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Author Topic: Adam and Eve Challenge  (Read 34402 times)
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 8

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Adam and Eve Challenge
« on: 2009 October 16, 00:44:12 »

MISSION: To create a set of practical rules that reflects real life as much as much possible without sacrificing playability

The point of this is to create a Lord of The Flies type rule book where you have to build an entire society by scratch. If you have any ideas please tell me. My goal is to create a set of rules that reflects real life as much as possible -which in The Sims 3 case is pretty much impossible-. I know people can just make up their own rules, but it makes it a lot easier if they can refer back to a document.

The following rules create, in my opinion, as realistic a game as you can create with the sims without making it a bore. Sims are given absolutely nothing to start, save for the lot, and have to earn every tiny thing in their pathetic little lives. No millionaire Goths or sims who mysteriously start out with a cooshy mansion despite doing nothing to deserve it.

Rules....These are the rules I have come up with. Obviously you can pick and choose which ones to follow, depending on your playing preference. I plan on updating these if I get good suggestions or come up with something more interesting.


Start out with a completely empty Riverview or Sunset Valley. Destroy all houses.Murder everyone: Type Destroyallhumans to get rid of every person. Save all of the community lots seperately so you can build
them later when the time is appropriate. DO NOT delete the graveyard but delete all of the previous graves.

Pick an empty lot that contains a pond with fish (it can be a park or something with trees but no benches or any objects from buy mode). Pick a very large lot as you will want to fit as many sims as you can during the initial phases.

Once you have a suitable lot picked out, create 2 sims- 1 female and 1 male, young adult.

Once you have moved them in, hold down CTR-SHT-C. Type in "money 0" so they are completely bankrupt (cheats must be enabled from the config in order for this to work)

You can move in additional adults after this into the lot. But keep track of what your money was before  the new people move in, so that after they move in you can set the money back to what it was. Do NOT keep the funds that the new sims bring in because this would be way to easy if you get 20,000 dollars per every move in.Once your lot gets full and you have enough money you can relocate a few sims to another lot. Repeat once you have more money to buy additional areas of the land. With enough hard work, you can fill up your town. Do not move in CAS sims who start out with 20,000 K into a new lot, as this defeats the purpose of the challenge. New sims must start out with absolutely nothing and must start out living communally until the can afford to move.

Additional Rules/downloads

Awesome mod with awesome story driver must be enabled.

Also, download Pescado's rule of 6 formula for accurate aging.

No carpools or school buses to start. Download this mod to get rid of the two (will not conflict with awesomemod to my knowledge) If sims hail a taxi, cancel it. Make them run to each place until you can afford a bike. Once you have a couple bikes, you wont have to worry about the taxi problems.

For dirt roads. Download Regina's default replacements.


Taxes/Community lots
Everything must be earned

Download TheNinthWave's no bills mod. I have attached it below because you have to sign up to sapphire sims to get it.

Once a week, deduct 20% (or however much you want) manually from other lots and transfer money to RULING FAMILY. The ruling family may spend taxes on whatever they want, including community lots. If you want to build a community lot, you must deduct the cost from the ruling family.

Building rewards

Science building= unlocks objects requiring electricity



The first male (or female) sim you create is ruler. If ruler produces offspring, the first born is the successor. If no offspring is produced, the most popular sim within the royal family will be elected.
Rinse and repeat.


If ruler is murdered by another sim but a successor still lives then the new ruler is determined by his or her popularity within the royal family. If the assassin has more friends within the royal family than the prince (or princess)  then the assassin becomes king. If the reverse of this is true, then prince inherits the throne and the assassin is killed.

Assassination can only occur if the assassin has the wish to see ghost of the particular king. So be careful who your king pisses off.

Punishment (monarchy)
If you happen to find a stolen item in your sims' inventory (excluding the kings) then you must roll to see if your sim is caught. To make this process easier use the RandomStuff program. RandomStuff is a utility written by Hook to generate random numbers or events of a preset that you can define:,8253.0.html

Possesses Stolen item...
Caught (death) 1/10 chance
Caught (life in dungeon) 1/10 chance
Not Caught 7/10 chance

If your sim murders and there are witnesses, the murdering sim is sentenced to death (if the witnesses are loyal to the king/ have a positive relationship). If a sim murders and there are no witnesses, then there will be a murder investigation.

