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Author Topic: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here  (Read 2383413 times)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #550 on: 2010 September 25, 04:33:44 »

Well, I'm bored and I feel like being useful. So I'm going to upload a decrapified, working Barnacle Bay for anybody who is hesitant to make it work.

But I have to say, I don't understand the fear. I'd also like to say that you can't expect a nice person like me to hold your hand every time you want to pirate something. With that said, in about ten minutes I'll have a working Mediafire link for you that has a decrapified Barnacle Bay.

I'll feel good when I know it's useful to somebody.  Smiley

« Last Edit: 2010 September 25, 04:53:22 by littlehouse » Logged
Juvenile Jackass
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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #551 on: 2010 September 25, 04:54:29 »

You're not supposed to share decrapified files. Pescado said not to do it and it's been repeated over and over, yet people still do it. Decrapifying is really, really easy. I did if for the first time tonight and it took like a minute. Way easier than converting to .package files, which is also pretty simple.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #552 on: 2010 September 25, 05:00:25 »

You're not supposed to share decrapified files. Pescado said not to do it and it's been repeated over and over, yet people still do it. Decrapifying is really, really easy. I did if for the first time tonight and it took like a minute. Way easier than converting to .package files, which is also pretty simple.

I wasn't aware, but I'll take it down in an instant if I get asked to.

Until then, we should let the tards enjoy their easy way out.  Smiley
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 163

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #553 on: 2010 September 25, 05:01:00 »

So how many times shall it be said NOT TO SHARE DECRAPPIFIED SIMS3PACKs OVER THE NET? It's very easy to do it yourself, not to mention even if you have to figure it out by trial and error you really can't fuck anything up. Just try it atleast, really what's so hard? Don't be so lazy. Like I posted before I wrote a tutorial for it for noobs that can't google or figure things out on their own. HERE ONCE AGAIN But Kudos for you for trying to be nice and sharing. 
Asinine Airhead

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #554 on: 2010 September 25, 05:01:15 »

I'm sure that one file won't make the universe blow up.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #555 on: 2010 September 25, 05:02:31 »

So how many times shall it be said NOT TO SHARE DECRAPPIFIED SIMS3PACKs OVER THE NET?

Is there actually a very good reason for that? Sorry for my idiocy, but could I actually get in trouble for linking people to that?
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 163

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #556 on: 2010 September 25, 05:07:17 »

Is there actually a very good reason for that? Sorry for my idiocy, but could I actually get in trouble for linking people to that?

Honestly, I have no clue. People just say not to. On a different forum I frequent I've shared stuff with people and for some it works and for others it doesn't. So if anything I think it's just easier to say do it yourself than to try to explain to people that it may or may not work, you might have to do it yourself. IDK.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #557 on: 2010 September 25, 05:10:38 »

Honestly, I have no clue. People just say not to. On a different forum I frequent I've shared stuff with people and for some it works and for others it doesn't. So if anything I think it's just easier to say do it yourself than to try to explain to people that it may or may not work, you might have to do it yourself. IDK.

I feel like it makes the whole idea "more illegal" and "more likely to be caught".. There has to be a reason that Pescado doesn't want people to post decrapified files, other than because lazy people don't deserve them. I'm playing it safe. I deleted the Mediafire file.

Well, the generosity was fun while it lasted.  Smiley
Asinine Airhead

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #558 on: 2010 September 25, 05:13:14 »

I personally wouldn't have taken it down until Pescado said why. But then, I don't like following goofy rules, just because people go "becoz its baaaad".  Roll Eyes

Pescado doesn't seem like he'd make up a rule against sharing decrapified files for reasons as childish and arbitrary as "so people won't be lazy". If anything, it could replace all the other Barnacle Bay links and that one simply used as the primary download.

Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #559 on: 2010 September 25, 05:21:18 »

Pescado doesn't seem like he'd make up a rule against sharing decrapified files for reasons as childish and arbitrary as "so people won't be lazy".

