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How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
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Topic: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft (Read 42789 times)
Elektro Guy
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #25 on:
2010 February 04, 04:36:21 »
Coconnor's help thread doesn't make any sense. He contradicts himself once or twice and doesn't correctly explain where to put files. I had a much better understanding of modding The Sims 3 game and WA from the wiki...although it's slightly outdated. Coconnor's help thread should seriously be revised so it doesn't read like an idiotic lesson.
Anyways, I'm getting off track. The test version of AM for HELS 1.9/2.4 seems to be running the game fine. I haven't played at all though because I'm in the process of creating a new house, but hopefully I'll be playing soon! Thanks J.M. A donation might just be right around the corner.
'hoy, small fry!
Silent Dreamer
Feckless Fool
Posts: 269
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #26 on:
2010 February 04, 05:03:24 »
Coconnor's thread works just fine. She doesn't have to do anything different and it is not her fault that people fail miserably at following simple instructions. It had to be written in such a way that it was a catchall. Just because one method works for your game doesn't mean it works for someone else's. Nowhere in there does she contradict herself. There are pretty clear "If/Then" statements in there. Not, "do this, now go undo it and do something else," statements.
The stupid threshold has reached critical mass! Brain explosions imminent!
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 92
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #27 on:
2010 February 04, 08:47:18 »
Quote from: Silent Dreamer on 2010 February 04, 02:49:48
Sigh. I think we may have to amend coconnor's help thread for the idiots who can't figure shit out on their own.
Amend with what? The instructions are as clear as a day in the desert.
Images? A youtube video? A total explanation of how games work?
And that method is not working for whom again?
And it IS a lesson. For the idiots who don't know how the game reads files. You need to put the framework (.resource file) in every subsequent "Game" folder and Root directory of the Sim games you install so the game knows where to read your mods. In addition to the d3dx9_31.dll files inside every Gameplay>Bin folder. When you patch your game, take all foreign files out, then put them back in. How hard is that possibly to understand?
Besides, I find it to be a good test to filter out people who can logically figure something out on their own, to the people who want someone to coddle them and hold their hand throughout the whole process. The later get pwned, therefore MOAR FIGHT, and more LULZ.
No matter how old you are, no matter how badass you think you are, if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone-- you answer it.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #28 on:
2010 February 04, 09:42:04 »
I can understand why some sheeple might be confused with the instructions... I understand sympathy and empathy is hard to come by here but this is what I see.
1. Copy the framework files into both the base game and the expansion directories. The paths should be something like C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 and C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/World Adventures. Leave the empty files in both locations.
I just wanted to note, I only have it the resource.cfg in the base game folder and the game sees all my mods including awesome mod. I only have the mod/packages folders in the base game, no issues. Empty files... I'm assuming he is referring to empty folders, not some junk empty files.
2. Copy the d3dx9_31.dll file into the Game>Bin folder of both the above directories. Leave those files in both.
This step is handled in step one by copying framework files as instructed and becomes redundant. Restating a step that is already accomplished confuses sheep. By the way, I have the d3dx9_31.dll in the WA Game>Bin folder only, game launches. Without it in that location the game hangs up.
3. Download a new copy of AwesomeMod, unzip it and copy the AwesomeMod file first into The Sims 3 directory.
Sheep will put this in the Sims 3 directory, not the mods>packages directory because they are following instructions as stated...
4. Copy the Resource.cfg file and paste the copy into The Sims 3 directory, but not into Mods>Packages.
Again this step is redundant. If step 1 was followed to the letter, this is already done and confuses sheep.
5. Try the game to see if it works. You can tell if AwesomeMod is being recognized by typing Ctrl-Shift-C to bring up the command console and then typing "showconfig". If it is recognized you will see 4 pages of detail about how your personal copy of AwesomeMod is configured.
6. If that does not work, then take AwesomeMod out of the The Sims 3/Mods/Packages file and paste it into the World Adventures/Mods/Packages folder. Cut the Resource.cfg file from The Sims 3 directory and paste it into the World Adventures directory (but again, not in Mods>Packages).
If step 1 was followed as instructed, the resource.cfg file would be in both locations already so pasting it to the WA directory is redundant... again confuses sheep.
7. Run the game again and repeat the other instructions in Step 5.
I hope this shows some insight why some people might have some problems with the instructions. It might be the original author of this post meant folders instead of files in the first step, that would make the other steps not redundant. However with a slight semantic problem like that, you confuse sheeple. Hard to write instructions for everyone, you know lowest common denominator and all that...
I should note, that I did not even know these instructions were here when I set up my game, and it works great.
Last Edit: 2010 February 04, 09:50:20 by Bain
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #29 on:
2010 February 04, 09:58:11 »
I actually did not know how the game read files - or that HELS added a new directory - until I read this thread.
