so many minutes of your life feeling vindicated... fucktard. I have a thick skin and quite a few years under my belt. Your "OMG I get to be mean and nasty to people JUST because its the internet" attitude doesnt phase me... please, continue. Lets see how much more of your life can be sucked up proving my stupidity. Carry on.
Why yes it did in fact takes me minutes to find what took you all day not to find, who's the fucktard? And I'm not mean JUST because it's the internet, I'm mean JUST because this is MATY. So in fact it really must be you sitting alone in your dark room with nothing but the soft glow of your computer monitor and the low lonely humming of your overused vibrator.
Grammar Police
Posts: 943
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #10 on:
2010 September 26, 16:20:24 »
Quote from: MrsSoares on 2010 September 26, 12:30:41
OH! You mean the thread that I presumed was for... um... questions and tech help regarding store items... gotcha.
Tell me... do you feel like a big boy now that you can act just wike the bullies that pick on you in da pwayground? You want to point out my stupidity... go for it. Never claimed to be a know it all. Never said the thread didnt exist, only wanted to know where. I was checking the thread THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE THE ITEMS! I thought someone would move the link from this thread to that one.. ya know, cuz of that ... 'new items will be moved from the other thread here" thing. Yeah...
And I am oh so pleased that I could inspire you to sit in your dark room showered in computer light, searching for posts to link for me, and waste oh so many minutes of your life feeling vindicated... fucktard. I have a thick skin and quite a few years under my belt. Your "OMG I get to be mean and nasty to people JUST because its the internet" attitude doesnt phase me... please, continue. Lets see how much more of your life can be sucked up proving my stupidity. Carry on.
Hey fucktard - use the fucking search button, post shit in the correct places, and stop being a whiny entitled ass. You are not ENTITLED to be treated nicely anywhere, most noticeably NOT here.
Also, could all the noobass wanktards just quit already with the schoolyard bully comparisons and think up something new? It's really getting damn old and tiresome.
WARNING:PMs may be published if it contains butthurt or sporking which belong on the boards. And if I feel like it
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 522
Giving EA the finger!
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #11 on:
2010 September 26, 17:07:00 »
It's just butthurt cause OmegaStarr checkmate and pwned it's post. Same old, same shit.
"So you have to be hungry to eat, right? Hmph, imagine that concept." Kirstie Alley
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #12 on:
2010 September 26, 17:55:29 »
Quote from: OmegaStarr on 2010 September 26, 03:51:13
Well first off the <TS3 Store, DOWNLOADS ONLY. New stuff will be moved here from the other thread> is a locked thread hence the title. So that's why you haven't been able to reply. Not to mention it hasn't been updated in about 3 months. Next,
Quote from: captaincaliena on 2010 September 23, 03:51:05
Quote from: rum nate on 2010 September 23, 00:54:34
Barnacle Bay is now in the store
, and it does cost 1650 points.
Just bought it. Should have the link to share with you guys as soon as my slow ass internet finishes uploading it to my mediafire account.
Edit: Here ya go kids
Unmodified Barnacle Bay (Decrapify before use)
Quote from: markjs on 2010 September 23, 04:38:55
for the link.
Uploading MF mirror.
Edit in a sec.
Here you go:
not to mention
Quote from: rednotdead on 2010 September 02, 17:31:12
Quote from: rum nate on 2010 September 02, 17:20:42
There is also the
Buccaneer's Bounty
on sale for 500 simpoints until the 10th.
Have it and just posting the media fire link, also included is the classical clock file for purchasing 1,000 simpoints
and just to further prove my point
Quote from: markjs on 2010 September 03, 00:34:36
Claeric, then run the decrapify command line in the prompt instead of dragging.
That way you will see whatever information it replies;
Here's an alternative link to september sets:
and this ones just to be an ass
Quote from: Sparks on 2010 September 03, 06:10:25
New store stuff 9/2/10. UNMODIFIED Sims3Packs, as per usual.
Loud, Fast, Clash!
Oktoberfest Celebration
Speedy Styles [FREE]
More Halloween Treats [FREE]
Buccaneer's Bounty [via IN-GAME STORE]
New Sim Point Bundles
Note: if anyone is planning on buying Sim Points, there's a 15% off code for the month of September: SEPT15OFF
So next time before you go off on a bitch fest make sure you know what you're talking about. Maybe you should have spent an extra day looking just to be sure. And honey I wasn't preaching your n00bness, I was pointing out your stupidity. Now STFU and go away.
