Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 358
EA broke too many things last time so they released a patch that breaks more things. I suggest you wait to patch until Pescado updates AwesomeMod.
The patch is 1.14/2.9/3.5/4.2
Apparently fixes CAW.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 28
Why you looking at me? <_<
Search MOAR and you'll notice that it doesn't fix CAW. >_<
"If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in queer to work: 'Hello. Can't work today, still queer.'" ~Robin Tyler
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 476
I never patch until AM is updated. I'm not surprised the patch has issues. EA can't seem to fix anything without breaking other things in the process.
J. M. Pescado
Exact version numbers only. Can't update without an exact version number.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Madame Mim
Not happy Jan! Automatic updates are off and I thought I had EA well and truly internet banned only to start my game this evening and find if had patched itself. Bastard thing has never done that before. Think I've found all the new EA tendrils in my PC but still not happy.
TS3 ver WA ver HELS ver Amb ver
These were taken by checking the properties of the executables. Am I doing that right? I'm not usually the one here posting version inf. I must be doing that wrong.
« Last Edit: 2010 July 09, 10:28:26 by Madame Mim »
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Ive just updated my game and it seems at least one of my active sims has vanished. Like he never existed....
Just saw this was listed to be "fixed" in the patch notes. However, i never had the issue until the patch. Same thing happened when they were meant to fix the always running issue, until that patch I had never experienced the issue. So I think they should substitute the word "fixed" to "Broke" whenever they release a new patch.
« Last Edit: 2010 July 09, 11:17:54 by Anach »
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 522
Giving EA the finger!
Same thing happened when they were meant to fix the always running issue, until that patch I had never experienced the issue. So I think they should substitute the word "fixed" to "Broke" whenever they release a new patch.
Agreed! I never had the running issue for actives or inactives, now the little pixels are running all over the town since updating. Very irritating.
"So you have to be hungry to eat, right? Hmph, imagine that concept." Kirstie Alley
Not happy Jan! Automatic updates are off and I thought I had EA well and truly internet banned only to start my game this evening and find if had patched itself. Bastard thing has never done that before. Think I've found all the new EA tendrils in my PC but still not happy.
I also do not recall ever, ever getting auto updates, but apparently the game decided at a random point to do it itself. It's actually pretty convenient, because it worked flawlessly despite the fact that I'm pretty sure I had invalid tslhost.dll files and had to replace with the backups, but it's a bit freaky that the launcher apparently opened and activated itself and downloaded updates without me noticing.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 307
You know how to whistle, don't you?
Has anyone here patched and managed to get CAW to work? I know the forum at TheSims3 is full of people who say it hasn't worked, but I'm not convicted it isn't just user error. That place is full of whiny 6's and 12's who can't even tie their shoes. I thought I'd give it a shot myself, but I'm curious if anyone here has also tried.
I am getting an "Attempted to read write protected memory" error, it says it may be a sign that other memory is corrupt. THe game is working fine, though, so I'm not sure what it's talking about.
Has anyone complaining of CAW being broken still actually reinstalled it? I haven't seen anyone say they have.
Edit: Okay...apparently the launcher was lying before? It no longer says I have the most recent patch. But it also says my game is up to date and won't let me update from the launcher. :\
As well, using the patch links in this thread, I am told I have the wrong versions for Base and WA, which confuses the hell out of me, since they've always been "1" before.
Launcher says: Base- (Shouldnt it end in 1 or 2?) WA- (Why does this one end in 2?) HELS- (This one ends in 1, and the patch works for it.) Ambitions- Something ending in 1, havne't tried yet.
Why are these so inconsistent? Whats up with the base number?
I guess I've gotta full reinstall. Ffffff.
« Last Edit: 2010 July 09, 16:39:46 by Claeric »
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 307
You know how to whistle, don't you?
Has anyone complaining of CAW being broken still actually reinstalled it? I haven't seen anyone say they have.