But yes. That does make me an idiot. At least I got it working... and know now. My game has also been running fine since the update, so it's back to quietly lurking for me. Sorry for not offering moar fight.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #30 on:
2010 February 04, 12:23:02 »
Quote from: Bain on 2010 February 04, 09:42:04
Hard to write instructions for everyone, you know lowest common denominator and all that...
Therein lies the biggest problem. When you write instructions to cover people who don't even know what, where or how to find their C: Drive, and people who know who to navigate and manipulate their system files, it makes it very hard to know how to explain things in simple to understand language, without making the smarter bunch feel completely stoopid.
As for the files/folders and their locations, that is a problem itself. For whatever reason, some people report/claim that their mods/CC won't work for them in the base game folders, and have to be in WA, and will now start claiming they have to move them all to the HELS folders. As the resource.cfg has to be in the root directory of the game where the mods/cc are installed, I found it a whole lot easier to tell people to duplicate the .dll and the resource.cfg files into all the directories, as this avoids the problem of the resource.cfg, and the mods/packages folders being in different directories. The extra .cfg files doesn't harm the game at all.
While you may think that coconnor's instructions are hard to follow, after they were posted, the number of stoopid, repetitive "How do I install Awesomemod", "I can't get AM to work" or the "How do I install the framework" posts nosedived big time, suggesting that most people found them very easy to follow.
I have my mods/packages in the base game, and everything works nicely.
Feel free by all means to be here and advise everyone of how to set up the framework, and install AM, when the sheeple all start complaining that AM and their mods/CC don't work with HELS, because they haven't expanded the framework.
Last Edit: 2010 February 04, 22:36:11 by wizard_merlin
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #31 on:
2010 February 04, 19:45:12 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2010 February 03, 02:48:28
1.9/2.4/HELS test version available
Just thought you'd like to know that everything is working perfectly on my Mac. I know how much you love Mac people.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #32 on:
2010 February 04, 21:21:40 »
C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 and C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/World Adventures
I have always put all files in both locations, and have not had any issues.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 19
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #33 on:
2010 February 05, 19:29:43 »
Quote from: Elektro Guy on 2010 February 04, 04:36:21
Coconnor's help thread doesn't make any sense. He contradicts himself once or twice and doesn't correctly explain where to put files. I had a much better understanding of modding The Sims 3 game and WA from the wiki...although it's slightly outdated. Coconnor's help thread should seriously be revised so it doesn't read like an idiotic lesson.
And we care about your opinion because....? There are literally dozens of people who got coconnor's fix to work for them and didn't whine about it. They simply said "thank you" and moved right along. Your lack of understanding is not our or coconnor's problem.
Quote from: Silent Dreamer on 2010 February 04, 02:49:48
Sigh. I think we may have to amend coconnor's help thread for the idiots who can't figure shit out on their own.
Why bother? Even if it was revised or amended as you said, there would still be idiots who wouldn't be able to figure it out. It would be an endless process of editing and revising the instructions for the benefit of morons who don't know how to use the search button for terms they don't understand. I'm not attacking you or anything, I'm just saying that if something is amended once, it's going to have to be done again and again for more stupid people.
Mushroom Girl
Posts: 1506
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #34 on:
2010 February 05, 19:46:52 »
I have instructions on installing TS3, WA, Framework all with purty pictures here:
I'll be adding the HELS info today. So if you have issues with Coconners instructions, give these a try. If these fail you, well I don't know what we can do for you.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2382
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #35 on:
2010 February 06, 21:00:33 »
Quote from: Bain on 2010 February 04, 09:42:04
This step is handled in step one by copying framework files as instructed and becomes redundant. Restating a step that is already accomplished confuses sheep. By the way, I have the d3dx9_31.dll in the WA Game>Bin folder only, game launches. Without it in that location the game hangs up.
That happened to me when WA was patched to 2.2 or 2.3 but Base was not at 1.8 because I just never noticed due to not actually having played for several patches until WA came out and I felt like playing again. After reinstalling Base and WA and patching it up fully, the issue never appeared again.
I have also noticed that a lot of people seem to have a problem with Coconnor's instruction right here:
C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3
World Adventures
Why is World Adventures in a subfolder inside of The Sims 3? Apparently the rest of us know that we aren't supposed to be in any subfolder, but ...
One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone. -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Angie Baby
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 20
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #36 on:
2010 February 06, 22:54:46 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2010 February 03, 02:48:28
1.9/2.4/HELS test version available
Installed and working perfectly.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1389
Poke, point, laugh...