Murder investigation...
Found the culprit (death) 1/6
No suspect found 5/6

If you have a SCIENCE FACILITY, however, the odds change...
Found the Culprit (death) 1/3
No suspect found 2/3

If your sim is caught while working (criminal branch) then the prisoner is sent to the dungeon.
1st offense - 10 days
2nd offense -death

If your sims has above a level 6 in education (you can find out their level on Twallan's NRass supercomputer -,16355.0.html) then every seven days you must roll to see if a revolution occurs.

Every seven days (level 6 in education)...
Revolution fails= 7/10
    **** For every enemy the monarch has this decreases by one
Revolution succeeds (democracy) 3/10
    ****For every enemy of the monarch this increases by one

If revolution occurs then the most popular Sim is elected mayor. Every seven days (on a Tuesday) a new election occurs, replacing the incumbent with the most popular candidate (if it is not him). If the candidate is evil, however, then the town is turned back into a monarchy.

Punishment in a democracy

Punishment is the same as monarchy, unless you buy a police station

If they get caught while working (criminal branch)...*POLICE STATION*
1st time -- 1 DAY TOTAL - 1 day at POLICE STATION (this is what normally happens)
2nd time -- 3 DAYS TOTAL= 1 day at POLICE STATION + 2 days at CUSTOM PRISON
3rd time -- 6 DAYS TOTAL= 1 day at POLICE STATION + 5 days at CUSTOM PRISON
4th time -- 18 DAYS TOTAL = 1 day at POLICE STATION + 17 days at CUSTOM PRISON
5th time -- LIFE

Murder investigation (no witnesses)...*POLICE STATION*
Found the culprit (death) 1/6
     *with science facility 1/3
No suspect found 5/6
      *with science facility 2/3

Sentencing, murder...
After flipping a coin to see if they're convicted, flip a coin determine sentence.
Heads -- 25 DAYS to LIFE (eligible for parole)
Tails -- LIFE  

 Upon completing 25 days in prison, Sims eligible for parole flip a coin.
heads- GRANTED
tails- DENIED
If denied, Sims may try again for parole once every week

to be continued...

Crime and Punishment

Murder (optional): If sim has wish to see someone's ghost, the sim must murder him -use dexter mod by ani to be able to murder.  (

If Sim is EVIL and has "see ghost" without referring to anyone, you must kill a random sim (again, use Dexter mod).

-I have attached the crime and punishment file to use with the RandomStuff program. Just be sure to rename the C&P text file to RandomStuff for it to work correctly.

Life expectancy begins at 50. Once you have four sims above level 6 in medical career, you can increase the expectancy to the next level. If you get a sim at level 10 of the medical career you can increase the life expectancy again.

to be continued...

 I'll probably end up eliminating this section though because it's already irritating me. This thing is getting too long anyways.

In the past I have rarely thought about my sims' clothing as I believe that fashion should be discussed only in hell or on the E channel. After starting this challenge, however, I am focusing much more on it.  I feel it would be impossible for me to create specific "rules" for fashion because I don't think anyone in the "real" world can develop an agreed upon formula for how fashion develops.  I do, however, have a few ideas on how the fashion can be incorporated into the game.

To begin,  I know nothing about math, but that certainly won't stop me from developing crude formulas that I barely understand.

My formula for determining fashion for a particular individual


F= Fashion of individual
N=Fashion norm of town
P= Personality
R= Friends

I know, I should be scientist.

(A) Fashion Norm of town

 All fashion trends are descendants of previous trends. Since we are starting a completely new neighborhood, we must create our own initial trend. I outfitted my town's founding fathers in black and white conservative garments, much like the pilgrims dressed. This was just my particular choice. Puritanical garb is obviously only one way of starting so I suggest choosing anything you find interesting, just choose a consistent starting point for clothing.

