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Author Topic: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological  (Read 67079 times)
Madame Mim
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #25 on: 2010 July 05, 21:58:10 »

Claeric - I'm sure if Pescado could cause accidents from car clipping he would. I think it would appeal to his sence of humor and desire for consistency - but what has that got to do with disabling gay marriage. On one hand we're talking about rules of the universe and on the other we're talking about social mores (which change with the wind) - unless you mean actual marriage in a legal sence - In which case, human 'laws' change too, but more slowly.

Varmint - I'm sure that YY pregnancies would die before they are born. There are, I believe, XYY people and I can't believe I'm about to say this here but I find your statement offensive and really wish you hadn't gone there.

Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Shouty Vole
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #26 on: 2010 July 05, 22:06:35 »

I was just saying that if there's such a need for these things to conform to reality- how they really work- why not do all sorts of things to make them match reality? Similar to how two sets of female chromosomes couldn't produce a Y chromosome, real world cars cannot slide through each other effortlessly, real world gay couples cannot get married (usually), etc.

Just to highlight how ridiculous it is that the female couples, despite being completely incapable of sexual reproduction because it's not possible, are... but can't have a male, because that's not possible. It's just silly.
Madame Mim
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #27 on: 2010 July 05, 22:42:55 »

But there are moves towards the ability to breed 2 women - they have arificially created sperm from female cells in labs and the likelihood is that you could, with enough technical know-how, create either genders gametes from cells of either gender. But you can not create what is not there. Women have no Y chromosomes (leaving out the people of whatever gender that end up with more chromosomes than they should).

Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Shouty Vole
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #28 on: 2010 July 05, 22:48:28 »

That's what I'm saying.

We are allowed, without going to the science lab and giving some bone marrow to be jury rigged into fake magic science sperm (not condescension, it's just such a weird process), to have two females in-game have a baby.

 They just go into the bed, they presumably lick and prod their women parts, and suddenly one is pregnant. They have, like, eggs fertilized by Saliva or something.

With that sort of rule-of-fun going outside the constraints of the real world, what sense is there in keeping the real-world limitation of no Y chromosome coming from such a thing? If they can have a baby with no sperm, why can't they have a male with no Y Chromosome?

Hell, make it so females can't have a baby until one of them has sex with a man. Pretend she gets some of his sperm on her tongue and it accidentally impregnates the other, I don't know. I am just not understanding the pick-and-choose restrictions.
Grammar Police
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #29 on: 2010 July 05, 23:21:14 »

You've got a game where robots walk around making out with mummies and living ghosts, where women can apparently lick each other's vaginas

They just go into the bed, they presumably lick and prod their women parts, and suddenly one is pregnant. They have, like, eggs fertilized by Saliva or something.

Pretend she gets some of his sperm on her tongue and it accidentally impregnates the other, I don't know.

Fixated much?  It's hard to read the post when it's being drowned out by the sound of the poster's tear-stained fapping.

<soozelwoozel>  Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Horny Turkey
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #30 on: 2010 July 05, 23:24:06 »

jermy, everyone knows that male virgins FEAR the VAG. And what could possibly exemplify that fear more than having to touch it with your mouth? COOTIES!

Shouty Vole
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #31 on: 2010 July 05, 23:33:17 »

Fixated? FAPPING?


My sim towns are sausage fests. They eat nothing but hot dogs and the theater is proud home to most of the conceptions in town. Female babies are regularly cast away off the shores of Fire Island and goggles are required apparel on the beach. They are the world's biggest users of silicone, body glitter, and astroglide.

Believe me. If anything, I'm doing the opposite of fapping when writing those posts.
Milhouse Trixibelle Saltfucker III
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #32 on: 2010 July 05, 23:45:48 »

Soooooo, Claeric's new combat operandi is Lv. 49 "I can't be obsessed with lesbians, because I'm gay"? Heh. I am suddenly reminded of Whine. Whatever happened to Whine, anyway? I think he souped when I stole Ellatrue's channel, didn't he? Man, that was all hilarious. Although, I must say I'm surprised to find that Claeric has made himself the new Whine - I was rather expecting Jeromycraig to fill that role. In fact, I still hold suspicious that Jeromycraig is in fact the *old* Whine. But that's another story.
Anyway, there's nothing technically keeping you from fertilising an egg with another egg, although you'd have to do some work to convince them to fuse. A polar body might work better, if you could get it to not immediately an hero. Really, the only reasons it can't happen in nature are the obvious physical difficulties. However, with no Y chromosome, there'd still be no way to have a male child. Claeric's argument is invalid. On the other hand, male pregnancy is impossible, short of some sort of artificial womb, and you can't fertilise a sperm cell (even if you could talk it into merging, they don't have enough celluar mechanisms to survive long enough to gestate, I'm afraid) anyway. On the other other hand, it's not incredibly different to engineer the necessary components - there's nothing particularly special about an egg or sperm cell that can't be emulated in a lab, and the chromosomes can be arranged in a variety of ways (popular suggestions include duplicating a male's X chromosome, and building a pseudo-Y out of one of a woman's Xs and DNA from a close male relative)... but these are not things you can do out of the comfort of your own home, usually, so you'd have to use the science building.

