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Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
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Topic: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's (Read 62781 times)
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
2010 March 13, 07:05:12 »
EDIT 2011-05-24:
Updated clean versions and subhood versions
. Build your own uberhood!
This is my own "megahood" - a merge of all the existing EAxis neighbourhoods. It uses Belladonna Cove as a base and has all the other neighbourhoods as shopping district subhoods.
It is different from HystericalParoxysm's and Mixreality's in that I cleaned each neighbourhood before merging them together, instead of afterwards. It should be free of crashing lots and other problems which people have had with HP's/Mixreality's.
Downloads (the uberhood plus each separate, clean neighbourhood) can be found
Detailed info can be found
Last Edit: 2011 May 24, 15:12:33 by Tarlia
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 50
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #1 on:
2010 March 21, 16:53:44 »
"Baaaa" to you, Tarlia!
I've always loved the idea of a merged 'hood and was ecstatic when HP made hers. I'm glad, now, that I've never actually gotten around to playing it since it's known now to be a bad option. I switched to Mixreality's, but then saw where she declared that she'll use yours over her own which convinced me that yours is the one to go with. (I swear, I spend far more time running down information on this game than I do playing it!
Anyway, I haven't done anything more than install it yet, but wanted to let you know I appreciate you for sharing!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 39
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #2 on:
2010 March 28, 01:49:51 »
Is packaging 5 families and moving them to the clean uberhood a VBT?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreali
Reply #3 on:
2010 March 28, 03:28:08 »
I wouldn't recommend doing that.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #4 on:
2010 March 28, 04:04:21 »
Quote from: midnight on 2010 March 28, 01:49:51
Is packaging 5 families and moving them to the clean uberhood a VBT?
It's as much a VBT as packaging and moving them to any other 'hood. I'd clone and recreate them instead if I were you.
Last Edit: 2010 March 28, 04:10:59 by Tarlia
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #5 on:
2010 April 02, 04:13:06 »
I have put this into my Neighborhoods folder, but it just makes Belladonna Cove dissapear. Can someone give me instructions on how to download this right.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #6 on:
2010 April 05, 15:34:03 »
Did you take out the original Belladonna Cove first? You can't have both regular BC and the uberhood in at the same time, since the uberhood uses BC as the base.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #7 on:
2010 April 05, 16:05:26 »
Are theese removed?? Couldn't get them
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #8 on:
2010 April 05, 16:43:34 »
Looks like Hotfile decided to delete them all again. :/ I'll find somewhere better to host them.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 32
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #9 on:
2010 April 09, 09:52:30 »
I understand that Bon Voyage is required for the combined neighborhood. Is it required for the individual neighborhoods, such as the universities, as well?
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #10 on:
2010 April 09, 10:35:17 »
Quote from: Sunbee on 2010 April 09, 09:52:30
I understand that Bon Voyage is required for the combined neighborhood. Is it required for the individual neighborhoods, such as the universities, as well?
No. The individual neighbourhoods should only require the EP which they came with, as they have only been opened and edited with SimPE and not through the game. However, some of the EP-specific constructed memories (most notably "had very first woohoo", which I believe came with NL(?)) will obviously only show up if you have the appropriate EP(s).
(I'll try to get the downloads back up over the weekend.)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 32
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #11 on:
2010 April 09, 19:04:42 »
Thank you. I'm looking forward to using the things that are compatible. ' Had very first woohoo' did not come just with NL--NL is my most recently installed expansion pack and I had it long before that. (The joys of buying used games.) It has to have been included in either/all of Uni, OFB, and Seasons, which were the first expansion packs I got and I installed simultaneously. I've noticed other bits of coding repeated in expansion packs--I got the re-nu-u orb when I got Freetime, and the gypsies showed up at that point though not as service sims, and I've had attraction since that triple installation of Uni, OFB, and Seasons.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #12 on:
2010 April 09, 20:40:40 »
Quote from: Sunbee on 2010 April 09, 19:04:42
Thank you. I'm looking forward to using the things that are compatible. ' Had very first woohoo' did not come just with NL--NL is my most recently installed expansion pack and I had it long before that. (The joys of buying used games.) It has to have been included in either/all of Uni, OFB, and Seasons, which were the first expansion packs I got and I installed simultaneously. I've noticed other bits of coding repeated in expansion packs--I got the re-nu-u orb when I got Freetime, and the gypsies showed up at that point though not as service sims, and I've had attraction since that triple installation of Uni, OFB, and Seasons.