Advice: Grow up.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks a single, 'can you help me?' sentence doesn't qualify as a bitch-fest. The person who posted this didn't say "OMG I CANT POST IN THE OTHER THREAD AAAAHA WHAT DO I DO ADMIN HEEELP MEEE" - they simply said it couldn't be posted. I'm pretty sure noone solicited your attitude. When you're an expert, you'll attract those needing help - and that's what it is, help. We're not handing you our shit saying "do it for me." Get off your high horse. I'll talk to you again when your testes drop.
Last Edit: 2010 September 26, 18:07:11 by Janelliellio
Grammar Police
Posts: 943
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #13 on:
2010 September 26, 18:13:49 »
Quote from: Janelliellio on 2010 September 26, 17:55:29
Advice: Grow up.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks a single, 'can you help me?' sentence doesn't qualify as a bitch-fest. The person who posted this didn't say "OMG I CANT POST IN THE OTHER THREAD AAAAHA WHAT DO I DO ADMIN HEEELP MEEE" - they simply said it couldn't be posted. I'm pretty sure noone solicited your attitude. When you're an expert, you'll attract those needing help - and that's what it is, help. We're not handing you our shit saying "do it for me." Get off your high horse. I'll talk to you again when your testes drop.
Encouraging and hand-holding the stupid really only leads to misery and tears on the long term, as they then continue to show up, asking the same fucking questions that's been answered oh so many times, had they but searched. They do not plan on ever doing anything for themselves - they are the net equivalent of that 30 year old unemployed moocher still living off of his aging parents. We are not ailing parents, we TAKE their asses OUT.
We don't LIKE people who expect us to do all THEIR work FOR them. We do NOT want them, and those they drag with them of the same ilk, around. Is that too difficult for you to grasp?
Your concerned tone-trolling is noted, though.
WARNING:PMs may be published if it contains butthurt or sporking which belong on the boards. And if I feel like it
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #14 on:
2010 September 26, 18:15:28 »
Very true Jane. And the fact is all the epeen strokers wanna kick and scream about "OMG SEARCH MOAR, POST LESS N00B! YUR CLOGGING UP MY INTERWEBZ!" But the truth is, whenever I search for anything, I have to waddle through tons of THOSE TYPES of posts... I suggest they practice what they preach and POST LESS! The very fact that I have been here for 4 years and only started 4 threads suggest that I in fact *do* know how to find my own answers when its possible. I admit, I didnt do a search for the items I was posting because I wasnt looking for help, I was trying to give something. The comparison to schoolyard bullies is in fact, a very good one.
The fact is I enjoy intelligent, witty debate with articulate people... which means, I am pretty much done here. Ya'll can have your collective epeen orgasim now, then go jack off again to some other poor unsuspecting soul. Far be it from me to try to rob you of the sense of superiority you garner from talking shit at MATY. Have fun. =)
I am Bipolar, have PMS and a gun... any fucking questions???
Grammar Police
Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #15 on:
2010 September 26, 18:20:36 »
Quote from: MrsSoares on 2010 September 26, 18:15:28
The fact is I enjoy intelligent, witty debate with articulate people... which means, I am pretty much done here. Ya'll can have your collective epeen orgasim now, then go jack off again to some other poor unsuspecting soul. Far be it from me to try to rob you of the sense of superiority you garner from talking shit at MATY. Have fun. =)
Cool. Don't forget Janelliellio.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Grammar Police
Posts: 943
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #16 on:
2010 September 26, 18:29:55 »
Quote from: MrsSoares on 2010 September 26, 18:15:28
Very true Jane. And the fact is all the epeen strokers wanna kick and scream about "OMG SEARCH MOAR, POST LESS N00B! YUR CLOGGING UP MY INTERWEBZ!" But the truth is, whenever I search for anything, I have to waddle through tons of THOSE TYPES of posts... I suggest they practice what they preach and POST LESS! The very fact that I have been here for 4 years and only started 4 threads suggest that I in fact *do* know how to find my own answers when its possible. I admit, I didnt do a search for the items I was posting because I wasnt looking for help, I was trying to give something. The comparison to schoolyard bullies is in fact, a very good one.
