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Topic: Access Denied.. help please. (Read 20411 times)
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Access Denied.. help please.
2009 August 30, 14:53:32 »
I just installed the 1.4 patch, and went to go and play my game. A message came up saying that my version of awsome mod had expired so i went to install a new version but every time I try this message comes up:
This hasn't happened to me before, when my version has ran out. I run my version with Indie stone, but that didn't affect me when I updated awsome mod before. Can any body help me? If you want any more information about my game or anything then let me know.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 236
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #1 on:
2009 August 30, 15:18:55 »
OK we will probably both get yelled at, you for creating a brand new thread just for an issue that is not really Awesome Mod related, and me for answering you. But I will respond anyway because I received this message the first time I tried to reinstall AwesomeMod using Dephy's Install Monkey (or whatever it's called) too. I have no idea why it only worked the first time and not after that, but it didn't for me, either.
I'm sure there's probably another way to resolve the issue, and you might be able to find the answer on Mod the Sims, since that's where you'll find support for the Install Monkey thingy (as I seem to recall other people reporting this issue there). The way I resoved it, though, was to just drag AM to the Hacks folder (which the Install Monkey created) manually. The Install Monkey makes installing packages easy, but you really don't need it to do it for you if you understand where the files go in the first place.
If you have Windows Vista, go to Computer>C Drive (or whatever drive you install your programs on)> Program Files>Electronic Arts>The Sims 3>Mods>Packages>Hacks. Drag the file inside the Hacks folder, or cut and paste it, or use whatever method you choose to get it there. If you don't want to do it manually, you could try reinstalling Install Monkey to see if it installs AwesomeMod for you again.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #2 on:
2009 August 30, 15:23:39 »
Sorry for creating the thread if it wasn't meant to be here, i wasn't sure if it was an issue with awsome mod or the new patch or what lol. I will try what you told me to do and sorry again for the thread. Thankyou
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 236
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #3 on:
2009 August 30, 16:34:55 »
Any chance the access denied messages due to this? Aside from error mesages, creating a new Games folder would certainly make it simpler to find the game files. I doubt if I'll change things on my PC at this point, but I'll do it this way when I buy a new one. Thanks for the advice.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 33
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #4 on:
2009 August 30, 17:12:31 »
On Vista? If so, disable the User Account Controls...
Control Panel > User Accounts, bottom of the list.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 493
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #5 on:
2009 August 30, 18:27:46 »
Take out all your previous installs of the monkey and AwesomeMod. Start over.
Just go back to MTS and read the instructions regarding the Monkey Install Helper. There are two files, one for XP, one for Vista. If you have Vista, duh, use the one for Vista. You don't have to go and fuck up your computer by changing the settings for your UAC, particularly since you don't seem to know how to read and follow instructions very well, if at all. Once you have done this you can install the newest version of AwesomeMod and it should work if you have properly FOLLOWED THE INSTRUCTIONS. Don't forget to get the configuration tool as well.
I use Vista, and the game and the mod work fine. As Jordi says, there are risks involved in disabling the UAC, so be aware before you take that step. It certainly isn't necessary to do that to play the game or install the mod. Now go away.
Perfected the golf clap here.
Mushroom Girl
Posts: 1506
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #6 on:
2009 August 30, 22:55:35 »
Out of curiosity, what's the big deal about disabling UAC?
Mushroom Girl
Posts: 1506
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #7 on:
2009 August 30, 23:11:47 »
I'm just sick of getting UAC issues every time I save a file on my thumb drive. I don't care if the OS get's toasted, I reformat every 6 mths regardless.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 33
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #8 on:
2009 August 31, 19:19:14 »
Quote from: jordi on 2009 August 30, 23:20:53
and set it to the quiet mode. That will make it behave, and no longer annoy you to death just because you're writing to a drive root. It does not sacrifice any security or cause problems.
I'm not sure whether or not I should applaud your patience for the computer-illiterate masses. I think I should, but that goes against my ethos - I'm no programmer by any means, but folder dictation is simplez. Rant over.
Hadn't seen that tool before, may be handy for safeguarding the PC against my parents...
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 236
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #9 on:
2009 September 01, 15:58:06 »
@veezee: As a noob yourself, I suppose that denigrating other's computer skills is your way of attempting to establish your perceived 'superior' computer abilities on this site. But in my opinion a better strategy on your part, which would better serve to establish your credibilty in that regard, would be if you actually provided some useful technical information on occasion.
@Jordi: thank you for responding to my question, and for the useful technical information.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 33
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #10 on:
2009 September 01, 19:28:16 »
Quote from: Tangie on 2009 September 01, 15:58:06
@veezee: As a noob yourself, I suppose that denigrating other's computer skills is your way of attempting to establish your perceived 'superior' computer abilities on this site. But in my opinion a better strategy on your part, which would better serve to establish your credibilty in that regard, would be if you actually provided some useful technical information on occasion.
@Jordi: thank you for responding to my question, and for the useful technical information.
