Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 332
Right off the bat I would ditch the crack.
Yeah, that might be a good idea. 
Right off the bat I would ditch the crack they are good for Sims 3.
Did you actually intend to say this? Last time I checked, cracks are bad for TS3.
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 821
MATY's Lord and Savior
Right off the bat I would ditch the crack they are good for Sims 3.
Did you actually intend to say this? Last time I checked, cracks are bad for TS3. Kissing_Toast is notoriously linguistically impaired.
"Terminate the erroneous data" is an awesome euphemism for an abortion.
Right off the bat I would ditch the crack they are good for Sims 3.
Did you actually intend to say this? Last time I checked, cracks are bad for TS3. Whoopsie-doodle.
Turd Ferguson
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 88
Solving mysteries in a van
This is the second time in 24 hours I've had to do a complete and utter reinstall of my game and expacs. This installation is as virgin and untouched as it can possibly be. The first post in this thread confused me since I thought we put Awesomod in the Mods folder in your Documents rather than in the Program Files, but the first post just confused me. It got to the point 3 hours ago where I'd screwed up so hard that the game simply would not run, no matter how much CC was removed or what DEP settings I worked with or caches cleared. I actually had to completely delete the entire Electronic Arts folder in my documents in a nuke from orbit attempt to make it work, to no avail. I've been here while, but it never ceases to amaze me how fucking stressed out I get just trying to force this game to run stable.
So lease, someone please explain to me, in the most absolute tardy PEBCAK layman's terms, where everything, including the framework, goes. The most up to date method as of April 2012. Please before I tear my hair out in complete agony.
"There's a deep-seated paranoia that Americans have about not being Americans or something." - Billy Joel
"The problem with this country is that old fucks vote. We got shit to do, old folks don't, the only thing they have to do is judge you and vote." - Doug Stanhope
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 173
The package installation instructions at MTS are as idiot-proof as they can possibly be.
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
They would have to be.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
J. M. Pescado
And the result is that they come up with a better idiot. Seriously, the install method HAS NEVER ACTUALLY CHANGED. I still use the SAME method we've been using since BEFORE DAY 0, because I AM OLD and I HATE CHANGE. If it's good enough for me, it's good enough for YOU.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 20
I was too, but the last EA (or AM patch, but I suspect EA just because of the festival of stupid over there) patch did something and AM stopped working (I only noticed because I finally had a cook sim whose books started to become magic scrolls again). I had changed nothing at that point. Being unable to get anything to work, I scrapped everything and reinstalled, and now now matter how I try to do it (and believe me, I think I've tried just about everything) I cannot get AM to run. I'm not a noob to this so clearly, I need to take a nap and try again. But why would it stop working on its own?
Still working on it but I'm wondering if EA borked something somewhere.
Madame Mim
I had a number of problems when I installed which culminated in me doing a clean re-install. I then fucked up my framework (which I had been doing by the modern method) and went back to the old way in an attempt to fix my fuck up. That worked. The old method is all Pescado uses. It's how he runs his game to see if it works before he releases it to us. The old method is the first way I got my game to even run since Supernatural, although it you check the bugs thread you will see that many say some of the features are not yet back where they should be. Hell, if you'd read any of Pescado's posts on his discoveries during up-dating Awesome you would know that EA definately did change some things. Then again, they always change things. I cannot get AM to run. Just because you can't get it to work doesn't mean that the problem is with the mod.
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 20
I think I know where I jacked up the old framework. I'm going to go see if my theory is correct. That said, the new framework hates my Mac, so no joy there. I really don't think it's AM. I blame EA. Sleeping on it may have helped - we'll see.
Fingers crossed!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
I will almost certainly be reamed for this but I am trying to get AM to work on my Macbook Pro (New 2012) and failing. I have been searching for 2 days and found nothing useful to help explain this issue. I have the framework in place and working so that isn't the issue. My framework is in the documents folder (EA/ The Sims 3/ Mods/ Packages). I am fully patched and running the base + WA, HELS, AMB, LN, OUT, GEN, TL, PETS & Seasons. I have been trying this all with no other CC or mods. Unless the no disk feature no longer works I am sure beyond a doubt AM is not working as I cant run the game without the disk.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 527
Suck it, Jesus! This avatar is my God now!
My framework is in the documents folder (EA/ The Sims 3/ Mods/ Packages).
Click on the link at the bottom of my post and scroll up to coconner's post (the first post). That is ye olde method. However, I *think* [T]he files have to go in all of the expansions , not just the base game and WA, but you can't quote me on that because I use the "new" method. Edited because I decided to actually read the post I suggested.
The Evil Psycho
Feckless Fool

