Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 128
The new fog emitter which can be found in the buydebug catalogue (blue-green sphere in misc category) can display almost any in-game effect. With testingcheatsenabled true, ctrl-shift click the sphere and choose "set visual effect" and just enter the name of the effect. I made a text file with hopefully all effect names. They don't all work and some only show up at night. Short (15sec) example video:  The effects used in this are: bakingdishsteam s30_elecbreakcomputer engagementringglowfxinter ambrosiaplate firepitburning waterfall_1_short waterfall_1_shortsplash They are placed with the geoblending method. EDIT: Text file with effects updated to Late Night.
« Last Edit: 2010 December 16, 22:45:25 by Goggalor »
So basically, we now have placable waterfalls?
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 128
Yes, haven't tried the large ones yet, but I can't see why they shouldn't work as well.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 307
You know how to whistle, don't you?
The new fog emitter which can be found in the buydebug catalogue (blue-green sphere in misc category) can display almost any in-game effect. With testingcheatsenabled true, ctrl-shift click the sphere and choose "set visual effect" and just enter the name of the effect.
I made a text file with hopefully all effect names. They don't all work and some only show up at night.
I knew you could use them for more than just fog, but hadn't taken the time to explore. Thank you for saving me some time. You say that not all of the effects from you list work; do you have a list of the ones you know work, or ones you've tried and know they don't work?
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 128
I knew you could use them for more than just fog, but hadn't taken the time to explore. Thank you for saving me some time. You say that not all of the effects from you list work; do you have a list of the ones you know work, or ones you've tried and know they don't work?
I haven't made any notes of the ones I've tried, sorry. Most seem to work. A lot of them aren't looping though, so they will only play once. Also, some of them (like the various swimming fish effects) are placed under the sphere and thus will only be fully visible if the sphere is raised a bit from the ground. Btw, the sphere effects can also be triggered via the various tomb building objects. This could be very useful for movie making I suppose.
Or walking into a room and causing a torrent of water to come flowing down
Or maybe you could pull a trigger that unlocks a discoverable door, and also turns on a waterfall. "The room must be drained of water now! Maybe the door will move?"
Lots of fun options for that.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 97
It seems that they all died...
Or walking into a room and causing a torrent of water to come flowing down
Or maybe you could pull a trigger that unlocks a discoverable door, and also turns on a waterfall. "The room must be drained of water now! Maybe the door will move?"
Lots of fun options for that.
Does the water actually stay in the room? Or are we just imagining here? Because that would be an awesome tomb effect, we would just need some giant rolling boulders and we could recreate a Legend of Zelda dungeon. That would kick ass.
"Birds, flowers, sun...Hawaii does not exist. It's a myth...like tough liberals, or the Canadian army." You should click on this.
No, I mean a push-able door is un-pushable. Then you find a switch, which causes a waterfall and unlocks the door, and TNS text that explains that the room must be drained of water now. Its a better excuse for a door to be closed.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
FYI: I just tried it. I did an experiment and typed in fireflies and the result was fireflies flying around. Very nice affect for decorating areas. 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 41
Now that fish spawners can function in pools and we know about these multiple effect fog emitters, we can also create some excellent additions to indoor/outdoor gardens. I have a botanical garden under the huge glass dome that is going to benefit immensely from this knowledge. Babies can also be placed in the bottom of pools, as I learned quite by accident during a recent renovation, they breathe underwater!
I'm looking forward to placing fireflies in my park lots and picnic areas, thanks for the info.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 353
Woah, didn't see the snow yet :/ I've been busy going through these various new effects, and the depth here is staggering if you have imagination. In this pic, a sim pulls the switch and a laser then zaps a bug inside the test case. The wonky alignment is fixable. You can make your own interactive objects in a sense. I also made a flea circus in a display case.  I'm busy compiling a list of the best 'permanent' and 'non-looped' effects. It may take a while but I will upload a txt with some easily listed commands.
J. M. Pescado
Now that fish spawners can function in pools and we know about these multiple effect fog emitters, we can also create some excellent additions to indoor/outdoor gardens. Pretty sure fish spawners functioning in pools is an AwesomeMod feature, the base game does not support that.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 353
Alot of these triggered effects could benefit from some sort of simple wall button which triggers them, with sims perhaps using the doorbell animation while pushing it. Ancient torches and wall holes are a bit meh outside of dungeons.
« Last Edit: 2010 June 13, 23:11:23 by tizerist »
Here's a collection of effects for making custom fountains:
ep2firehosewater (sideways spray) waterspout (tall spray upwards) waterspoutdown (spray downwards, beneath emitter) tubwaterbreak (tiny spray straight up) sinkwaterbreak (tiny spray that kinda tilts) showerwaterbreak (downwards drip effect)
There's also "pool bubbles" which look like giant aquarium bubbles, great for pool aquariums.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 353
Complete permanent effects, plus some temporary ones: (version 2)
« Last Edit: 2010 November 18, 18:34:41 by tizerist »
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 86
Pretty sure fish spawners functioning in pools is an AwesomeMod feature, the base game does not support that.
Sims with the "insane" trait can fish in pools in base game.
Cool, but that doesn't have a single thing to do with what he said.
Round Mound of Gray Fatness

Posts: 4320
Senator Emeritus. Oh hold on, I am still a senator
Yes it does.
 \"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 353
List above finalised.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 307
You know how to whistle, don't you?
Complete permanent effects, plus some temporary ones:
I was playing around with the different effects that you listed and discovered that the ‘Bats from hole' is not a onetime event. I noticed it seems to reoccur every time my sim comes home and every time I change camera view from upstairs to down stairs and vice versa. I thought you might want to adjust your list accordingly. You might want a category for event triggered animation, or something like that.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 353
I was playing around with the different effects that you listed and discovered that the ‘Bats from hole' is not a onetime event. I noticed it seems to reoccur every time my sim comes home and every time I change camera view from upstairs to down stairs and vice versa.
Yeah, that's because it happens one time whenever your camera is in the proximity, rather than happening continually when you look at it. All the one-time effects do that. If it truly did only happen once, and never again, it would be a useless effect.
« Last Edit: 2010 July 13, 14:27:41 by tizerist »
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 307
You know how to whistle, don't you?
I was playing around with the different effects that you listed and discovered that the ‘Bats from hole' is not a onetime event. I noticed it seems to reoccur every time my sim comes home and every time I change camera view from upstairs to down stairs and vice versa.
Yeah, that's because it happens one time whenever your camera is in the proximity, rather than happening continually when you look at it. All the one-time effects do that. If it truly did only happen once, and never again, it would be a useless effect. Happening one time would not make it a useless effect. All effects are triggerable and can be used much like the traps in tombs. You wouldn't want the bats to continue to come from a sarcophagus rather than only coming when it is opened. If you knew that the effects were repeated due to a certain event you should have mentioned that in the list you had made; rather than give misleading information such as the label "Plays Once" implies. Apparently they are not in fact onetime events.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 353
If you knew that the effects were repeated due to a certain event you should have mentioned that in the list you had made; rather than give misleading information such as the label "Plays Once" implies. Apparently they are not in fact onetime events.
Look, it does play once. Per camera visit. Hence the "Plays once" title.
You clearly don't understand what the word "once" means.