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Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
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Topic: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological (Read 67078 times)
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
Saltfucking Weasel
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #50 on:
2010 July 06, 02:42:35 »
Quote from: rohina on 2010 July 06, 02:34:42
Would someone please but the saltfucker an LJ, so he has somewhere to put these emo rants about how he isn't gay, oh please, jermy take me to the prom?
Heh. Those are for people who think they have something interesting to say. I'm under no illusions about the interestingness of my words, nor do I feel any particular compulsion to type them; I'm mostly just doing it because it's funny to watch the rest of you. Which it is.
Anyway, it's firmly established that I maintain that there is no such thing as homosexuality. Now, before you go cry "homophobia", don't forget that I don't believe that there's such a thing as heterosexuality, either. I've been pretty well-established as a proponent of the theory of innate bisexuality since... well, at least since Whine was here, actually, because his really hilariously disgusted reaction to the notion that he might ever be willing to fuck, or apparently even touch, a woman was what made me decide that Shouty Vole was the new Whine when he reacted the same way.
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
21:17 < Kewian> Trixie one day you are going to pay for your crimes.
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Shouty Vole
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #51 on:
2010 July 06, 02:45:42 »
Again, please learn to use paragraphs. How can you have over 1500 posts and still be posting in bricks and walls? Nobody has taken issue with that?
I don't believe that there's such a thing as heterosexuality, either. I've been pretty well-established as a proponent of the theory of innate bisexuality
So what you're saying is "I've never heard of the Kinsey scale but I'm pretty sure I'm a super revolutionary badass for thinking that everyone is innately bisexual in a way."
Horny Turkey
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #52 on:
2010 July 06, 02:51:10 »
Duh, we've ALL heard of the Kinsey scale ever since jordi told us he was 100% heterosexual.
Carry on with Vole v Weasel, the Engayening, though.
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
Saltfucking Weasel
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #53 on:
2010 July 06, 02:52:00 »
Quote from: Claeric on 2010 July 06, 02:45:42
Again, please learn to use paragraphs. How can you have over 1500 posts and still be posting in bricks and walls? Nobody has taken issue with that?
I don't believe that there's such a thing as heterosexuality, either. I've been pretty well-established as a proponent of the theory of innate bisexuality
So what you're saying is "I've never heard of the Kinsey scale but I'm pretty sure I'm a super revolutionary badass for thinking that everyone is innately bisexual in a way."
Paragraphs are for the weak. TEXTWALL FTW!
And I have, in fact, heard of the Kinsey scale, and I've BROUGHT IT UP in the past. It's pretty much one of the basic tenets of said theory. Nowhere did I say that I thought I was some kind of "super revolutionary badass" for thinking it - as a matter of fact, I am constantly surprised by people who don't believe it, because it seems so obvious. There are, for example, people who don't believe in evolution, but that doesn't make the people who do "super revolutionary badasses". It didn't even do that when the theory was new. It just makes them right. Then again, this is something that I would not expect an F such as yourself to understand.
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
21:17 < Kewian> Trixie one day you are going to pay for your crimes.
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #54 on:
2010 July 06, 02:54:25 »
Quote from: Claeric on 2010 July 05, 22:48:28
We are allowed, without going to the science lab and giving some bone marrow to be jury rigged into fake magic science sperm (not condescension, it's just such a weird process), to have two females in-game have a baby.
Actually, you aren't, as the AwesomeMod only except same-sex pollination attempts as valid when the parties involved are in a ScienceWorks.
Quote from: Madame Mim on 2010 July 05, 21:58:10
Varmint - I'm sure that YY pregnancies would die before they are born. There are, I believe, XYY people and I can't believe I'm about to say this here but I find your statement offensive and really wish you hadn't gone there.
Because sims with gross chromosomal anomalies are not in the game, although if I can find a way to PUT them in the game, I will, sims are assumed to be mostly-normal XX and XY people. And yes, the non-viability of YYs is reflected in the results of what happens if you pollinate male-male: The gender ratio default, instead of 1:1 M:F, becomes 2:1, because in such a combination, you have a 50% chance of an XY, a 25% of an XX, and a 25% of a YY...which would immediately die, thus reducing it to 2:1.
Last Edit: 2010 July 06, 09:28:57 by J. M. Pescado
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #55 on:
2010 July 06, 03:11:04 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2010 July 06, 02:54:25
Actually, you aren't, as the AwesomeMod only except same-sex pollination attempts as valid when the parties involved are in a ScienceWorks.
Technically it only theoretically accepts same-sex pollination in the ScienceWorks since Awesomemod itself does not enable the action to actually
such pollinating. It only allows for it
an additional mod is in place that enables it and to my knowledge no such mod has been created.
