Cheaty? Who in the world does it cheat? I am not playing in any kind of competition so can not possibly be cheating anyone.
It is "cheating" in the sense that "cheating" has always been used in sims games - it gives your sims more money. If you rent an apartment and then sell the bathroom fixtures, your sims get extra money they did not have before, and it will not be taken away when they move out of the apartment. The way apthack fixes this is to charge the sims for the bathroom fixtures before they move in, in the form of the deposit, and then give it back when they move out. My point here is that if you are ok with the game treating the bathroom fixtures as it does, then you will no doubt be ok with kachinging your family up to a point where they can afford the deposit. Obviously no one is going to tell you that you're playing your game wrong, but it seems silly to be concerned about one form of "cheating" and not another.
I don't object to my apartment neighbors standing on the porch building up their relationships with each other since they are all playable sims. (I have no social group townies in my apartments.) I just object to them entering the currently-being-played apartment as if it were their own. As far as I can tell the only way apthack can accomplish this is by keeping them in their apartments all the time which is not what I want.
It does not. If you leave certain things out of the apartments when you build them (such as sources of fun and social) apartment neighbors will frequently come out of their apartments to fulfill those needs. If you put a big game room in the common area of the apartment, they will all gravitate there and spend all their time socializing and playing games. RTFM.
What function does 'disallow lot visitors/allow lot visitors' on the door supposed to do? It doesn't keep off lot visitors from coming onto the lot so what does it do?
I have no idea, honestly, since I just use APO now.