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Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
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Topic: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there) (Read 25560 times)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
n00b Queen
Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
2010 February 01, 04:15:44 »
I'm about to shoot myself.
So here's the deal. For a while I stopped myself from installing the last 1.8 patch because I heard it was trouble, but recently I came to the conclusion that I just might need it (plus I am obsessive compulsive and I had to have it before another one comes out or I buy the new stuff pack). Two days ago I installed said patch and when I tried to open the Sims 3, the launcher said
"Unable to connect to the EA Download Manager"
. I clicked okay but that sent me to the
"Game Updates"
section of it, telling me
"The Version of the game that you are running is incompatible with the data. Please update your game."
From then on, it just wouldn't let me run the game.
Frustrated by these events, I tossed my computer aside and now, two days later I returned with enough energy to uninstall The Sims 3 completely. I reinstalled that and WA, and the patches. After I installed each patch, I ran the game and it went smoothly. Until I got back to 1.8 oh yeah. Now we are back to the same shit. I went to the Bin folder and tried to restore it before I added that patch, but I suppose it is too late because it won't work. Do I have to install all of it all over again and simply leave that piece of shit out? What do I do?! I'm pulling my hair out here. Help? If this has been discussed and I didn't find it in my searches, then you can shoot me yourselves, that helps too.
I've gotten my patches from
. Not sure if it makes a difference but thought I would point it out.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #1 on:
2010 February 01, 06:01:28 »
Your post is offensive to guns, trichotillamaniacs, and wiccans.
First, pinpoint what the exact problem is. Then search the forums. I can guarantee you that someone else has had the same problem and a solution has been posted.
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Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
n00b Queen
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #2 on:
2010 February 01, 08:39:28 »
Those goddamn wiccans. Fine, thanks.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 415
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #3 on:
2010 February 01, 19:07:14 »
Been there, done that. Got the hair loss to prove it.
For some reason, when you re-install, the game doesn't always 'keep' the 1.8 patch between installing the base game and WA. This creates an impossible situation where the game just won't work no matter what you do.
Uninstall the whole shebang again. Make SURE you wipe every last bit of the game out of the registry, etc. (follow the instructions on the EA help site, I know EA sucks, but those instructions don't).
Make sure you also uninstall all vestiges of the EADM. All of it.
Then reinstall the game. Put any custom content you want in the game via the launcher in BEFORE you patch to 1.8. Then patch to 1.8. Now, if I remember right, I had to update my EADM before I patched to 1.8.
There are conflicts with the EADM and Windows 7. Also the latest EADM seems to have a problem with the launcher, and the way around the problem is to physically open the EADM and then open the launcher. Then update the game. This may or may not work because no two loads of any Microsoft product work exactly the same (at least in my personal history with their products).
After you've got the base game patched to 1.8, then install WA and patch to latest vesion (2.3?).
My other obsession
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
n00b Queen
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #4 on:
2010 February 01, 21:43:43 »
Thank you. I'm trying this now. I have Windows Vista but I've still encountered problems with the EADM. It never let me patch my game to 1.8 so I had to do it manually. I'm uninstalling the whole thing now. If only I wasn't dying to play these days.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 51
Go head, Pull it, I Dare U!
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #5 on:
2010 February 04, 06:27:21 »
The fact that you have Windows Vista doesn't help matters either. Just thought I should point that out. <<ducks>>
And be careful with double posting, I have seen people literally get eaten alive because of it.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
n00b Queen
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #6 on:
2010 February 04, 08:27:43 »
When I had XP it didn't run nicely either. Ah, I'll just have to reinstall for like the 20th time and avoid that stupid patch.
Thanks for the heads up. Yes I've seen it happen myself, it's a terrifying thing. My desperation got to a more terrifying point, sadly.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 51
Go head, Pull it, I Dare U!
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #7 on:
2010 February 04, 08:47:26 »
Have you tried running the sims 3 executable, bypassing EADM, straight into the game?
