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What needs to go where to make AM work
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Topic: What needs to go where to make AM work (Read 197381 times)
Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
Re: What needs to go where to make AM work
Reply #125 on:
2013 November 27, 04:46:01 »
Honestly, if the AM updater was a GPS, these people would relinquish all responsibility to think for themselves and drive into a lake and drown. Manually updating when necessary and ensuring that files are in the right spot is the better method.
Tribulatio proxima est
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Re: What needs to go where to make AM work
Reply #126 on:
2013 November 27, 19:07:45 »
everything actually was in the right place, i had to do a soft nuke twice because the game was refusing to view my packages (and before that it was seeing AM as a bad mod). but now it is all working with AM mod (now if only i could get it to allow me to do tabcasts everything would be perfect!). i appreciate your help, i did think i needed the updater to get it all working properly (just as a software udpater [not as a put things in the right place tool])
Grammar Police
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Re: What needs to go where to make AM work
Reply #127 on:
2013 November 28, 16:25:08 »
Quote from: rilla on 2013 November 27, 19:07:45
everything actually was in the right place, i had to do a soft nuke twice because the game was refusing to view my packages (and before that it was seeing AM as a bad mod). but now it is all working with AM mod (now if only i could get it to allow me to do tabcasts everything would be perfect!). i appreciate your help, i did think i needed the updater to get it all working properly (just as a software udpater [not as a put things in the right place tool])
Now if only you would learn where your shift key is located, so you can use capital letters properly, like a grownup.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: What needs to go where to make AM work
Reply #128 on:
2014 May 04, 11:23:35 »
I need help. I tried the new method first, I then tried the old method, and I then went back to the new method. I have tried showconfig. I have tried removing all other custom content. I have not had any luck with getting the mod to work. I am willing to provide any further information necessary to resolve this. Please refrain from calling me an idiot as I doubt that many of you graduated high school at 16.
Edit: I almost forgot, it might help to provide my system specs just in case.
(73.86 KB - downloaded 952 times.)
Last Edit: 2014 May 04, 11:29:55 by jessaveryja
Madame Mim
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Re: What needs to go where to make AM work
Reply #129 on:
2014 May 04, 13:24:20 »
Big words for somebody who wants our help. I don't know the answer as I only graduated high school at 17. Any higher education I have after that is obviously only the futile scrabbling of an ignorant woman in search of enlightenment.
God only knows how you'll feel about those members here who hold real tertiary credentials and post grad education.
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Posts: 613
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Re: What needs to go where to make AM work
Reply #130 on:
2014 May 04, 17:52:55 »
I don't believe its claim. There is no 16, and I graduated high school at 18, like the vast majority of 'Merkins. I never had to post on this forum to get AM to work, even when using multiple other mods. Obviously, I can't be the dumb one here. Of course, standards were a bit higher where I went to school.
Additionally, with all the socking that's been happening lately, we can't be sure that it's a real person and not the Eurotard in a new username.
Keeping this here for when Titlights forgets that it doesn't have anything better to do than hang out at MATY.
Quote from: Starler on 2014 May 25, 16:33:58
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: What needs to go where to make AM work
Reply #131 on:
2014 May 04, 20:08:05 »
Quote from: jessaveryja on 2014 May 04, 11:23:35
Please refrain from calling me an idiot as I doubt that many of you graduated high school at 16.
What the fuck has that got to do with anything?
Quote from: jessaveryja on 2014 May 04, 11:23:35
I need help. I tried the new method first, I then tried the old method, and I then went back to the new method. I have tried showconfig. I have tried removing all other custom content. I have not had any luck with getting the mod to work. I am willing to provide any further information necessary to resolve this.
You never did say if your other CC actually shows up and works. Given the amount of detailed instructions on setting up the framework, both old and new, that have been posted here and at MTS, why the fuck should we give you special detailed instructions when they can be easily found yourself. I guess graduating HS at 16 didn't make you as smart as you think you are.
