So I decided I would build a creepy little cottage for Poofs. Just a quick one, I thought. However grandiosity took over as usual, and it's taken me a month and a half to complete another monster lot. Yet it's still only two bedrooms, three bathrooms. Unfortunately, even wanded, it costs §135,879 furnished and §89,071 unfurnished.

So I suppose I'd better show you some pictures.
This was the model.
 | This is the result.
Click on a thumbnail to see a larger picture.
 Day. |  Night. |  Entrance. |  Kitchen. |  Dining. |  Lounge. |
 Study. |  Witchy Workshop. |  Poofs' Bedroom. |  One bathroom. |  Children's room. |  Oops, sorry Poofs. |
 Upstairs. |  Downstairs. |  There's even a nectar cellar. |  Midnight snack. |  But what's this? |  This isn't in the floor plans... |
 Nor is this. |  Skeleton? Where? |  She's sure she buried them all. | | | |
For those too lazy to click on individual pictures, here's a slideshow. Click on the image to trigger.

Here is
SpellBinding in Sims3Pack format.
SpellBinding in package format. I'm 99% certain I got the correct package.
You will need the base game, World Adventures and High End Loft Stuff.
Cross posted to Laverwinkle.