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NPC Santa in Sims 2
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Topic: NPC Santa in Sims 2 (Read 89383 times)
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3030
More Nonstandard Than You
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #50 on:
2010 August 26, 20:59:32 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 20:55:06
Ok,'s not gameplay...even though EA told me it was. But hey, you guys know more than EA right? You're so much smarter than they are.
Ha, you have no idea, sheeple.
So since I did post it in the right place now, I guess you're stuck with me. Have fun, sweetie.
Well, at least until you get canned, anyway.
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #51 on:
2010 August 26, 21:02:05 »
Oh, and to everyone who keeps saying I'm 12...Remember the Sims Online? That was back in what, 2002? I was a beta tester/player for them. If I'm 12 now, that would've made me what, 4 then. 12? Yeah, right, sure I am....uh huh.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #52 on:
2010 August 26, 21:06:43 »
Quote from: rufio on 2010 August 26, 20:59:32
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 20:55:06
Ok,'s not gameplay...even though EA told me it was. But hey, you guys know more than EA right? You're so much smarter than they are.
Ha, you have no idea, sheeple.
So since I did post it in the right place now, I guess you're stuck with me. Have fun, sweetie.
Well, at least until you get canned, anyway.
I'm not worried about getting canned. People here have said worse to me than what I have said. If I deserve to get canned, so do others.
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
Saltfucking Weasel
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2328
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Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #53 on:
2010 August 26, 21:09:30 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 20:42:37
Why does it always take me so long to respond? Because I clearly have a life unlike you and am not sitting on top of this site waiting to attack someone or be attacked.
So, not only are you disabled and developmentally retarded, you also can't multitask? How do you manage to survive? Do you have to remind yourself how to breathe?
And I was top of my class in typing, thank you very much.
Again, this was clearly out of pity.
Oh, and not being able to get around a stove doesn't mean "unqualified". It means I have limitations.
And not knowing how to get around those limitations makes you unqualified.
Learn the difference, bitch.
Wow, way to be "polite". You are SO an Asstear sock.
I'm sure you have limitations, too and can't do every job. Can you be President?
Of course I could. As an INTJ, I'm qualified for a leadership role, although ENTJs make better public figures.
Can you build a car?
Yes. It's not hard.
... Epic Fail. Weren't you just ordering me not to assume things?
Why? Because you have limitations as to what you can do.
A smart person not only knows his limitations, but knows how to subvert them and do something anyway.
And FYI, there are tons of things I KNOW I'm qualified for that I can't get hired for, so shut the hell up about what I can and can't do.
I'm willing to bet that your "knowledge" regarding this is, in fact, incorrect. You clearly have an enormous ego, so it makes sense that your interpretation of your abilities is not in line with reality.
I even had voc. rehab. turn me down for things because they say I couldn't do them, which I can.
I'm going to bet that you can't, you just THINK you can because you are stupid.
And since my edited post didn't post for some reason, here is what you said and what I was going to say.
I'm guessing you just fail at posting, just like you fail at everything else.
I can't believe you even said this considering I already told you I don't have a job. You're not even paying attention now.
Your family members do. "You" can be plural as well as singular, you retard.
Don't you dare talk about my family.
Like I said, feel free to make me stop if you can. What are you going to do about it? Report me to the Interwebs Police? Hah.
YOu have no idea what we've been through since I was born in '68.
You're a "we" now? You have multiple-personality disorder? Also, hur on that HULK SMASH PUNY KEYBOARD moment. You are so like the Whale, it's hilarious.
We've all worked damn hard to get to where we are.
The fact that you think that you've "worked damn hard" proves that you haven't. It is typical of an entitled whiner to claim to have worked terribly hard after barely doing anything. A person with a decent work ethic, on the other hand, doesn't think that working hard means that he deserves to be
coddled, and simply considers his work to be exactly hard enough, if not suboptimal. You're such a little bitch, it's just pathetic.