Also, I wonder if your issue may be tied to vista's crappy Administrative Security Settings.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
n00b Queen
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #8 on:
2010 February 04, 23:18:45 »
I just tried that and it gave me a window saying the same. That my version was incompatible and I should update via launcher, and the launcher keeps telling me it can't connect to EADM, which I wouldn't care about if it only let me run my game. So far I've read so many threads here and have tried a bit of everything but nothing works. I have once again, deleted everything to the core. I've gone back to installing both Base and WA, patching up to 1.7, I fixed some bad CC with Delphy's CC dashboard and I will try running my game up to 1.7 and Awesome. I'm hoping with patch 1.9 and the HELS pack it will go back to running.
As for the Administrative Security Settings, I've disabled them. EADM and the launcher still seem unable to find each other, even if I open the EADM first.
Gosh, thank you for your patience with me.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 51
Go head, Pull it, I Dare U!
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #9 on:
2010 February 05, 04:57:38 »
Have you tried re-downloading the patch? It is possible that the patch was corrupted during the initial download. Also, try getting your patch from an alternate source and see how that goes. I also noticed, in another thread, that someone had issues with EADM until they disabled their virus scanner and firewall.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
n00b Queen
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #10 on:
2010 February 05, 08:08:29 »
I'm downloading my patches from
The Patches Scroll
(US CD/DVD patch 1.7.9 to 1.8.25 for PC) but I suppose I could try a different site! I disabled both virus scanner and firewall but EADM gave me the same message. For a moment there, however, I thought it was going to work. Whenever I download EADM (I uninstall it with the games) it seems wonky even if it is from the EA site itself. The desktop icon and/or any notices that pop up never show any text for some reason. This time around it seemed to have installed correctly. The desktop icon had text underneath and everything seemed to be going smoothly... until it updated itself. As it was getting set up it told me there was error in the: CmdPortalClient.dll file. I'm not sure what is going there either. Thought I would point it out.
After I install 1.8 from a different source, if it still doesn't work is there a way for me to remove it or should I uninstall/install all over again?
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 51
Go head, Pull it, I Dare U!
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #11 on:
2010 February 05, 09:03:45 »
I did a search and the cmdportalclient.dll file was not located in my winxp setup but it was located in my win7 setup. This leads me to believe it is more of a vista/win7 issue than anything.
When you uninstall the game do you run a program that can clean up rouge registry settings, such as ccleaner?
And no, once you install a patch I do not believe it is reversible.
One thing I have noticed, in vista, is even though UAC is disabled, sometimes right clicking the file and running it as an administrator has helped me with problem installers.
Quick question just to make sure I fully understand your problem, you have no problem with the game or the install up until you try to install the 1.8 patch for the base game correct? Can you quickly outline every step you take starting at the uninstall? Maybe you can take notes as you do this over. I would like to know your every move and possibly the patch file numbers that you use. I would like to make sure we are not missing something simple.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
n00b Queen
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #12 on:
2010 February 10, 08:55:23 »
Okay I have not used ccleaner. Do you suggest I uninstall everything and do so?
Yes, that's exactly my problem, you got it correct.
Okay, what I do when I uninstall is:
1) Delete the folders directly Program Files (x86)/Electronic Arts. All three, Sims 3, Sims WA and EADM
2) Delete the registry by running regedit and searching for the files the EA site says. I have only done this once, however. After that first time I have not been able to find them again.
3) Delete the files left at My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3
I do this after reading it at the EA site. I save all my CC on my desktop to add it later when I reinstall. Here are the patches I am using:
All from the
Patches Scrolls
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 51
Go head, Pull it, I Dare U!
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #13 on:
2010 February 10, 20:31:54 »
I usually spazz out on people who don't use <control panel> <add/remove programs> to uninstall programs, but I'll leave you alone, this time! I have seen some nasty things happen to systems when people don't uninstall correctly. Sometimes it is unnecessary, most times it is very necessary. Programs, nowadays, install files all over your system, not in just the program files folder, which may also be causing you issues. Add/remove programs, in conjunction with, CCleaner or the likes of it, is essential to cleaning out your system properly.
Download and install ccleaner if you haven't done so already,
Download page of file hippo, Click "Download latest Version" link top right of page
Direct link to file,
Do you know how to use ccleaner?
Do you have HELS yet?
