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TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
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Topic: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail (Read 89954 times)
Cheese Nazi
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1936
TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
2009 August 29, 09:10:53 »
Updated with separate male and female Jeanette versions! Less clippage, better hairline, more shininess! Delete and re-download if the spirit moves you!
Since all anyone else seems interested in converting from TS2 is fancy custom content hairstyles, I was forced to figure out how to do it myself in order to retrieve a couple of very simple Maxis meshes that I like and have sorely missed.
Please bear in mind these are the first such conversions I have done, and that these are extremely low-poly meshes and therefore are not going to look quite as nice in-game as some other styles will. My attempts at color-enabling the roots, tips, etc. met with mixed success. Anyone with more hair-making talent who would like to take a stab at either of these is very welcome to do so.
The 'Jeanette' bonus style, enabled for males and females, Teen through Elder:
Download Male Version:
Download Female Version:
Oddly enough, despite being designed originally for female Sims, this one turned out looking better on the guys in spite of all my efforts to make it look equally nice on the ladies. It's animated, though there's an unfortunate amount of clipping in back when the Sim moves around a lot that I was not able to prevent.
This bugged me so much I finally went back and split the mesh into two packages, one for men and one for women. The male version will overwrite the old one for any male Sims it was used on, but not the female one, which is now an entirely separate hairstyle. The female hairline has been fixed (see picture) and now has a proper female thumbnail image in CAS, and clippage has been somewhat reduced for both versions. Redownloading is not necessary but is recommended.
Also please note
that one of my testers reported unexplained crashing when moving in male Sims with this hair; her game was not patched and she was not using AwesomeMod, which may have affected her results (my own game and another tester's did not have this issue) so please test it in your own game before you put it on any important Sims.
New info:
Apparently the crashing was an unrelated neighborhood issue, so the hair should be okay for general use, barring any other bug reports.
And, the male ponytail from University, male only, Teen through Elder:
No known issues with this one. It also has some clippage in the back, but it's not too noticeable in most circumstances. The hair tie is not recolorable and will appear pretty much black regardless of hair color.
Hope you all enjoy them. Please report any problems you encounter. Permission is hereby granted to direct-link to the files and images for convenience, but please give credit and include a link to this thread.
Last Edit: 2013 September 09, 19:18:27 by Ambular
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
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Malodorous Moron
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Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #1 on:
2009 August 29, 18:51:55 »
Ambular, you are my hero for today! The Jeanette style was my absolute favorite long-ish style for guys ever!
I currently have a Sim who needs that hair almost more than life itself. lol
BogSims Institute
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 129
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #2 on:
2009 August 29, 19:25:06 »
Thanks for sharing your efforts. They both look good enough to be worth a try in my game, even if you consider them less than perfect. Meanwhile, though, I must ask: what male skintone is that? The forearm is positively gorgeous in detail, and while I can't see much of the chest, it obviously has some hair as well. Please tell!
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 58
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Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #3 on:
2009 August 29, 19:49:31 »
*claps habds and does happy dance*
Thank you so much!!! I hate TS3 male pony... *eww*
Sims Cave
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Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #4 on:
2009 August 29, 20:46:19 »
Hey Ambular,
Thanks so much as I have never seen the Jeanette hairstyle from S2 and LOVE longer hair on my guy sims having been a '70's teen... very N.I.C.E. !
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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #5 on:
2009 August 29, 20:50:34 »
Oh how I miss the Jeanette hair, and love that ponytail for males more than the one offered in this game. I definitely do want!
Thanks, this is great!
"So you have to be hungry to eat, right? Hmph, imagine that concept." Kirstie Alley
Cheese Nazi
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1936
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #6 on:
2009 August 29, 21:33:24 »
Quote from: CheritaChen on 2009 August 29, 19:25:06
Thanks for sharing your efforts. They both look good enough to be worth a try in my game, even if you consider them less than perfect. Meanwhile, though, I must ask: what male skintone is that? The forearm is positively gorgeous in detail, and while I can't see much of the chest, it obviously has some hair as well. Please tell!
The skin is by Hysterical Paroxysm and can be found at SexySims2. :)
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
My Sims 2 Stuff @
Populate My City
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #7 on:
2009 August 29, 21:47:54 »
Thank you very much for sharing these 2 new male hairs. I don't like the pony tail that comes with TS3 and have been hoping someone would provide a better pony tail hair for guys. The other hair, Jeanette, looks really good, too.
Cheese Nazi
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1936
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #8 on:
2009 August 30, 02:23:39 »
I split the Jeanette style into separate male and female versions so I could fix the female hairline, and also reduced the back clipping somewhat. Delete and re-download if you would like the new shininess. You will need to change hairstyles on any female Sims who were using the old version. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
My Sims 2 Stuff @
Populate My City
Feckless Fool
Posts: 282
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #9 on:
2009 August 30, 04:37:33 »
Thanks, Ambular. My favorite male Sim in S2 wore the Jeanette hair (I never even had the female version of that hair in my game) so maybe now I can try to recreate him.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 522
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Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #10 on:
2009 August 30, 10:31:30 »
Quote from: Ambular on 2009 August 30, 02:23:39
I split the Jeanette style into separate male and female versions so I could fix the female hairline, and also reduced the back clipping somewhat. Delete and re-download if you would like the new shininess. You will need to change hairstyles on any female Sims who were using the old version. Apologies for any inconvenience.
