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Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
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Topic: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances (Read 249671 times)
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Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #100 on:
2009 December 21, 18:14:11 »
Quote from: jrcaporal on 2009 December 21, 17:52:02
Quote from: girlfromverona on 2009 December 21, 12:52:45
Quote from: jrcaporal on 2009 December 21, 05:09:29
itter much?
No, I really ment
girlfromverona was correcting your capitalization, not your choice of words.
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 27, 05:06:07
I don't think this level of hostility is necessary
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 111
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #101 on:
2009 December 21, 20:33:55 »
Quote from: Mootilda on 2009 December 21, 18:14:11
Quote from: jrcaporal on 2009 December 21, 17:52:02
Quote from: girlfromverona on 2009 December 21, 12:52:45
Quote from: jrcaporal on 2009 December 21, 05:09:29
itter much?
No, I really ment
girlfromverona was correcting your capitalization, not your choice of words.
Fair enough
Nothing to see here.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 182
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #102 on:
2009 December 21, 20:41:02 »
How do I fix this?
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 248
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #103 on:
2009 December 21, 21:04:56 »
Quote from: Rockermonkey on 2009 December 21, 20:41:02
How do I fix this?
Did you hit the flat lot button? If you edit the land terrain in CAW after placing the lot and then adjust the edge of a lot in-game with the level tool, some graphical glitches occur. So work on terrain first, then place lots. Turn the grid on it's very helpful to make flat land. After placing a lot use conform edges on it (double-click). If it looks bad to you after editing in-game, delete the lot and edit the terrain again. Also, It's possible to save lots when using in-game mode to the lot bin. They can be replaced on any lot that's the same dimensions or larger, but the terrain levels will still apply. So only really useful for flat lots.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 182
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #104 on:
2009 December 21, 21:14:40 »
Oh okay, thanks. I did the lot flattening and everything but it only got a little bit better. I'll try moving the lot and re-editing the terrain, it only happened on two lots that were next to the hills.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #105 on:
2009 December 21, 22:41:57 »
You could also try editing in game, specifically using the soften terrain tool. Put it at about 1/4 strength, medium brush, and soften away.
Capitalism, Ho!
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #106 on:
2009 December 22, 09:33:11 »
Quote from: Mootilda on 2009 December 21, 18:14:11
girlfromverona was correcting your capitalization, not your choice of words.
I'll try to be less obscure next time.
Quote from: ingeli on 2009 December 21, 14:20:43
I even made a special DC Cache with the necessities for building, which I put in when creating worlds (=all the time now, lol) so I can have my special things to play with.
Good idea, although I'm not sure if CC will automatically get packaged with worlds or not (only matters if you're planning on sharing them). Anyone know?
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #107 on:
2009 December 22, 13:07:50 »
Quote from: nanacake on 2009 December 20, 22:41:06
Just saw that when I went to edit in game,
I think it's because of volume maps are wrong size.
I will try to fix it.
Edit: No, I think it's picky about format. Trying RGBA8 now, the default for gimp wasn't it. Also, I realized why it did not work on intersection corners -because they rely on .tga maps. I thought I could make an all in one, but the different street elements rely on different texture formats for rendering at a distance. They didn't really plan custom roads to be easy.
2nd Edit: Fixed street/sidewalk transparent texture. Attached. Please let me know how it goes for you, I zoomed far out and close a lot.
Transparent sidewalks are great. But intersection corners are still a problem. I tried different combinations. Do you get it to work?
Sims 3 Blog:
Twinbrook Redux
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 248
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #108 on:
2009 December 22, 16:15:28 »
The problem with the intersection is the corners are not cut out. The sidewalk corner texture just covers the base street texture. Provided, the nice texture and map for dirt corners that was included does not work. You can see in this picture. It was made to look faded but if a dirt street texture was used for the base, the corner would stay a solid square. If I try to change the .tga map to be transparent (no overlay) the corner becomes dark. It's beyond my control for now. I need to do more experimenting with the .tga mapping.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #109 on:
2009 December 22, 18:59:35 »
I thought I could do it yesterday. Guess I'm imagining things.