 Fashion is also dictated to a large extent by personality. Insane people will obviously dress unconventionally. Athletic people will wear loose and sport clothing, etc.

(P) Friends    
If you take a look at a group of people gathered in public you will notice that most dress in a similar way to their friends. Based on the degree of the relationship, I will make my sims have some articles of clothing that resemble what their closest friends wear.

As the years go by the fashion styles of individuals will merge with one another based on these variables. At first it seems these changes are only subtle, but if you look back on the screenshots you'll see how dramatically the different generations dress.

to be continued...

If you have any ideas please tell me. Also, I am trying to find a way to make the rules retrievable in-game (in the form of a text box or something). It's annoying switching to microsoft word every time to look up a specific rule.

* Crime and Punishment.txt (0.67 KB - downloaded 538 times.)
* (1.07 KB - downloaded 503 times.)
« Last Edit: 2009 November 04, 01:43:29 by Blurpinstein » Logged
Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #1 on: 2009 October 16, 02:18:36 »

Sounds interesting. I'm not usually into challenges but may give this a try.  Wink
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #2 on: 2009 October 22, 17:01:14 »

I like to start from nothing and slowly build up, so I like the idea of this challenge. I started it in the Sunset Valley with all lots bulldozed except for the three fishing parks, the graveyard with benches where the sims can sleep there in the beginning, and the Maywood Glen and the old pier with buy objects all removed.

Without park benches, how do you have your sim sleep? I also left those graves in thinking that if my sims are going to sleep there, at least they can be scared by the ghosts as the price to pay.

Peeing and Showering are problematic in the beginning, since the sims can't squat or pee on a bush, or wash themselves in the stream. So I had to drag the sliders up as if they could until they can afford to buy toilet and shower.

As for community/job buildings, I started with none. So not even grocery store. They have to subsist on fruits and fish. I actually started with a brother-sister family, so the sister is the gatherer and the brother is the fisherman.  I'm thinking of a combination of randomization and affordability rule when it comes to adding community lots (inspiration from Zazazu's TS2 ideas). I roll the RandomStuff to see what the community "decides" to construct, and the cost of construction has to be deducted from the funds pooled from all the families in the neighborhood. So nothing is free. So far, I could only afford to add a few park benches and a grill to the Maywood Glen.

You do not seem to restrict adding CAS sims to the neighborhood. To me, the more sims, the easier the challenge. But I also like to play quite a few CAS sims that I have (mostly MATY puddings), so I decide to randomize CAS immigration, but the probability is pretty low.

I also added your crime and punishment to the RandomStuff. If anybody is interested in the RandomStuff file, I'll post it here.

For the life expectancy, I'm thinking
   - Life expectancy begins at 50
   - Get 3 sims on and above level 5 in medical career (Resident): 70
   - Get a sim at level 10 of the medical career: 85

I have made those aging mods, and can post them if anybody wants them.

Now the problem is meeting townies/NPCs. They are nowhere to find. I go to every community lot in the afternoon, and haven't seen a single npc in two and half sim weeks. My starting sims desperately need to meet someone new.

Sims 3 Blog: Twinbrook Redux
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #3 on: 2009 October 23, 06:55:41 »

must we add the community lots back? also do we have to use this?

Awesome mod with awesome story driver must be enabled.
Also, download Pescado's rule of 6 formula for accurate aging.

I'd rather try with out any community lots and with out those two mods

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Malodorous Moron
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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #4 on: 2009 October 26, 21:59:08 »

must we add the community lots back? also do we have to use this?

Awesome mod with awesome story driver must be enabled.
Also, download Pescado's rule of 6 formula for accurate aging.

I'd rather try with out any community lots and with out those two mods

I like reading challenges like this, then I use them as inspiration for starting a new story line. I usually find there are at least a couple of rules that don't suit how I want to do things, so I toss them out. If I didn't want to use awesomemod and the story driver, I would just not worry about it. It is, after all, your game and should be played as you see fit. Smiley

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #5 on: 2009 October 28, 07:45:49 »

must we add the community lots back?