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 20:55:06
Ok,'s not gameplay...even though EA told me it was. But hey, you guys know more than EA right? You're so much smarter than they are. Yeah, sure.
Mayonnaise is smarter than EA officials. You need to actually learn about the forum instead of just listening to EA's bullshit.
And I don't like you either. So there...I don't give a shit about any of you. You can all fall off the planet for all I care.
Big fucking deal? WDC
But I did post my question under the right category after I found it (It isn't listed on the main page, which is why I didn't see it in the first place. So since I did post it in the right place now, I guess you're stuck with me.
No, you can't "fix your mistake" by reposting it. The damage is done, and you already proved yourself stupid. You don't get a mulligan.
Have fun, sweetie.
Do you think that that kind of passive-aggressive retardery is witty? It's really not, it just makes you look like a sadsack. Which you are.
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 21:02:05
Oh, and to everyone who keeps saying I'm 12...Remember the Sims Online? That was back in what, 2002? I was a beta tester/player for them. If I'm 12 now, that would've made me what, 4 then. 12? Yeah, right, sure I am....uh huh.
Prove that you were a beta-tester. I mean, I could claim to have been a beta-tester for them, too, and I was a 12 in 2002. As an aside, there is no 4, only 0, and you could easily have been a 6 in 2002 and be 12 now.
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 21:06:43
I'm not worried about getting canned. People here have said worse to me than what I have said. If I deserve to get canned, so do others.
Everyone else has been following the forum's rules. It's not about saying "worse" things; in this forum, people are SUPPOSED to insult the stupid - such as yourself - and being stupid - like you are - gets people canned. Yet again you fail to grok the culture. Why are you so stupid? Are you on drugs?
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
21:17 < Kewian> Trixie one day you are going to pay for your crimes.
Your source for blood and circuses.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 38
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #54 on:
2010 August 26, 21:17:50 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 21:02:05
Oh, and to everyone who keeps saying I'm 12...Remember the Sims Online? That was back in what, 2002? I was a
beta tester
/player for them. If I'm 12 now, that would've made me what, 4 then. 12? Yeah, right, sure I am....uh huh.
Now where is that EA *alpha-tester* when we need him? Hoping this gets moved to retardo land soon.
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 9265
Poop poop
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #55 on:
2010 August 26, 21:20:16 »
Oh, FirstofMay. Maybe you should go toddle around iVillage for a while before you come back here.
<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #56 on:
2010 August 26, 21:23:21 »
"Prove that you were a beta-tester. I mean, I could claim to have been a beta-tester for them, too, and I was a 12 in 2002. As an aside, there is no 4, only 0, and you could easily have been a 6 in 2002 and be 12 now."
My you are bad at math. You do know this is 2010 right?
"The fact that you think that you've "worked damn hard" proves that you haven't. It is typical of an entitled whiner to claim to have worked terribly hard after barely doing anything. A person with a decent work ethic, on the other hand, doesn't think that working hard means that he deserves to be coddled, and simply considers his work to be exactly hard enough, if not suboptimal. You're such a little bitch, it's just pathetic."
First, it's HER work, not his...I'm a female, thank you. And "worked damn hard" has many meanings...In my case, I HAVE worked damn hard to get as far as I am. I worked/fought to live when I was born and they said I'd die, I worked hard my entire life to prove to people I could do things they said I can't, I worked damn hard in school. I worked damn hard learning to take care of myself as well as I do. So don't tell me I haven't worked hard.
Mushroom Girl
Posts: 1506
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #57 on:
2010 August 26, 21:23:52 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 21:06:43
Quote from: rufio on 2010 August 26, 20:59:32
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 20:55:06
Ok,'s not gameplay...even though EA told me it was. But hey, you guys know more than EA right? You're so much smarter than they are.
Ha, you have no idea, sheeple.
So since I did post it in the right place now, I guess you're stuck with me. Have fun, sweetie.
