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The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
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Topic: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here (Read 2386185 times)
Retarded Reprobate
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The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
2010 May 29, 23:55:12 »
Do you have Store stuff to share? Post it here, with a link to the off-site location, and your post will be moved to the Downloads Only thread by a moderator.
Are you having problems installing Store stuff acquired from the Downloads Only thread? Describe your problem here, and perhaps someone can help you.
If you have no problems with your own Store stuff because you know exactly what you are doing, feel free to give the n00bs in this thread a hand -- at least they are posting their questions in the right place.
This thread may be subject to occasional pruning. Information of lasting usefulness should be saved elsewhere.
Last Edit: 2010 July 06, 22:00:24 by BastDawn
Anime Fapper
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 406
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #1 on:
2010 June 04, 13:25:56 »
I would not advise use TSR Workshop to "convert" .package files as I notice it have a bad habit of ditching some of textures files.
There is a way around it that is export the .dds and import then back but its just annoying, also some older and odd stuff cannot be loaded properly,.
(damn, forgot the not)
Last Edit: 2010 June 04, 21:48:57 by Drakron
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #2 on:
2010 June 04, 18:30:21 »
in short: i cant get the EA store stuff (decrapified and in dbc and what not in documents/electronic arts/the sims 3/DCCache, I also tried in yadda yadda yadda the sims 3/mods/DCCache with the line PackageFile Mods/packages/*dbc added to the resource config) to show up in game. what am i doing wrong?
Im sure this question gets asked a lot since others typically hate EA as much as i. Im just getting back into the sims (havent played in months) to check out ambitions and have just learned that EA has unleashed some sort of fuckery thats making i difficult for people to add EA store items. So i skimmed this thread first and found that dbc is the ideal format for EA store stuff. Then i followed the directions in this thread:,17707.0.html
to create and install dbc, but nothing will show up in game.
I'm pretty sure i missed a step or put the stuff in the wrong place, if anyone could fill me in on what i did wrong that'd be cool.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #3 on:
2010 June 04, 19:08:03 »
Quote from: bigpooh on 2010 June 04, 18:30:21
So i skimmed this thread first and found that dbc is the ideal format for EA store stuff. Then i followed the directions in this thread:,17707.0.html
to create and install dbc, but nothing will show up in game.
FYI: I never use dbc files and all my custom content shows up in the game and works great with both Ambitions and World Adventures installed. I use package files. I've used S3pe to combine a lot of package files, and my game plays fast and quite smoothly. I'm not sure why people don't use package files. They work perfectly once you learn how to combine/merge them with s3pe to avoid lag, and that's only necessary if you have more than 400 package files or so. Using s3pe is easy once you learn how. I don't see the need to use dbc files at all. I haven't had any problem at all using package files, and I have both expansions and am all the way patched up.
You'll need to set up your game files (framework) differently to use custom content with Ambitions and its related patches. You will need the new resource file that you can find at Mod the Sims to use custom content with Ambitions and the newest patch. You can find it (and how to set the new framework up) here:
Last Edit: 2010 June 04, 19:16:40 by Eva
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #4 on:
2010 June 04, 19:30:26 »
Quote from: Eva on 2010 June 04, 19:08:03
Quote from: bigpooh on 2010 June 04, 18:30:21
So i skimmed this thread first and found that dbc is the ideal format for EA store stuff. Then i followed the directions in this thread:,17707.0.html
to create and install dbc, but nothing will show up in game.
FYI: I never use dbc files and all my custom content shows up in the game and works great with both Ambitions and World Adventures installed. I use package files. I've used S3pe to combine a lot of package files, and my game plays fast and quite smoothly. I'm not sure why people don't use package files. They work perfectly once you learn how to combine/merge them with s3pe to avoid lag, and that's only necessary if you have more than 400 package files or so. Using s3pe is easy once you learn how. I don't see the need to use dbc files at all. I haven't had any problem at all using package files, and I have both expansions and am all the way patched up.
You'll need to set up your game files (framework) differently to use custom content with Ambitions and its related patches. You will need the new resource file that you can find at Mod the Sims to use custom content with Ambitions and the newest patch. You can find it (and how to set the new framework up) here:
i was using my pre-ambition cfg. Everything works now, kudos for the link
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 73
Lurker extraordinaire
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #5 on:
2010 June 04, 20:37:26 »
Quote from: Eva on 2010 June 04, 19:08:03
You'll need to set up your game files (framework) differently to use custom content with Ambitions and its related patches. You will need the new resource file that you can find at Mod the Sims to use custom content with Ambitions and the newest patch. You can find it (and how to set the new framework up) here:
Hooray for the new Framework installer tool!