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #37 on:
2010 February 06, 22:59:58 »
HELS installed fine and the updated awesomemod is running ok first time. I only played for an hour or two but swapped around a few households in the time and there was one spawning from the previously saved game and a couple of new impregnations. The few pieces of *acquired* store content I have are also showing up ok. Not bad at all given I haven't played the game for about a month, maybe longer.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 353
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #38 on:
2010 February 07, 12:15:10 »
So the new test AM stays in WA Mods\Packages?
But the framework files get copied - not cut - into HELS Game\Bin?
In this case I'm getting "no disc found"
I'm even getting this after uninstalling HELS and just using a WA AM as before.
Playing this game gets more obscure by the day...
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 353
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #39 on:
2010 February 07, 15:14:21 »
Works now. Was incorrect resource file, thanks.
Last Edit: 2010 February 07, 15:23:48 by tizerist
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 41
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #40 on:
2010 February 07, 18:17:15 »
Gahh. Looks like I'm stumbling over my own AM for Mac installation instructions, can't get this bloody thing to work
Latest patch, HELS, newest AM (test version). And a Mac, obviously.
AM didn't work after HELS, at that point I had mods/packages only in the WA folder, everything had worked just peachy before. So, the files should be somewhere else.
Then I moved them over to the HELS folder, not working there either. Also none of the CC work, meaning they're in the wrong place too.
I have tried the base game folder as well with no luck.
Tried placing the framework in all 3 folders, switched the Mods folder around, nothing seems to work. Copied the Mods folder in every 3 game folders and switched the Packages folder around, same thing.
The game loads fine, doesn't get stuck anywhere, so no problem there.
I'm totally lost here, wtf has happened to this game
edit: I take all this back. Turns out I had the Resource.cfg in the Mods/Files for some reason. I wonder how did it work with WA then, for all I know it was in Mods/Files all the time.
Last Edit: 2010 February 07, 18:26:53 by dedust
You will be baked, and then there will be cake.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
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Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #41 on:
2010 February 08, 19:04:31 »
I hope I won't get sporked for this but I rather ask it here right away before I install AM. If I understood what was said here well, you only need to move the Resource file, the mods folder and that dll file thingy to the folder that contains the lasted pack.
The thing is that I never moved the dll file. I totally forgot that it excisted and that it's needed for the framework to work. It's still in my BG folder and I was able to load everything just fine. I honestly rather leave it there if I won't have any problems for it being there.
Also I would like if someone could confirm that it isn't needed to have the files in all three of the main folders but that Coconor instructed it that way to prevent confusion.
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 51
Go head, Pull it, I Dare U!
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #42 on:
2010 February 09, 01:31:54 »
Quote from: virgali on 2010 February 08, 19:04:31
Also I would like if someone could confirm that it isn't needed to have the files in all three of the main folders but that Coconor instructed it that way to prevent confusion.
Ok, I have just tested
a couple of
5 scenarios.
I currently have Base Game, WA and HELS installed and working perfectly. All of my mods, including Awesome Mod, and package files are located in the Base Game Mods folder. I have the entire framework installed in BG, WA and HELS. Also, all EA downloads were previously installed prior to 1.8 patch and the .dbc files have been moved to the BG mods folder with the resource.cfg file updated to reflect that change.
Scenario 1: I deleted the d3dx9_31.dll file from HELS. Game freezes upon load, stuck at loading screen.
Scenario 2: I put the d3dx90_31.dll back into HELS and deleted d3dx90_31.dll from BG and WA. Game runs fine, during test, for 5 mins. All content .dbc and .package files are running without error.
Scenario 3: I deleted the mods folder from both HELS and WA and the game runs fine as in Scenario 2.
Scenario 4: Continuing from Scenario 3, I moved the Mods folder and the resource.cfg from BG folder into WA folder and the game runs fine.
Scenario 5: Continuing from Scenario 4, I moved the Mods folder and the resource.cfg from WA folder into HELS folder and the game runs fine.
Conclusion: The game will run fine fine so long as d3dx90_31.dll is located in the most recent SP or EP. Your mods folder can be in either SP, EP or BG so long as your resource.cfg reflects the location of your mods.
Suggestion: Seeing as the game runs fine for me with Scenario 3 I would suggest, to keep things organized, to keep all mods and such in Base Game. Also, Sims3Dashboard, as of yet, doesn't detect mods located in an Ep or SP above WA. Just make sure that the most recent SP or Ep contains the d3dx90_31.dll.
And yes, Coconner's instructions were on point when it comes to minimizing issues for ID-10-Ts.
*Edited to include Scenario 4 and 5, to make things more complete.*
Last Edit: 2010 February 09, 02:06:50 by ChilltownNJ
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 9
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #43 on:
2010 February 09, 08:20:59 »
Been a long time since I was over this way. Didn't have much time to play this with my whole wow addiction. Now that I am retired from that I find I have more time to play other things again. Anyways, Thanks Pescado for getting the HELs version out the door so quick. Works great!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #44 on:
2010 February 09, 15:25:30 »
Good Morning..This being my first & probably only post on the forum. <==}=- * Likes to lurk more than post
Ok, I read this entire thread and ended up doing some experimenting myself.