It may well be true that Jordi's response was more helpful. Certainly, it was lot more in-depth than my own reply. But, my answer was simply a quick and simple fix. To someone of lesser intellect, my answer would suffice. The reason my initial response was so short, is that you failed to run a double-click app successfully. I do not doubt that you have a reasonable level of intellect, as is indicated by your perfectly acceptable grammar and spelling. My doubt was that a complex answer may not be what you were after.
I have no intention of trying to establish myself as any kind of computer wizard - I could probably pull it off on the BBS, but here it is an exercise in futility. I didn't intend to offend you, as clearly, I have; I do so hate it when people take generalised statements personally. So, here's a cupcake. Run along.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 236
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #11 on:
2009 September 01, 22:01:54 »
Quote from: veezee on 2009 September 01, 19:28:16
Quote from: Tangie on 2009 September 01, 15:58:06
@veezee: As a noob yourself, I suppose that denigrating other's computer skills is your way of attempting to establish your perceived 'superior' computer abilities on this site. But in my opinion a better strategy on your part, which would better serve to establish your credibilty in that regard, would be if you actually provided some useful technical information on occasion.
@Jordi: thank you for responding to my question, and for the useful technical information.
It may well be true that Jordi's response was more helpful. Certainly, it was lot more in-depth than my own reply. But, my answer was simply a quick and simple fix. To someone of lesser intellect, my answer would suffice. The reason my initial response was so short, is that you failed to run a double-click app successfully. I do not doubt that you have a reasonable level of intellect, as is indicated by your perfectly acceptable grammar and spelling. My doubt was that a complex answer may not be what you were after.
I have no intention of trying to establish myself as any kind of computer wizard - I could probably pull it off on the BBS, but here it is an exercise in futility. I didn't intend to offend you, as clearly, I have; I do so hate it when people take generalised statements personally. So, here's a cupcake. Run along.
Well gee, for someone who says he wasn't intentionally trying to offend someone, a surefire way to prove that are those last two sentences of yours.
But you are mistaken. In the first place I wasn't aware that your statements were specifically directed to me, especially since I had forgotten that you had even made a suggestion. Going back to read it now, the reason I forgot was that yes, it was very short, and more important, I had already tried that. And really, I didn't spend any more time than I had to on the whole matter because I knew how to install the file manually and so that's what I did.
You were also mistaken because I was not so much offended by your response as amused by it, and thought to give you some practical advice on the matter. You, of course, are free to take it or leave it, and continue dispensing as many cupcakes as you'd like.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #12 on:
2009 September 02, 07:05:18 »
I suspect Veezee is a 12.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 33
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #13 on:
2009 September 02, 13:25:46 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 September 02, 07:05:18
I suspect Veezee is a 12.
Unfortunately not, its just I quite often fail to pick up the tone of a post. I will admit, that prior to the Sims 3, I had never ventured off of the "friendly" sims boards. Maybe this is why my attitude can sometimes be percieved, here, as childish - something I shall endeavour to change. Seems I keep pissing people off recently, my humour fails to transpose well to the internet.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 37
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #14 on:
2009 September 02, 20:13:48 »
Quote from: veezee on 2009 September 02, 13:25:46
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 September 02, 07:05:18
I suspect Veezee is a 12.
Unfortunately not, its just I quite often fail to pick up the tone of a post. I will admit, that prior to the Sims 3, I had never ventured off of the "friendly" sims boards. Maybe this is why my attitude can sometimes be percieved, here, as childish - something I shall endeavour to change. Seems I keep pissing people off recently, my humour fails to transpose well to the internet.
Quote from: veezee on 2009 August 31, 19:19:14
Hadn't seen that tool before, may be handy for safeguarding the PC against my parents...
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 33
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #15 on:
2009 September 02, 21:26:33 »
Quote from: cobaltspectre on 2009 September 02, 20:13:48
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 September 02, 07:05:18
I suspect Veezee is a 12.
Quote from: veezee on 2009 August 31, 19:19:14
Hadn't seen that tool before, may be handy for safeguarding the PC against my parents...
The economy in well paid jobs available/stuck at home; unable to afford to move out - I'm 20. The PC was built by my...errr... fair hand, and the parents are clueless with computers, yet insist on using it rather than getting their own. Part of my "no paying rent" agreement.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 368
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #16 on:
2009 September 03, 13:02:31 »
Quote from: veezee on 2009 September 02, 21:26:33
I'm 20.
No, you're not. You're 18. And you will be until you are 24.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 33
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #17 on:
2009 September 03, 23:18:06 »
Quote from: LVRugger on 2009 September 03, 13:02:31
Quote from: veezee on 2009 September 02, 21:26:33
I'm 20.
No, you're not. You're 18. And you will be until you are 24.
Rule of 6 of course, anyway, still not a 12.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 52
Re: Access Denied.. help please.
Reply #18 on:
2009 September 05, 12:46:54 »
GTFO Tuvok
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