Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 80
I get a core mismatch error (latest awesomemod version) when I start the game (Pets EP installed). Is this normal behavior because awesomemod is not built for Pets yet (at least the download page says so)?
Greetings, Cyron
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
So I went to go buy a horse at the Equestrian Center.  A couple of the other horses there also has had a couple other Awesomemod traits randomly selected by the game: Chosen & Blind
J. M. Pescado
Should be fixed now, those traits should no longer be valid for animals.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
The Evil Psycho
Feckless Fool

Posts: 292
No fucks given
FML. Crashes to desktop with AM only, no Pets running 1.26. Can edit relationships in CAH, but after moving family into a home crashes after 5 seconds of play.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Ditto to the above I'm in the world overview for a few seconds then it crashes.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 358
I'm in game for a few seconds then it crashes as well.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 217
Same here. Game crashes even with just awesomemod after seconds of gameplay. 1.26, but with Pets.
This. Initially it seemed for me that it was crashing at 12 noon each time, but on later attempts, it would happen somewhat earlier. Point is, with AM only, I get as far as loading, choosing my household, and between 3 and 5 hours in-game hours of play before unceremonious CTD, in any given household.
Like a balloon..and....something bad happens!!!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Same here. Random crashes after about a minute of playing. All EP's (incl. Pets), HELS and latest patches.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 100
Yes, this seems to be the problem I have too. No ScriptError files, so no way of knowing for sure, but it just seems to crash after a minute of play. My sim freezes, then a second or two after I get the crash.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 54
After browsing google it seems that this crashing error is cause by EA rather than AM. I havn't been able to find any outside fixes for it yet though. Good luck to you Pescado in fixing this problem, hopefully it gets resolved soon because I am itching to play with my new kitty and doggy.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 498
INTJ... Apparently
I haven't had a crash without AM, but I get them frequently with AM.
"Of two evils, choose the prettier."
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
I second that. No crashes after I removed AM.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Same, no crashes once AM is removed.
As far as the EA crashing issue, some of it is being caused by people trying to play Pets with shitty and unsupported video cards. Other people with high end video cards have fixed the crashing by enabling the Advanced Rendering option in the game's graphic settings. Updated drivers seem to help some folks. And turning down the graphics on video cards that are borderline has helped others. Also the mac client has been crashing since the Pets patch. Shoddy programming is shoddy, EA.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 54
I, sadly, am still getting crashes after removing AM. I will try making sure my drivers are updated, and check my graphics. Does Pets require a higher end card than the rest of the Sims 3 expansions? That might be a problem for me.
Mushroom Girl

Posts: 1506
Updated to AM version 2011-Oct-20 19:15:40 Only hacks/mods installed are AM and Error Trap. Using FPS and 3 booter to launch. Previously the game was running with twallan's stuff with no crashes.
Loaded, got into house, hit play. All the sims had their queues drop and the horse was reset to the mail box. Paused again to re-queue interactions. Hit play, after about 3 seconds got the "Sims 3 has stoppped working" message. CTD.
No error trap notifications this time.
« Last Edit: 2011 October 21, 02:00:08 by Skadi »
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 498
INTJ... Apparently
I, sadly, am still getting crashes after removing AM. I will try making sure my drivers are updated, and check my graphics. Does Pets require a higher end card than the rest of the Sims 3 expansions? That might be a problem for me.
It does require a better card, but if your pets do not look like oddly warped freaky things, reminiscent of adult CC enabled for toddlers, you probably don't need the upgrade.
"Of two evils, choose the prettier."
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 100
As soon as I removed AM my crashes stopped, and I'm running 2 GTX 470's in SLI.
The Evil Psycho
Feckless Fool