That is exactly why. Plus, I've given that link to somebody on MTS in a pm.. but I think I deleted the file before they got to see it.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #560 on: 2010 September 25, 05:24:05 »

That's unfortunate.

It's NOT hard to decrapify, but if someone has been kind enough to do it and post a link, why make people take an extra step, just because someone "feels" like it? I assumed he was above that.
Grammar Police
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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #561 on: 2010 September 25, 05:28:27 »

I personally wouldn't have taken it down until Pescado said why. But then, I don't like following goofy rules, just because people go "becoz its baaaad".  Roll Eyes

Pescado doesn't seem like he'd make up a rule against sharing decrapified files for reasons as childish and arbitrary as "so people won't be lazy". If anything, it could replace all the other Barnacle Bay links and that one simply used as the primary download.

"So people won't be lazy" IS a valid reason.  MATY doesn't enable weakness and laziness, but encourages people to be self-sufficient.  If people don't like MATY's take on things, they are more than welcome to go elsewhere.

That's unfortunate.

It's NOT hard to decrapify, but if someone has been kind enough to do it and post a link, why make people take an extra step, just because someone "feels" like it? I assumed he was above that.

Yeah, you've ASSUMED a lot.  Perhaps you should lurk moar.

<soozelwoozel>  Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #562 on: 2010 September 25, 05:36:42 »

I wouldn't want to encourage laziness, but sharing is caring.  Cheesy

But I definitely agree that if people have things handed to them, they'll never learn for themselves. Decrapifying is almost effortless.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 476

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #563 on: 2010 September 25, 05:37:26 »

So how many times shall it be said NOT TO SHARE DECRAPPIFIED SIMS3PACKs OVER THE NET?

Is there actually a very good reason for that? Sorry for my idiocy, but could I actually get in trouble for linking people to that?

Here's the quote from Pescado himself:

Invoke with "s3rc -fD" (fixonly, decrapify) OR "decrapify" (drag/drop FOR TARDS). Should fix all busted s3packs that don't install correctly in the launcher, like those old TSR ones.
1. Permanently and irreversibly alters the target package/s3pack. Due to the type of damage involved, the game will see the decrapified object as a seperate object from a non-decrapified object. Any saved game that used these objects or skins will be broken as a result, but...
2. If you decrapify objects, you must decrapify all of your SAVED GAMES (.nhd & .packages in your .sims3), PRESETS (userPresets.package), and LIBRARY.
3. DECRAPIFIED saved or exported items containing CRAPIFIED content will malfunction in a non-decrapified install.
5. decrapify exe requires s3rc exe to be accessible on path.

Do not share decrapified packages, only share original unmodified packages.

I'm sure he had a reason to say that. And it's in red, so it's probably important. So that's where the "Do not share decrapified files" thing comes from.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 163

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #564 on: 2010 September 25, 05:38:39 »

have you read any posts by Pescado? If you have then you know that he would do that just for the sake of doing it. LOL. but I did find this

Can now compress and decompress Sims3Packs directly.

Invoke with "s3rc -fD" (fixonly, decrapify) OR "decrapify" (drag/drop FOR TARDS). Should fix all busted s3packs that don't install correctly in the launcher, like those old TSR ones.
1. Permanently and irreversibly alters the target package/s3pack. Due to the type of damage involved, the game will see the decrapified object as a seperate object from a non-decrapified object. Any saved game that used these objects or skins will be broken as a result, but...
2. If you decrapify objects, you must decrapify all of your SAVED GAMES (.nhd & .packages in your .sims3), PRESETS (userPresets.package), and LIBRARY.
3. DECRAPIFIED saved or exported items containing CRAPIFIED content will malfunction in a non-decrapified install.
5. decrapify exe requires s3rc exe to be accessible on path.

Do not share decrapified packages, only share original unmodified packages.
"decrapify" not available for Linux, because Linux users are not stupid enough to need it and can just use -fD by hand.