You can do anything you want to do. I'm putting this together so you can get ideas about what you want to incorporate into your game. While in other games a strict set of rules might be appropriate, it is a bit pointless to follow a rigid/inflexible rule book for the Sims, because the game can technically last forever. I don't even follow my own rules sometimes if they no longer interest me - which I admit makes me question the usefulness of a rulebook if the so-called "rules" don't even have to be followed. It's not perfect. It would be nice if I could magically design the sims to be the game I really want it to be. Overall, however, I find it useful to construct this list because although the rules maybe somewhat arbitrary, they have added to my enjoyment of the game and it has also made me appreciate how the game can be endlessly complex if a player wants it to be. Unlike movies and books, games are malleable in nature, and I think that is important that things do not get too strict. Think of this as a collection of suggestions rather than a strict rule book.

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #6 on: 2009 October 28, 08:24:23 »

Without park benches, how do you have your sim sleep?

I didn't start my sims in the graveyard I just put them in an objectless park. They had to buy there first bench. Usually it only takes a day or two for them to catch enough fish to afford one. Then I just have them alternate until I can buy more.

 I'm thinking of a combination of randomization and affordability rule when it comes to adding community lots (inspiration from Zazazu's TS2 ideas). I roll the RandomStuff to see what the community "decides" to construct, and the cost of construction has to be deducted from the funds pooled from all the families in the neighborhood. So nothing is free. So far, I could only afford to add a few park benches and a grill to the Maywood Glen.

I've never heard of this. What is the random stuff file? Are taxes still collected? I always just used the excuse that the sims' taxes paid for the buildings
(I have a somewhat realistic billing mod and the sims are taxed a ridiculous amount of money, much like it is in reality)  If there is a way to make them actually pay for it, I'd be interested in seeing it.

You do not seem to restrict adding CAS sims to the neighborhood. To me, the more sims, the easier the challenge. But I also like to play quite a few CAS sims that I have (mostly MATY puddings), so I decide to randomize CAS immigration, but the probability is pretty low.

I considered starting out with a certain amount of sims and to do away with immigration altogether but in order to make this work you would need an enormous starting generation to prevent future generations from inbreeding with one another. Even if you had a large enough sample, I feel the game would lose some of its excitement. I like mixing things up in the neighborhood every once in a while.

For the life expectancy, I'm thinking
   - Life expectancy begins at 50
   - Get 3 sims on and above level 5 in medical career (Resident): 70
   - Get a sim at level 10 of the medical career: 85

I have made those aging mods, and can post them if anybody wants them.

Do they work with Pescado's rule of six. I also think that life expectancy should be allowed to continually increase if generations have enough successful people in the medical field. Have you made any mods for ages older than that?

Now the problem is meeting townies/NPCs. They are nowhere to find. I go to every community lot in the afternoon, and haven't seen a single npc in two and half sim weeks. My starting sims desperately need to meet someone new.

I just constantly destroy them to prevent my sims from developing any attachments. The npc's don't have a family or a home anyways, so they do not really "exist" in the reality of my town.

« Last Edit: 2009 October 28, 10:50:29 by Blurpinstein » Logged
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #7 on: 2009 October 28, 14:04:19 »

I've never heard of this. What is the random stuff file? Are taxes still collected? I always just used the excuse that the sims' taxes paid for the buildings
(I have a somewhat realistic billing mod and the sims are taxed a ridiculous amount of money, much like it is in reality)  If there is a way to make them actually pay for it, I'd be interested in seeing it.

RandomStuff is a utility written by Hook to generate random numbers or events of a preset that you can define:,8253.0.html. You can edit a txt file in stead of actually flipping a coin.

No, taxes aren't really collected. User decides on a tax rate and "collect" manually. You could set up a sim as the treasurer and have all the residents send him/her the taxes. You can use Twallan's super computer to transfer money. When you build a community, the cost will be deducted from the treasurer's family funds. Or you can just deduct taxed amount from each family's funds and keep the record on your notepad of all the taxes collected and costs of constructions.