04:49 <@Pescado> That seems somehow unnecessarily cruel.

21:17 < Kewian> Trixie one day you are going to pay for your crimes.

Your source for blood and circuses.
Shouty Vole
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #33 on: 2010 July 05, 23:54:22 »

Ok, look. Here is the point.

-Women getting in bed, fooling around, and getting pregnant
-Two sets of X chromosomes being unable to produce something with a Y chromosome

Both of these are impossible, but one is unquestionably allowed. And I don't understand why things like this are pick-and-choose in regards to whether they have to conform to real world limits or not. Is this really so hard?
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #34 on: 2010 July 05, 23:55:38 »

This part kind of pissed me off.

real world gay couples cannot get married

Show your work.

Quote from: Asstear
6. Banned me from my own forum
Grammar Police
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #35 on: 2010 July 06, 00:15:49 »

I am curious why Awesomemod feels as if it should protect people from themselves.

If you don't have male pregnancy clothes, you probably don't have males get pregnant. So why does the game ABORT babies, simply to protect stupid people from having to deal with an invisible upper body when their sim starts to show?

WTF? Adding to Jeeves's very legitimate complaint, what's up with this shit? Repeat after me, Shouty: THEY AREN'T BABIES. They are pixels of data. And Mim had very obligingly explained how it can be that 2 women CAN indeed, in reality, get pregnant - and then it would be impossible to have a male baby. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Also, doubleWTF at the fact that just because 2 women in ShoutyVoleiverse cannot have a babby, and if they can they cannot have a MALE babby, suddenly gay marriage should be scrapped? Dude, you have some serious issues.

WARNING:PMs may be published if it contains butthurt or sporking which belong on the boards. And if I feel like it
Grammar Police
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #36 on: 2010 July 06, 00:20:43 »

Soooooo, Claeric's new combat operandi is Lv. 49 "I can't be obsessed with lesbians, because I'm gay"? Heh. I am suddenly reminded of Whine. Whatever happened to Whine, anyway? I think he souped when I stole Ellatrue's channel, didn't he? Man, that was all hilarious. Although, I must say I'm surprised to find that Claeric has made himself the new Whine - I was rather expecting Jeromycraig to fill that role. In fact, I still hold suspicious that Jeromycraig is in fact the *old* Whine. But that's another story.
Anyway, there's nothing technically blah blah biddy blah I IS SMART LISTEN TO MAH LEARNINGS, MAH TEALDEER BRINGS ALL THE BOYS TO THE YARD!
Wow.  It's good to know that even in the midst of bringing a thread to a screeching halt with probable copypasta, I'm apparently never far from your thoughts.  I got up and closed the blinds.

<soozelwoozel>  Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #37 on: 2010 July 06, 00:23:40 »

Fixated? FAPPING?


My sim towns are sausage fests. They eat nothing but hot dogs and the theater is proud home to most of the conceptions in town. Female babies are regularly cast away off the shores of Fire Island and goggles are required apparel on the beach. They are the world's biggest users of silicone, body glitter, and astroglide.

Believe me. If anything, I'm doing the opposite of fapping when writing those posts.

Gotcha. You're not obsessed with lesbians, you're just a narcissistic gay misogynist.
Horny Turkey
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #38 on: 2010 July 06, 00:31:27 »

Oh noes, varmint, gays can't be sexist. Don't you remember ste and his big long treatise on why it was okay for him to have sex before marriage but not his sister?

Shouty Vole
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #39 on: 2010 July 06, 01:11:41 »

Can someone just fucking answer me?

Why are some things horrible and must be squashed because they aren't possible, but other impossible things are specifically made possible? What determines what should be squashed and what shouldn't?
Grammar Police
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #40 on: 2010 July 06, 01:19:43 »

What determines what should be squashed and what shouldn't?
It's not as much fun when it's offered to me on a silver platter like that.