All hail Delphy!
Last Edit: 2010 June 04, 20:43:21 by dragonic
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
Do you see a midget Hitler?!
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #6 on:
2010 June 04, 22:15:25 »
It says that we can post questions about the TS3 store items here so I hope I'm posting this in the right thread. I was wondering if anybody got their hands on the $20 bonus item and/or know what the item is? A link to a picture of it maybe?
Also Snooty mentioned new hairstyles along with the Beach, sun, sand release. Are these included in the download thread or are they still needed?
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
Anime Fapper
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 406
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #7 on:
2010 June 05, 03:18:46 »
Quote from: virgali on 2010 June 04, 22:15:25
It says that we can post questions about the TS3 store items here so I hope I'm posting this in the right thread. I was wondering if anybody got their hands on the $20 bonus item and/or know what the item is? A link to a picture of it maybe?
You mean the buy points incentives? this month they are all pointless badges, sticker and /background crap, they are USELESS!
Also Snooty mentioned new hairstyles along with the Beach, sun, sand release. Are these included in the download thread or are they still needed?
Again, we only had sets ... no separate from the sets items.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #8 on:
2010 June 05, 03:57:05 »
Quote from: richardajoy on 2010 June 04, 10:55:36
Quote from: morriganrant on 2010 June 04, 10:48:24
Quote from: richardajoy on 2010 June 04, 10:27:53
Hi all I need some advice.
I have roughly 2gb of package files and i've been trying to convert them to Sim3Pack files using TSR Workshop. The conversion initially goes according to plan but after installing and running Sims 3, the objects don't look exactly right, they're colour is off and I can't alter it. Is there another means to convert package to sim3pack that won't cause problems with the mesh.
Why are you converting them to Sim3pack? Do you mean you are trying to convert them into one big .package file or what?
No. Due to slow load times, I did merge the package files, but due to the shear size of the merged files, Sims 3 is now running slower than usual. I read that using Sims 3 Workshop and converting package files individually (which would take forever for the amount I have) will speed up Sims 3 as sim3pack files use up far less processing power when loading.
I've tried converting before, but the mesh of the converted files didn't look quite right and I've followed TSR's walkthrough, but still nothing.
Did you merge all of your packages into a single 2Gb file? If so it is no wonder that you noticed your game slow down. Try merging them in batches of no more than 200MB. If your game still seems to be slower than before you have probably got some bad CC that you will either need to fix with Delphy's tools or remove.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
Do you see a midget Hitler?!
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #9 on:
2010 June 05, 07:56:16 »
@ Drakron. I didn't even know the bonus items changed every month. Is there a place where I can see a list of bonus items from each month?
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 79
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #10 on:
2010 June 05, 11:49:00 »
Did no one get the $20 Mirror Gift? Cannot find it anywhere and its not in the regal set. It's a new mirror called "Reflection"
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 32
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #11 on:
2010 June 05, 13:52:29 »
Quote from: igottapi on 2010 June 05, 11:49:00
Did no one get the $20 Mirror Gift? Cannot find it anywhere and its not in the regal set. It's a new mirror called "Reflection"
via MistyK's 4Shared Folder
R.I.P. Munti 25/01/08 - You made me a better person. I miss you so much it hurts.
Anime Fapper
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 406
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #12 on:
2010 June 05, 14:09:46 »
Quote from: virgali on 2010 June 05, 07:56:16
@ Drakron. I didn't even know the bonus items changed every month. Is there a place where I can see a list of bonus items from each month?
Just attempt to buy them, it always show what the incentives are on the first step.
It may require you to log on.
And they are doing "buy incentives" about every month now.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 79
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #13 on:
2010 June 05, 14:36:06 »
Quote from: rhldavies on 2010 June 05, 13:52:29
Quote from: igottapi on 2010 June 05, 11:49:00
Did no one get the $20 Mirror Gift? Cannot find it anywhere and its not in the regal set. It's a new mirror called "Reflection"
via MistyK's 4Shared Folder
Thank you, I went thru both pages twice making sure I didn't missed it before asking.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 40
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #14 on:
2010 June 05, 18:58:01 »
I've been having the same problem with my DBC content not showing up, but I know for certain that my resource.cfg is in order.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #15 on:
2010 June 05, 21:23:58 »
Okay so I've been putting all the sims 3 store files into my game and they show up as installed in the launcher,
but won't show up in game. Wtf?
help pl0x, i've searched till i cannot search no moar
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2382
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #16 on:
2010 June 05, 22:20:51 »
Quote from: Incognito on 2010 June 05, 18:58:01
I've been having the same problem with my DBC content not showing up, but I know for certain that my resource.cfg is in order.
