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EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
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Topic: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009 (Read 53042 times)
Dead Member
Posts: 579
Reluctant Modder
EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
2009 October 03, 22:33:46 »
This month's lot is the European Townhouse from the base-game lot bin.
Amazingly, the lot edges are already flat. I've packaged the lot and attached it here, for anyone who's lost their copy.
Rules, cut and pasted from last month:
1. No CC. Please indicate expansion and stuff packs so people who wish to download your lot know what to expect. Pictures are required, either available for download, on a slideshow, or posted in this thread.
2. By entering this challenge, you agree to take constructive criticism. If you wish to judge someone else's entry, you should be respectful but honest.
3. Your lot does not have to be Awesomespec, although it is encouraged.
4. You may move internal walls and add external walls but you may NOT move original external walls.
5. Lots may be furnished, unfurnished, or partially furnished. You can even upload both furnished and unfurnished versions.
Monthly rules:
6. Bonus points if you can keep the upstairs balcony intact.
I'm open to suggestions for other bonus rules.
(180.56 KB - downloaded 795 times.)
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 27, 05:06:07
I don't think this level of hostility is necessary
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 66
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #1 on:
2009 October 03, 23:45:37 »
I don't really like foundations. Are we allowed to take it off of the foundation? On second thought, forcing the foundation may be more of a challenge. For bonus points, I'd recommend keeping the little balcony. It can be expanded but not demolished.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #2 on:
2009 October 04, 07:15:47 »
Quote from: Prosthetics on 2009 October 03, 23:45:37
I don't really like foundations. Are we allowed to take it off of the foundation?
That's just the opposite of me and my question last month. I like foundations and raised mine onto one. One reason I prefer a foundation is you have to have one to make "wrap-around" porches, like you see on older houses (Cracker style) here in the south. Another reason is it allows for expansion
rather than out or up.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #3 on:
2009 October 04, 08:50:20 »
Good choice for house improvement! Let's hope there will be active participation. Can't wait to see what people will come up with.
*runs off to the drawing-board*
Gone with the SIM
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #4 on:
2009 October 04, 18:19:56 »
How would you remove the foundation?
Move the ground level back up to the road level (so that the house is 3 stories instead of 2), replace the foundation walls with normal walls, and put the front door on the previous foundation level?
Or, were you thinking about just rebuilding the house from scratch without the foundation?
Either way, I'd say that it's OK to remove (or add) a foundation level, if you feel that it's necessary for your vision.
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 27, 05:06:07
I don't think this level of hostility is necessary
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 66
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #5 on:
2009 October 04, 21:49:13 »
Well, yes, I'd be rebuilding it. But I think I'll just end up doing one with a foundation and one without a foundation.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 63
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #6 on:
2009 October 05, 16:17:30 »
Traditional in style with a little country in the wrap around porch and deck above.
Base Game build.
3BR 2BA, Living, Kitchen, Office, Pool
First Floor
Second Floor
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 41
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #7 on:
2009 October 07, 22:36:51 »
Sims 3 Version: Easter Egg Row Houses
20x30 lot contains three full houses with minimal decoration. Works great as a place to stash extra small families, couples, and extra sims.
3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 livingrooms, 3 kitchens. 3 cribs included to enable procreation when using the AwesomeMod story engine.
Furnished: $74,808. Unfurnished: $56,963.
Slideshow here:
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 158
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #8 on:
2009 October 09, 15:02:11 »
I like to make the house more symmetrical. I also like a downstairs bathroom. This home can now accommodate a large family. It has three bedrooms and three baths in addition to a separate dining room. There is lots of room to maneuver and doorways can be changed to lockable doors. (Keep in mind that is a base game house, so a lot of extras such as rugs were not options.)
cost: just over 105K
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #9 on:
2009 October 10, 08:19:08 »
Minena: Thank you for making the original area visible like that, now it's easy to spot what's new. Good layout, looks very playable. I like the colours a lot. Actually, I had a similar idea myself about the porch and balcony.
Ilikecoffee: Such sweet colours, I love them, and a great idea to make a row house. It looks charming, but does it fill the lot completely? I don't play TS3 but maybe I should give it a go.
Ciane: I like your symmetrical layout but would like a door out from the kitchen. The rooms are nice and airy and big enough for the sims to move around freely. There's something about the roof though...hmm... roofs can be problematic sometimes.
In general, I don't understand why the game defaults the trash can by the mail box. As a rule, I move it somewhere close to kitchen door or out of sight anyway. In RL, I wouldn't want such an ugly thing right in front of my main entrance, but the sims don't seem to mind
Gone with the SIM
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1263
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #10 on:
2009 October 10, 22:16:00 »
Ilikecoffee: Ilikeyourhouse
Though you stole my idea, I suppose it wasn't creative anyway since the lot is called "European Townhouse." Not that I'm knocking your house, I mean. Very cute colors, totally getting a painted ladies vibe but now I don't know how I'll redesign the lot now. I suppose I could make a TS2 version as actual apartments.
16:29 spockers I fucking hate going to see movies in theaters now.
16:30 spockers Unless it's a really fancy old-style movie palace type place, but even then some dick will pull out their Appleberry in the middle of the film and start tweeting about wanting Chris Brown to beat them up
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 518
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #11 on:
2009 October 10, 22:27:12 »
Quote from: Sipu_von_Sapu on 2009 October 10, 08:19:08
In general, I don't understand why the game defaults the trash can by the mail box. ... In RL, I wouldn't want such an ugly thing right in front of my main entrance, but the sims don't seem to mind
Thanks alot, now you've got me wondering and searchinig if anyone has done a mesh for a squarish Plastic trash Bin (or even a Recycle Bin) for TS2 (no longer playing TS3 here). Let's hope my google-fu isn't too rusty.