<soozelwoozel>  Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #41 on: 2010 July 06, 01:32:27 »

What determines what should be squashed and what shouldn't?

Pescado. Who you seem to think will change his mind about some of these squashings if you kermitflail passionately all over the forums. Whose mod you are enjoying for free. How's all that working out for you?
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #42 on: 2010 July 06, 01:47:53 »

is probably why he souped after I "betrayed" him and yoinked the channel. Which actually just gave me a massive retroactive schadenfreude boost. The idiot was probably crying emo tears and cutting for weeks. Cheesy


<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #43 on: 2010 July 06, 01:51:54 »

Ok, look. Here is the point.

-Women getting in bed, fooling around, and getting pregnant
-Two sets of X chromosomes being unable to produce something with a Y chromosome

Both of these are impossible, but one is unquestionably allowed. And I don't understand why things like this are pick-and-choose in regards to whether they have to conform to real world limits or not. Is this really so hard?
Because the first one's not entirely impossible. I JUST SAID THAT. FFS, do you even read? You are just so stupid, I swear.

Oh, and, Jenny Craig, the thing is, you TOTALLY ARE the new Whine. Or possibly the old one. So yes, whenever the topic is Whine you're not going to be far from my thoughts, because it is my nature to create permanent mental links between concepts, and the two of you share one of them.
Also, since you're kind of newish and don't remember Whine, I should tell you that he was one of Ellatrue's suitors, except he was gay and really creepily camp (if you're not already aware, I have a natural tendency to despise anyone who fits the stereotypes of a group to which that person belongs, so I hate, for example, weak-willed women, "gangsta" urban kids [doubly so if they are of African descent, because that is seriously the worst stereotype evar], and camp gay men. Which you are, which is the main reason I hate you so much. Well, that and you're a stupid ESFJ. Like Zazazu and Marco Meza. Pathetic.). At the time, due to both rohina's plans and some of my own, I was sitting in #ellatrue for an extended duration, so I was even more subject to Whine than most people, and he was ALSO and EF (he claimed ENFP, but he acted like an ESFJ) and really fucking annoying, spamming both channels with so much stupid shit that everyone quickly hated him. He was obnoxious, but the thing that made me hate him most is that, against all reason, he apparently liked me, and constantly went out of his way to agree with me and always acted like we were BFFs when the whole time I just wanted to BASH HIS MOTHERFUCKING HEAD IN. Which, on closer examination, is probably why he souped after I "betrayed" him and yoinked the channel. Which actually just gave me a massive retroactive schadenfreude boost. The idiot was probably crying emo tears and cutting for weeks. Cheesy
Anyway, yeah, you remind me of him, which makes me unable to not hate you, since he was one of the few people in #grah who I ever actually hated more than just a mere vague sense of dislike, which is all most people (including, much to your relief I'm sure, you) get. Acting like you like me is the surest way to get me to hate you, because I find Fliness mostly tolerable, if incredibly stupid, until it's directed at me. On the other hand, even without the Whine-connection, you're pretty annoying in your own right, due to aforementioned ESFJness. ESFJs are just eminently hateable like that.

jeromy is nothing like Whine, you just seem to hate gay men fairly frequently.

What, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the goddamn Rhayden.
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #44 on: 2010 July 06, 01:56:40 »

Oh, and, Jenny Craig, the thing is, you TOTALLY ARE blah blah blah blee blee blee bloo bloo bloo weeping vagina noises.
This word "camp":  I do not think it means what you think it means.

<soozelwoozel>  Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #45 on: 2010 July 06, 02:31:05 »

I haven't seen jeromy act anything like the way you just described, therefore I must conclude that it's all in your head.

What, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the goddamn Rhayden.
Shouty Vole
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #46 on: 2010 July 06, 02:31:17 »

Please learn to use paragraphs.
Horny Turkey
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #47 on: 2010 July 06, 02:34:42 »

Would someone please buy the saltfucker an LJ, so he has somewhere to put these emo rants about how he isn't gay, oh please, jermy take me to the prom?

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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #48 on: 2010 July 06, 02:34:58 »

When I am using it in that context, it means that you act ridiculously effeminate, or at least what you seem to yadda yadda trixie loves the sound of his own voice inside his head

Thanks, this was GRATE.  That's an impressive amount of detail in your fevered imaginings for someone who isn't obsessed and creepy.

Preciousssssssssssss...  my precioussssssss...

<soozelwoozel>  Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Bearded Bigamist
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Re: Tutorial: Making Adopted Children Look Biological
« Reply #49 on: 2010 July 06, 02:36:04 »

Wonderful display of closeted homosexuality!

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