What I am doing right now is starting from scratch on my girl's netbook and I will detail the install for you if it helps.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
n00b Queen
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #14 on:
2010 February 10, 21:27:30 »
Thank you. I don't know what I did to deserve your patience but it means the world!
I always uninstall in the way you just said, but someone up there suggested I uninstalled it the way EA instructed, and so I did, thinking maybe that would work. I'm going to go back to add/remove programs and will try CCleaner. I don't know how to use it, no, but I'm reading it up. Anything that I should know and is not that obvious is very welcome though!
I still don't have HELS yet, no. I am getting it around the end of next week that it will deliver.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 51
Go head, Pull it, I Dare U!
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #15 on:
2010 February 10, 21:39:42 »
No worries, I'm a problem solver at heart, so I find other people's technical problems fun to solve. Ccleaner is fairly simple to use, open it up, you have 4 <tabs> on the left column, select the registry tab, then scan for issues (button on the bottom right), when the scan is complete, click the <fix selected issues...> button, they should all be selected. Also, do a check for me and look through those found issues and see if u notice any sims 3 related items, if you don't, no worries, just continue. At some point you will get a prompt that asks you to backup registry issues, seeing as you are new to this, just backup the issues. Once the issues are fixed, you are done with the cleaning and all rouge entries are no longer there.
*Note, the person on that board had a point, sometimes a program does leave a rouge folder in the program files folder after an uninstall, blame the coders for bad uninstall scripts, but if that is the case *after* an uninstall, then by all means, delete those remnants.
Last Edit: 2010 February 10, 21:46:38 by ChilltownNJ
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
n00b Queen
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #16 on:
2010 February 10, 23:14:31 »
That really was easy. Okay all done. I didn't find any Sims 3 related items, but I had like two hundred issues and I could have missed it. I did as told though and it's all set. I searched for any folder remnants too and didn't find anything this time. I suppose I should install now, but before I do I want to make sure it is right.
Firstly, should I install EADM when it prompts me to? I'm already scared of that thing but I don't know if I should have it since I'm installing patches manually.
What I do is install Sims 3, then all patches up to 1.7. I then install WA, then my CC in Sims3Packs and then my package files after installing Delphy's Framework. Then I install patch 1.8 and that's when it all goes to hell. Should I keep doing it like this? Change something I am doing, perhaps? Also, I suppose I will patch with
Sim Programs
this time around instead of
Pacthes Scrolls
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 51
Go head, Pull it, I Dare U!
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #17 on:
2010 February 10, 23:30:29 »
Modifying for clarity.
1. Installed Sims Base Game on the netbook. I did not allow it to install EADM. Base Game is currently version 1.0.631.00002.
2. Updated Sims Base Game with Sims3_1.2.7.00002 patch, manually.
3. Installed WA. I did not allow it to install EADM, again. WA is currently version
Still in progress.
Quick question, do you install any Downloadable content? Or do you download the .dbc files that others have already put up?
Ok, the only problem with the .dbc files is that you lose the sim symbol overlay on the icon in Cas or the shop. Other than that, no issues.
I'm going to try the updates from the site that you posted. Ahh yes this is where I got my patches from originally, couldn't remember the site off hand but the Sim Programs site is it.
I like the .dbc file method better, personally. I have a few pc's throughout my household, and 2 laptops and a netbook. Imagine trying to do multiple installs and having to go through installing tons of store items on all of them. Where, now, all I have to do is copy the .dbc files and add "PackedFile Mods/Packages/*.dbc" to my resource.cfg file.
Last Edit: 2010 February 11, 00:33:36 by ChilltownNJ
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
n00b Queen
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #18 on:
2010 February 10, 23:34:01 »
Alright. Yes I waited to see what you said. I'll be here. Installing just the base now.
I install the Downloadable, Sims3Pack ones. I haven't gone with the .dbc just yet but I was thinking I probably could do so this time. Aside from all the store items I've gotten from here I also have a shitload of CC from other random sources.
Okay. Should I go with .dbc files then? I stopped myself from using them until I fixed this problem, no need to overload my brain even more trying to figure them out as well, but which would work best?
Was about to install WA and the notice of it wanting to update The Sims 3 came up. I said no and so it stopped the set up. How can I make my way around this? Or must I install when the WA installer prompts me to? I didn't understand that one completely.