Not here, but yes, I have read through all the comments on TheSims3 that have come in since yesterday (Pity me) and many have tried reinstalling. The only 2 people who said theirs are working do not have the last 2 patches.
YO PESCADO, what about the Awesomepatcher??
*shakes Gwill until she is concussed*
<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST. <kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 50
Apparently, my game updated itself, and broke my sim. He suddenly cannot fish, which is annoying. I searched for fixes to this, but am un-awesome, and didn't find one. Could someone moreawesomethanme point me in the correct direction? Thank you.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Patched, and then I sent a pair of my sims to France and everything was working fine. I saved while they were there and went back the next day to continue. Now, every time I try to do anything quest-related (give mineral to sim, ask sim out on date for someone else), my sim resets and teleports to wherever they were before I requested that command. I took AM out and disabled all custom content and it still does it. *Repeated headdesk* 
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 50
My sim decided to go fishing on his own, and now I can order him to fish again. I'm happy it fixed itself, but slightly confused as to why it happened. Anyway.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
So from the patch notes "The "Intrigued by Great Lecture" moodlet now has an icon" Does this mean that the great lecture repeating forever and borking romance and funny socials is also fixed? I see no mention of it but it seems odd to only fix the icon.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 476
As well, using the patch links in this thread, I am told I have the wrong versions for Base and WA, which confuses the hell out of me, since they've always been "1" before.
Launcher says: Base- (Shouldnt it end in 1 or 2?) WA- (Why does this one end in 2?) HELS- (This one ends in 1, and the patch works for it.) Ambitions- Something ending in 1, havne't tried yet.
Why are these so inconsistent? Whats up with the base number?
I guess I've gotta full reinstall. Ffffff.
World Adventures ending in 2 is normal. That's how mine is. My base game is region 1, as are HELS and Ambitions (both Vitality) but World Adventures (Reloaded) is region 2. So I have to get the region 2 patch for WA and region 1 patches for everything else.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 65
My sim decided to go fishing on his own, and now I can order him to fish again. I'm happy it fixed itself, but slightly confused as to why it happened. Anyway.
Fish just happened to be what the spinner landed on when EA decided what to break in their next patch. Unfortunately for EA they are the only people that fail at purposely breaking things so it fixed itself.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 307
You know how to whistle, don't you?
EA has posted a new version of CAW. You must uninstall the old and install the new for it to work.
I think they changed the lighting a bit more in this one.
My sims' roof appears to be way, way shinier and more reflective (Green Scalloped). The indoor lighting looks a tiny bit different (last time lighting changed, objects made more appropriate shadows indoors instead of just blobs. They look even better now.), and I think the windows are less horrible.
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
My lights seem dimmer and the bloom is not so bad.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 26
EA has posted a new version of CAW. You must uninstall the old and install the new for it to work.
I just hope we can actually create worlds a little more easily now if its truly repaired. Thanks for the heads up on it.
Feckless Fool

Posts: 288
Tried to update my basegame, but it tells me: "The setup has detected that the installed game region for this update is incorrect"
Sigh, now I have to hunt down the basegame?
Worst part is, after installing the latest patch, because it keeps telling me the basegame needs to be patched, the launcher freezes and wont load at all.
Alright managed to get the patch to work, but launcher is still being a bit iffy with me, it keeps whining about EA Download manager, and can freeze because of it sometimes, but it worksn other occasions.
« Last Edit: 2010 July 10, 09:33:18 by Rubyelf »
High Distinctions for Forensic Analytical Science? CHECK! Honours? CHECK! Scholarship for PHD after completing my Majors? CHECK!
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 167
My sim decided to go fishing on his own, and now I can order him to fish again. I'm happy it fixed itself, but slightly confused as to why it happened. Anyway.
This has happened to me before, not just with fishing though. Sometimes it affects the fridge, or bookshelves. It either corrects itself after a couple of sim days, or you have to abandon the family and start over.