Here's the comprehensive step-by-step procedure that occurs when you transmogrify stuff.
THE START1. Only objects of the type "Rock", "Gem", "Metal", or "Relic" may be subject to transmogrification. Metals must be smelted. Gems must be cut.
2. Output is one of 4 types: Gem, Metal, Rock, or Miscellaneous. If your input materials are homogenously all gems, metals, or rocks, you will get that as the output. Otherwise, your output is Miscellaneous.
3. Move to the appropriate sheet for either Rock, Gem, Metal, or Miscellaneous as determined by above.
SHEET 1: ROCKSThe output will be a medium rock determined by the following process:
1. The SEED is initialized as 0. The .NET GetHashCode of the input rock type names will be generated and XOR'ed iteratively with the SEED, in order, to produce the new SEED. If the implementation of GetHashCode is changed due to a change in the .NET implementation, this will also alter the results.
2. The SEED will be used to seed the .NET random number generator and the first VALUE will be taken.
3. The value of NUMBER OF ROCK TYPES PRESENTLY IN THE DATAFILES % VALUE will be taken. This will be your new INDEX.
4. You receive a medium rock of the type ROCKTYPE[INDEX]. This value is deterministic given the types of rock inputted, so long as the number of rock types available remains constant. Should a future expansion pack or hack change the number rock types in the game, total, the results of all recipes will be altered due to the effects of step 3.

6. Profit!
SHEET 2: GEMSThe output will be a gem determined by the following process:
1. The SEED is initialized as 0. The .NET GetHashCode of the unlocalized Gem Cut Name and the gem type's GUID(truncated from int64 to int32) will be ^='ed (XOR) together with the SEED, iteratively, in that order, for each input, in order, to produce a SEED. This seed is then apparently discarded, as it is not stored in any variable or reused, and all subsequent "random" calls are do not use this instance of the Random class generated.
2. The output gem type will be determined randomly from a randomly selected input gem. The original insertion order does not appear to matter, the type chosen is random and nondeterministic with regards to the input order and type, as the seed from step 1 was discarded. The output value type is affected by the value of the inputs.
3. If all gems placed on the board are of a single cut, you receive a large gem of the type selected in step 2, and move to step 7. Otherwise, continue to next step.
4. If the number of different cut types is greater than or equal to 5, you receive a large Skull Cut gem of the type selected in step 2, and move to step 7. Otherwise, continue to next step.
5. If the number of different gem types is greater than or equal to 5, you receive a large uncut Soulpeace, and move to step 7. Otherwise, continue to next step.
6. You receive a random gem of the type chosen in step 2, with a random cut chosen at random with an unweighted probability equal to 1 / NUMBER OF DIFFERENT CUTS IN INPUT.

8. Profit!
SHEET 3: METALS1. If the bottom metal of any stack is Mummitomium, note this for later. Initialize SEED as 0. For each metal stack, in order, the bottom metal's GUID(truncated to int32) will iteratively be ^='ed with the SEED, followed by every other metal in the stack, in order. The sum of the value of the bottom metal in each stack is recorded as BOTTOM VALUE. THe sum of the value of of the bottom metal, if not mummitomium, is also recorded as NON-MUMMITOMIUM BOTTOM VALUE. The sum of the other metals in the stack are also recorded together as STACKED VALUE.
2. If mummitomium was one of the bottom metals as noted above, and the NON-MUMMITOMIUM BOTTOM VALUE is less than a specific value (See "Special Note: Mummy Bears"), the time is between 0100 and 0500, and the last time this happened is greater than or equal to exactly 2640 sim minutes (44 Sim hours) you receive a mummy bear, and move to step 10. Otherwise, continue to next step.
3. The STORED VALUE of your metal is equal BOTTOM VALUE.
4. If all of the bottom metals are of the same type, your output metal is of that type, your output size becomes LARGE, and you move to step 7. Otherwise, your output size is small, and you continue to the next step.
5. If the number of different bottom metals is >= 5, your output type is Supernovium, and you move to step 7. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
6. Your output type is Compendium. STORED VALUE increases by 25%.
7. If STACKED VALUE exceeds 20K, STORED VALUE increases by STACKED VALUE - 20K, and STACKED VALUE is now truncated to 20K.
8. If STACKED VALUE is greater than zero, additional ingots of the same size are stacked on top of your output metal, of a type chosen randomly using the SEED from the list of all available metal types. Should the number of possible metals be changed, the outputs will change. The value of this new ingot is subtracted from STACKED VALUE. If STACKED VALUE remains greater than zero, repeat this step. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
9. You receive your resulting output(s).

11. Profit!
SPECIAL NOTE: MUMMY BEARS: The Mummy Bear Values Table is $1500, $1200, $800, $600, $450, $250, $150. Each mummy bear generated in the game advances the value to the next value. Once the 7th mummy bear has been produced, no more mummy bears can be generated in a given game.
SHEET 4: MISCELLANEOUSSo you fed in random mismatched crap.
1. Sum the value of the random crap you loaded in.
2. If this value is < $200, you receive a random piece of junk from the "RandomSeeds" collection, and move to step 5. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
3. If this value is < $500, you receive a random item from the "SomeChineseTreasure" collection, and move to step 5. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
4. You receive a random item from the "TestableTreasuresSoFar" collection.

6. Profit!
Notes: This information is extracted from source-code reading as of WA version 2.3.3. Any anecdotal evidence contradicting this should be viewed with some amount of skepticism.