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Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
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Topic: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version (Read 68785 times)
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #25 on:
2010 January 15, 15:19:04 »
I think there's a routing problem with the science building as well. I realize that when my sim's co-workers enter before him, he gets the route failure bubble above his head and drops work from his queue. He remains stuck where he stands so I had to resetsim him and send him to work again.
Thanks for all your effort!
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #26 on:
2010 January 15, 17:05:45 »
That's odd. I've been playtesting Science from the beginning and haven't had any issues. I'll try putting a bunch of sims into the career line and see if I can replicate. I'd been testing the others for now during building breaks.
Quote from: Kazoona on 2010 January 14, 12:09:21
There seems to be a routing problem with the Police Station. A Sim of mine could enter it just fine - when he finished his shift and exited to go home, though, he got stuck in front of the door. I had to move the Police Station closer to (and a bit into) the hill behind it, then he finally went home.
Yup, confirmed. Will be fixed in next version.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Exasperating Eyesore
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Lazy Lurker
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #27 on:
2010 January 16, 23:44:58 »
Any estimate when a built up but non-populated version will be up? I love it but don't think I can fill it on my own with houses.
I'm an apathetic sociopath, I'd kill you if I cared.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #28 on:
2010 January 16, 23:57:31 »
There is a great tutorial for Creating a new World at The Sim Supply site. It is very clear and easy to follow. I am amazed at my first World, it looks pretty great so far. Check out the tutorial.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Potiron flou
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #29 on:
2010 January 17, 01:45:52 »
Quote from: cassblonde on 2010 January 16, 23:44:58
Any estimate when a built up but non-populated version will be up? I love it but don't think I can fill it on my own with houses.
A week to a week and a half, depending on some meatspace concerns. I have most of the mainland done (the land that the school sits on, up to the stadium).
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #30 on:
2010 January 20, 03:04:21 »
Quote from: cassblonde on 2010 January 16, 23:44:58
Any estimate when a built up but non-populated version will be up? I love it but don't think I can fill it on my own with houses.
You should check out the Wee Barnoid series from Plasticbox at MTS. Each house was built on a 16x18 lot, so they'll work with almost all of the lots in this neighborhood.
There are 24 houses in the series, so far. Most cost less than 20K, and they're pretty well done.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #31 on:
2010 January 20, 03:59:38 »
If you're going to go Plasticbox route and you have Awesomemod, enter each lot and input the cheat "wandhere", then exit the lot. It will drastically reduce lot price. I don't think he does that by default. I know he didn't use the magicwand on TS2 houses. A typical $23k home will reduce to around $14k with "wandhere". Huge difference. Huge.
Mainland on my populated version is complete as of a couple of minutes ago. There is now a trailer park. Sleeping space is being planned in order to try to constrain population below 300 (seems to be the magic game crapping number for a lot of us) and maintain a good proportion of all age groups with Awesomemod Story.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
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J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #32 on:
2010 January 20, 06:51:18 »
The trick to 16x18 lots is the problem with lot depth alignment. If a house is being placed on a lot deeper than its original, it will end up centered oddly, and the paths that were ORIGINALLY supposed to be flush with the sidewalk now AREN'T. Very bad. Horizontal alignment is less of a serious problem, since centering USUALLY won't fuck anything up, but depth alignment is critical!
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 15
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #33 on:
2010 January 24, 18:18:03 »
One at least one of the lots, (sorry forgot to check the address, but it is the one to the right of 14 West Gardener Avenue) the lot doesn't meet up with the street. Not sure if you can do much about it, but thought I would give you a heads up. Let me know if you need a screen shot or anything.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #34 on:
2010 January 25, 17:41:21 »
12 West Gardner Ave. Yeah. I know that lot way, way, too well. It was very bad in the version I first uploaded. It was mostly fixed in the fixed version and I noted it in an edit. Populated version should be perfect. I hate that frakking lot.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 201
Lazy Lurker
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #35 on:
2010 January 31, 14:55:01 »
Quote from: Zazazu on 2010 January 17, 01:45:52
Quote from: cassblonde on 2010 January 16, 23:44:58
Any estimate when a built up but non-populated version will be up? I love it but don't think I can fill it on my own with houses.