Right! I got you now. On it. And yeah I must use 00001
Last Edit: 2010 February 11, 00:32:36 by dominno
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 51
Go head, Pull it, I Dare U!
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #19 on:
2010 February 11, 01:24:42 »
Ok, definitely something screwy with vista and EADM. Also, now I realize I went about this the wrong way...
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to do a full reinstall... Yeah I know, WTF. This is the situation your stuck in, EADM is necessary for you to update or see updates inside the program. But EADM bites, hard. We stopped manually updating at the point where we could install WA. I was so wrong. What happened was when we installed WA, it was necessary to use EADM to update because it installed an update to the Base Game that we can't readily find a patch to manually update it with.
#=region, which can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or more.
This is what needs to be done:
1. Full uninstall of everything, EADM, SIMS Base Game, WA.
2. Full delete of "C:\Documents and Settings\Main\My Documents\Electronic Arts". Make sure to save your savegames if you haven't already done so.
3. Full delete of "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts", run Ccleaner and then reboot.
4. Install Sims 3 Base Game. Deny the EADM install.
5. After base game is installed install each patch, there are a total of 8 patches for BG. Install them in this order:
Sims3_1.2.7.0000#, sims3_1.3.24.0000#, Sims3_1.4.6.0000#, Sims3_1.6.6.00200#,
Sims3_1.7.9.00200#, Sims3_1.8.25.00300#, Sims3_1.9.22.00400#, Sims3_1.10.6.00400#.
6. Open the launcher, it should say your game is, run the game. Should be fine at this point.
7. Now that Sims 3 is fully installed, time to install WA. When Wa first starts to install, you will get a pop up box stating "Warning: The installed version of The Sims 3 is more recent than this product. If you choose to proceed, Blah blah blah", disregard this, press ok, and continue the install. At the end of WA installation, Deny the EADM installation again.
8. After WA is installed, install each patch, there are a total of 4 patches for WA. Install them in this order:
Sims3_2.2.8.00200#, Sims3_2.3.33.00300#, Sims3_2.4.7.00400# and last Sims3_2.5.12.00400#.
9. At this point, your game is fully up to date, with all the latest patches and the launcher should say your game is
10. Test run your game, It shouldn't give you any "incompatible with base game" issues. If all went well, move on to 11. If not, stab yourself repeatedly with a spork.
11. Extract the into "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3" and "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 World Adventures"
12. Extract into "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages" and toss all your other mods and cc into the same directory, along with aweconf.package which was created with the
AwesomeMod Configuration tool
13. Edit the "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\resource.cfg" file for all the sub-directories within your Mod folder, if all of your .package files are in the "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages" folder, then leave the resource.cfg file alone.
14. Run the game.
15. Squeal with excitement as everything just works.
The end.
Last Edit: 2010 February 11, 07:24:50 by ChilltownNJ
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
n00b Queen
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #20 on:
2010 February 11, 01:30:48 »
1.- Installed Base Game, no EADM.
2.- Installed patch Sims3_1.2.7.00001_from_1.0.631.00001
3.- Tried to install WA but it asked me to update.
4.- Installed patch Sims3_1.3.24.00001
5.- Installed patch Sims3_1.4.6.00001
6.- Installed patch Sims3_1.6.6.002001
7.- Installed WA, no EADM.
8.- Installed patches Sims3_2.2.8.002001, Sims3_2.3.33.003001, Sims3_2.4.7.004001, Sims3_2.5.12.004001
9.- Installing EADM...
So none of it worked. I did both options and the problem is the same. I'll write the problem again since I deleted all the edits I had here: EADM installs and updates. I open the launcher but nothing happens. It gives me the
"Unable to connect to EA Download Manager"
message. I click okay and it gives me the
"Your Sims 3 Base Game is Incompatible with the Current Sims 3 Expansion Pack. Please update the game via the game launcher."
It gives me this message even if I try to run the game through the exe file and not the launcher. Also, the launcher has me stuck in the Game Updates tab, with the Update Now button grayed out. When I click Refresh the
message shows up again. And all that the Game Updates window says is
"Get the latest game updates here!"