Do they work with Pescado's rule of six. I also think that life expectancy should be allowed to continually increase if generations have enough successful people in the medical field. Have you made any mods for ages older than that?
No, they do not work with Pescado's rule of six. You can only have one aging mod in your game at any time. If you use Pescado's rule of six, you are going to get only one life span. Longer life span can be made, yes. I haven't made any longer than 85.

I just constantly destroy them to prevent my sims from developing any attachments. The npc's don't have a family or a home anyways, so they do not really "exist" in the reality of my town.
So your sim could meet npcs when you first started? where do you meet them? I know you can get service personnel (repairman, maid, nanny, fireman, etc.) to come to your house, but in Adam and Eve's era, they should not exist. Or at least I treat them as townies not service personnel.

Sims 3 Blog: Twinbrook Redux
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #8 on: 2009 October 28, 16:25:48 »

I'm not sure if it's necessarily TRUE that townies didn't exist in the Adam and Eve era. I mean, they have spawn who subsequently do a lot of begetting of their either townies exist but are not mentioned, which is consistent with Sims mythology in general, or there is a lot of incest going on.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #9 on: 2009 October 28, 17:20:29 »

LOL @ idea of Townies in Genesis. Does that make Satan/the Serpent a furry? :p

16:29   spockers   I fucking hate going to see movies in theaters now.
16:30   spockers   Unless it's a really fancy old-style movie palace type place, but even then some dick will pull out their Appleberry in the middle of the film and start tweeting about wanting Chris Brown to beat them up
Retardo Lander
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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #10 on: 2009 October 28, 17:56:12 »

How do we know Eve ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge? It could have been a Lifefruit or Omniplant.

"Please tell me 13 underage El Salvadorian sex slaves is 'the line.'" - Jon Stewart
"Everything becomes absolute truth when shouted." - kiki
"When the only one making sense is the ghost of Peter Tosh, either you're really high, or the whole world is fucked" - Wyatt Cenac
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #11 on: 2009 October 30, 08:04:37 »

The actual fruit is not actually stipulated in the Bible, merely that it was a fruit. Apple is a popular assumption, but has no basis in the text.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Feckless Fool
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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #12 on: 2009 October 30, 12:01:34 »

I'm not sure if it's necessarily TRUE that townies didn't exist in the Adam and Eve era. I mean, they have spawn who subsequently do a lot of begetting of their either townies exist but are not mentioned, which is consistent with Sims mythology in general, or there is a lot of incest going on.

Genesis 4:16
And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. (King James Bible)

Nod is the rabbithole the bible townies come from, apparently.
Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #13 on: 2009 November 02, 02:31:06 »

The actual fruit is not actually stipulated in the Bible, merely that it was a fruit. Apple is a popular assumption, but has no basis in the text.

A pomegranate is also likely, and we all know those are Bad News.

INFP or something
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #14 on: 2009 November 03, 01:43:11 »

No, taxes aren't really collected. User decides on a tax rate and "collect" manually. You could set up a sim as the treasurer and have all the residents send him/her the taxes. You can use Twallan's super computer to transfer money. When you build a community, the cost will be deducted from the treasurer's family funds. Or you can just deduct taxed amount from each family's funds and keep the record on your notepad of all the taxes collected and costs of constructions.

Taking direct control of taxes may work well in the early portion of the game, but I feel that manually taking care of taxes would eventually become just too tiresome. As much as I want to make the game as realistic as possible, I think that comes a point where realism must be sacrificed for gameplay. I would be open to this form of tax collection if there was some sort of modification that automatically did it for me, but to my knowledge none exists.

 I'm thinking of a combination of randomization and affordability rule when it comes to adding community lots (inspiration from Zazazu's TS2 ideas). I roll the RandomStuff to see what the community "decides" to construct, and the cost of construction has to be deducted from the funds pooled from all the families in the neighborhood.

But doesn't random choices (for community lots) just lead to building community lots that aren't practical to your sims' needs? To my understanding, it seems you want the sims to choose their community lots autonomously. But choosing a building randomly does not mean *they* are choosing it. All it means is that the building is chosen at random, which does not seem very practical.  I like the idea of the sims autonomously choosing what to build but unfortunately this is not possible because sims are retarded and do not know what is best for them.