Posts: 292
No fucks given
Wouldn't have posted unless I was sure. Removed AM and crashing stopped.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
AwesomeMod seems to be semi-working for me. The game runs perfectly fine if I just leave the sims to their own, but the moment I use a object in the house (namely the toliet or filling the pet bowl, just 'cause) the game just crashes. Was running in window mode. I took out AM and it suddenly stopped crashing. I do have some other mods from NRaas but Delphy's Dashboard doesn't report any conflicts with AM, unless there's something I don't know about. I have yet to try AM without the NRaas mods to see if it was a mod conflict.
Crash report includes "DasmX86Dll.dll not found" but I already read that its basically got nothing to do with the crash. I am using a GTX 465 and a Intel Q8200 (gimps the hell out of my video card but there's nothing I can do about it at the moment with my finance), so I presume it has nothing to do with computer specs.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 54
I, sadly, am still getting crashes after removing AM. I will try making sure my drivers are updated, and check my graphics. Does Pets require a higher end card than the rest of the Sims 3 expansions? That might be a problem for me.
It does require a better card, but if your pets do not look like oddly warped freaky things, reminiscent of adult CC enabled for toddlers, you probably don't need the upgrade. Oh see, I have encountered that problem where my kitty kat turns into Jack Skeleington (Seriously looks like him cause I used the skeleton coat on my kitty). It occurs for only a second or two, but it seems that would indicate that my card is not powerful enough. Looks like I'll have to get a new one soon. Can I lower graphics to possibly keep the game running? Edit: Even after turning down almost all my graphics from high to medium or low, and disableing advanced rendering, the game still crashes after a few seconds of play without AM or any other third party mods. I don't know what to do, but this is so not good.
« Last Edit: 2011 October 20, 23:29:06 by blackninja »
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 15
same problem here. Random CTD after a few seconds of playing. It doesn't appear to be AM since there's no error messages, but it does work fine with no mods running at all  Everything patched. Latest version of AM. I have an Nvidia GTX 470, with latest drivers, so more than enough to handle the Sims.
KRYTEN: Absolutely sir, with the Kinitawowi *not* skinning you alive the moment they set eyes on you is one of their warmest greetings.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 9
No crashes, no CTDs.
Game hung up infinitely upon viewing pet lifetime reward screen
(Only using AM)
J. M. Pescado
I am unable to reproduce the random crashing at the moment, nor identify its apparent cause. Be sure that you are using the latest version, as versions change frequently at this time. DO NOT ATTACH XCPT LOGS, they are EVEN MORE USERESS THAN WHINE.
AS for the game allegedly crashing when removed, no doubt a coincidence caused by the fact that you can't actually play the game in that state, so stop quickly.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
I also re downloaded just to be sure and it is still crashing. I also removed all my CC and checked again still crashed.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. #0: 0x00049 throw in System.Collections.Generic.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2:get_Item (Sims3.SimIFace.CAS.OutfitCategories) (20FF12E0 [2] ) #1: 0x00064 callvirt in Sims3.Gameplay.ActorSystems.Sims3.Gameplay.ActorSystems.AgingState:PreInstantiateSim (Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey&) (19142700 [vt:3E29C52C] ) #2: 0x00034 ldloc.u1 in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:Instantiate (Sims3.SimIFace.Vector3,Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey,bool,bool) (44A1F490 [vt:3E29C4FC] [vt:3E29C50C] [1] [0] ) #3: 0x00018 vtresult in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:Instantiate (Sims3.SimIFace.Vector3,Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey,bool) (44A1F490 [vt:3E29C464] [vt:3E29C474] [1] ) #4: 0x00014 vtresult in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:Instantiate (Sims3.SimIFace.Vector3,Sims3.SimIFace.ResourceKey) (44A1F490 [vt:3E29C3D4] [vt:3E29C3E4] ) #5: 0x00010 vtresult in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:Instantiate (Sims3.SimIFace.Vector3) (44A1F490 [vt:3E29C35C] ) #6: 0x00060 vtresult in Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.SimDescription:SendSimHome () () #7: 0x0009c leave.s in Awesome.Economy.Awesome.Economy.MovingModel:SendSimsHomeFrom (System.Collections.Generic.List`1,Sims3.Gameplay.Core.Lot) ([1828261338034732608/0x195f4a001a23fe40] [00000000] ) #8: 0x0000e ret.void in Awesome.Economy.Awesome.Economy.MovingModel:SendSimsHomeFrom (Sims3.Gameplay.CAS.Household,Sims3.Gameplay.Core.Lot) ([587D3270] [00000000] ) #9: 0x000e1 ldc.i4.s in Awesome.StoryBus.Toadings.Awesome.StoryBus.Toadings.FindHome:Execute () () #10: 0x00077 brfalse.i4.s in Awesome.StoryBus.Awesome.StoryBus.Fambly:Toad () () #11: 0x0000f pop in Awesome.StoryBus.Awesome.StoryBus.ToadMachine:BuyARandomToading () () #12: 0x00026 leave.s in Awesome.StoryBus.Awesome.StoryBus.Driver:OnTimer () () #13: 0x00000 in Sims3.Gameplay.Utilities.Sims3.Gameplay.Utilities.AlarmTimerCallback:Invoke () () #14: 0x000f7 leave.s in Sims3.Gameplay.Utilities.Sims3.Gameplay.Utilities.AlarmManager:Simulate () () #15: 0x00009 ldthis in Sims3.Gameplay.Core.Sims3.Gameplay.Core.Lot:Simulate () () #16: 0x00022 ldc.i4.0 in ScriptCore.ScriptCore.ScriptProxy:Simulate () () Running game version 1.24 with all patches, expansions and stuff packs except Pets. Updated awesome mod this AM with 1.24 Final (and cleared the script cache of course.) Date on awesome.package is 10/18/2011 10:14 AM.