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New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
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Topic: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island (Read 67578 times)
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465
ENFP, by popular request.
New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
2010 February 06, 03:51:25 »
This should be the final version of my new world, Crescent Cove. It's a small barrier island neighborhood backed by huge sand dunes, complete with houses and rabbitholes. I've done what I could to give the dunes a very natural feel with the succession of the ecology, and I hope you'll agree the effect is very pretty. Special lots by me include the lighthouse keeper's home, the Church of the Golden Gnome, Crescent Cove Historical Society (based on the one I did for Hatchet Falls), Motel Sleezopolis, Whalemart, and Crescent Cove Community Day (a library for children/toddlers).
House Creators From MTS:
Please note that this world requires RIVERVIEW, or else City Hall will not show up since I used the smaller Riverview object.
Some lots (I think 2) also use these textures:
Paint on Paint by guatla
I also use all the stuff from the store in my game, so I recommend that you install the sets from the store stuff thread to avoid things like a few missing doors/windows/bookshelves.
Get it
Someone uploaded the Riverview objects separately in Peasantry, you can get them here if you don't have Riverview but want the Riverview objects and rabbitholes, like the City Hall:
ETA 5/4/10: Updated the file for the hood to fix some static errors and a disconnected road. Redownload.
Last Edit: 2010 May 05, 03:09:43 by Ellatrue
Dragon Slave
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 499
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #1 on:
2010 February 06, 09:45:19 »
I like it! Reminds me of the North Carolina Outer Banks. I'm not playing TS3 at the moment, but I'll definitely come back and download this when I start up again.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 13
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #2 on:
2010 February 06, 18:29:35 »
I like the church and cemetery. You usually see a cemetery in association with a place of worship unless it's in the country.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 522
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Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #3 on:
2010 February 07, 08:13:59 »
I want to check this out cause the I like the textures and decor used in making this world. Does remind me of the eastern coast shores of USistan.
Now to fix my installer issues. Dammit!
"So you have to be hungry to eat, right? Hmph, imagine that concept." Kirstie Alley
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #4 on:
2010 February 07, 15:07:36 »
Well, I like that sandy surrounding and old-fashion desing of that nice church ( and I like that this cemetery isn't such a spooky place
) although I still search for a little smaller world for a change
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 149
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #5 on:
2010 February 10, 01:12:43 »
It's so beautiful, I really really like it. I am torn between this and another island now.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465
ENFP, by popular request.
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #6 on:
2010 February 10, 22:37:51 »
Quote from: Dragon Slave on 2010 February 06, 09:45:19
I like it! Reminds me of the North Carolina Outer Banks. I'm not playing TS3 at the moment, but I'll definitely come back and download this when I start up again.
Thank you! That's exactly the look I am trying to achieve with this island.
Here are a couple of extra screenshots I took while playing:
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 13
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #7 on:
2010 February 11, 17:21:07 »
I like that little sand bar garden next to the lighthouse. Very picturesque.
Dragon Slave
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 499
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #8 on:
2010 February 11, 21:28:47 »
I really like the quaint, colorful beach houses; exactly what I'd expect to see on the coast. I just noticed, in the fourth picture of your first post, is that a row of historical houses? If so, that's another thing that accurately portrays this type of setting. Not that I'm an expert on coastal towns or anything, but it is nice to see something that models this type of community right down to the smaller details that usually get overlooked.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465
ENFP, by popular request.
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #9 on:
2010 February 11, 23:56:24 »
I did put a couple of Victorians on that street, they just seemed to fit right in that kind of neighborhood, back in the trees at the center of the island.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 315
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #10 on:
2010 March 15, 08:54:16 »
Thank you for uploading this. It's the most useful custom world I found so far =).
I have no idea whether you're (still) interested in feedback - FWIW here's three little things I noticed this weekend:
- you have tree and grass growing on a road here
-- this is where the pool is in your version (top right corner of the overview pic)
- one road intersection is disconnected:
(duh, I marked the wrong corner on that pic -- it's the one to the right of the pink box)
- one road corner is sloped with the terrain which looks a bit funky:
I don't know whether any of these lead to routing issues or anything since I haven't started to actually play that nhood yet (the disconnected road might actually come in handy for me, if it turns out that cars won't drive through there, since I placed an object on that road), just figured you might want to know.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #11 on:
2010 March 15, 19:03:23 »
There is also grass growing on the road by 3 Crescent drive.
And it looks like there is a piece of road beneeth the road on the corner of 5 main street.
I think the road in the turn behind the policestation is also not connected.
This is a very beautiful world, I love playing it.
I didn't notice anything else.
I hope my feedback helps.
ps: sorry for my bad english
Last Edit: 2010 March 15, 19:08:45 by Dutchysim
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 152
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #12 on:
2010 March 18, 04:31:28 »
I think its gorgeous and i was loving playing with it, but my game kept crashing (this isn't happening with any other Neighborhood) and I noticed routing problems to the fishing pond on the lot across from the theater. I couldn't get my Sim to fish from the lake, she kept getting the "route fail" thought bubble. I could handle that, but the crashing was getting problematic.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #13 on:
2010 March 20, 05:30:34 »
Thank you so much for the beautiful Island.