Ah, it probably first came with NL and then with every EP after it, too.
Edit: The downloads are back up.
Last Edit: 2010 April 11, 10:46:09 by Tarlia
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 32
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #13 on:
2010 April 19, 21:00:50 »
Tarlia, I downloaded the neighborhoods I can use--thanks for all your hard work--and I have a bug report for you. I put in the stealth hoods, subhoods, and N001 over the weekend to play with. Bluewater (B001) errored on extraction, winrar said it was a lot. I put it in anyway just to see what I could.
The problem lot is Malcolm Landgraab's house. He's okay (mostly), has the electronics and club deeds, but he's on an empty lot. I moved him out to another lot and played him for a while, got him some more businesses, but, when I tell him to check in with the managers, the game, instead of telling me that Club Dante doesn't have a manager, tells me that Ramirez Fine Furniture doesn't have a manager. I haven't taken him to Club Dante but when I click on his car to go somewhere it shows as being his and Ramirez Fine Furniture does not. He's the only sim I've played in that neighborhood (and Marisa Bendett, whom he hired then married, and their twins).
Hopefully it's just a problem on my end as the downloader, but I figured it was best to let you know. If it's not just me, then someone else might miss the Landgraab house.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #14 on:
2010 April 19, 21:28:38 »
Quote from: Sunbee on 2010 April 19, 21:00:50
Tarlia, I downloaded the neighborhoods I can use--thanks for all your hard work--and I have a bug report for you. I put in the stealth hoods, subhoods, and N001 over the weekend to play with. Bluewater (B001) errored on extraction, winrar said it was a lot. I put it in anyway just to see what I could.
The problem lot is Malcolm Landgraab's house. He's okay (mostly), has the electronics and club deeds, but he's on an empty lot. I moved him out to another lot and played him for a while, got him some more businesses, but, when I tell him to check in with the managers, the game, instead of telling me that Club Dante doesn't have a manager, tells me that Ramirez Fine Furniture doesn't have a manager. I haven't taken him to Club Dante but when I click on his car to go somewhere it shows as being his and Ramirez Fine Furniture does not. He's the only sim I've played in that neighborhood (and Marisa Bendett, whom he hired then married, and their twins).
Hopefully it's just a problem on my end as the downloader, but I figured it was best to let you know. If it's not just me, then someone else might miss the Landgraab house.
Thanks for letting me know. I just tested it, and my local copy of the .rar file is fine, but when I downloaded the file from mediafire and extracted it, I also got an error on a lot. (Lot number 126.) Looks like the file got corrupted on upload.
I'll reupload it tomorrow.
Edit: I've reuploaded Bluewater Village, and I checked that the uploaded file is fine.
Last Edit: 2010 April 20, 18:13:27 by Tarlia
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 103
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #15 on:
2010 May 04, 15:09:51 »
Hey! Just popping in to say "Thanks, this is great!" I've finally updated the first post in my thread to point to your hood, which I should have done ages ago, sorry about that. Still looking forward to finishing my work and start playing your hood... *sigh*
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #16 on:
2010 May 04, 20:31:08 »
Quote from: Mixreality on 2010 May 04, 15:09:51
Hey! Just popping in to say "Thanks, this is great!" I've finally updated the first post in my thread to point to your hood, which I should have done ages ago, sorry about that. Still looking forward to finishing my work and start playing your hood... *sigh*
Hey, thanks.