I personally don't understand why you shouldn't, but then again I don't care, I know how to decrap.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #565 on: 2010 September 25, 05:40:28 »

I do believe people should learn how to decrapify stuff on their own, I can agree with that, but there are instructions to do that here and literally billions of other places on the 'net.

Edit: Basically, you "deprive" them of one chance to learn with this one file, so? There's lots of other opportunities to learn.

Eh, it's not important.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #566 on: 2010 September 25, 05:48:09 »

Well, if sharing of decrapified files goes against the website rules, then I won't do it again, ever. I guess I don't need a complete justification for why. Just that people shouldn't be lazy is reason enough for me.

Thank you for letting me know.
Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #567 on: 2010 September 25, 06:06:17 »

Well, if sharing of decrapified files goes against the website rules, then I won't do it again, ever. I guess I don't need a complete justification for why. Just that people shouldn't be lazy is reason enough for me.

Thank you for letting me know.

Oh for fuck's sake, just shut up for a while. You've been wibbling all over the site in the last few hours and you've got nothing of interest to contribute. Just shut your fucking yap.

My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #568 on: 2010 September 25, 06:39:39 »

Oh for fuck's sake, just shut up for a while. You've been wibbling all over the site in the last few hours and you've got nothing of interest to contribute. Just shut your fucking yap.

I've been on and off more frequently than usual, but it's nothing more than wanting to post just a little bit more and become more acquainted with the actual people here. I don't know if you realize, but you're not the one who gets to decide how much I post. What you've said makes little sense, because it isn't an infraction to actually talk to people more on a forum. I actually laughed at that because it has to be the most ridiculous thing I've come across. You must have been here for a few hours as well, because you were so kind to notice. How hypocritical..

Since you're so interested in tracking my every move, maybe you saw that I've been signed up since 2006. My measly 53 posts is nothing in comparison to your 10,093 posts. Maybe you should look at yourself before trying to offend /me/.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638

Shunning the accursed daystar.

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #569 on: 2010 September 25, 06:59:39 »

I've been on and off more frequently than usual, but it's nothing more than wanting to post just a little bit more and become more acquainted with the actual people here. I don't know if you realize, but you're not the one who gets to decide how much I post. What you've said makes little sense, because it isn't an infraction to actually talk to people more on a forum. I actually laughed at that because it has to be the most ridiculous thing I've come across. You must have been here for a few hours as well, because you were so kind to notice. How hypocritical..
I can practically guarantee that 'the actual people here' won't want a bar of you. You're not intelligent, or funny or the slightest bit interesting. I noticed your witterings because every fucking thread I loaded this evening, had you wombling on about nothing in particular except your inability to understand what was going on.

Since you're so interested in tracking my every move, maybe you saw that I've been signed up since 2006. My measly 53 posts is nothing in comparison to your 10,093 posts. Maybe you should look at yourself before trying to offend /me/.
Have you ever read the FAQ?

My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #570 on: 2010 September 25, 07:58:02 »

I noticed your witterings because every fucking thread I loaded this evening, had you wombling on about nothing in particular

If I'm the unintelligent one, you could probably try to stop making up words.

'wombling', 'witterings', and 'wibbling' are not words. It is also amusing that you have such a problem with my posting.

except your inability to understand what was going on.

That is a flat out, fucking lie. If I had a problem understanding ANYTHING, I wouldn't hesitate to post, obviously. I was being truthful when I said I wasn't "aware" of some things.

You know, I have to compliment your ability to attack me on the most absurd, incongruous thing you could think of. If you really believed I were "uninteresting", then you would not have addressed me. That is plainly another half assed attempt at comebacks. Yeah, I'm "unintelligent, unfunny", and of course "uninteresting". But isn't /everyone/ these things when you're in a disagreement with them? Give me something I haven't heard you say to somebody before.

I was under the impression that I could post when/wherever the fuck I wanted as long as I wasn't breaking any rules. I was also expecting to be confronted sooner or later, but not about THIS. My god, spare me the fucking attitude and get on with your "life". It's not hard to see why Claeric is pissed off constantly.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638

Shunning the accursed daystar.

