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NPC Santa in Sims 2
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Topic: NPC Santa in Sims 2 (Read 89381 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
NPC Santa in Sims 2
2010 August 26, 02:18:49 »
Hi. Can someone please tell me why when I try to get Santa to visit in Sims 2, I get a faceless man in a business suit named Santa Klaus instead of the real Santa Klaus that is supposed to show up? He acts like the real Santa...Says "Ho, ho, ho!" and leaves gifts, but I know he's not supposed to look like that. Does anyone know what the problem might be and how to fix it? I'm desperate! If anyone wants me to post the error log, I will.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 563
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #1 on:
2010 August 26, 10:27:15 »
It's a metaphor for capitalism, clearly.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #2 on:
2010 August 26, 13:20:26 »
Thank you, Georgette, for your smart alec answer and lack of help. I don't post my questions just to get insulted or get rude answers like yours. I post because I actually need help or I wouldn't be here, believe me.
Grammar Police
Posts: 4931
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Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #3 on:
2010 August 26, 13:24:31 »
Okay, Georgette was clearly making a joke, which you are obviously too ZOMGSENSITIVE to appreciate. Seriously, if that was enough to yank your chain, you should probably fuck off somewhere else right now before someone posts something that makes you cut yourself.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #4 on:
2010 August 26, 14:16:18 »
Why are you insulting me? Seriously...I find neither of your posts necessary or remotely funny. What does either have to do with my question? Is this forum just to make fun of people? If so, than it should be reported. It was highly recommended to me by two people who have told me that there are smart people here who could help me. But all I ever get are insults. So sorry I bothered everyone with my silly little problem about TS2 (which this section of the forum is supposed to be about). How about renaming the forum "We're Just Here to Insult and Make Fun of Everyone"? Bye. I'll post someplace else where people might actually be around to help.
Swedish Pudding Chef
Posts: 1570
INTP/J: Bork!
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #5 on:
2010 August 26, 14:28:08 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 14:16:18
Why are you insulting me? Seriously...I find neither of your posts necessary or remotely funny. What does either have to do with my question? Is this forum just to make fun of people? If so,
it should be reported.
HUR. Reported where? To the internet police? Watch out, I have been backtracing your e-mails.
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 9265
Poop poop
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #6 on:
2010 August 26, 14:30:20 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 14:16:18
Why are you insulting me? Seriously...I find neither of your posts necessary or remotely funny. What does either have to do with my question? Is this forum just to make fun of people? If so, than it should be reported. It was highly recommended to me by two people who have told me that there are smart people here who could help me. But all I ever get are insults. So sorry I bothered everyone with my silly little problem about TS2 (which this section of the forum is supposed to be about). How about renaming the forum "We're Just Here to Insult and Make Fun of Everyone"? Bye. I'll post someplace else where people might actually be around to help.
OMG, it's onto us, everyone turn off the lights and be quiet!
FirstofMay, whoever recommended this place to you is either a great deal smarter and savvier than you are, or they were yanking your chain, which I can only assume has a fob shaped like a snowflake at the end. Read the FAQ, retard.
<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #7 on:
2010 August 26, 14:41:47 »
I could do without the name calling, asshole! How do you like it?
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 9265
Poop poop
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #8 on:
2010 August 26, 14:49:54 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 14:41:47
I could do without the name calling, asshole! How do you like it?
Uh, you know you're not addressing someone who goes by Kittens4Eva, right? You're funny.
<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #9 on:
2010 August 26, 14:51:30 »
And exactly what FAQ? All I see is a Help button that explains about posting and such. And I've looked at all the other threads here. They seem very helpful, so why are you all attacking me instead of answering my original question about TS2?
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1389
Lost in Middle-earth
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #10 on:
2010 August 26, 15:04:15 »
I for one thought Georgette's comment was very amusing.
People are attacking you because nobody here knows you from a bar of soap, yet you come in here and demand assistance. Go do that where someone cares. Firstly, this isn't TS2 Customer Complaints Department, and secondly, your problem is probably the stupidest I've ever heard of. It's not breaking your game, the sim just looks funny, so stop whining. You probably have some piece of Custom Content that is causing that, now shut up.
More F than you
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 9265
Poop poop
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #11 on:
2010 August 26, 15:08:39 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 14:51:30
And exactly what FAQ? All I see is a Help button that explains about posting and such. And I've looked at all the other threads here. They seem very helpful, so why are you all attacking me instead of answering my original question about TS2?