And to my larger point... In the Sims 3 it is impossible to accurately simulate business. Sure, through the manual transfer of money like you proposed we can have the town buy the "grocery store" but what would be the motive of the town to do so? Who would profit from it? And if no one profits, then what is the point of having the business at all, much less a business chosen completely randomly. In real life, towns do not use taxes to buy businesses. People are taxed to pay for water, electricity, protection, etc. Taxes are not used to pay for science centers, diners, and bookstores. Businesses are paid for by private individuals for the sole reason of making money. As of now, there is no business component to the sims 3 so it is not possible to simulate this area of life accurately. This is why I think it is best to keep the community lot part of the game simple. For me personally, manually taking away taxes to spend on specific things is too time consuming and seems more like a chore than a benefit to gameplay. I see where you are going with it, and maybe in the future there will be mods that can do this type of thing automatically. Until then, I feel that having unlockable-community-lots is the best way to simulate this without harming gameplay. It is certainly not perfect or very accurate to how things really work, but presently it is the best way to represent realism without making it seem like a chore. But if it works for you, keep doing it.

RandomStuff is a utility written by Hook to generate random numbers or events of a preset that you can define:,8253.0.html. You can edit a txt file in stead of actually flipping a coin.

Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for.


I've been thinking it over, and I have warmed up to the idea. I've tried it out and its actually not as complicated as I thought it would be. I've added your tax system to the rules.
« Last Edit: 2009 November 03, 21:37:10 by Blurpinstein » Logged
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #15 on: 2009 November 03, 10:04:26 »

As for taxing: would it be possible to mod the game so the amount paid out for bills would go to  a chosen family (royals - or in this case, the family who collects funds to create the community lots)?
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #16 on: 2009 November 03, 20:07:33 »

As for taxing: would it be possible to mod the game so the amount paid out for bills would go to  a chosen family (royals - or in this case, the family who collects funds to create the community lots)?

This is exactly what is needed. I like the idea of a royal family that collects taxes (or as Lion put it - a treasurer). But even if this could be automated, I still feel it would be a major pain in the ass to constantly subtract funds from the family whenever making a new community lot. But if taxes were automated this would make it much more practical to use in game.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #17 on: 2009 November 03, 23:52:49 »

 I'm thinking of a combination of randomization and affordability rule when it comes to adding community lots (inspiration from Zazazu's TS2 ideas). I roll the RandomStuff to see what the community "decides" to construct, and the cost of construction has to be deducted from the funds pooled from all the families in the neighborhood.

But doesn't random choices (for community lots) just lead to building community lots that aren't practical to your sims' needs? To my understanding, it seems you want the sims to choose their community lots autonomously. But choosing a building randomly does not mean *they* are choosing it. All it means is that the building is chosen at random, which does not seem very practical.  I like the idea of the sims autonomously choosing what to build but unfortunately this is not possible because sims are retarded and do not know what is best for them.
You can manipulate the available choices. I've always liked it, and have used random rolls for lot building in basically every neighborhood I've built since RandomStuff was available. Ownership of the lot depends on neighborhood setup. In some 'hoods, all lots have to be privately financed. In some, the mayor is responsible for building all non-business lots and business lots are built by a real estate sim or a private owner.

Your sims don't really need community lots to live unless you are enforcing rules barring home businesses or traditional career paths in TS2. They are all just fluff. In TS3, I see this as being a lot more difficult to do since we don't have true OFB capabilities.

My RandomStuff script that Lion is referring to is available here. It is obviously geared to TS2. Right now, I'm still playing TS2 until we get the TS3 'hood creator, and am doing a variant of Darlington Shores rules with a matriarchal society and the "You shall not suffer a Romance sim to live" caveat.
« Last Edit: 2009 November 04, 00:05:51 by Zazazu » Logged

Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Adam and Eve Challenge
« Reply #18 on: 2009 November 05, 23:28:11 »

Twallan has plans to add automated house-to-house money transfers, that hopefully can be set at any amount, or a certain percentage of family wealth and lot value.  Grin

Sims 3 Blog: Twinbrook Redux
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