Posts: 292
No fucks given
Ugh, I hope you are not pushing play on the launcher. You probably are though. Oh my this is the last time I fucking say this, and if this applies to you yay, if not don't fucking whine about me being mean to you. This is me being mother fucking nice. Try the exe in the game bin. Original Sims 3 bin. That is all.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 527
Suck it, Jesus! This avatar is my God now!
Ugh, I hope you are not pushing play on the launcher.
You're probably right. I should have considered Occam's razor before posting my suggestion.
The Evil Psycho
Feckless Fool

Posts: 292
No fucks given
I don't own a fucking mac. GOOGLE is your friend. No more help for you!! We ALL had to learn for ourselves, google, search, don't ask shit that has been asked five fucking million bajillion times.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
I tried to install AM and it removed my Sims 3 base game. Could someone please either tell me how or give me the link to the post that tell you how to install it if you have University Life. I've read through the post and I still have no idea why it uninstalled my Base game.
Madame Mim
There is no way on this earth that AM unstalled your base game. I don't know what you did, and if you can't follow base instructions (which still work for later EP's) there's nothing else we can do for you.
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
I've never registered or posted because every question seems like a stupid question and I respect that...genuinely. But I've read everything and my game and I are having a massive disagreement about AM and I'm not quite sure what else to do besides ask a question so feel free to destroy me for being so stupid, I am ready.
I've put everything in the right place, I've never had a problem with AM or the updated before but from this new patch it has started telling me I don't have installed and the updated cannot proceed. I tried removing awesome from my packages and getting it to just fresh install but it won't search and download the mod, it just keeps saying it isn't installed in zip format (when it really is!). I know the new patch changed a lot of tuners and things but I'm just a bit confused how suddenly everything went from behaving to not...I have the most up to date version of the package and the update (and the config file)...I'm sure it's just my stupidity getting in the way but if someone could take pity on me and help me get out of my own way I would be greatly appreciative.
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
I've seen a recommendation from someone else to make sure you use the super patch, rather than an incremental patch. Dunno, I always use the super patch myself and I'm running awesomemod fine.
I use the old framework setup, not the 'My Documents' one, but I believe both ways are working fine, just don't mix the two up probably.
Check you have downloaded the latest AM.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
I've uninstalled and re-installed everything (but that's to hopefully fix a different problem) so I have zero cc beyond AM that I just installed less than a minute ago fresh from the site. The updater keeps saying "cannot find" but it is in my downloads folder. I tried moving it to Electronic Arts or to my Desktop...I'm not sure how to edit the updater to make it find to realise I really do have the version of AM that is sitting on this site installed. I realise how daft this sounds, I've never encountered this problem before so I cannot figure out how to fix it...I don't understand why the two aren't talking to each other

Posts: 2996
warm n jiggly
Sounds like it's time to stop using the updater and start installing AM manually. It's not hard.
[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs [19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
erm well I already have installed AM manually, I wasn't relying on it to install it for me. It was that until I did the full re-install AM was keeping my game from loading so I had assumed that I needed the updater to ...well, update the AM file to get my game to launch. Now that I've done a re-install it is loading normally with just AM (although the debug section seems to have disappeared? Need to read the notes!) and I won't be needing the updater. My game was being very strange anyway, to add a package I had to merge about 100-200 files to get it to accept a single new package anyway (hence the complete re-install). I had just assumed I still needed the updater to get AM to work even though the notes in the file said it was patch ready because it wouldn't work with my computer.
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
I wish someone would just delete the Updater thread and not look back, and force everyone into manual installs. That thing causes more problems than it solves.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.

Posts: 2996
warm n jiggly
erm well I already have installed AM manually, I wasn't relying on it to install it for me. It was that until I did the full re-install AM was keeping my game from loading so I had assumed that I needed the updater to ...well, update the AM file to get my game to launch. Now that I've done a re-install it is loading normally with just AM (although the debug section seems to have disappeared? Need to read the notes!) and I won't be needing the updater. My game was being very strange anyway, to add a package I had to merge about 100-200 files to get it to accept a single new package anyway (hence the complete re-install). I had just assumed I still needed the updater to get AM to work even though the notes in the file said it was patch ready because it wouldn't work with my computer.
So, then, what's the problem? I'm confused. You need to learn how to tell stories betterer and be moar clearer. You reinstalled TS3, and got AM working with it. But AM doesn't work now? Where does the updater come into all of this? You don't need the updater to make AM work. The updater is an enabler for fucking lazy tards.
[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs [19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever