Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
I was messing around the other night with Sims 3 and discovered something. As you all know you can only have one custom skin in the game at a time but once you have made a person with it and saved them to the family bin or put them in a house you can exit the program and change out to a different skin and start it all over again. I had the same women in a house with three different skins and a fourth skin in as the default. Went through plan an outfit and showers and baths and changing clothes and they kept the skins that I created them with. If you do an editsim then they change to the default but if you just leave them alone they don't change. Just thought I would pass it along.
It seems like it would be just a small leap to add a feature to change the "default skin" in CAS evry time you went in. I sure wish somebody would do it....Hint Hint.
 Join the Oona Klostermann High Society Club
J. M. Pescado
I don't understand what you mean by "change the default skin", so Pancake Bunny.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 41
You mean selecting which skin you want to use from a list of the available ones, like in sims 2?
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 200
If you mean being able to select, in CAS, from multiple default skin sets you have in your Mods/Downloads folder, I doubt it's possible. The game is not loading more than one set at any time, and there is no place for any such menu to exist.
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
And HERE is the mod to allow multiple skintone options to show up in CAS:
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 368
I don't know whether to thank or curse these developers. I downloaded the UI mod and then found some more skins. Now I can have some males with hairy chests and defined abs, others who are hairless, no more "Ninja Turtle" look. I'm going to spend the next few days making a whole new cast of characters to play. The best part about this mod is that Cmar made a tool to make skins and some people at GOS are going crazy making new skins. Non-default skins.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 58
Heavy Sleper
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 24
Is using non-default skins a recipe for potential hood corruption, if not using a mod with a change to core coding to allow this? I ask because of posts made recently in Twallan's SuperComputer thread. Here is a link to a page containing 3 of "Tommerton's" posts in that thread: I am left with the impression that he has seen problems in his game and his assertion seems plausible to me, even though I am not technically savvy about these things. IIRC, TS2 had coding that would choose non-default skin as choice to use if default skin and non-default skin intermingled and I believe the gist of what he is saying is that no such coding exists in TS3. Input, anyone?
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 112
I read the thread and posts you mentioned, and though I can't say I understand all of it, the gist sounds plausible to me too, although the errors I've noticed were completely my fault and did not seem serious. What I've noticed is that if I send a playable Sim into the wild with a non-default skintone, any progeny are likely to have that skintone too. Which is no problem unless, say, it's a skintone for males, and the sprog is female. I will notice this many Sim-days later when I see a completely black female Sim running around the neighborhood. "Black" not in the sense of a normal skin color that happens to be dark, but in the sense of that disturbing blackish-silver color that seems to mean something like, "the doodad that points out which skin I should be wearing, is pointing at nothing." So far it has seemed that if I send the Sim in question back to CAS, and choose a skintone that actually exists for him/her, there are no further problems.
Preventative medicine has been taking care to send any Sim I'm about to send into the wild (which I do a lot) back to CAS, and be certain that he/she has the default skintone. I have not noticed any other problems since starting this practice. I have to think that this will even prevent any of those wonderful surprise-half-siblings-from-dallying-with-foreigners (we have all seen them by now) from having invalid skintones, but I am holding off on considering my hood completely free and clear for a couple more generations at least. It's already about the age when the BFBVFS happens anyway, though perhaps my decrapifying it regularly has given my hood more longevity than usual.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 91
Swag out the max
I guess that now we know what makes those super speshul grim reaper babies that the BBS was so crazy about.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 24
Thanks for sharing your experience to date, jwaas, along with your preventive medicine step. I think for the time being I will continue to resist using the non-default skins. I did actually put the UI mod and a non-default skin into game just to see how it worked but then removed them.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 112
I don't frequent the BBS, but if the "grim reaper babies" were Sims like this fellow, it's nothing more than a skintone fail. I had purposely taken this particular Sim's skintone out of my mods folder, with the intention of giving him a new one. Actually I experimented most of the weekend with making my own non-default skintones and skintone blends, but so far my results have ranged between mediocre and complete failure. EDIT: A new version of the SkinInator seems to be out just hours ago. I have just now downloaded it as I was getting the "green glow" bug with some of my skin blends. New research currently in progress. EDIT 2 for less wordiness
« Last Edit: 2010 March 01, 05:30:32 by jwaas »
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 59
Another preventive measure for missing skintones for kids would be to only use non-defaults that include all ages and both genders.