If you have looked at every other thread here, then you would have seen the FAQ. I am on to you. You are like a low-budget version of the Sicilian, but possibly more of an asshat. I assume you are going back to school soon and then we won't have to worry about you anymore.
<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 23
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #12 on:
2010 August 26, 15:13:26 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 14:51:30
And exactly what FAQ? All I see is a Help button that explains about posting and such. And I've looked at all the other threads here. They seem very helpful, so why are you all attacking me instead of answering my original question about TS2?
Search moar. Typing "FAQ" into the search box in the top left corner of your screen yields pretty good results - all links found there thoroughly introduce you to the atmosphere of this place. And if you really had looked at all the other threads of this sub-forum, you'd have noticed that stupid, probably CC-related glitches like yours don't belong here.
Edit: Darn, typing too slow.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #13 on:
2010 August 26, 15:19:12 »
Quote from: Kazoona on 2010 August 26, 15:13:26
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 14:51:30
And exactly what FAQ? All I see is a Help button that explains about posting and such. And I've looked at all the other threads here. They seem very helpful, so why are you all attacking me instead of answering my original question about TS2?
Search moar. Typing "FAQ" into the search box in the top left corner of your screen yields pretty good results - all links found there thoroughly introduce you to the atmosphere of this place. And if you really had looked at all the other threads of this sub-forum, you'd have noticed that stupid, probably CC-related glitches like yours don't belong here.
Edit: Darn, typing too slow.
FYI, I DON'T HAVE any CC. And if you had asked nicely instead of assuming, I would've told you that. And if my type of post didn't belong here, all someone had to do is NICELY tell me where to post it or move it like someone did to another post of mine. There was NO reason to be rude to someone, especially a newbie.
Swedish Pudding Chef
Posts: 1570
INTP/J: Bork!
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #14 on:
2010 August 26, 15:21:36 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 15:19:12
Quote from: Kazoona on 2010 August 26, 15:13:26
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 14:51:30
And exactly what FAQ? All I see is a Help button that explains about posting and such. And I've looked at all the other threads here. They seem very helpful, so why are you all attacking me instead of answering my original question about TS2?
Search moar. Typing "FAQ" into the search box in the top left corner of your screen yields pretty good results - all links found there thoroughly introduce you to the atmosphere of this place. And if you really had looked at all the other threads of this sub-forum, you'd have noticed that stupid, probably CC-related glitches like yours don't belong here.
Edit: Darn, typing too slow.
FYI, I DON'T HAVE any CC. And if you had asked nicely instead of assuming, I would've told you that. And if my type of post didn't belong here, all someone had to do is NICELY tell me where to post it or move it like someone did to another post of mine. There was NO reason to be rude to someone, especially a newbie.
You have obviously not looked at any other threads here. Or lurked. You fail.
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 9265
Poop poop
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #15 on:
2010 August 26, 15:25:45 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 15:19:12
Quote from: Kazoona on 2010 August 26, 15:13:26
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 14:51:30
And exactly what FAQ? All I see is a Help button that explains about posting and such. And I've looked at all the other threads here. They seem very helpful, so why are you all attacking me instead of answering my original question about TS2?
Search moar. Typing "FAQ" into the search box in the top left corner of your screen yields pretty good results - all links found there thoroughly introduce you to the atmosphere of this place. And if you really had looked at all the other threads of this sub-forum, you'd have noticed that stupid, probably CC-related glitches like yours don't belong here.
Edit: Darn, typing too slow.
FYI, I DON'T HAVE any CC. And if you had asked nicely instead of assuming, I would've told you that. And if my type of post didn't belong here, all someone had to do is NICELY tell me where to post it or move it like someone did to another post of mine. There was NO reason to be rude to someone, especially a newbie.
Why should we have to ask you anything, or speak to you nicely? Are you shitting golden eggs or something and feel like sharing? We don't know you, and we don't like you. And there is ALWAYS a reason to be rude. You have no clue where you are, do you? Turn tail and run, poppet.
<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #16 on:
2010 August 26, 15:27:58 »
Because it's just polite, that's why. I wouldn't insult someone who just came to a forum to ask a question and posted in a section that clearly looked appropriate. And I expect to be treated with the same respect.
Swedish Pudding Chef
Posts: 1570
INTP/J: Bork!