When I first started with Sims 3 I didn't find out about AM till later on down the road...approx. 2 months later. I was working with other modders getting stuff out. Figuring code how the game was written and other little oddities. But anyways, since I have found JM's AM I have come to really like it. Things that make it nice are the configuration ability and ease of reconfiguring it the way I like to play.
But on a happier note: I got this to work with HELs this morning.
I thought I might share my little bit of insight on what I did to get AM to work in my game.
My steps are as follows & might work for you as well.
: I purchased the Base Game and WA but DL'd the Vitality Version of HELs. *** Try before I buy is my Motto *** Will be buying HELs this weekend when I get paid. ***
1. Backed up all my crap. All my mods / saves / houses / sims etc etc etc.
2. Took the entire game off my system. Complete Erasure. Registry entries and all.
3. Reinstalled clean all 3. Base Game / WA / HELs
4. Cracked HELs with Vitality's crack on the ISO.
5. Placed all my mods back in the respective area. /Sims 3/Mods/Packages/
6. Put the Resource.cfg file in the root of the Sims 3 Directory.
Made sure framework from Delphy was installed correctly
7. Took the Resource.cfg file that comes with any of the package files anymore and placed that 93byte file in the root of /Sims 3/Game/Bin/ overwriting the original 384byte file that is located in that directory.
8. Copied that same file into the root of the /Sims 3/WA/Game/Bin/ overwriting the original 384byte file located in that directory as well.
: DO NOT REPLACE THE Resource.cfg in the root of the HELs Folder. The game will not load without the original 384byte file from the disk. Which if you make that mistake like I did you can copy it directly off the ISO or DVD *** if you own it ***
9. Placed the newest AM posted on the DL link from the forum in my Mods folder.
10. Placed the d3dx9_31.dll in all 3 root directories of the game.
ex. /Sims 3/Game/Bin/
/Sims 3/WA/Game/Bin/
/Sims 3/HELs/Game/Bin/
11. Placed all my extra crap from my Documents folder that the game requires you to have to play. *** Saves / Store Bought BS / and all that jazz ***
12. Clicked on the icon for the Game in the HELs folder -={ TS3SP01.exe }=- *** NOT THE LAUNCHER executable***
13. It loaded everything up and AM is working like it was before.
14. Gj on this quick fix JM. And thanks for working on this so quickly.
You got me hooked on your mod JM. I'm truly a fan of your art and craft. You allow me to be able to play my game the way I want and how I want for now.
So till the next time I decide to post something...have a Great Day and Happy Simming and hopefully my little tidbit of a post here helps someone.
Last Edit: 2010 February 09, 15:39:17 by Inf
Just when you thought you had me in your clutches...I surprised you again!!!
Complete Instructions:
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 396
Meh ....
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #45 on:
2010 February 11, 08:26:16 »
Quote from: virgali on 2010 February 08, 19:04:31
I hope I won't get sporked for this but I rather ask it here right away before I install AM. If I understood what was said here well, you only need to move the Resource file, the mods folder and that dll file thingy to the folder that contains the lasted pack.
The thing is that I never moved the dll file. I totally forgot that it excisted and that it's needed for the framework to work. It's still in my BG folder and I was able to load everything just fine. I honestly rather leave it there if I won't have any problems for it being there.
Also I would like if someone could confirm that it isn't needed to have the files in all three of the main folders but that Coconor instructed it that way to prevent confusion.
Virgali: No, it is not necessary to have the files in all three folders. I've taken a break from the Sims recently, but it should still work the same - move your mods to the game directory that works for you.
In the (should be) immortal words of Ron White: "You can't fix stupid!"
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #46 on:
2010 February 11, 09:11:41 »
You shouldn't move your mods, only the DLL.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 396
Meh ....
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #47 on:
2010 February 11, 19:13:55 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2010 February 11, 09:11:41
You shouldn't move your mods, only the DLL.
I stand corrected.
In the (should be) immortal words of Ron White: "You can't fix stupid!"
Shouty Vole
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1072
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #48 on:
2010 February 13, 00:24:47 »
Guh, nevermind. HELS wasnt fully updated. I forgot an update came out just after the game, and assumed hte installer had done the work.
Last Edit: 2010 February 13, 00:37:54 by Claeric
Mushroom Girl
Posts: 1506
Re: How To Get AwesomeMOD work with High-End Loft
Reply #49 on:
2010 February 13, 05:49:03 »
So all of your flapping was for nothing then?
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