Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 563
Ah, memories! And it looks just like the original place.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
This is great  I just gotta have it. Thanks
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Glad you like it. I was hoping EA would release their TS3 version of it but then I thought, "What the heck, I'll just do it myself." Happy Simming! 
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Yep, a definite download for nostalgic reasons.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 13
There's something kind of bone-chilling about it, in a a good way.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 48
Ahh, glad you uploaded it! Thanks for this, hope for some more!
But... what do you mean, Bob and Betty are not included? 
More F than you
Dragon Slave
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 499
But... what do you mean, Bob and Betty are not included?  I think that's because Bob and Betty are already part of the game, even though they look a little... off (Bob with blond hair?). I'm downloading this and plopping it down in Riverview so they'll have a place to live. They're newlyweds in my game but they still live with Betty's parents.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Ahh, glad you uploaded it! Thanks for this, hope for some more!
It was my pleasure!  And I am working on a few Old Town lots at the moment. Suzetter uploaded some screenshots from her TS1 game and I've already done the Gothic Quarter and Bartlet Lake. I'll post pics soon to see if anyone would be interested in play testing them. But... what do you mean, Bob and Betty are not included?  I think that's because Bob and Betty are already part of the game, even though they look a little... off (Bob with blond hair?). I'm downloading this and plopping it down in Riverview so they'll have a place to live. They're newlyweds in my game but they still live with Betty's parents. You're right, they're kind of already there and the Bob and Betty I created are kinda fugly anyway.  Blonde Bob does seem weird though. I guess you could recolor his hair (or make him bald) when you move them into their new place. Enjoy the house! 
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 96
Seeing this, I think I'll install my Sims Complete Collection. I do miss the simplicity of Sims 1.
I Can Haz Portal 2?!
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 522
Giving EA the finger!
Ahh, first house played in Sims games. I was so proud when they got enough money to build a bedroom for their child. Poor kid slept on the couch and was so scared when the thief arrived.
"So you have to be hungry to eat, right? Hmph, imagine that concept." Kirstie Alley
That Eighties Guy
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 103
Ahh, this brings me back.
I still remember that back then I freaked out from the 'emergency' sound whenever a fire broke out.
Ah, I too remember it well, the day I started playing: how excited they were when a baby arrived and how they cried when said baby was removed by the social worker.
More F than you
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 48
I tried to play TS1 recently and was amazed at how difficult it is! No wonder everyone had that purple magic mirror!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Naughty pet! Naughty!
Whoa trip down memory lane!
I remember I had a baby and it lived in the bedroom with Bob, gosh I was such a noob back then.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1263
Needs moar 5 Sim Lane plz.
That is nostalgic, you even got the substandard textures and roof right!
16:29 spockers I fucking hate going to see movies in theaters now. 16:30 spockers Unless it's a really fancy old-style movie palace type place, but even then some dick will pull out their Appleberry in the middle of the film and start tweeting about wanting Chris Brown to beat them up
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1062
INTP - I didn't do it.
Inspired by CharmingFirewaller, here's my attempt at 5 Sim Lane. The house itself is almost identical. The only thing that is missing is the piano. It's a bit dark, so it might help to place some more lamps. No graves, unfortunately. Download
« Last Edit: 2010 March 08, 22:16:02 by Simsbaby »
Remember - a bimbo is for life and not just for christmas!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Nice work, Simsbaby.  It looks just like the Goth Manor from TS1. I remember my first time playing that house. The ghosts creeped me out but I got a kick out of watching Cassandra get creeped out. Maybe you could move in some of the Sims 3 characters and kill them off at the Manor. Since it's a prequel it would make sense if they didn't all live until the Sims 1 era.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1263
That looks identical only with better lighting (though still shitty cos I stubbornly haet TS3) and actual 3D rendering.  There ya go. Print it out and eat. At the risk of echoing fwAggie: "Then you can say 'I ate bits.' afterwards." ETA: needs moar interior shots for those of us who don't play anymore
16:29 spockers I fucking hate going to see movies in theaters now. 16:30 spockers Unless it's a really fancy old-style movie palace type place, but even then some dick will pull out their Appleberry in the middle of the film and start tweeting about wanting Chris Brown to beat them up
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 77
I've been playing TS1 again for 2 weeks now because TS3 got on my nerves with bloody errors 12; I got so fed up that I decided to give up on it for a while, it drove me crazy. It's true TS1 is really difficult. Motives decay so fast, it's scary! I sort of play it like TS2 using the kids charms from Makin' Magic to make them grow up, get married and have children, etc When they grow up with a head that doesn't fit, I change it with The Simetamorphoser from Paladin's place. 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
I didn't know that you could age sim children up using magic as I haven't played Makin' Magic much (although I did enjoy its neat features, pretty sparkles, etc.). I downloaded a program that let sims age to teens though. It was a third party software called Sims Grow Up and you can choose which sim kids from your hood to turn into teenagers. The Criminal career was cloned and renamed as "High School" and you could turn them into Adults after a while.
Of course, aging in TS2 and TS3 is way better than that, but it was fun for a while. The fake teens were awfully skinny though..lol
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1263
I remember that program - the teens were adult sims with freakishly wiry bodies and child heads. They looked weird but what I really didn't like of the program was that if you had Hot Date and you went Downtown, you'd get townies with big heads and the "teen" bodies. * haifen shudders
16:29 spockers I fucking hate going to see movies in theaters now. 16:30 spockers Unless it's a really fancy old-style movie palace type place, but even then some dick will pull out their Appleberry in the middle of the film and start tweeting about wanting Chris Brown to beat them up
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
I remember that program - the teens were adult sims with freakishly wiry bodies and child heads. They looked weird but what I really didn't like of the program was that if you had Hot Date and you went Downtown, you'd get townies with big heads and the "teen" bodies. * haifen shudders Oh yes, total nightmare. Can never go sleep ever again. And don't even get me started on the result of "teen" sims not knowing who their parents are... 
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1263
LOL that, aging and genetics may have been my favorite thing added during the transition from TS1 to TS2
16:29 spockers I fucking hate going to see movies in theaters now. 16:30 spockers Unless it's a really fancy old-style movie palace type place, but even then some dick will pull out their Appleberry in the middle of the film and start tweeting about wanting Chris Brown to beat them up