My hero! That is why I like that style, the hairline.
"So you have to be hungry to eat, right? Hmph, imagine that concept." Kirstie Alley
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
Little Angel
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #11 on:
2009 August 31, 15:43:55 »
These two were my favorite hairs for male in ts2 (alongside with cesar hair).
Thank you for working on this.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
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Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #12 on:
2009 August 31, 15:58:19 »
Give us the Trepie and the Rhayden next.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #13 on:
2009 September 01, 13:18:48 »
Oh my god thank you for the ponytail. I have been searching all over the internet for that hair!
I even tried learning how to edit meshes myself, but it completely boggled me...
I had to sign up just so that I could thank you
Now, if only I could find a longer kilt... the current one is waay too short o_O
Cheese Nazi
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1936
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #14 on:
2009 September 01, 18:56:47 »
Just a note, BastDawn, I like thanks posts and would prefer that they be left here if possible. Anyone who's being spammed as a result might just as well unsubscribe from the thread; I don't anticipate having to update these hairstyles again, and if I do I'll add a post at the bottom of the thread so it shows up in the 'unread posts' list. Thanks.
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
My Sims 2 Stuff @
Populate My City
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 26
Reply #15 on:
2009 September 02, 21:23:58 »
Yay thanks so much for the Jeanette I just love boys with long hair I had the Jeanette for TS2 but I don't recall seeing it available for men but that may have been because I had so many freakin hairs in TS2. I already have almost a GB of hair for TS3 so I say keep em coming Please, Love it!
Lonesome Dove
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 48
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Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #16 on:
2009 September 05, 03:54:27 »
I have to add my thanks, I loved the Jeanette hair in Sims 2 and you have my undying gratitude for providing it for Sims 3.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #17 on:
2009 October 09, 20:36:50 »
I love the Jeanette hair, thank you! However, when I downloaded the hairstyle for male and female and installed them, they don't look right in CAS and in-game at times. (Sometimes they do show) Here are the resulst:
I tried to do two things:
1. Deleting then re-downloading the hairstyle
2. Deleting the compositorCache.package and CASPartCache.package files
to no avail.
I am not sure what caused this, my game version is and I have a Mac.
Please let me know, thanks.
Cheese Nazi
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1936
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #18 on:
2009 October 09, 21:53:48 »
Quote from: appsimsfan on 2009 October 09, 20:36:50
I love the Jeanette hair, thank you! However, when I downloaded the hairstyle for male and female and installed them, they don't look right in CAS and in-game at times. (Sometimes they do show) Here are the resulst:
I tried to do two things:
1. Deleting then re-downloading the hairstyle
2. Deleting the compositorCache.package and CASPartCache.package files
to no avail.
I am not sure what caused this, my game version is and I have a Mac.
Please let me know, thanks.
That's very odd, and the first such report I have had. Did you try deleting simcompositorcache.package? Also, have you run any sorts of file utilities on your downloads?
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
My Sims 2 Stuff @
Populate My City
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #19 on:
2009 October 10, 00:48:42 »
That's very odd, and the first such report I have had. Did you try deleting simcompositorcache.package? Also, have you run any sorts of file utilities on your downloads?
I just deleted the simcompoistorcache.package and the hair show up now, thanks!
No, I don't have any file utilities running on my computer.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #20 on:
2009 October 11, 17:16:27 »
I am noticing that each time I start up sims 3, the hair doesn't look right so I have to delete the simCompositorCache.package each time to make the hair show up.
Is there a way to fix this?
Please let me know, thanks.
Cheese Nazi
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1936
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #21 on:
2009 October 12, 00:25:34 »
Quote from: appsimsfan on 2009 October 11, 17:16:27
I am noticing that each time I start up sims 3, the hair doesn't look right so I have to delete the simCompositorCache.package each time to make the hair show up.
Is there a way to fix this?
Please let me know, thanks.
If there is, I'm unaware of it. :/ I'll ask around and see if anyone else can suggest something.
One other question: are you certain you don't have the old, combined male and female version of the hair in your game?
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
My Sims 2 Stuff @
Populate My City
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 555
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #22 on:
2009 October 12, 03:00:39 »
This is a problem with running TS3 on a mac, not the hairstyle. It is a
known problem
with CC hair. I have the same thing on my macbook.
I sing along with elevator music.
Cheese Nazi
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1936
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #23 on:
2009 October 12, 04:03:12 »
Quote from: Sigmund on 2009 October 12, 03:00:39
This is a problem with running TS3 on a mac, not the hairstyle. It is a
known problem
with CC hair. I have the same thing on my macbook.
Aha. In that case, the only thing I can suggest (if such a thing is possible on a Mac) is to create a batch file or the Mac equivalent that would delete the cache file and then launch the game.
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
My Sims 2 Stuff @
Populate My City
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: TS2 Hair Conversions: *UPDATED* Jeanette and Uni male ponytail
Reply #24 on:
2009 October 13, 11:03:37 »
Aha. In that case, the only thing I can suggest (if such a thing is possible on a Mac) is to create a batch file or the Mac equivalent that would delete the cache file and then launch the game.
I don't know how to create a batch file, I'm no programmer. Are there any tutorials for that? (Easy ones)
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