Well, at least until you get canned, anyway.
I'm not worried about getting canned. People here have said worse to me than what I have said. If I deserve to get canned, so do others.
Bitch, please. You're not the only one who has been around since TS1 etc. so please don't play that card. You started this by spazzing out at a joke.
Edit: the moar you point out you are a female, the moar we will call you a 'him'.
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
Saltfucking Weasel
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2328
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Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #58 on:
2010 August 26, 21:30:10 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 21:23:21
My you are bad at math. You do know this is 2010 right?
Another culture failure. Try reading up on the Rule of 6.
First, it's HER work, not his...I'm a female, thank you.
You also don't have a decent work ethic, so I was clearly not talking about you.
And "worked damn hard" has many meanings...In my case, I HAVE worked damn hard to get as far as I am.
Again, if you really HAD, you wouldn't say such a thing.
I worked/fought to live when I was born and they said I'd die, I worked hard my entire life to prove to people I could do things they said I can't, I worked damn hard in school.
And yet you have clearly learned nothing and achieved nothing with your life. Pitiful.
I worked damn hard learning to take care of myself as well as I do. So don't tell me I haven't worked hard.
But you just said you can't take care of yourself, so clearly you haven't learned that, either. BLS, YSB.
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
21:17 < Kewian> Trixie one day you are going to pay for your crimes.
Your source for blood and circuses.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #59 on:
2010 August 26, 21:44:48 »
I never said I can't take care of myself. I said I need help taking care of myself. Learn the difference. You know what? You probably can't do everything by yourself and need help doing things at times. Same here. So should I call you a pathetic helpless bitch just because you need help with some things? And if you say you don't, you're lying because we all need help sometimes.
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
Saltfucking Weasel
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2328
How is a weasel like a writing desk?
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #60 on:
2010 August 26, 21:51:33 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 21:44:48
I never said I can't take care of myself. I said I need help taking care of myself. Learn the difference.
There's no difference.
You know what? You probably can't do everything by yourself and need help doing things at times. Same here. So should I call you a pathetic helpless bitch just because you need help with some things?
And you tell ME not to assume things? You're completely wrong; I live alone, and do everything for myself, because I'm not a retard like you.
And if you say you don't, you're lying because we all need help sometimes.
What an Fly sentiment. You have none of the insight to which you pretend, and you are trying to get sympathy from a dry well.
Last Edit: 2010 August 26, 22:08:32 by Tsenatserix
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
21:17 < Kewian> Trixie one day you are going to pay for your crimes.
Your source for blood and circuses.
Mushroom Girl
Posts: 1506
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #61 on:
2010 August 26, 21:56:10 »
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 August 26, 21:51:33
What an Fly sentiment. Shut up,
; you have none of the insight to which you pretend, and you are trying to get sympathy from a dry well.
Not cool Tsen, not cool.
Grammar Police
Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #62 on:
2010 August 26, 22:00:51 »
Definitely not cool. True, she's an oversensitive twatwaffle with a sense of entitlement as long as an elephant's dick, but doxing is going too far.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #63 on:
2010 August 26, 22:02:05 »
"And you tell ME not to assume things? You're completely wrong; I live alone, and do everything for myself, because I'm not a retard like you."
Yeah, expect everyone to believe that you have NEVER asked for help a day in your life for ANYTHING? Homework? A job task? Something around the house? Sorry, I don't buy that at all.
"What an Fly sentiment. Shut up, Traci; you have none of the insight to which you pretend, and you are trying to get sympathy from a dry well.:" Interesting you used my name. I never posted my name and it's not in my profile. Hmm..that means you know me...interesting..that could explain a lot. And yes, there is a difference between not being able to take care of yourself at all and needing help taking care of yourself. I do most things just fine...I only need help with a few things. So stop saying I'm totally helpless and treating me like I'm a piece of shit. Now if you will excuse me, I have to pee...if that' s allowed.