The fact is I enjoy intelligent, witty debate with articulate people... which means, I am pretty much done here. Ya'll can have your collective epeen orgasim now, then go jack off again to some other poor unsuspecting soul. Far be it from me to try to rob you of the sense of superiority you garner from talking shit at MATY. Have fun. =)
WARNING:PMs may be published if it contains butthurt or sporking which belong on the boards. And if I feel like it
Grammar Police
Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #17 on:
2010 September 26, 18:35:06 »
I miss Sorearse already.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 522
Giving EA the finger!
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #18 on:
2010 September 26, 22:34:07 »
Look Janelliellio, you are such a noob and need to stay at the official forum. Don't post here anymore til you learn how to fix a simple problem in your game. Forget that, just don't post here at all.
Remember this
? Telling someone to grow up and my ten year old niece know how to not have that problem in the first place.
Here's a hint, that Egyptian world has gone KABOOM!
"So you have to be hungry to eat, right? Hmph, imagine that concept." Kirstie Alley
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #19 on:
2010 September 26, 22:53:42 »
Quote from: MrsSoares on 2010 September 26, 18:15:28
Very true Jane. And the fact is all the epeen strokers wanna kick and scream about "OMG SEARCH MOAR, POST LESS N00B! YUR CLOGGING UP MY INTERWEBZ!" But the truth is, whenever I search for anything, I have to waddle through tons of THOSE TYPES of posts... I suggest they practice what they preach and POST LESS! The very fact that I have been here for 4 years and only started 4 threads suggest that I in fact *do* know how to find my own answers when its possible. I admit, I didnt do a search for the items I was posting because I wasnt looking for help, I was trying to give something. The comparison to schoolyard bullies is in fact, a very good one.
The fact is I enjoy intelligent, witty debate with articulate people... which means, I am pretty much done here. Ya'll can have your collective epeen orgasim now, then go jack off again to some other poor unsuspecting soul. Far be it from me to try to rob you of the sense of superiority you garner from talking shit at MATY. Have fun. =)
100%. For this, you recieve a coupon for two high-fives.
I use google and use it well, like most of us on here - the really incompetent get scared away very quickly. The intelligent and equally as stubborn, like myself, don't like being put off by these morons. "I have to waddle through tons of THOSE TYPES of posts" was exactly what I was thinking as I searched through the MATY High-Horse MUCK. There's more bullying than stupid questions. RTFM I get, but not "I've spent my whole life boning this computer and you haven't, so you must be an idiot" posts. I like to pat myself on the back when I read these and think, "just remember, this is the highest point of their lives."
Quote from: Grimma on 2010 September 26, 18:13:49
Encouraging and hand-holding the stupid really only leads to misery and tears on the long term, as they then continue to show up, asking the same fucking questions that's been answered oh so many times, had they but searched. They do not plan on ever doing anything for themselves - they are the net equivalent of that 30 year old unemployed moocher still living off of his aging parents. We are not ailing parents, we TAKE their asses OUT.
We don't LIKE people who expect us to do all THEIR work FOR them. We do NOT want them, and those they drag with them of the same ilk, around. Is that too difficult for you to grasp?
Your concerned tone-trolling is noted, though.
While I agree, the hand-holding is unnecessary and often one step removed from the person putting two and two together themselves, too often on this site, only A is given. I need B C and D to try anything myself. The only thing that happens is more stupid questions and posts by people who know better that intentionally leave out crucial information. And honestly, have none of you any parents that were attentive enough to tell you "just ignore them?" I feel that overly noob posts tend to dwindle when they don't get what they need on a forum - if they think it's ignored, there's nothing else to be done but move on.
Unlike some posteres, I have better things to be doing than spending an entire day on the computer trying to figure out how to fix a computer game. Instead, do a search, if the answer isn't available (note how many times I've posted. Few. Because I can research.), make a post, get an answer, and play the rest of my day off.
Stress is something I don't like in my life.
Last Edit: 2010 September 26, 23:01:08 by Janelliellio
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 163
I had a psychic once. It was incredible
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #20 on:
2010 September 27, 02:17:37 »
I'll talk to you again when your testes drop.
