If you knew that the effects were repeated due to a certain event you should have mentioned that in the list you had made;
rather than give misleading information such as the label "Plays Once" implies. Apparently they are not in fact onetime events.
Look, it does play once. Per camera visit. Hence the "Plays once" title.
Don't tell me to "look." Who do you think you are? A fail on your part does not warrant rudeness when it is pointed out to you. You failed to make it clear that the effects are repeating. Rather than simply saying, "I hadn't realized that my information was not coming across clearly," you instead chose to act as if everyone knows that "Plays once" actually means "Plays repeatedly."
In your effort to sound superior, you simply sound asinine, and you have lost whatever respect I had for the work you put forth compiling this list in the first place.