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
Saltfucking Weasel
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2328
How is a weasel like a writing desk?
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #64 on:
2010 August 26, 22:05:09 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 22:02:05
Yeah, expect everyone to believe that you have NEVER asked for help a day in your life for ANYTHING? Homework? A job task? Something around the house? Sorry, I don't buy that at all.
I don't ask for help. It's not in my nature.
And yes, there is a difference between not being able to take care of yourself at all and needing help taking care of yourself. I do most things just fine...I only need help with a few things.
Well, which is it? Are you completely dependent on your caregivers like you said before, or are you almost independent? You can't have both.
So stop saying I'm totally helpless and treating me like I'm a piece of shit.
Again, make me stop. If you think you can force me to stop, go ahead. As long as you can't, I'll say what I like.
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
21:17 < Kewian> Trixie one day you are going to pay for your crimes.
Your source for blood and circuses.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #65 on:
2010 August 26, 22:09:15 »
Quote from: jeromycraig on 2010 August 26, 22:00:51
Definitely not cool. True, she's an oversensitive twatwaffle with a sense of entitlement as long as an elephant's dick, but doxing is going too far.
Thank you...I think...and I do not have a sense of entitlement....Anyway, I just looked up DOX. No wonder he knew my name...didn't see where he did that, but thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention.
Posts: 2996
warm n jiggly
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #66 on:
2010 August 26, 22:11:53 »
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 August 26, 22:05:09
Well, which is it? Are you completely dependent on your caregivers like you said before, or are you almost independent? You can't have both.
Actually, you can. I used to be paid to help disabled peeps, like FirstOfMay, do the stuff that they were not capable of doing on their own. Most of my clients were fairly independent, but needed help with various things around the house like getting in and out of the tub, or washing dishes.
[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs
[19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #67 on:
2010 August 26, 22:13:52 »
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 August 26, 22:05:09
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 22:02:05
Yeah, expect everyone to believe that you have NEVER asked for help a day in your life for ANYTHING? Homework? A job task? Something around the house? Sorry, I don't buy that at all.
I don't ask for help. It's not in my nature.
And yes, there is a difference between not being able to take care of yourself at all and needing help taking care of yourself. I do most things just fine...I only need help with a few things.
Well, which is it? Are you completely dependent on your caregivers like you said before, or are you almost independent? You can't have both.
So stop saying I'm totally helpless and treating me like I'm a piece of shit.
Again, make me stop. If you think you can force me to stop, go ahead. As long as you can't, I'll say what I like.
I NEVER said I was completely dependent on my caregivers. Those are YOUR words. I never said that sentence. I said my mother was my caregiver. She helps me with things I can't do myself. If you're going to quote me, you could at least get it right.
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
Saltfucking Weasel
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2328
How is a weasel like a writing desk?
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #68 on:
2010 August 26, 22:17:07 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 22:09:15
Thank you...I think...and I do not have a sense of entitlement....Anyway, I just looked up DOX. No wonder he knew my name...didn't see where he did that, but thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention.
Does... does that even make sense? Your grammar is getting steadily worse and I can't unravel what you mean by this. Do you think that 'DOX' is something from which someone can learn your name? IDGI.
Quote from: jesslla on 2010 August 26, 22:11:53
Actually, you can. I used to be paid to help disabled peeps, like FirstOfMay, do the stuff that they were not capable of doing on their own. Most of my clients were fairly independent, but needed help with various things around the house like getting in and out of the tub, or washing dishes.
Yes; I mentioned such an arrangement as something that could help her be more independent, and she said she was too dependent on her family members for it. That's what I would call merely somewhat dependent, not completely dependent, although, to be fair, it's not like there's a standards board defining exactly where the line lies.
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
21:17 < Kewian> Trixie one day you are going to pay for your crimes.
