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Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
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Topic: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version (Read 68784 times)
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 307
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Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #50 on:
2010 February 24, 00:43:50 »
I can't even tell you how many times I had to hit that ‘Lots' Conform edges' tool on the same lots. I'd hit it for one and the one next to it would get off kilter. I think that it is easier to align if they aren't so close together, but I like my neighborhoods close too.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #51 on:
2010 February 24, 05:31:14 »
hello again,
I don't know how you would fix this or even if you would care to, it's not really a bad thing just a funny, time consuming one.
My criminal sim got arrested a couple time now and when she does, the cop car parks at the bottom of the hill underneath the whole downtown/rabbit hole area and my sim runs out of the warehouse all the way down the road and around the hill to the cop car so that they can turn around and drive the 2 blocks or so to the jailhouse.
I've never seen anyone so intent on being incarcerated.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #52 on:
2010 February 24, 06:18:53 »
As far as I know, things like that happen in the standard 'hoods. It's not something I would know how to fix in this one and would not be a focus.
I've spent 8 hours so far shoving shit around because every time I fix one thing, something else goes wonky...often on the complete opposite side of the 'hood. Then it will look perfect in CAW/Edit in Game, but be screwed up when I actually export it. Now 6 West Gardner is screwed up again, plus the hospital, plus the whole rear of Capital Hill (Zone B, South Park Ave). So damn frustrating!
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #53 on:
2010 February 24, 06:56:50 »
I think it's because the door to the warehouse is closer to the lower road, but it's funny that the carpool can get her there but the cop can't pick her up.
Maybe you should take a break from the town before you start hating it (or hating it too much?). Sooner or later you'll tweak it all or maybe you won't, either way the town is still more than playable and a million times better than sunset valley.
After bulldozing the park I haven't witnessed any other killer lots, so that's a plus.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #54 on:
2010 February 25, 17:05:39 »
Quote from: Zazazu on 2010 February 24, 06:18:53
As far as I know, things like that happen in the standard 'hoods. It's not something I would know how to fix in this one and would not be a focus.
I've spent 8 hours so far shoving shit around because every time I fix one thing, something else goes wonky...often on the complete opposite side of the 'hood. Then it will look perfect in CAW/Edit in Game, but be screwed up when I actually export it. Now 6 West Gardner is screwed up again, plus the hospital, plus the whole rear of Capital Hill (Zone B, South Park Ave). So damn frustrating!
This is exactly what the maker of the Overlook Bay at the BBS is saying. How did they manage to make Sunset Valley and Riverview with this tool?
Sims 3 Blog:
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Dragon Slave
Juvenile Jackass
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Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #55 on:
2010 February 25, 18:22:07 »
Quote from: Lion on 2010 February 25, 17:05:39
How did they manage to make Sunset Valley and Riverview with this tool?
I think we got the dumbed down version...
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
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Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #56 on:
2010 February 25, 19:02:17 »
Dumbed down and probably purposely borked.
Mostly fixed version is in personal testing. I say "mostly" because there is a bit of road triangling over by the koi pond now. If I try to fix it, I get several other graphical/terrain anomalies, the worst of which is this:
That's way over on the other side of town. WHY GOD WHY?
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 307
You know how to whistle, don't you?
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #57 on:
2010 February 25, 19:11:39 »
The only thing I can think of that would fix that is: Save, to a package file, all the lots along that road; delete all the lots in CAW; remove the lamp posts (If you don't, the next step won't work properly); re-flatten the terrain; put the lots back in. What a nightmare! I don't envy you. You have your work cut out for you.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #58 on:
2010 March 02, 16:40:27 »
Ok, I'm officially pulling this offering. However, if those who are motivated want to play with the CAW files and see if you can eliminate the bugs, feel free to do so. You can keep it for your use or post fixed files here and you will get half credit.
Here are the CAW files
I've been playing the 'hood since I pulled the files and carpool issues are tempermental. Townie sims (those not actively played or chosen in other households than the one you are focusing on) seem to get to and from work just fine. It is the active household that has issues. I know that the diner, mausoleum, and sometimes the stadium work well, as does the spa and military base once moved one square away from the road. The stadium has intermittant issues. Police, Bistro, and Politics carpools are borked. This can be fixed by manually directing the sim to use a cab or by having them have a bike or Kenspa as primary vehicle. I can't speak for the other career lines as I haven't tested them as extensively.