Question: Can you connect/snap two bridges together?
Sims 3 Blog:
Twinbrook Redux
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
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Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #110 on:
2009 December 22, 19:25:41 »
Quote from: nanacake on 2009 December 21, 21:04:56
Also, It's possible to save lots when using in-game mode to the lot bin. They can be replaced on any lot that's the same dimensions or larger, but the terrain levels will still apply. So only really useful for flat lots.
It is not recommended that you place a binned lot in a location with larger dimensions than the original, because there are no options to adjust the alignment of the lot, so everything will be placed smack in the center and the paths will no longer be connected to the street, etc. Plus, it's irreversible: Once you do it, the lot is permanently embiggened, and there is no way to move the house onto a smaller lot, even if the edges are unused.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #111 on:
2009 December 22, 22:12:05 »
Best off working from a floorplan or making your own floorplan, then. For my terrain, most of the lots are so small that I've been building exactly to the constraints of the lot. For my 9x9 three-bedroom, two-bathroom model, I did a floorplan so that I can use it as a base on other lots. Especially since it seems that
hack is intent on giving me a new family each time I build a lot, so I'm always stuck with one homeless townie family.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 248
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #112 on:
2009 December 22, 23:53:19 »
Quote from: Lion on 2009 December 22, 18:59:35
Question: Can you connect/snap two bridges together?
I would like to know that too, if I could even find them. I found ones from WA, but I can't find the one I think ingelli used in a screenshot from this thread, was that a bridge from Riverview?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #113 on:
2009 December 22, 23:59:24 »
Quote from: nanacake on 2009 December 22, 23:53:19
Quote from: Lion on 2009 December 22, 18:59:35
Question: Can you connect/snap two bridges together?
I would like to know that too, if I could even find them. I found ones from WA, but I can't find the one I think ingelli used in a screenshot from this thread, was that a bridge from Riverview?
the one you mean? Looks like it might be the bridge from China. The Riverview bridge is reddish brick, IIRC.
I still haven't even been able to get a bridge to connect to a road, let alone connect two bridges together.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #114 on:
2009 December 23, 00:37:02 »
So no, two bridges can't be joined.
Sims can't go through.
I had to build a road section in between to connect them all. Then sims can go through. But it doesn't look pretty, and the terrain forming is a huge pain:
nanacake, this is "large chinese bridge". Type "bridge" in the filter in "Matadata", and you get all the bridges. For the life of me, I can't get Riverview in the tool/game. It will be nice to have one more bridge.
I still haven't even been able to get a bridge to connect to a road, let alone connect two bridges together.
Use advice from this thread. Pull the dark blue square close, sometimes touching sometimes not touching, it depends. when they snap together/connect, dark blue squares turn to light blue or green ones.
Medieval town builders out there, have you used the "Ruined Wall"? The "Short" and "Tower" can be used to make castle walls. I have a question. If you have used them, do you need to paint sim-non routable (blue) under them? The same question for other large world objects, such as the mines, Asian city wall, pyramid stuffs, etc.
Sims 3 Blog:
Twinbrook Redux
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 324
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #115 on:
2009 December 23, 02:53:40 »
Yeah, I used the Chinese bridge. Someone said the Riverview bridges are not real ones, just roads with some special meshed sidepiece, not yet found in game. I will have a look at those walls, thanks for the tip
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 50
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #116 on:
2009 December 23, 06:26:20 »
Big thanks, Zazazu, for the reminder about the moveobjects cheat, though the first world I worked on the issue was more a matter of making the lots way huge, and then having tons of wasted space. I tried again with a tiny world, and I like the results much better. I did encounter one rather strange thing when I put it into the game. I don't know if this happened to any of the rest of you, but when I put the second world I built into the game, the first one I built disappeared. It wasn't a loss this time, as I wasn't very pleased with the results, and hadn't actually started playing it as a neighborhood, but it seems weird to me that the older custom hood would vanish when I added another. Also, I'd reinstalled Riverview before I put my custom hood in, though I hadn't checked to make sure it showed up. But Riverview also was not there. So, we're only allowed 2 worlds at a time?
