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Author Topic: Loading Issues  (Read 4669 times)
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 10

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Loading Issues
« on: 2010 September 03, 23:14:48 »

Hey all,

I am new to Awesomemod; decided to download it after hearing great things about it, and once I started playing I realized it was all true Smiley So thanks for creating it.

However, I took a couple days off playing the game, fall semester had started, yadda yadda unimportant. Anyhoo, I went to play last night, and there was a message saying in essence that I needed a newer version. Ok fine, came to the site, downloaded (what I had assumed was a newer version) it, and installed... just as I had before. Once I loaded my game however, I would load the initial screen without issue, chose my family and it seemed to also be loading without issue, then it stopped with just a teeny bit left. It wasn't a full freeze, because the tips were still scrolling through.

I am not completely technologically retarded, so I browsed the forums trying all of the solutions listed. (This forum, MTS, TS3). Realized that my initial install was the old way, I swapped it to the new way: removing d3dx9_31.dll, Resource.cfg, Mods folders and sub-folders therein. I also cleared all the cache files as instructed as well as downloading and running Dashboard in the event I missed something (which I didn't doubt), downloaded and ran MonkeyBars to get the Framework updated, moved the new AM, and AweConf, to the new location in my documents.

The only issue I have had while browsing the solutions I come across, is that other folks had mods other than AM. This is the only mod I am running. The downloaded content I have is minimal, Riverview, and the free content we receive for registering the games.

I checked the loader, and no new updates are available. I am currently running all EP's and SP, version

All that said, I realize that it is most likely an error on my part, I am just not sure what I have missed as it is all a bit dizzying at this point. So, from what I have listed if any of you could suggest something I have not yet done, other than reinstalling, which will be my last step.

Thanks much Smiley

*Edit to add, I also tried moving AM, and my Conf files to the desktop for testing. With the same result Again, leading me to believe it is my error heh. Just need a point in the right direction.
« Last Edit: 2010 September 03, 23:21:27 by Bumble » Logged
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Loading Issues
« Reply #1 on: 2010 September 04, 02:59:04 »

First, verify that the mod loaded by typing "showconfig" at the main menu. If nothing shows up, it's someone else's problem.
Next, when your game is frozen, look for any "ScriptError" files that may have appeared in your userdirectory. If you see any, send them here.
If you don't see any, try starting a new neighborhood in the same world as your original, and then try the EAxian defaults.
Finally, you could try simply waiting. Sometimes it just takes awhile.
If none of this works, you can resume flailing your arms, screaming, and soiling yourself.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 10

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Re: Loading Issues
« Reply #2 on: 2010 September 04, 05:39:06 »

Thanks for replying Smiley

I verified that the mod is indeed loaded, which was a relief (I honestly would rather not play without it)
There were no script error files when the game froze. Although seemingly counterproductive, I downloaded and installed the ScriptError Mod by Twallan to see if I could get anything out of that. No luck, so I removed it.

Something odd however, I started the next step to create a new neighborhood, only Sunset Valley and Twinbrook were available, Riverview sunk into the rivers I guess... The family I am trying to access is in Sunset Valley, so it may not have anything to do with the problem, but it is odd and I thought I'd mention it just in case it is of any importance.

I was able to make a new town, only after moving the mod and conf to the desktop, before doing this, it would stop loading at around the same point my family did.

As you said I will just let it run for awhile to see if it will load. And if not, well at least some good came out of it. Did you know that if you buy a washer and dryer, your sims can do their laundry at home!!!!  Shocked Hah!

In the meantime, I have some flailing and screaming to do, no soiling though. I am clean out of diapers. Cheesy

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