A week to a week and a half, depending on some meatspace concerns. I have most of the mainland done (the land that the school sits on, up to the stadium).
Just so you know I am still really looking forward to getting Asherton. No pressure, just thought I would mention it. Hope meatspace is going good and everything is all right and all that jazz.
I'm an apathetic sociopath, I'd kill you if I cared.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #36 on:
2010 January 31, 17:31:14 »
Part of meatspace is much, much better and the rest is still stuck in limbo. Asherton is coming along, but definitely taking longer than expected. These are all original houses, and only two are loosely based on houseplans so far. There aren't too many repeats (there's a set of four townhouses off two models, three copies that are meant to mimic a housing project, and seven homes that are based off the same two models with slight changes over by the office park).
It's over 2/3 done.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #37 on:
2010 February 16, 16:18:34 »
Any chance of a fix on the 3 or 4 routing issues that have cropped up? I downloaded this under the (albeit mistaken) impression that there had been an update since the problems were reported, guess there hadn't been. Just had to rescue 3 sims from the back of the diner.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #38 on:
2010 February 17, 05:05:24 »
For the unpopulated version? No. Just edit the diner lot and move the diner a couple of squares towards the road. All noted issues in this thread have been fixed on the WIP built up version, which is in personal testing as of tonight. I have an interview this week, but am looking to release the goods either this weekend or mid-week next week at the latest. The later time would be due to me getting the job, since I get to go shopping for the first time in ten months. Damn, I need to get my linen fix.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #39 on:
2010 February 21, 15:40:52 »
I can't wait- I downloaded your undeveloped hood, attempted to build it up then realised that, oh yeah, my building skills fail. The only thing I really got done was council scheme- the close together lots made that work really well. I see that you said you did one too.
Your world is the only one I can realistically use because large worlds makes my brain explode from the lag. There were some other fantastic worlds made, like Nimuoa Simoa, but they were too big for my computer. Your world also creates some of the community feeling that Apartment life gave the Sims 2. I love that the houses are small and packed together.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 9
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The unpopulated version
Reply #40 on:
2010 February 21, 20:23:31 »
Looks like my type of hood. I haven't had a go a CAW yet. I just did a 3rd clean install of my game with patches and got it going without the lag and all the problems it had before. I've finally got all the CC I need in it and Riverview too and it's running well. One day I'll be brave enough to try CAW but for now, this new hood looks fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm downloading it now!!
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #41 on:
2010 February 23, 03:25:20 »
Post updated with built-up version.
Pescado, there is a pumpkin-colored house by the police station. However, we know it won't fit in your 'hood. Tell me what lot you want it for and I'll build one for you.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #42 on:
2010 February 23, 20:23:40 »
Downloaded and started playing the world first thing this morning. I must say, it's absolutely gorgeous and I especially love the houses.
The only problem I've run into is the office district. I put one sim in the journalism career. He would get in the carpool, but the car wouldn't move from outside his house. I canceled the action, and then sent him to work in a taxi which fixed the problem. After work, instead of running to the end of the path to get into a taxi on that main road, he would run down the paved path and then down the hill to a carpool waiting right in front of house 21 East Geeder (I think, I didn't write it down...) which is at the base of the hill right behind the business building. He would get in the car and again sit.
Now at first I thought this was due to the location of his house, so I tested it again with another sim in a totally different house. Same issue. I changed her occupation to science. Still stuck in the carpool in front of the house. Sent her in a taxi. When she got out of work, the carpool was right in front of the military base (so she didn't run down the hill). She got in the car, was stuck, and when I canceled the action, she was stuck on the sidewalk. I had to resetsim to get her to move again.
I'm not sure what is doing this (other than a routing issue?). I haven't checked the remainder of the businesses in the office district just yet.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #43 on:
2010 February 23, 20:54:47 »
This is a recent issue. I didn't run into it in the pre-built version, and did not find it in my playtesting. However, here it is. I've noticed the same thing with the Bistro. I haven't touched those lots since pre-built.
I'll look it over and see if I can't find out what the issue is. My only thought is that perhaps re-placing the rabbitholes will unbork them. We'll see.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 307
You know how to whistle, don't you?
