Late to the show, of course. Adding my self-pudding to the mix in case anyone is in need of fresh abuse-ables.

MATY name: Myskaal
Sim name: Myskaal Asimaha
Gender: M
Age group: YA
Attracted to: F
LTWish: Be a Rock Star
Favorites: French Toast, Indie Music, Purple (or Lime Green)
Absent Minded
Hopeless Romantic
Hot Headed
Additional possible traits:
Grumpy (though I think this doesn't add with the Hot Headed trait. It really should. I am often merely grumping about without flying into hot-headedness. Perhaps an either/or choice)
Great Kisser
Perfectionist (and I am
still not happy with my mouth and nose. TS3 sliders FAIL)
Heavy Sleeper
Natural Cook
I could indeed admit to some mild neuroticism.
Definitely NOTs:
Green Thumb
I believe the only custom content used is the everyday shirt shown in the screen shot above (store item).
ETA: Who the hell I am.
Long time MATYmooch (oh look another trait).