I still love the 'hood as it is, but do not feel right about subjecting the masses to bugs I personally don't mind working around.
Pics from my own gameplay.
Last Edit: 2010 March 02, 17:04:16 by Zazazu
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 149
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #59 on:
2010 March 05, 14:05:43 »
Looks great, is there a fix to the broken links?
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1263
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #60 on:
2010 March 05, 17:06:06 »
Quote from: missaaliyah on 2010 March 05, 14:05:43
Looks great, is there a fix to the broken links?
Quote from: Zazazu on 2010 March 02, 16:40:27
I'm officially pulling this offering
. However, if those who are motivated want to play with the CAW files and see if you can eliminate the bugs, feel free to do so. You can keep it for your use or post fixed files here and you will get half credit.
Here are the CAW files
16:29 spockers I fucking hate going to see movies in theaters now.
16:30 spockers Unless it's a really fancy old-style movie palace type place, but even then some dick will pull out their Appleberry in the middle of the film and start tweeting about wanting Chris Brown to beat them up
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 731
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #61 on:
2010 March 06, 05:02:52 »
Zazuzu, this might fix your road tears. Go to View and select the top option, which is to turn on bounding boxes. You'll see that every object on the map has its own small bounding box, but there are also a grid of bounding boxes over the entire map (how many depends on the size of map you used). Now check to see if you have lots that are over-lapping any of the box borders. If there are, delete them.
I can't guarantee this will fix the problems, but I do know lots overlapping the bounding boxes create some nasty, nasty tears in both roads and water.
BogSims Institute
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
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Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #62 on:
2010 March 06, 06:09:50 »
Quote from: Lion on 2010 February 25, 17:05:39
This is exactly what the maker of the Overlook Bay at the BBS is saying. How did they manage to make Sunset Valley and Riverview with this tool?
Slowly and painfully. Remember, it took them years to accomplish this, and they only managed to make TWO, and the second one wasn't even finished at release time and carries a somewhat thrown together feel.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #63 on:
2010 March 06, 06:14:20 »
Quote from: Regina on 2010 March 06, 05:02:52
Zazuzu, this might fix your road tears. Go to View and select the top option, which is to turn on bounding boxes. You'll see that every object on the map has its own small bounding box, but there are also a grid of bounding boxes over the entire map (how many depends on the size of map you used). Now check to see if you have lots that are over-lapping any of the box borders. If there are, delete them.
I can't guarantee this will fix the problems, but I do know lots overlapping the bounding boxes create some nasty, nasty tears in both roads and water.
Thanks for the advice, and I'll keep it in mind for my remake of a TS2 neighborhood of mine. As far as Asherton goes, I no longer care. I've burnt out on it. That's why I said that I'm done and threw the CAW files to the wind.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 15
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #64 on:
2010 March 06, 15:08:25 »
I thought I would give fixing things a try and I can already see why you are burnt out on it. I have found so far that sculpting the terrain does not always behave the way it should (using smooth in some areas leave nice jagged polygons), and conform lots is acting really weird. However, I really like Asherton overall and hope I can fix a few things, even if just for myself.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 329
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #65 on:
2010 March 06, 22:20:28 »
If you are able to fix it, I would be very grateful if you could upload it to this thread. I get burnt out just building one house (short attention span).
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 72
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #66 on:
2010 March 07, 03:20:09 »
Quote from: Zazazu on 2010 January 09, 21:32:10
First house built on the smallest lot, in honor of Emma:
Two bed, one bath that will spawn one larvae with Awesomemod. Comes complete with a garden space. I'm building in the normal game and then saving to bin, because doing edit-in-game from CAW with a fully lotted 'hood results in a save process that could trigger epilepsy.
Zazazu: Where did you get that badass two-story window?
Last Edit: 2010 March 08, 02:24:35 by jonas
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 555
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #67 on:
2010 March 07, 03:27:32 »
It looks like two windows set underneath each other-- most likely
by HugeLunatic.
I sing along with elevator music.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #68 on:
2010 March 07, 04:50:23 »
Sigmund wins, Jonas fails at spelling.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 72
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #69 on:
2010 March 08, 02:22:45 »
Thanks! I will definitely get those. Zazazu - I am so sorry about your name fail. I had it spelled correctly, but then saw the previous post quote from Regina and thought I was in the wrong!
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