Where do you have them? In mods or in DCCache? I have renamed my store file to storedcdb0.dbc, and have placed them in a folder named DCCache within the new Mod folder located in the user files. If renamed and left in EAs DCCach, the game doesn't read them.
My resource.cfg reads like this:
Priority 500
PackedFile Packages/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*/*/*/*.package
Priority 500
PackedFile DCCache/*.dbc
PackedFile DCCache/*/*.dbc
PackedFile DCCache/*/*.world
Priority 499
PackedFile Test/*.package
Priority 499
PackedFile Probation/*.package
PackedFile Probation/*/*.package
PackedFile Probation/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Probation/*/*/*/*.package
Mine are working fine. Resource.cfg is within the new mods folder. Inside my new mods folder is a DCCache folder, a Packages folder with subfolders within, a Test folder, and a Probation folder. You wouldn't need the last two listed, I just have them for ease of testing new custom content without merging the files into my working set, and a test folder because I was trying my hand at making my own xml mods.
Last Edit: 2010 June 05, 23:27:17 by morriganrant
One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone. -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
Do you see a midget Hitler?!
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #17 on:
2010 June 05, 22:43:37 »
Quote from: Drakron on 2010 June 05, 14:09:46
Quote from: virgali on 2010 June 05, 07:56:16
@ Drakron. I didn't even know the bonus items changed every month. Is there a place where I can see a list of bonus items from each month?
Just attempt to buy them, it always show what the incentives are on the first step.
It may require you to log on.
And they are doing "buy incentives" about every month now.
Thanx but they don't show the incentives of the previous months, right? Thanx for the link anyways.
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #18 on:
2010 June 06, 05:47:27 »
Yay, it was your folders I linked to! Did you get those Russian pre-orders, the bookcase & the origami (plant?)?
10/10 - would steal again.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Silent Dreamer
Feckless Fool
Posts: 269
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #19 on:
2010 June 06, 05:58:08 »
Quote from: witch on 2010 June 06, 05:47:27
Yay, it was your folders I linked to! Did you get those Russian pre-orders, the bookcase & the origami (plant?)?
10/10 - would steal again.
Yeah. I think I plopped them in June's stuff. I saw your post from the other day and it spurred me to get the damn thing updated.
The stupid threshold has reached critical mass! Brain explosions imminent!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 32
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #20 on:
2010 June 06, 08:09:30 »
Quote from: virgali on 2010 June 05, 22:43:37
Quote from: Drakron on 2010 June 05, 14:09:46
Quote from: virgali on 2010 June 05, 07:56:16
@ Drakron. I didn't even know the bonus items changed every month. Is there a place where I can see a list of bonus items from each month?
Just attempt to buy them, it always show what the incentives are on the first step.
It may require you to log on.
And they are doing "buy incentives" about every month now.
Thanx but they don't show the incentives of the previous months, right? Thanx for the link anyways.
might be of some help to you - if it ever decides to load again that is.
R.I.P. Munti 25/01/08 - You made me a better person. I miss you so much it hurts.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 80
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #21 on:
2010 June 06, 12:52:20 »
I found the info about the Anniversary Edition of Ambitions. Here's the translation;
The only new item you actually get is the Honeycomb Bookshelf;
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 97
More Tryhard Than You.
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #22 on:
2010 June 06, 13:33:18 »
Does anyone have a mirror to the store's June .package file?
The original one posted by the MJ-tard doesn't work.
Shouty Vole/Teh Goddess - My OTP <333
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 361
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #23 on:
2010 June 06, 15:53:41 »
Thanks for that translated link. I got the commemorative edition and haven't been able to access the page to enter my code. It worked fine on the page you linked though. Rather disappointed it's just a bookcase though considering the card with the code states 'digital
', plural.
Silent Dreamer
Feckless Fool
Posts: 269
Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
Reply #24 on:
2010 June 06, 16:01:17 »
Quote from: Spacemouse on 2010 June 06, 15:13:30
Quote from: Rothchild on 2010 June 06, 12:52:20
I found the info about the Anniversary Edition of Ambitions. Here's the translation;
The only new item you actually get is the Honeycomb Bookshelf;
Here is the untouched version of the file:
Thanks for the three files. I'm adding them and re-uploading now.
The stupid threshold has reached critical mass! Brain explosions imminent!
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