[11:18] Pescado: GJS manages to appear smart and knowledgeable, even though he wasn't really..
Myers-Briggs: - ISFP Awesome NS2 - DOOOO EEEET!
[23:56] Pescado: ATTACK, MY DUCKY MINIONS!
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 66
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #12 on:
2009 October 11, 04:08:45 »
I got around to building one of an unknown number of entries today. I'm happy with it for the most part, but it lacks bathrooms ;(
And the backyard is just some brick porch area and it isn't very exciting, but there's a pond.
House was built with The Sims 2 Deluxe, Open For Business, Free Time, Apartment Life, Mansion & Garden Stuff
and is available for download here:
Amiable Abode.rar
(443.22 KB - downloaded 596 times.)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 41
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #13 on:
2009 October 11, 14:27:15 »
Quote from: Sipu_von_Sapu on 2009 October 10, 08:19:08
Ilikecoffee: Such sweet colours, I love them, and a great idea to make a row house. It looks charming, but does it fill the lot completely? I don't play TS3 but maybe I should give it a go.
There is enough room left over behind the houses for small backyards. I used one of the 20x30 lots with the building facing toward the longer side.
Quote from: haifen on 2009 October 10, 22:16:00
Ilikecoffee: Ilikeyourhouse
Though you stole my idea, I suppose it wasn't creative anyway since the lot is called "European Townhouse." Not that I'm knocking your house, I mean. Very cute colors, totally getting a painted ladies vibe but now I don't know how I'll redesign the lot now. I suppose I could make a TS2 version as actual apartments.
I'll need to put red lights out front before I can move in the painted ladies, but we'll leave the light on for you.
Why not make more row houses? It's not like I did anything more than slap the building down and build two more just like it; I'm sure you can come up with something much better.
Thank you both for your kind words, and since I completely neglected to comment earlier, I adore the interior decoration in Minena's home.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #14 on:
2009 October 11, 16:06:10 »
Quote from: Prosthetics on 2009 October 11, 04:08:45 lacks bathrooms...
Whazup? Are you trying to usurp Emma's position in Pes's affections?
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 66
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #15 on:
2009 October 11, 18:09:26 »
Not at all, it's just that after I was already done, I realized there was only one and it would've looked weird to just add a single room for a bathroom. It's pretty apparent by my past houses that I prefer 3+ usually. :p
Comments on other houses coming soon. Can't wait to see your entry, chobeegal. If you're planning on building a house, that is.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 158
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #16 on:
2009 October 12, 00:07:24 »
Prosthetics - I like the way you changed the front door location and made a symmetrical house.
Ilikecoffee - I like those storybook doors and windows. Your Easter Egg theme goes well with them.
Minena - I like the way you added those two bedrooms and a bath upstairs. (Why no sink in the added bath?) I wish there was more room around the table and chairs in the kitchen and I would like a downstairs bath too.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 692
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #17 on:
2009 October 12, 03:58:36 »
First house I slapped together and still kept it very small.
2nd is a set of apartments. I see it was already done, but since I already had the base of this done up, I decided to finish and post anyway.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1263
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #18 on:
2009 October 12, 09:17:29 »
Quote from: Bliss on 2009 October 12, 03:58:36
First house I slapped together and still kept it very small.
2nd is a set of apartments. I see it was already done, but since I already had the base of this done up, I decided to finish and post anyway.
Damn, ninja'd again. :p Ah well my idea wasn't so creative anyway and Bliss' came out better than mine was going. Can I break rule and use custom content instead of being un-lazy trying to create a different floor plan? I don't care about "winning," but I'd like to participate with a lot that people won't have seen for the third time
16:29 spockers I fucking hate going to see movies in theaters now.
16:30 spockers Unless it's a really fancy old-style movie palace type place, but even then some dick will pull out their Appleberry in the middle of the film and start tweeting about wanting Chris Brown to beat them up
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #19 on:
2009 October 12, 14:50:50 »
Quote from: Prosthetics on 2009 October 11, 18:09:26
Can't wait to see your entry, chobeegal. If you're planning on building a house, that is.
I've got one nearly done, but both ciane and Bliss kinda ninja'd me as did Ilikecoffee on my first idea! I guess I shouldn't be surprised since the front kinda
for being "symetricalized" (I know that's not a real word but it's the only one that fits the needed discription).
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 69
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #20 on:
2009 October 12, 17:02:44 »
Ah what the heck, what's another row house?
Luckily, I have another house I'm working on. I might have to break down though and get some worn out, grungy recolors.
Dead Member
Posts: 579
Reluctant Modder
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #21 on:
2009 October 12, 19:02:41 »
I love all of these rowhouses.
Quote from: haifen on 2009 October 12, 09:17:29
Damn, ninja'd again. :p Ah well my idea wasn't so creative anyway and Bliss' came out better than mine was going. Can I break rule and use custom content instead of being un-lazy trying to create a different floor plan? I don't care about "winning," but I'd like to participate with a lot that people won't have seen for the third time
Please don't use custom content.
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 27, 05:06:07
I don't think this level of hostility is necessary
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 197
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #22 on:
2009 October 12, 20:31:17 »
If you do use CC, make sure you post a version as close to the orginal with EA stuff as well. Or post a list of the CC used so we can recreate it if we want.
ENTP = Mad Scientist. Muwaahaahaa.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 158
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #23 on:
2009 October 13, 01:37:25 »
Bliss - I like that rock with the creme siding. It is a great combo.
Jorganza - The second house is really great this close to Halloween. It has the perfect spooky look.
All the row houses look great and deviate from the others in a truly unique way.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 233
Re: EAxis House of Phail: October 2009
Reply #24 on:
2009 October 13, 10:53:55 »
Jorganza, I love the roof on your first house!
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