However, there are mods such as Twallan's pollinator that bypass Awesomemod's ban on same sex pollination outside of the ScienceWorks and provide a workaround to still allow it to take place even with Awesomemod running.
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #56 on:
2010 July 06, 04:00:40 »
No, I scoured the sims forums yesterday looking for the whole samesex thing at the lab, no go. So I installed Twallan's PC, sent my girls to the lab and had them woohoo (they got caught), then sent them home and used the pollinator. Sadface.
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #57 on:
2010 July 06, 07:42:26 »
Quote from: vorpal on 2010 July 05, 17:10:50
If this is so, then I have to report a failure of this process, because I forgot to reinstall the meshes and did indeed have an invisible Sim.
The fix is in the next version.
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #58 on:
2010 July 06, 09:17:17 »
Quote from: vorpal on 2010 July 06, 08:09:38
And I also think that there seems to be something in the game itself that prevents the case of XX during a male pregnancy. So far I've had, I think, 7 male pregnancies and they all produced boys, even if the parturient was fed melons and solely melons during the whole phase of pregnancy.
The sim in my test save had a girl on the first try, and I didn't eat/do anything to change the baby's gender.
EDIT to avoid double-posting:
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 July 06, 02:23:39
Extremely stupid and utterly worthless and almost impressively boring. I suspect, although I may be wrong, that you think it'll get you attention, but the fact is that it makes you less worthy of attention, because why would anyone want to bother with someone whose whole existence seems to be singularly focussed on their sexual orientation?
Just don't be surprised when someone doesn't care to pay any attention to your shallow blandness.
Boring enough to make you rant non-stop... <_<
Last Edit: 2010 July 06, 13:31:53 by Spaz
"If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in queer to work: 'Hello. Can't work today, still queer.'" ~Robin Tyler
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #59 on:
2010 July 06, 14:21:13 »
Quote from: Spaz on 2010 July 06, 09:17:17
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 July 06, 02:23:39
Extremely stupid and utterly worthless and almost impressively boring. I suspect, although I may be wrong, that you think it'll get you attention, but the fact is that it makes you less worthy of attention, because why would anyone want to bother with someone whose whole existence seems to be singularly focussed on their sexual orientation?
Just don't be surprised when someone doesn't care to pay any attention to your shallow blandness.
Boring enough to make you rant non-stop... <_<
He cares so little that he wrote a Manifesto.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
Saltfucking Weasel
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #60 on:
2010 July 06, 15:51:53 »
Of course. I always do that. Haven't you been paying attention? Lack of immediate interest is no reason not to exploit something for potential future amusement.
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
21:17 < Kewian> Trixie one day you are going to pay for your crimes.
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Horny Turkey
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #61 on:
2010 July 06, 17:02:47 »
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 July 06, 15:51:53
Of course. I always do that. Haven't you been paying attention? Lack of immediate interest is no reason not to exploit something for potential future amusement.
No one is buying this particular line of bullshit you are peddling. Maybe you should try something else?
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
Saltfucking Weasel
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Posts: 2328
How is a weasel like a writing desk?
Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #62 on:
2010 July 06, 17:06:29 »
Quote from: rohina on 2010 July 06, 17:02:47
No one is buying this particular line of bullshit you are peddling. Maybe you should try something else?
Yes, yes, except that that particular line is true, and trying something else would entail finding a suitable lie, which is just too much effort to go to for something which I, as established, don't particularly care about. Nice try, though.
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
21:17 < Kewian> Trixie one day you are going to pay for your crimes.
Your source for blood and circuses.
Grammar Police
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #63 on:
2010 July 06, 20:44:34 »
I swear, that weasel on his avatar needs to be coming out of Boobzilla's ass, because he's sounding just like her.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
Saltfucking Weasel
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2328
How is a weasel like a writing desk?
Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #64 on:
2010 July 06, 20:53:15 »
Oh, so you've finally noticed that? Man, you're pretty dense. On the other hand, I was kind of hoping you wouldn't notice, because I was looking forward to claiming to be the sock of an established member for the Boob Trifecta. Ah, well, perhaps another time.
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
21:17 < Kewian> Trixie one day you are going to pay for your crimes.
Your source for blood and circuses.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 28
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #65 on:
2010 July 06, 20:58:19 »
Wow, and all this time I thought that was a weasel in a ball gown!
"If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in queer to work: 'Hello. Can't work today, still queer.'" ~Robin Tyler
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
Saltfucking Weasel
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2328
How is a weasel like a writing desk?
Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
Reply #66 on:
2010 July 06, 21:26:26 »
Ummm... when was the last ball gown you've seen with bleeding bite marks in? Wait, no, don't answer that. I don't want to know.
04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.
21:17 < Kewian> Trixie one day you are going to pay for your crimes.
Your source for blood and circuses.
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