I am having no problems playing it.
The challenge in the first house I put a sim in,was fantastic
I am still exploring the island at the moment and the detail is amazing!
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 315
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #14 on:
2010 March 28, 11:06:07 »
I've been using this for a while and never had any crashes. It's lagging like hell, but so do Riverview and SunsetWotsit. That said, I bulldozed all lots before I started using it .. so whatever crashing issues others have, they might have to do with something on the *lots* (but not in the neighbourhood per se).
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465
ENFP, by popular request.
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #15 on:
2010 May 04, 22:43:43 »
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I can't replicate the crashing problems, but I have updated the neighborhood to fix the disconnected roads and the few stray plants on the sidewalk.
The new download should be up for you soon.
ETA: Original post changed to link to the updated Crescent Cove file.
Last Edit: 2010 May 05, 03:12:17 by Ellatrue
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #16 on:
2010 May 06, 23:44:17 »
This island looks beautiful I am going to download it right now.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #17 on:
2010 May 08, 16:38:19 »
Hey, I'd like to install this one into my game, but it's a sims3pack and I try so hard not to use the download manager. Anyway we could get a .world file, please?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #18 on:
2010 May 08, 16:51:38 »
Use s3px or any of the other available sims3pack extractors to rip it out, then.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #19 on:
2010 May 08, 17:03:23 »
I thought that neighborhoods/worlds didn't extract completely? I remember reading someone say that around here somewhere. But I'll give it a shot.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #20 on:
2010 May 08, 17:54:13 »
Well, if they don't, then there's no other way to install them.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 40
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #21 on:
2010 May 10, 23:35:53 »
I have this world via a world file. I do not know if it is slightly Borkified compared to the normal install method though.
Most of the places, lots ect show up with **name** style.
I guess if that is not too anoying, that a .World file would work then?
(I got mine via a seperate hdd, install of clean sims3 and patched then installed worlds via launcher and copied the .world file onto memorystick and moved to my other version of the game that is for playing...Yes, it is a long way around, but I was going to reinstall that hdd anyway so if the things did not work, I did not loose anything)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #22 on:
2010 May 11, 03:28:22 »
have a lovely update: I used Delphy's extractor, had to rename the entire file because it was put out as a .package; so I changed it to .world, installed and it runs fairly well.
Only, my custom content now acts wonky every once in awhile. Other than that, pretty good.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #23 on:
2010 May 17, 07:44:13 »
Quote from: friendlyquark on 2010 March 18, 04:31:28
I think its gorgeous and i was loving playing with it, but my game kept crashing (this isn't happening with any other Neighborhood) and I noticed routing problems to the fishing pond on the lot across from the theater. I couldn't get my Sim to fish from the lake, she kept getting the "route fail" thought bubble. I could handle that, but the crashing was getting problematic.
I also seem to get crashing. So far its crashed twice. Im patched up to the latest, im in the little blue barnoid house (can't remember right address but it has a tree on it and is behind the Evans place) . . . It first crashed while my sim was cooking and after I had let it just run its course while i made a cuppa, and then the second time was while she was doing the dishes. . . I installed the sims3pack, and I also added in a heap of families to the hood because there was like no one to visit lol. I also built on a community lot and just covered it in tree's, shrubs, rocks and beetles.
So, I have no idea why it could be crashing, but apart from that, this is a beautiful island
. . . I love the little garden near the lighthouse, and the little church beside the cemetery is just picture perfect
. . . Well done ^^
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 52
Re: New World: Crescent Cove, A Barrier Island
Reply #24 on:
2010 May 20, 11:57:48 »
I just discovered this today and just had to check it out.
It's a gorgeous island - although some of the roads (the ends at the two points, and that corner where you fixed the road dip) are so close to the edge of the beach that they look to be in danger of being swept out to see on the next high tide.
I saw that you fixed that one corner, but now it looks like there's a bump on the beach that isn't supported by anything. Maybe I'm being nitpicky, but it bugged me a little - I think it would look better if that corner and the two road ends weren't quite so close to the water. Or under water, like the one near the lighthouse. (The road near the church has the same 'dip' issue as that one corner used to have, judging from the pictures in a previous post...)
That's my only quibble, though. I love what you did with the plants and the dunes at the back, and how natural the textures look. And the graveyard looks wonderful - almost like a park. It's refreshing to see a graveyard that isn't spooky - I could totally see myself sitting on a bench there reading a book...
I love it that there are so many fishing spots and parks, too. And it's great to have a sandy island that is *not* riddled with palm trees. :8
I did get a few crashes, but this is not the only custom world where I have that issue, so maybe it's something intrinsic to CAW?
ETA: Would you be willing to share your CAW version?
Last Edit: 2010 May 21, 23:58:12 by Lissy
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