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New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
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Topic: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island (Read 68051 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #25 on:
2010 May 24, 08:38:28 »
For all those of you having crashes, how exactly is it happening? I've played other worlds in my game without them crashing, and it's only when I use this world, that it crashes. But it's not exactly a crash, it acts as if my computer is over heating - the game freezes and shuts off as if I'd closed it.
Is it doing this for other people to?
And I know for a fact that my computer isn't overheating, it runs other games with no problems & never crashed while using Sunset Valley.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #26 on:
2010 May 24, 10:05:17 »
Quote from: cubedsteaks on 2010 May 24, 08:38:28
For all those of you having crashes, how exactly is it happening? I've played other worlds in my game without them crashing, and it's only when I use this world, that it crashes. But it's not exactly a crash, it acts as if my computer is over heating - the game freezes and shuts off as if I'd closed it.
Is it doing this for other people to?
And I know for a fact that my computer isn't overheating, it runs other games with no problems & never crashed while using Sunset Valley.
Yes thats what I meant by crashing. Freeze's for about a minute then just closes the game. . .
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #27 on:
2010 May 24, 21:42:42 »
Okay, I'm gonna try taking out my CC and seeing if it works better that way. Other games on my computer are working just fine so it's either the Sims 3 or or some CC or this island. I plan on narrowing it down & I'll come back with an update on what exactly is doing it to me. Maybe help some others in the process.
Update - I started a new game with Crescent Cove and no CC, no mods. No freezing occured. I have a feeling it's a part of my CC conflicting with the world. Could this be the case for others?
Last Edit: 2010 May 27, 02:04:31 by cubedsteaks
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #28 on:
2010 May 27, 08:00:29 »
Possibly . . . but which mods. . . I don't really have that much in the way of 3rd party CC . . . I have all the store stuff so it could be something in there. . .
Grammar Police
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Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #29 on:
2010 May 27, 14:08:55 »
Quote from: Chryseis on 2010 May 27, 08:00:29
Possibly . . . but which mods. . . I don't really have that much in the way of 3rd party CC . . . I have all the store stuff so it could be something in there. . .
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #30 on:
2010 May 27, 19:32:59 »
All I've seen so far, is that the world can't handle any kind of CC it seems. Runs fine without it. That's the only real connection I could find, because I took out everything. Then added one piece of CC and it went back to crashing.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 25
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #31 on:
2010 May 31, 21:42:43 »
I don't know about the CC theory because I tried it to no avail. My game doesn't crash, it freezes (the kind where you can't click, but bushes and trees keep moving in the background, sounds keep going, etc.)
It may be because I have a Mac, which might contribute to the problem, but after taking out all CC it still froze.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465
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Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #32 on:
2010 June 13, 20:50:53 »
I wonder, could any of it be related to the specs of your computers? I know I did use a lot of effects when I made the neighborhood, especially for the waves all around the entire island, and there are an awful lot of plants. It's the only thing I can think of so far, because I haven't had any issues with it in my game, but perhaps with a lower end computer or with different settings it could be more of a problem.
I believe these are all of the necessary CAW files. Hopefully someone here will be able to figure out whether something is corrupted.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 26
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #33 on:
2010 June 14, 13:54:53 »
Quote from: Sparkles on 2010 May 31, 21:42:43
I don't know about the CC theory because I tried it to no avail. My game doesn't crash, it freezes (the kind where you can't click, but bushes and trees keep moving in the background, sounds keep going, etc.)
It may be because I have a Mac, which might contribute to the problem, but after taking out all CC it still froze.
You know, I had this problem and discovered that it was my firewall not liking the game at all. Try to see if you can make an exception for the game via your firewall or tinker with your firewall/virus scanner options.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465
ENFP, by popular request.
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #34 on:
2010 June 14, 16:11:10 »
On the face of it I wouldn't recommend doing that, as it allows the game to phone home.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 555
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #35 on:
2013 September 15, 17:31:12 »
This is necromancy in a big way, but I wanted to mention that I fiddled around with this world in CAW and managed to stop the crashing. There's something in the area of the police station that was causing it, because every time I tried to zoom in to that area in CAW, it crashed immediately. I basically nuked everything in that section-- trees, bushes, the police lot, everything. And that stopped the crashing/freezing problems, both in CAW and in game.
So there you go. Necromancy, but possibly useful if somebody else out there (like me) enjoyed this world back in the day and really wants to make it work again.
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Feckless Fool
Posts: 270
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #36 on:
2013 September 16, 03:35:24 »
I was just thinking about this world the other day. I've been having fun with Island Paradise, but I don't much like the island world that came with it, Isla Paradiso. Crescent Cove should have plenty of room for beaches, ports, and diving lots.
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Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 555
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #37 on:
2013 September 16, 15:44:15 »
Depending on how Ellatrue feels about it, I can either upload the fixed version I'm currently playing, or I can upload the CAW files. It's a fun world to play, especially since IP added boats.
I sing along with elevator music.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465
ENFP, by popular request.
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #38 on:
2013 November 14, 18:47:49 »
Sorry it took so long for me to notice the thread. Sigmund, would you be willing to upload both? I'm glad you've found a way to fix the crashing, I could never figure it out. I would like to have the fixed CAW files personally, because I might like to update it more, but I can't guarantee that will happen anytime soon. So if you could upload your fixed version for people to play with, that would be great.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 109
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Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #39 on:
2013 November 18, 01:01:03 »
It's a pretty island, but it's way too small. It feels too isolated to be playable for long periods of time.
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Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 52
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #40 on:
2013 November 21, 08:42:40 »
I've played it since it was out. It is small, but there's plenty of room to have all the necessary community lots, especially now that you can use combined rabbitholes or rabbithole rugs.
I'm thinking of adding a port or two, just so it feels a bit less cut off from the world.
I did remove some spawners, and there were trees somewhere under water for some reason, but it has run fine ever since. With a ton of cc.
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