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #571 on: 2010 September 25, 09:55:55 »

If I'm the unintelligent one, you could probably try to stop making up words.

'wombling', 'witterings', and 'wibbling' are not words. It is also amusing that you have such a problem with my posting.

Heh, I thought those words were entirely apt in describing your posts. I'll let your own witterings speak for themselves.

Well, if sharing of decrapified files goes against the website rules, then I won't do it again, ever. I guess I don't need a complete justification for why. Just that people shouldn't be lazy is reason enough for me.
Thank you for letting me know.
I wouldn't want to encourage laziness, but sharing is caringCheesy
But I definitely agree that if people have things handed to them, they'll never learn for themselves. Decrapifying is almost effortless.
Is there actually a very good reason for that? Sorry for my idiocy, but could I actually get in trouble for linking people to that?
I wasn't aware, but I'll take it down in an instant if I get asked to.
Until then, we should let the tards enjoy their easy way outSmiley
Well, I'm bored and I feel like being useful. So I'm going to upload a decrapified, working Barnacle Bay for anybody who is hesitant to make it work.
But I have to say, I don't understand the fear. I'd also like to say that you can't expect a nice person like me to hold your hand every time you want to pirate something. With that said, in about ten minutes I'll have a working Mediafire link for you that has a decrapified Barnacle Bay.
I'll feel good when I know it's useful to somebodySmiley
Does anybody actually want Barnacle Bay in a package/world file? I would be happy to try doing it, but I wouldn't know if it worked.
First of all, I accidentally pressed "Thanks" when I meant to quote your post.. so I hope that doesn't benefit you in any way.
Thank you for letting me know. I wasn't aware.
You tend to start noticing if AwesomeMod is in your game.. it begins to suck less, for starters.
I actually did have a .cmd file made, but I wasn't using it when I was "decrapifying". For some reason I was under the impression that I didn't need it.

And you wonder why I got sick of loading threads just to read this shit? I ask you again, have you read the FAQ? You certainly have no idea of MATY culture or the accepted behavioural norms on this forum. Go to the BBS, they appreciate people uploading shit when they don't know what they're doing, and why they shouldn't be doing it. They also appreciate nice people holding their hands. In fact, they even enjoy smileys and I believe have a 'bene' system, which is probably what you were thinking of when you clicked the 'Thanks' in error. Fucking sheeple.

My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 16

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #572 on: 2010 September 25, 10:47:56 »

Hi  Smiley

Just wondering if anyone noticed my post on page 24. It's post #599, the very last one on the page. I feel like it didn't get noticed cause of the jumble of page 25.. lol

Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638

Shunning the accursed daystar.

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #573 on: 2010 September 25, 10:52:13 »

Ok something weird just happened..

I started playing BBay last night. I installed it via the launcher after decrapifying with Compressorizer Redux. I have done this with all store content with great success. Anyway, Last night, I saved a BBay game using 'Save As' and then quit the game. Tonight I started that saved game back up and everything seemed fine. After some decorating I saved the game. Before it finished saving the game crashed. There was no warning at all.. it just completely disappeared instantly.. just gone in a second. My computer was fine and it seemed like I never even had the game running just a second ago. Ok I've seen this once in a blue moon and usually it's no big deal. The weird thing is that when I restarted the game and went to reload the BBay saved game it was completely gone. I checked in my saves folder and it's not there either. All my other saves are fine.

I have no idea why this happened. I wonder if it happened cause it crashed while it was saving or if it's a new way EA is trying to defeat the pirrrrrates.. lol Roll Eyes

So at least friggen quote it so's we don't have to trawl back for it.

My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 68

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Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
« Reply #574 on: 2010 September 25, 10:54:05 »

@ Fizzy: yes, I did read it, but couldn't contribute with anything useful, I'm afraid.  Undecided
@ littlehead: Well I appreciated your nice way of writing, even if it's not at all popular here.
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