Oh and I have Automatic Updates unticked.
I don't have anything else to do, so I'm definitely up for it. XD Sounds good, though my game gets wonky as we know after patch 1.8 but with the two new patches and then the rest of the steps I am hoping so hard and crossing my fingers so this will work! Checking back again for your updates.
Installing the base game right now. If this works I'll have to send you the biggest hug in internet history, however that works.
Last Edit: 2010 February 11, 07:48:38 by dominno
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #21 on:
2010 February 11, 11:44:55 »
Never trust EA crapware. always do it manually!
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
n00b Queen
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #22 on:
2010 February 12, 04:59:18 »
Fuck yeah it worked! Thank you doesn't even begin to cover it but:
A few questions so I don't mess my game again or something. When I get HELS next week, I am guessing I should take the same steps installing it? Install and add the patches manually as they come out, right? Should I continue using the Sims3Dashboard and clean the game caches at some point, every so often?
Now all I have left to do is get all my store Sims3Packs in .dbc and figure that out. I seriously can't believe it runs, I thought I was doomed. Thanks again, so much.
Oh, one last question. I tried the Sims3Pack Multi-Installer to switch my Sims3Packs (not the store stuff) to .packages and so far it has seemed to work just fine. Can I go with it this way or is the dbc better? I'm very ignorant in this subject (and many, as you can tell) XD
Last Edit: 2010 February 12, 08:00:17 by dominno
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 51
Go head, Pull it, I Dare U!
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #23 on:
2010 February 12, 13:08:02 »
Quote from: dominno on 2010 February 12, 04:59:18
Fuck yeah it worked!
So glad to hear that everything is in order! Man that was a process, freaking EA Crapware...
Ok, now that we have figured out, through torture, what Pescado is talking about,
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2010 February 11, 11:44:55
Never trust EA crapware. always do it manually!
we can be a bit cocky on what we do next.
When you get HELS, all you need to do is:
1. Download all the HELS updates first and foremost. Currently there is only 1 patch available, Sims3_3.1.7.004001_from_3.0.38.004001.exe
2. Install HELS, Deny EADM from installing.
3. Apply patch
4. Extract framework to "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\
The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff
5. Run Sims3Dashboard and Click "Clear All".
5. Play Game!
Yes, when you install new EP's or SP's and add or remove new .packages and mods, it is best to run Sims3Dashboard.
Many things get cached, and if you don't remove the caches prior to adding or removing items, the Sims 3 still thinks that the info is good, and may cause you issues.
Quote from: dominno on 2010 February 12, 04:59:18
Can I go with it this way or is the dbc better?
I would say the .DBC method is best because the game has to load each individual .package file and especially since I don't trust EA to install the sims3packs without issue. It's as simple as this, More items, more load time. There is also a method that has been discussed extensively
, where we take all of our mods and CC files and combine them, accordingly, into singular .package files. It has definitely increased the speed and loading of my game. But it isn't for the faint of heart and if things work for you, they just work for you.
Here's a tip from me to you, with AwesomeMod installed and the basic config set, which includes a nocd check mod, Duplicate the original "The Sims 3 Icon" on your desktop. Rename the duplicate to "The Sims 3 Launcher". Now, right click on the original icon, go down to properties, on the "Target" line it should say "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\
Change it to this "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\
Now you can play your game without the cd being in the drive, and you don't need to copy over any cracked exe's, and this works no matter what SP or EP you install.
Last Edit: 2010 February 13, 18:12:28 by ChilltownNJ
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 329
Re: Patch 1.8 FML!!! (yes, 1.8, I went there)
Reply #24 on:
2010 February 12, 17:56:24 »
4. Extract framework to "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 World Adventures"
Oops! Don't you mean "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff" ?
Thanks for the recipe, I am in the same boat as the OP and will give this a shot later today.
EDIT: Thanks! It worked great! But I am getting some performance problems with my DuoCore 2.1 GHz CPU and 4GB memory. TS3 is using almost 1GB of memory and 80% of the CPU, while only playing in the house, no build mode or CAS or vacations and this is after about 5-10 minutes of play. Any guesses?
Last Edit: 2010 February 13, 03:49:50 by SciBirg
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