Though I don't generally play of the Horror, behold, the fruits of my insomnia: November spawned a lamb pudding. These things take time, after all.

If I seem a little strange, that's because I am.
Basic Information:
Name at forum: haifen
Sim name: haifen sockmitten/Rakenface
Real gender: peen
Sim gender: Your call

Real age group: YA
Sim age group: YA
Real preferences: I am attracted to: M
My Sim is attracted to: your call (you can pin and mount me ... like a butterflyyyyyy)
food: Crepes or something from France if you have the L&P
tunes: Sappy self pitying whiny emo-before-emo ballads. What? Oh, Classical or Indie, then.
color: Blue or yellow
Traits: Pick ARTISTIC
(On sim)
(May Add/Replace)
Hopeless Romantic
Great Kisser (not just for teh lulz; I've been known to tutor - mono 4lyfe fylc)
Over Emotional (I wear black on the inside cos black is how I feel on the inside)
Absent Minded
Good Sense of Humor/Grumpy (I don't think it's possible to be both in the game, unlike IRL, so either here?)
Natural Cook
Culinary or Criminal
Painting vulgar pictures
Lifetime Wish:
Illustrious Author (Make me write at the cemetary gates, if possible)