Funny thing about that Janelliellio is you won't be able to talk. My balls will have dropped....right in your mouth.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #21 on:
2010 September 27, 02:21:40 »
Quote from: MrsSoares on 2010 September 26, 18:15:28
Very true Jane. And the fact is all the epeen strokers wanna kick and scream about "OMG SEARCH MOAR, POST LESS N00B! YUR CLOGGING UP MY INTERWEBZ!" But the truth is, whenever I search for anything, I have to waddle through tons of THOSE TYPES of posts... I suggest they practice what they preach and POST LESS!
The reason the signal to noise ratio is so bad when you search is because of all the fucktards and morons who do not search before asking dumbass questions that have been answered before. That results in the signal to noise ratio dropping even lower. If no one responds to the arseholes, then they just bump their question again by double, triple or even quadruple posts bitching about why no is helping them, or they start yet another thread bitching that no one responded to the previous threads.
Quote from: MrsSoares on 2010 September 26, 18:15:28
The very fact that I have been here for 4 years and only started 4 threads suggest that I in fact *do* know how to find my own answers when its possible. I admit, I didnt do a search for the items I was posting because I wasnt looking for help, I was trying to give something.
I fail to see how this is relevant. You want to give something, that's fine, but it helps to check and see if it has already been offered, which avoids the unnecessary duplication.
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Grammar Police
Posts: 943
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #22 on:
2010 September 27, 06:28:55 »
Quote from: Janelliellio on 2010 September 26, 22:53:42
While I agree, the hand-holding is unnecessary and often one step removed from the person putting two and two together themselves, too often on this site, only A is given. I need B C and D to try anything myself.
Once again, if it's something the majority of us were able to figure out without being spoon-fed B, C and D, then why the fuck should we enable your stupidity and laziness?
Quote from: Janelliellio on 2010 September 26, 22:53:42
The only thing that happens is more stupid questions and posts by people who know better that intentionally leave out crucial information. And honestly, have none of you any parents that were attentive enough to tell you "just ignore them?" I feel that overly noob posts tend to dwindle when they don't get what they need on a forum - if they think it's ignored, there's nothing else to be done but move on.
Well what you "feel" LOL is completely irrelevant to any discussion on MATY
. This is how MATY works. Don't like it, shut the fuck up and get the fuck out. See, I didn't even use the abbreviations, how's that for providing you with ample clues as to what B, C and D may be?
Tell me, do you also go into random people's houses and opine prescriptions on what they should do with THEIR decor and how they should raise THEIR kids? That's just rude, didn't your parents teach you better than that?
Quote from: Janelliellio on 2010 September 26, 22:53:42
Unlike some posteres, I have better things to be doing than spending an entire day on the computer trying to figure out how to fix a computer game. Instead, do a search, if the answer isn't available (note how many times I've posted. Few. Because I can research.), make a post, get an answer, and play the rest of my day off.
You see, this is EXACTLY the kind of lazy-ass mouthbreathing tardliness we try to DISCOURAGE. My god, entitled much? No one OWES you any help with your fucking game, and if it's been answered to death before BY GOLLY we get a little bit tetchy when answering and re-answering the same questions, only worded a bit differently.
Once again, NO ONE HERE OWES YOU any help with your game. At all. The situation may be different on the BBS, but here we don't owe you shit.
Quote from: Janelliellio on 2010 September 26, 22:53:42
Stress is something I don't like in my life.
LOL! Thanks, that was grate.
YO MATY! We really need to start knocking off the meanness we use to keep our carpets clean of tard-shit, because METARZANYOUJANE over here doesn't like
stress in [her] life
so clearly we've been oh so misguided, and only what counts as stress to METARZANYOUJANE and her life should be considered in forming this site and its policies, where she has such an enormous and important history, presence and is such a necessary part of how the site functions.
WARNING:PMs may be published if it contains butthurt or sporking which belong on the boards. And if I feel like it
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #23 on:
2010 September 27, 12:51:57 »
I hear vitamin B6 and Oil of Evening Primrose really helps with those symptoms, Grimma.
Swedish Pudding Chef
Posts: 1570
INTP/J: Bork!
Re: Barnacle Bay & Buccaneers Bounty
Reply #24 on:
2010 September 27, 12:58:04 »
Oh, look! A sock! How handy. Feety, possibly.
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