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #17 on:
2010 August 26, 15:32:10 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 15:27:58
Because it's just polite, that's why. I wouldn't insult someone who just came to a forum to ask a question and posted in a section that clearly looked appropriate. And I expect to be treated with the same respect.
Then go somewhere with sheep. MATY doesn't work that way. You should have been prepared.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 23
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #18 on:
2010 August 26, 15:36:53 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 15:27:58
Because it's just polite, that's why. I wouldn't insult someone who just came to a forum to ask a question and posted in a section that clearly looked appropriate. And I expect to be treated with the same respect.
What on earth made you choose "The War Room" over "Oops, you broke it!" ? The descriptions should have been clear enough. Get your special behind somewhere where they hold your hand while listening to you whine about your problems. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 9265
Poop poop
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #19 on:
2010 August 26, 15:42:49 »
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 15:27:58
Because it's just polite, that's why. I wouldn't insult someone who just came to a forum to ask a question and posted in a section that clearly looked appropriate. And I expect to be treated with the same respect.
Mire, is that you again? You are such a goose.
<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #20 on:
2010 August 26, 16:12:27 »
Quote from: spacecadet on 2010 August 26, 15:04:15
I for one thought Georgette's comment was very amusing.
People are attacking you because nobody here knows you from a bar of soap, yet you come in here and demand assistance. Go do that where someone cares. Firstly, this isn't TS2 Customer Complaints Department, and secondly, your problem is probably the stupidest I've ever heard of. It's not breaking your game, the sim just looks funny, so stop whining. You probably have some piece of Custom Content that is causing that, now shut up.
First, I did NOT DEMAND help. I asked. Second, if you would've read another of my posts in response to someone else, I said I DON'T have ANY custom content! I don't even LIKE custom content. So get your stories straight before you insult someone.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #21 on:
2010 August 26, 16:17:03 »
Quote from: Assmitten on 2010 August 26, 15:08:39
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 14:51:30
And exactly what FAQ? All I see is a Help button that explains about posting and such. And I've looked at all the other threads here. They seem very helpful, so why are you all attacking me instead of answering my original question about TS2?
If you have looked at every other thread here, then you would have seen the FAQ. I am on to you. You are like a low-budget version of the Sicilian, but possibly more of an asshat. I assume you are going back to school soon and then we won't have to worry about you anymore.
If you were on to me, you jerk, you'd know I'm 42 years old not some teenybopper who is only trying to cause trouble. So shut the hell up unless you KNOW what you are talking about, which clearly you don't. And btw, there is a Home, button, HELP button, Search button, calendar button, and Logout button. NO FAQ button, so don't blame me. And yes, I read the HELP section. That's how I know this forum is here for HELPING, not attacking.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #22 on:
2010 August 26, 16:19:45 »
Quote from: Kazoona on 2010 August 26, 15:36:53
Quote from: FirstOfMay on 2010 August 26, 15:27:58
Because it's just polite, that's why. I wouldn't insult someone who just came to a forum to ask a question and posted in a section that clearly looked appropriate. And I expect to be treated with the same respect.
What on earth made you choose "The War Room" over "Oops, you broke it!" ? The descriptions should have been clear enough. Get your special behind somewhere where they hold your hand while listening to you whine about your problems. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
Tell me where the "Ooops, you broke it" section is, and I'll gladly go to it. I went to "The War Room" because it said it was for in-game discussions. And like I said, I read the other threads in the War Room, and it looked like a good place to post. I'm SORRY if I committed the ultimate sin and made a mistake. Are you happy now, Mr/Ms. Perfect??!!!
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 563
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #23 on:
2010 August 26, 16:20:04 »
42 years old and someone joking about a faceless businessman in your game is enough to get you THIS worked up? Seriously, grow the fuck up. I didn't insult you at all. And also 'you know this forum is here for HELPING, not attacking'? Does the phrase "MOAR FIGHT" mean nothing to you?
And stop triple posting!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: NPC Santa in Sims 2
Reply #24 on:
2010 August 26, 16:23:33 »
Quote from: Georgette on 2010 August 26, 16:20:04
42 years old and someone joking about a faceless businessman in your game is enough to get you THIS worked up? Seriously, grow the fuck up. I didn't insult you at all. And also 'you know this forum is here for HELPING, not attacking'? Does the phrase "MOAR FIGHT" mean nothing to you?
And stop triple posting!
No, what gets me worked up is that I'm verbally attacked just for asking a question. And second, I didn't triple post. I posted a response to each person individually. I didn't post the same stuff 3 times.
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