Your source for blood and circuses.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #69 on:
2010 August 26, 22:17:53 »
Quote from: jesslla on 2010 August 26, 22:11:53
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 August 26, 22:05:09
Well, which is it? Are you completely dependent on your caregivers like you said before, or are you almost independent? You can't have both.
Actually, you can. I used to be paid to help disabled peeps, like FirstOfMay, do the stuff that they were not capable of doing on their own. Most of my clients were fairly independent, but needed help with various things around the house like getting in and out of the tub, or washing dishes.
Thank you, Jessla!
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
Saltfucking Weasel
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2328
How is a weasel like a writing desk?
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #70 on:
2010 August 26, 22:20:53 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 22:17:53
Thank you, Jessla!
WTF? You specifically denied that such a thing was possible when I told you. Are you really so stupid that you can't even remember what you've been arguing?
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
21:17 < Kewian> Trixie one day you are going to pay for your crimes.
Your source for blood and circuses.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #71 on:
2010 August 26, 22:22:58 »
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 August 26, 22:17:07
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 22:09:15
Thank you...I think...and I do not have a sense of entitlement....Anyway, I just looked up DOX. No wonder he knew my name...didn't see where he did that, but thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention.
Does... does that even make sense? Your grammar is getting steadily worse and I can't unravel what you mean by this. Do you think that 'DOX' is something from which someone can learn your name? IDGI.
Well, from what I understood when I googled it, it did. At least that's how I took it..."Dox, or being doxed, in terms of online forum sites, is the physical equivalent of being butt-raped irl. Just as all the greats have, when a person is "doxed", all their personal information is made available for all users to see. Names, addresses, phone numbers and school/work are not spared, and this usually leads to the person ceasing all ties with said websites, if not the interwebs as a whole." Ha! So either you did that or you do know who I am. I just have to figure out who you are...although I might have a pretty good idea.
Mushroom Girl
Posts: 1506
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #72 on:
2010 August 26, 22:24:37 »
Tsen crossed a line. We don't approve of doxing on MATY. We also don't approve of your butthurt flailing.
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 9265
Poop poop
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #73 on:
2010 August 26, 22:25:00 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 22:13:52
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 August 26, 22:05:09
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 22:02:05
Yeah, expect everyone to believe that you have NEVER asked for help a day in your life for ANYTHING? Homework? A job task? Something around the house? Sorry, I don't buy that at all.
I don't ask for help. It's not in my nature.
And yes, there is a difference between not being able to take care of yourself at all and needing help taking care of yourself. I do most things just fine...I only need help with a few things.
Well, which is it? Are you completely dependent on your caregivers like you said before, or are you almost independent? You can't have both.
So stop saying I'm totally helpless and treating me like I'm a piece of shit.
Again, make me stop. If you think you can force me to stop, go ahead. As long as you can't, I'll say what I like.
I NEVER said I was completely dependent on my caregivers. Those are YOUR words. I never said that sentence. I said my mother was my caregiver. She helps me with things I can't do myself. If you're going to quote me, you could at least get it right.
I thought we weren't supposed to talk about your personal life? Are you an ISFJ?
<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
Saltfucking Weasel
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2328
How is a weasel like a writing desk?
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #74 on:
2010 August 26, 22:26:31 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 22:22:58
Well, from what I understood when I googled it, it did. At least that's how I took it..."Dox, or being doxed, in terms of online forum sites, is the physical equivalent of being butt-raped irl. Just as all the greats have, when a person is "doxed", all their personal information is made available for all users to see. Names, addresses, phone numbers and school/work are not spared, and this usually leads to the person ceasing all ties with said websites, if not the interwebs as a whole." Ha! So either you did that or you do know who I am. I just have to figure out who you are...although I might have a pretty good idea.
Please, explain how I could have done that without already knowing who you are. It just doesn't make sense. I'd have to know that information before making it available, no?
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
21:17 < Kewian> Trixie one day you are going to pay for your crimes.
Your source for blood and circuses.
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