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #44 on:
2010 February 23, 21:10:31 »
I haven't downloaded it, so I'm going mainly by the photos, I think the lack of a road to some of the rabbit holes might be a factor. Also, I noticed while building my own world that the first side of a lot you lay down is designated the front of the lot. This is changeable for residential lots, by moving the mailbox, but is not for community lots. I recommend to all new world builders to always lay the first line of your community lots against the road. I'm honestly not certain if either of these things might cause the troubles you are encountering. I just thought I'd brainstorm my ideas.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #45 on:
2010 February 23, 23:00:22 »
I've been playing with the town for a few hours and I have to say it's great I love all the tiny little houses and that everything is affordable, it's definitely a playable town.
With that said these are the glitches I found so far.
I had the same carpool problem in the criminal career but sometimes the car would take me to work and sometimes it wouldn't.
I'm also having a problem with small park b. The sims all get stuck inside of it, they can walk around and do things in the park but they cannot leave. The only way I found to get my sim out was to lead her out slowly on the sidewalks. I had to bulldoze it after it killed a sim.
finally, I see this:
(grass stretched out onto the road for those who don't want to look at pictures)
in front of 6 west Gardner road I thought it was the millions of bugs infront of the house causing it but i found the ground stretched in front of the public pool as well. I don't know if it's the map or my computer causing it so if it's my computer I'm sorry for bringing it up.
Anyways, it's still great regardless. I'll bring up anything else I may find.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 307
You know how to whistle, don't you?
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #46 on:
2010 February 23, 23:21:29 »
LOL! Killer park!
The grass by the road can be fixed by using the ‘Grading Road Tool' or flattening the land under the edge and redoing the lot next to it. This happened in the early stages of my world too.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #47 on:
2010 February 23, 23:27:51 »
Ok, office park carpool issue is rather strange. It seems that changing the lot types to "Graveyard" fixes it. I'm testing a couple of different rabbitholes in the three lots to make sure that all will work. For now, I'm pulling the download files until I can guarantee those are fixed, and check for issues with Small Park B (never have witnessed an issue before there, but creating 'hoods with CAW is very buggy and I don't discount it) as well as with 6 W Gardner and the public pool. Those issues normally can be fixed by redrawing the lot.
Quote from: The_Goddess on 2010 February 23, 23:21:29
The grass by the road can be fixed by using the ‘Grading Road Tool' or flattening the land under the edge and redoing the lot next to it. This happened in the early stages of my world too.
Grading road is a double-edged sword...I've found that more often than not it ends in screwing up things worse or further down. Flattening/smoothing land around it almost always ends in just moving the error. Redrawing the lot has almost always worked for me.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 307
You know how to whistle, don't you?
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #48 on:
2010 February 23, 23:46:01 »
Quote from: Zazazu on 2010 February 23, 23:27:51
creating 'hoods with CAW is very buggy
Yes, I hate building lots in CAW. I got around it by uploading a work-in-progress world and using the actual Sims game to create the lots, then I packaged them and laid them down in CAW.
As far as grading roads messing things up further down goes; I created my roads before laying any lots down and smoothed the terrain before laying the lots. Many times this meant laying a lot, then destroying it and re-laying it after further smoothing. There is a lot of trial and error involved in creating the perfect game environment.
Last Edit: 2010 February 24, 00:00:42 by The_Goddess
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Asherton, a neighborhood you can play with: The complete version
Reply #49 on:
2010 February 24, 00:28:51 »
Quote from: The_Goddess on 2010 February 23, 23:46:01
Quote from: Zazazu on 2010 February 23, 23:27:51
creating 'hoods with CAW is very buggy
Yes, I hate building lots in CAW. I got around it by uploading a work-in-progress world and using the actual Sims game to create the lots, then I packaged them and laid them down in CAW.
I did the same thing. Still, after placing a zone, I'd start getting those lovely graphical errors caused by minor terrain ridging. Zone A, which is where Gardner Ave is and my bane, the housing development surrounding Small Park B, were the absolute worst for them. And it should have been all flat before, or so damn close as to not make a difference. I have lots built on a sloped road with no problem ever.
Pool and 6 Gardner are fixed now, but I also realized that the evil housing development is fucked again. I don't even know. I want to give up, but I'm too stubborn to.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
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