Another thing I'm having a small issue with is saving the image for the town as a 24-bit png. Gimp apparently isn't capable. I did manage in Photoshop Elements, but the second time I tried to do it, I couldn't find the website I'd used as a guide the first time, and I couldn't quite remember what I did the first time. Anyone have a reliable link to a guide for this? I managed this time, after more than an hour of frustration.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #117 on:
2009 December 23, 08:34:11 »
I use Photoshop (an old version) not Photoshop Elements, but the main idea should be the same. Construct your 256x256 image, then to to File and Save As. Pick .png on the pull-down menu at the bottom. Hit Save/OK. It should bring up a supplimentary window asking if you want to save it as interlaced or non-interlaced. Go ahead and pick non. Should be a 24-bit image. To check, go to open the new file, but right-click and pick Properties. On the second tab, look towards the middle. It should say Bit....24.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #118 on:
2009 December 23, 10:29:09 »
Quote from: Zazazu on 2009 December 22, 22:12:05
Best off working from a floorplan or making your own floorplan, then. For my terrain, most of the lots are so small that I've been building exactly to the constraints of the lot. For my 9x9 three-bedroom, two-bathroom model, I did a floorplan so that I can use it as a base on other lots. Especially since it seems that
hack is intent on giving me a new family each time I build a lot, so I'm always stuck with one homeless townie family.
Well, it ain't MINE. AwesomeStory never creates new famblies. Ever. There is simply no event that does this. The only reason new famblies would come into being is if a sim requires workmates for some reason, and I've tried to minimize the occurence of even that. You know I hate townie-bloat as much as you do: it detracts from the Puddingland experience to have random characters no one knows clogging the view.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #119 on:
2009 December 23, 12:01:30 »
Quote from: ingeli on 2009 December 23, 02:53:40
Someone said the Riverview bridges are not real ones, just roads with some special meshed sidepiece, not yet found in game.
I've just opened Riverview Lite to see if the bridge showed up. And no, it's not there. It looks like you're right about the road and sidepiece. But why the hell couldn't they include that in CAW?
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #120 on:
2009 December 23, 12:51:40 »
Did anybody set community lot type such as market, Chinese garden, nectary, or tombs in the main hood? Do sims exhibit the corresponding behaviors on those?
Sims 3 Blog:
Twinbrook Redux
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #121 on:
2009 December 23, 13:24:04 »
Quote from: Lion on 2009 December 23, 12:51:40
Did anybody set community lot type such as market, Chinese garden, nectary, or tombs in the main hood? Do sims exhibit the corresponding behaviors on those?
In the sense that they exhibit correct behavior on anything, sure. Setting something to "market" is of no real use, since there's no market to in the game. Chinese Garden will grant the appropriate bonus moodlets, and soforth, but aside from Chinese Garden, they don't do much else.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 50
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #122 on:
2009 December 23, 16:39:34 »
Quote from: Zazazu on 2009 December 23, 08:34:11
I use Photoshop (an old version) not Photoshop Elements, but the main idea should be the same. Construct your 256x256 image, then to to File and Save As. Pick .png on the pull-down menu at the bottom. Hit Save/OK. It should bring up a supplimentary window asking if you want to save it as interlaced or non-interlaced. Go ahead and pick non. Should be a 24-bit image. To check, go to open the new file, but right-click and pick Properties. On the second tab, look towards the middle. It should say Bit....24.
Using this method it saves as a 32 bit image. I tried setting it as an indexed image and saving as .png and it saves as an 8 bit image.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #123 on:
2009 December 23, 18:01:06 »
My test neighborhood. Kinda almost done with it.
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Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 467
Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances
Reply #124 on:
2009 December 23, 18:25:59 »
Anyone working on making a Pleasantview? Reading through this confirms my original thoughts. Too hard for me. I'll still try, but Sims 4 will probably be out before I get it to work.
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