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: What needs to go where to make AM work
Reply #132 on:
2014 May 05, 00:06:43 »
If I may say this, I am an idiot. I am an American who graduated high school at 16. For your information, I have not managed to achieve any significant level of higher education in the few years since. I was just hoping to avoid the abuse that you all seem to love to dish out to new people.
I am an idiot who forgot to check and see if the other custom content was working. This was my first day trying custom content. I was so concerned with getting AM to work that I completely forgot to check if the other custom content was showing up. For the record, none of it is working. I had used
this guide
and NoBuildSparkles.package, and nointro.package had worked.
I was tired and frustrated when I first posted so I did leave many details out, I apologise for that. I am sincerely trying to get help here. If you want proof of who I am, I am willing to assist in that.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: What needs to go where to make AM work
Reply #133 on:
2014 May 05, 03:20:37 »
Quote from: jessaveryja on 2014 May 05, 00:06:43
I was just hoping to avoid the abuse that you all seem to love to dish out to new people.
Why do people keep thinking this is normal? Many new people have asked questions and been given good answers, it all depends on the question and how it is asked.
Quote from: jessaveryja on 2014 May 05, 00:06:43
I had used
this guide
and NoBuildSparkles.package, and nointro.package had worked.
Just checked that setup, and damn, talk about easy, if you can't follow those instructions with everything so ready made, simple and easy, what the fuck do you expect us to do? It doesn't get any simpler than that.
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: What needs to go where to make AM work
Reply #134 on:
2014 May 05, 04:19:35 »
Perhaps because of the unusually high level of it.
I did follow the guide to the letter and the content that came with it worked fine. All other content I have added has not worked.
Update: I found a problem which I accidentally created in my Resource.cfg and fixed it. Now, all of my custom content except for AM is working.
Last Edit: 2014 May 05, 08:19:18 by jessaveryja
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: What needs to go where to make AM work
Reply #135 on:
2014 August 04, 07:56:41 »
Quote from: coconnor on 2009 December 03, 05:02:21
The framework is the actual Mods>Packages folders and you should put them in both The Sims 3 and the Sims 3/World Adventures directories, as below.
1. You copy the framework files into both the base game and the expansion directories. The paths should be something like C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 and C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/World Adventures. Leave the empty files in both locations.
2. Copy the d3dx9_31.dll file into the Game>Bin folder of
the above directories. Leave those files in both.
I would like to thank coconnor for the assistance with this. I had put a new hard drive in a while ago and had just finally gotten around to installing the Sims 3, and couldn't figure out how to stop getting the 'no disk' error when I took out the disk which made me think Awesomemod wasn't installed correctly. After about 3 hours of struggling with it I finally found this post and followed it. I had thought that with the recent changes I only needed the framework in the mydocuments folder, but when I went and extracted just the framework to the expansions and base game it finally worked.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
Re: What needs to go where to make AM work
Reply #136 on:
2014 August 04, 15:57:26 »
Dude, AM isn't hard to install. I may not have gotten all of my CC working the first time around, but I visited the all-powerful Google and sought the answers.
I can't even remember what I did, but I've done so many reinst for AM on TS2 and TS3 that even if I did, they'd all blur together.(Reinstalls not a fault of AM at all, several were deletion of game to save space, one hard drive nuke, and some corrupted files as a result of the slow death of a hard drive.)
When seasoned members toast people for their stupidity, it's usually because the almighty Google or "search thread" could have answered their question.
Graduating at 16 isn't impressive either. Due to some law changes I wasn't allowed to graduate at 16(Right before my 16th birthday at that.), so I basically did nothing for a whole year waiting for my 17th birthday and the option to take my GED. (I was home schooled. Bring on the lulz.) My brother also graduated at 16(whom is a year older), as did my mom, and my older sister(Whom is older than me by 11 years.). Though my mother was due to raising her siblings.
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