And good to hear from you again, I was wondering where you went off to. Hope to see you around on LJ again soon.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreali
Reply #17 on:
2010 July 08, 16:54:40 »
I downloaded the light version of Uberhood and there is a problem with apartment lots. When I move sims in, the landlord doesn't show up at all. Instead it gives an error about apartment controller- NPC pool.(the log is attached) I had the same problem when using an empty AL-template with custom hoods. Even trying to spawn landlord through mailbox doesn't help. So basicly sims can't rent aparments at all
I wonder has anyone else had issues like this with Uberhood and is there something that can be done to fix it? Besides this problem, everything seems to work like it should and I want to thank for amazing job with this
Last Edit: 2010 July 13, 13:41:12 by J. M. Pescado
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #18 on:
2010 July 08, 18:32:37 »
Quote from: Maranatah on 2010 July 08, 16:54:40
I downloaded the light version of Uberhood and there is a problem with apartment lots. When I move sims in, the landlord doesn't show up at all. Instead it gives an error about apartment controller- NPC pool.(the log is attached) I had the same problem when using an empty AL-template with custom hoods. Even trying to spawn landlord through mailbox doesn't help. So basicly sims can't rent aparments at all
I wonder has anyone else had issues like this with Uberhood and is there something that can be done to fix it? Besides this problem, everything seems to work like it should and I want to thank for amazing job with this
That sounds like a problem with your game specifically and not one with the uberhood - you did just say you had the same problem with a custom hood. Landlords spawn just fine in my current in-play uberhood. You may want to check your downloads for conflicting or buggy hacks.
Also, you're welcome.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 40
death by tray it shall be
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #19 on:
2010 August 05, 17:49:41 »
Been playing the uberhood for about a week and love it, but one snag has come to my attention - when I go to enter the Monty lot in Veronaville, the game crashes. Another person on GardenOfShadows has mentioned the same thing happened to them. I plan on experimenting in the next couple of days to see if I can just move them out and into another house, but thought you should know in case it's the sims and not the lot that's being difficult.
The rest of the hood's been great, though, so thanks for all the hard work putting it together! I'm especially appreciative of all the fixed genetics, like Nervous Subject actually showing a father in his family tree.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #20 on:
2010 August 05, 19:17:11 »
Quote from: CrabOfDoom on 2010 August 05, 17:49:41
Been playing the uberhood for about a week and love it, but one snag has come to my attention - when I go to enter the Monty lot in Veronaville, the game crashes. Another person on GardenOfShadows has mentioned the same thing happened to them. I plan on experimenting in the next couple of days to see if I can just move them out and into another house, but thought you should know in case it's the sims and not the lot that's being difficult.
The rest of the hood's been great, though, so thanks for all the hard work putting it together! I'm especially appreciative of all the fixed genetics, like Nervous Subject actually showing a father in his family tree.
Hi there, and thanks for letting me know. I believe I got a report of this once before, but the Monty lot does work just fine in my game, and I know it does for others, too, I've seen their screenshots, etc. Therefore I don't really know what to tell you, except maybe test a fresh version of the uberhood in a game with no downloads, and see if the same thing happens?
Glad you're enjoying it, otherwise!
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 226
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #21 on:
2011 April 07, 15:59:45 »
Having an issue here...
Okay, so I downloaded the Uberhood, and I couldn't get it to load in the game. Belladonna Cove just kind of disappeared--it wasn't on the neighborhood screen when I opened the game.
Currently I have the E001 (from the download) and Tutorial folders in my Neighborhoods folder, plus NeighborhoodManager.package.
What might cause this? I have all EPs.
Last Edit: 2011 April 07, 16:05:49 by Callista
Officially Weird
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #22 on:
2011 April 07, 17:11:20 »
Quote from: Callista on 2011 April 07, 15:59:45
Having an issue here...
Okay, so I downloaded the Uberhood, and I couldn't get it to load in the game. Belladonna Cove just kind of disappeared--it wasn't on the neighborhood screen when I opened the game.
Currently I have the E001 (from the download) and Tutorial folders in my Neighborhoods folder, plus NeighborhoodManager.package.
What might cause this? I have all EPs.
Did you download both files (part 1 and part 2) and extract them into the same folder? Does your E001 folder have both a Characters and a Lots folder? Did you have a Belladonna Cove/E001 folder in your game before, and if so, did you remove it before putting in the uberhood?
Do you have Mansion & Garden Stuff (required)?
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 226
Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #23 on:
2011 April 07, 17:40:47 »
No M&G. I didn't realize you needed it. I guess that's the solution; thanks.
Officially Weird
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Re: Clean Uberhood (Merged EAxis neighbourhoods) - NOT the same as HP's/Mixreality's
Reply #24 on:
2011 April 08, 16:40:41 »
I notice on your site that you are considering sharing your cleaned-up versions of the pre-made neighborhoods as subhoods, so that people can easily create their own custom mega-hoods. Great idea! If you need any help, please let me know.
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 27, 05:06:07
I don't think this level of hostility is necessary
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